Avatar of Tojin
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 595 (0.19 / day)
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    1. Tojin 8 yrs ago
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3 yrs ago
Current looks like we're back again maybe possibly
4 yrs ago
damn you ever come back somewhere after a year and be like "fuck. i'm a totally different person now"
5 yrs ago
i am fucking ASCENDANT tonight lads
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5 yrs ago
that feel when you have to write and memorize a 90 second monologue in japanese by tomorrow (hahahaha kill me)
6 yrs ago
tfw you're like "eh, i don't need a flu shot, i'll be fine" and then you get the flu
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22-year-old trans plural entity who came back here on a lark after being gone for like a year (she/her | it/its)

really unsure what else to put here honestly. uhhh

BLM, ACAB, trans rights are human rights

Most Recent Posts

This is also a bit outside of my comfort zone, but god damn does this look entertaining. Count me in!
As the boat bearing many new students at Alola Academy arrived, another was fast asleep in her bed in Hau'oli City. Allie was lying on her back, not dreaming of anything in particular, with her Larvesta, Rosetta, lying next to her, curled in a ball. She had been so excited that she hadn't been able to sleep for a while, and was now completely dead to the world.

Well... Almost.


At the sound of the ship's horn from outside, Allie jolted upright in a blind panic, waking up Rosetta, who was thrown farther down the bed and landed on her back. The dog-sized bug flipped herself upright and chittered indignantly at Allie.

"Sorry Rosetta! The ship horn spooked me, that's all." She started scratching Rosetta's fuzzy head as a form of apology. "I know I was meant to go somewhere today... What was it again?" Allie, who was still slightly groggy despite being scared awake, fumbled for her PokeNav and checked the date. As she saw it, she remembered exactly why she had been so excited yesterday.

With a sudden flurry of activity, Allie ripped off her blanket and practically leapt off of her bed, going straight to her closet to put on some clothes. Rosetta squirmed her way out of the blankets and made a questioning noise.

"Don't you remember Rosetta? It's the first day of school! And that boat horn means that all the students coming from abroad are here, which means school's gonna start really soon, which means we need to get going, like, 10 minutes ago." As Allie said this, she had quickly changed from her pajamas into a gray-and-blue striped t-shirt and a pair of jeans, and was now grabbing her backpack (put together the day before) and the two pokeballs that contained her other Pokemon. Rosetta scuttled across the bed and hopped onto the floor next to Allie, and without further ado, the two of them swept out of the door and headed downstairs. (Quietly, though; Allie's mom had worked the graveyard shift last night, and was now trying to get some sleep. Her dad had left for work already.) Allie grabbed some bacon her dad left out for her and a granola bar for herself, and an Aspear Berry for Rosetta, and after they quickly chowed down on breakfast, Pokemon and trainer jetted out the door towards the docks.

It wasn't very far to the docks from Allie's house, but she was still breathing rather heavily when she arrived. Rosetta seemed pretty pooped too, so Allie scooped the not-so-little bug up in her arms as she surveyed who had gotten off the ship already. So far there was a girl around her age with glasses and a black ponytail, who was in the process of admonishing her Gastly for licking a Buizel. Its trainer, a green-eyed girl who had a distinctly Unovan accent, looked rather apologetic, though Allie had missed whatever had happened between them. There was also a brown-skinned boy with a Shinx sitting on a bench, and a boy with shaggy red hair and a Growlithe, who was looking around alertly. An interesting group so far. Allie broke into a grin. Things were sure to be pretty interesting this year.
Allie's sheet is all finished! It's also worth noting I changed her surname from Márquez to Teosinte.
@Tojin carrying a 3 foot tall, 60 pound bug on your shoulders all day must be some sort of strength training.

...Hm. I seem to have underestimated how large Larvesta are. Thanks for catching that.
I've got my sheet about 90% done! Just have to finish the bio and I'm all set!

I'm thinking Abra, Alolan Grimer, and Larvesta. The first two because they're found around Hau'oli City, and Larvesta for some variety (and because it's really cute).
I'm up for this! By the way, which city is the Academy near, exactly?
Also fuck college and its ridiculousness

Big mood.
T i f e r e t

• Tʜᴇ Dᴜɴɢᴇᴏɴ •

As the fighting died down, Tiferet lowered her fiddle, adrenaline making her breathe heavily. At first, she just focused on getting her breath back and checking herself for injuries. Fortunately, she didn't have any serious ones; she had been solidly in the middle of the group, wishing that she could play her fiddle to pass the time without it attracting monsters. Of course, at that point, monsters had appeared. They hadn't walked around a corner or anything, though; they had come from the floor. Only a combination of quick thinking and being near Graves had saved her from becoming mincemeat, and after that point she had stayed as far away as she could while still making sure everyone was within range of her buffs. Tiferet grimaced as she found a small wound in her side. Seemed like one of those little goblin shits on the balcony managed to nick her. Oh well, it wasn't anything debilitating. As she looked up from her injury, she overheard Rael's comment about "passive magics", and a smirk crossed her face.

"Yeah, or maybe we're all trapped in Pariah now, doomed to become ghosts eternally haunting the system!"

For the latter half of her little joke, Tiferet put on a voice like she was telling a ghost story around a campfire, and waggled her fingers in the air. She laughed a bit at her own joke, then continued a bit more seriously.

"Maybe it's some kinda special Halloween event? Jumpscares and a bit of real pain sounds like the sort of thing they might pull."

She stretched (and winced a bit; that damn cut was in exactly the wrong place) and continued, "I hope they keep the whole 'enemies are smarter' thing, though. Makes things less formulaic, y'know? Ha, and maybe they'll add an afterlife to it as well. That'd sure be something."

With that, Tiferet turned to follow Graves down the tunnel, humming quietly to herself. (She'd play her fiddle normally, but she figured it might attract more monsters. Besides, Graves didn't seem like the kind of guy to appreciate a nice song, unless it was helping him fight.)
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