Avatar of TheGrundlesnart
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  • Posts: 136 (0.07 / day)
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    1. TheGrundlesnart 6 yrs ago


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3 yrs ago
Current AD&D was more or less 1.5e. That's not *totally* accurate but it kinda evokes what happened. I've not done D&D in a hot minute, tho.
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5 yrs ago
To everyone who has been patiently awaiting posts, my apologies. I will try to get out a round of posts today!
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5 yrs ago
To anyone waiting on posts from me: as some of y'all know, my place of work minorly caught on fire on Tuesday and I had to deal with that. Literally. Anyways. That's why I'm slow lately.
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5 yrs ago
As a Texan, the proper spelling is "Y'all" not "ya'll." It is a contraction of "You all" not "Ya all." That's all I have to say on any of this.
5 yrs ago
I'm happy to announce that, illness-wise, I seem to be out of the woods. Thanks for your patience, everyone!


Yo, what up. I'm The Grundlesnart.

What's a grundlesnart? Me. I'm a grundlesnart.

I've been RPing for like 16 years, since back when Yahoo Groups was still a thing. So yeah, I'm an old fart.

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by TheGrundlesnart>

So how would he feel towards Jason? Seeing as his prime function is to be a killer when commanded?

The Dog has the same function, he's just more chaotic and destructive.

So long as he's not violent within their little community, he won't take issue. If he's aggressive or starting fights? Dog will take plenty of issue.
Okay, had a little think about relations with my character - hopefully I didn't miss anybody!

@TheGrundlesnartCorrect me if I'm wrong, but I get the feeling The Dog would probably be pretty cautious around Kieran, especially given that Kieran, whilst well intentioned, has a few psychological issues that might seem pretty off putting and put him in the camp of having 'more erratic test subject behaviors'. Kieran would probably try to get close to him at first, maybe offering to help with communication, but he knows when to back off.

So long as he's not acting violent or manipulative, Dog will just ignore him at worst. Dog is too generally docile to dislike people who aren't violent or harmful.
<Snipped quote by TheGrundlesnart>

It would severely depend on his down diet, and if he is eating properly if I'm being perfectly honest, seeing as she can only gain nutrients from said blood. But overall, taste-wise it's just blood but if she goes for too long without feeding she can kinda 'get lost' I mean, imagine not eating for a week+ and suddenly being offered a buffet, easy to lose control.

He eats mostly meat, but he eats his prey whole, so... it's probably no different from just sucking the blood out of the original critters. If you literally wholesale absorb an entire cow at once... you'll probably have a lot of nutrients in there. He can absorb plant material just fine as well.
If they are allowed to be in the same space, and she's not too scared of him, The Dog would definitely volunteer his own blood to Olivia. Though it probably would be like drinking from a bunch of people/animals at once, if she has flavor detection for the blood. Blood smoothie.
I've been reading without commenting and now I'll talk again!

I'm down for some character ties.

I know The Dog will probably be at least on good terms with most of the females and younger characters, if not just because that's who he gravitates to. That doesn't mean they like him in return, mind you. He just likes them more than the other options.


The circle forms around Tum Tum and Key, with the smaller woman looking positively outclassed in the fight. She doesn't back down, though, shooting you a hateful glare.

"Hope, grant me thy divine strength, that I may show your power to those who doubt and lead astray." The words fall from her mouth before Tum Tum charges, swinging wildly and recklessly with the iron bar.

Key throws herself into a roll with the first clumsy swing, and manages to kick another away before climbing to her feet inside of Tum Tum's reach, throwing her blood-covered injury into his face and swiping it across his eyes, leaving a thick crimson trail. Tum Tum recoils, clutching at his eyes and making another wild swing. It slams into Key's side with a dull ringing sound and a wet crunch, causing Key to cough violently even as she swings her arm over the iron and holds it fast against her battered body.

The crowd is chanting, baying for blood. Key's blood.

Key turns her body, wrestling the iron from Tum Tum's single-handed grip. Even as Tum Tum backpedals to get away she jams it squarely into his groin, dropping him to his knees before she delivers a blow, screaming at the top of her lungs, across his temple.

The circle goes silent as she swings wildly several more times into Tum Tum's fallen body, until the iron bar is bloodied and Tum Tum is clearly and thoroughly dead.

She coughs up some blood as soon as she is done, but gives a defiant glare to the assembled. "Now that one more doubter is dead... let's get to work."

Avenue, you can feel a shift in your flock. Some of them, in their hearts, belong to Key now. She keeps the iron bar, and nobody is stopping her from carrying it with her to the chirurgeons.


Avenue, Key is following you around, grimacing. You can tell she's pissed off at you for putting the burden of summoning Hope on her, and you can see she's coming to some kind of decision. She's not letting the stitch boys have a look at her just yet. Just following a few paces behind you as if trying to solve a puzzle on the back of your shirt.

Tum Tum is working with the doctors. He's got that weird hand twitch that makes you worried he'll end up killing someone, but whether that matters or not is up to you. And maybe your mood.

The uninjured are chopping up the ape meat. You notice that one of the apes is wearing a necklace, crudely formed of wood chips and human teeth. You've never seen an ape wearing jewelry before.


Sparrow, the girls seem distraught. Pixie, one of the youngest girls, sits nearby while you work to prepare the meat. "Milk left this morning... she went to find Alcohol so she could find Hemlock so she could find Twix... I'm worried."

She sits on the counter and smooths her burlap skirt.

"I think... I think you should go looking for her, Sparrow. Make sure she's okay. I don't want Hemlock to hurt her, and things have been really crazy in town today. We just got word that some guy named Pepsi killed one of Al's guards."
Isaac had been on the cusp of heading inside, when he got Bernie's text letting him know something was going on with that stupid SHS website.

His eyes scanned across the page without total comprehension but something did become clear. Arson, possibly arson that resulted in someone being hurt. Deus did live with his aunt so...

Isaac's heart sank at the possibilities. He knew what Deus would probably do, because Isaac would likely do the same in that situation: Run. Fear and shame are powerful motivators, and Isaac knew that all too well. But if Deus did something foolish, everything could go terribly wrong. Permanently wrong.

[Don't let Deus leave!] He had texted. Realizing only after he hit send that it was likely too dire and cryptic a warning, but the sound of a slamming door from behind the house clued him in that Deus had probably flown the coop well before his advice could be followed.

So instead, he scrolled through his phone looking for the number. He'd only ever used it once before, and that was to verify the number was right. But he was going to use it now.
[Deus, you might not be looking at your phone right now. But I've got to try anyways.]
[I'm sorry my text in the group chat came across as so dire and like a trap. I don't want to capture or detain you.]
[You don't need to be punished, Deus. I don't believe that will help you, or your little sister.]

Isaac wasn't 100% certain he had that relationship right, but it was effectively the same so it didn't matter at this point.
[You're in a really shitty, sticky situation. You need to be very careful about what you do.]
[l know you don't know me super well. But I promise you, I've got no intentions to do you any harm.]
[l don't think I could, anyways. You'd kick my ass, if we're being real.]
[Okay. Weird thing to say. Sorry. If you want help... real help. Tell me where to go to find you and I'll meet you there on your terms. If you want me to do nothing more than bring someone else to you, I'll do it. Just tell me what to do.]

Isaac couldn't do anything but wait, at this point. Chasing him down in the truck would be... a monstrously bad idea.

He sent another text, this time to Bernie. He... wasn't sure why.
[This is crazy. I can't just let him run away and potentially get himself in trouble or fuck up his life somehow but I also can't just chase him down. What do I do, Berns?]

I'm also game
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