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    1. Travesty 10 yrs ago


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It's mostly minor things. His attacks will become more cartoony, bombs will become acme style, laugh tracks. Oh, and Wrath will be crushed by an anvil from time to time

Wrath: Why me?

Don't blame me, blame your shitty Luck stat

Wrath: Didn't you design my stats?


If it has direct interaction with the world (like people can hold the bombs you created, or can inflict them damage with it, or use weapons you temporarily summon), I'm afraid this would cause a conflict with how other skills work. If he can summon weapons/materials from the real world (even temporary), that would clash with Ren's Online Shop. Also summoning weapons kinda makes Weapon Copy skill just a higher tier skill but not unique.

A remedy I can think of is illusion magic (with no physical substance), or Static Ice-Make since you already have the skill. It's like Gray Fullbuster's where he can make inanimate objects out of his ice magic.
It's just something I did for Ren, since all his other stats are pretty low, so I kinda wanted show where the damage is coming from.
I figured having a large amount of magic would probably cause some minor reality bending...

Hmmm, what kind of effects does the skill do? Can people directly interact with it? Or is it just an illusion?
I'm dropping off from this after all. Been caught up with a few things, and doing a couple of RP at the same is a little hard for me right now. Sorry for the late notice.
*Ren looking intently at Sam's puppet's stolen money.
Rentarou "Ren" Kusabe

The old Knight looked rather sullen, "I regret how I treated you." He began to say, sounding a little hurt. "If it weren't for you my men would've all been..." The Knight shook his head as if to dismiss a thought. He composed himself for a second, sheathed his sword and started to approach the foreigners.

"As painful it is to admit, we wouldn't be able to defeat that monster if it's just us." The old Knight looked at the Kobold Lord's mangled body with disgust, "With that, you have my thanks." All the other Knights murmured their own thanks right after.

When everyone has quiet down, the old Knight began to say, "Be that as it may, I have my reasons why I acted so harshly. Since the emergence of Catastrophes, the Empire has been on guard of anything that could further harm its citizens. And with you suddenly appearing out of nowhere, don't you think it's only natural for us to be suspicious?"

Ren noticed some women in the Knight's ranks made that complicated hand gesture again at the mention of Catastrophes. He made a mental note to ask them about it later.

"I'm asking you this as our saviours, please come with us to our camp so we can offer you a proper thanks. Allow us to do at least just that to save what's left of our pride as Knights." The old Knight implored.


The remaining Kobold pack began to retreat as soon as their leader was killed. Ren guessed if this world follows the typical RPG rules, those wolf creature will be back after some time, maybe once their leader has respawned, or another event triggers it.

You reached Level 10!

Bow Mastery reached Level 5!

Appraisal Skill reached Level 2!

New skill "Double Strafe" acquired!

New skill "Eagle Eye" acquired!

"Right, we just killed a boss levelled monster after all. It's only natural that we gained some experience from it." Ren thought as he reads through his stats, "Looks like I've gained some new skills too. Huh? What's this?" Ren noticed his Luck stat gained 5000 points while all other stats remains the same.

"You gotta be kidding me!" Ren thought, very disappointed at his own growth. Ironically, his figurative luck must've sucked so bad to land him in this situation. "Hold on, if stats affects everything in this world, maybe this isn't so bad after all."

Ren tried to think back about how luck applies to most RPGs he's played so far. Generally, luck affects chances. The higher the luck, the higher the probability of the outcome to be in his favour. Ren could think of several things in which this could be an advantage, but most of it involves talking to a lot of people. Another irony.

"Well, there must be something I can use it that I'm actually good at." Rent thought, considering his current skills. "Hmmm? Now that I think of it, I haven't used this skill yet."

"Would you like to use Online Shop?"

"Yes." Ren answered in his mind.

"Online Shop activated!"

A huge panel appeared in front of him, much complex than the usual character stats panel when he used the Appraisal skill. It contains all sorts of items categorized into tabs — Food, Home, Electronics, Survival, and "Deals". There seem to be more tabs as he scrolled down but is currently greyed out and inaccessible. "Maybe I'll be able to open them once this skill levels up." Ren surmised, "But the items here looks fairly basic if I were in the real world."

Ren checked each tab, scrolling through the items in it. Sure enough, he found items like sugar, salt, pepper, soap, a portable stove, several cooking utensils, alarm clock, rope, and a couple more others that don't seem to be useful at the moment. What he found interesting though is the Deals tab, currently there are 3 items in it:

"Would you like to purchase an item?"

Ren reached out to his pockets and found a couple of bills in Japanese Yen. "I wonder if this will work though." Ren tapped the item, and then a slot appeared that says "Drop Payment Here." He tried to drop the bills, but the money just slid past it, "I guess not."


"This must be the reward system kicking in. We just completed an impossible quest after all." Ren thought. With the old Knight's sudden change of heart towards them, Ren decided to just let the course of event to do its own thing.

"Um, I do have a question though." Ren raised a hand as if he's inside a classroom getting his professor's attention, "What are we do to with all of these dead bodies? Is it safe to just leave these things lying around here?"

The old Knight motioned to his men, "The lad is right, we can't just leave these things in here. Gather everything and transport it to our encampment. We could use whatever materials we can get from the monsters, and for the dead ones... We can at least do a proper burial for them."

The remaining Knights who can move started to gather the monster carcasses, some carried it manually, some made it float in mid-air, all gathering them in one place.

"Well, if you don't have any more objection, we must be off then." The old Knight said, nodding towards the Casters. They began to chant for a moment, and then several orbs of light suddenly appear in thin air, "If you could please step into these lights, this should transport us to our camp. But if it makes you uneasy, I'll go ahead first. I'll see you all in the other side." With that, the old Knight step into the nearest light and then vanished.
So when we level up, do the characters themselves distribute the points, or do we as players do it for them, and it's just treated as 'natural' growth for them?

Should be the latter part. Natural growth would be the easiest to explain anyways, plus they can assume the gods has something to do with it or something.

"Hey, all 500 points were allocated to my luck stat. The gods must hate me."
Right, we level 10 and all that jazz yet?

Yes, they should receive a notification about it. Level 10 is the max level, although you can choose to have any level below that.
Shoot, didnt see this until now. Yeah, I guess we can open a slot for one more guy. Thanks @BurningDaisies!

@Kierax if you're still interested, feel free to visit the main thread for the CS.

With the fight being over, does that mean that all the other kobolds are either dead or have run away? Because last we saw Milo, he was running away from a few that had gotten through the lines.

Oh yeah, forgot to include that. Let's just assume they retreated back as soon as their boss got killed.
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