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    1. Three 9 yrs ago


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In Dice 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Please proofread your sheet and tweak the spelling/grammar/BBcode errors in it. I'm not trying to be rude in saying this, I just don't want to set a bad precedent. Once you've done so, I'll give a proper review.
In Dice 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

By all means, go ahead!
In Dice 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

No sooner than had Niel asked a question to himself than did his phone vibrate yet again, another message coming through.

"Weeell, it's more about the principle, so I don't really care if you don't buy a real house. ┐( ˘ 、 ˘ )┌"

"Let's say...get an apartment with three months' prepaid rent, and I'll let it count!"



At the same time, Kim too received a set of responses from the unknown entity who seemed to be behind the existence and use of the die that had been rolled moments prior.

"Now those are more standard questions to ask~"

"Well, I'm me. I know about you because I'm me. And I fixed your vision by being me! Easy, right? ヽ(*・ω・)ノ"

"Um, as for Luck, it exists and you can amp it up, but don't think it'll help you when you're rolling my dice. They're special, no amount of skill will be able to make you manipulate the results, and while increasing Luck would help you when rolling a normal die, it won't apply with mine. Can't have people rigging the game and taking all the fun out of it, LOL! ☆⌒(≧▽​° )"

In Dice 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

There...didn't seem to be any change. Not immediately, at least. The memories in Niel's mind didn't become any clearer, but perhaps the Memory he had increased only applied to the ability to retain memories, and would not help in recovering things that had already gotten hazy. To test it properly, he'd need to go out and meet a new person, have a new experience, and see if he could recall it more clearly than otherwise.

A few seconds later though, his phone buzzed once more.

"Memory, huh? Well, I'm not too surprised. If you're wondering, that'll only help with the creation of new memories, not with polishing old ones. The information with the old ones just doesn't exist in your head, so there's nothing for it. All increasing the stat does is make you more able to retain information that's observed post-increase. Sorry if you were hoping for something else! ;~;"

"Um, anyway, if you have any questions, just say 'em! I can hear you just fine, so you don't have to text me or anything, just speaking aloud works!"



As one may or may not have expected, the result was rather immediate. Whereas before, Kim's ability to read without her glasses was fairly poor, it was significantly increased without warning. She could now make out more of the chart's words without her glasses aiding her. Of course, this too presented a problem, as now her glasses were using a prescription that was now outdated for her, and her eyesight without glasses was still not as good as her old eyesight was when she wore her glasses, which meant that she would either need to raise Vision up to an acceptable level, or get a new lens prescription.

The vibration of her phone would likely offer a distraction from these thoughts, though.

"...really? ._."

"Like, reeeeaaaallly? o_o"

"Most people do like, appearance, or physique, or intelligence or something they're really really insecure about. And then occasionally there's the weirdo who decides to minmax, but they're all boring. You just decided to amp up vision? Don't get it. Such a waste of a perfectly good point."

"Well, whatever. I'm not here to tell you how to use your dice. Hope you're satisfied with your transaction~!"


In Dice 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
You're allowed to post the results for yourself, that's fine. If you make it unreasonable, I'll just ask you to edit. If you prefer that I post for it, then I'll do so. I'm fine either way.
In Dice 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Three I have a question. Since my character has low motivation, sitting pretty at a 15, would he be able to increase that just by doing quests? Lets say he chooses to do the changeable dice value one, and he successfully completes it, would his motivation go up at all, since he was motivated to something and did it successfully?

Who knows? Give it a shot and see what happens.
In Dice 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

It was an almost instantaneous change. There was no gradual shift, no slow fading of his moles. Rather, it was simply as if Mark had blinked, and when his eyes had opened he had been looking at something else. The moles from his face seemed to have disappeared, and his ears and nose were altered be more in line with the "norm".

Equally jarring was the fact that the fat both on his neck and stomach seemed to have withdrawn slightly. Strangely though, he didn't feel any more in-shape or lighter, it was as if the change was purely cosmetic and nothing else, that the fat had simply become unnoticed but still existed.

Mark's teeth didn't seem to change much. Maybe they had lightened just a bit, but it wasn't to a degree where he could be definitively sure. What could be certain was that his physical appearance had rather dramatically and inexplicably changed, likely for the better. While it was hard to say objectively, he at least didn't seem unattractive any longer. The majority of people would consider him average, nothing more and nothing less.

A moment after this occurred though, his phone vibrated again with a new text, one from the unknown number.

"You can ask me questions, you know! I'm here to help you, after all! >_<"

"But okay! Since you went ahead and thought of a new goal, I'll hit you up with an extra quest! These things are based off your motivations and desires, so as long as you have those, you can keep getting quests!"

"Yep, Appearance is a handy stat, alright! Everyone always seems to go for it first, LOL. Well I hope you're satisfied with your purchase!"

In Dice 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Just PM me about it.
In Dice 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
There's no set post order, outside of when we get into obvious things like combat. So yeah, you're free to post. You're free to have your character set off and try to do a quest, stare blankly at their phone, try to talk to X, whatever you want. As long as speedposting doesn't get too bad, all is well.

As an aside, everyone's who's posted so far has been sent a PM with their dice roll and current quest log, in case there's anyone who didn't notice.
In Dice 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I do have a few questions, though. First, can stats be improved through hard work? If you go the gym 3 times a week, will your Strength go up eventually? Also, where is everyone? I'm assuming that we're all going to interact at some point, so it seems like a good idea to establish a common location - maybe we all live in the same city, for example. If that's already posted somewhere and I didn't see it, my apologies.

First off, you're approved. Glad to have a girl character on board, given the spread so far.

Yes, stats can be improved via effort, but only to a reasonable extent. For instance, with dice, you can theoretically raise your physique past an Olympic athelete's, which would require entirely unreasonable if not impossible effort without dice. If you want to go from a "15" to a "20" via diet and exercise, though, that's perfectly doable.

And yes, all characters are assumed to be in the same city. Sorry if that wasn't clear~
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