Avatar of Themerlinhawk
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2737 (0.75 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. Themerlinhawk 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Sound reasoning: Finish the painting for the miniatures you have before acquiring more. Me: Naaaaah,
1 like
5 yrs ago
And we are officially back.
6 yrs ago
To write again...that is the question...
7 yrs ago
Of course life continues forward like this. We may be closing in on the bitter end of my time here.
1 like
7 yrs ago
Just Exalted this weekend, that and determining the future of Salem at this rate.


Martial Arts, Writing, Reading, Coroner (No I'm not dead, I work there), Video games, and my friends. There: My life in a nutshell.

I do the Sci-fi, fantasy, urban fantasy, Dark fantasy and steampunk thing when it comes to roleplays. I'm pretty straight forward

I Gm this:
Due North

I Play a character in this/these:

Most Recent Posts

@HushedWhispers I like it, which is saying something since most shows can't hold my attention for more than a season at a time.
Aight, I'm down. Got my other affairs in order and I need something casual and supernatural. I'll even finish watching Salem.
Alright Tower defense is up woohoo! Sorry that took ages
Tower Defense



Day 1, Afternoon

With Malakaus and Calder, Ralrisk nodded and turned towards the doors of the elevator. “Sentinel, disable the elevator and open the exterior doors.” The doors slammed open “Two dozen Stygian regulars a hald dozen Death-Feeders with Stygian Steel and possibly a higher up. I don’t know” With that Ralrisk sheathed her sword before leaping into the elevator. The descent was fast as the mag rails that moved the elevators up and down the interior of the Tower were simple to interface her bracers with. Extending her left hand The Mistress of Shadows dug the heel of her left boot into the magnetic resistance and gripped it with her left hand. Sliding down the interior of the shaft Ris contemplated the fact that she had mere seconds before she would have to handle almost two dozen of one of the few enemies the Tower had ever struggled with. No pressure.

Yelling back up the shaft Ralrisk hoped the other two could follow, it was too dangerous to call the elevator. They needed the Stygian’s trapped or at least slowed if something happened to them. “We need to clear the lower floor and we need more fire power. Put out an all call we have to stop them!” What could they possibly be after in the lower levels of the Tower. This was not good. As Ralrisk reached the open door of the lower level she disengaged her grip on the mag levs before leaping through the open door. Two of them... with a twitch of her finger Ralrisk open fired on the the hallway. There were two of them and they were both wearing ballistic armor from the neck down. The first half of her clip hit them both in the chest and waist. Altering her aim Ralrisk sprayed them both in the face. One of the went down in a spray of blood, the second one managed to get his arm up and move to the side. Rolling through the doorway Ralrisk stitched shadows from the left side of the hall into the remaining member of the Stygian blade in the hallway. It punctured the armor and pinned him the wall by his right leg, groin and left shoulder. Without withdrawing the shadows Ralrisk sprayed the last of the clip into his head and it exploded in a shower of gore. “Clear!” She yelled as two more of the blade ran into the end of the hallway and open fired. Grabbing shadow from the floor Ralrisk raised it in a solid wall to protect herself as she ejected the magazine from her autopistol. Where were the other two?And would the three of them be enough?

@Tracyarmav@Lucius Cypher@Howler@Rtron
I understand
Sounds good
@CollectorOfMystNo no I just didn't understand where Kirane was lol that's what I meant
Oh okay I'm just loosing it
@RtronOn the building. And Kirane is across the street

Wind they are at the entrance to an alley where the body was found
@Lucius Cypher yeah I'll get that up today. Sorry yesterday's post came at the price of a migraine
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