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3 yrs ago
Current The World Record 72 Hour, 100% No Sin, 100% Redemption Destruction of Death and Sin Speedrun- Jesus Christ, circa 33 AD.
7 yrs ago
7 yrs ago
@RumikoOhara That one's in like five months.
8 yrs ago
I beg to differ.


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So how's everyone doing?
So... I got card art of Jordan comissioned.
Minor edit to my CS. Just slightly altered a Mega.
@Duthguy MetalKabuterimon's level is pretty flexible, as a Spirit. Thanks for the edits, and the character's looking good : )
Welcome aboard!
@Duthguy Hello! I think I'd need to see a bit more for your human archetype, but I have a comment or two about the Digimon. While it's interesting to see MetalKabuterimon as a Mega, I would allow that. However, Woodmon is very clearly a Chamoion Digimon. A few Digimon have dubious levels, but Woodmon isn't one of them.
We can take a few more players.
Willing to pick up a few more.
Still seeking players.
Still accepting applications.
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