Avatar of TwelveOf8
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1249 (0.35 / day)
  • VMs: 4
  • Username history
    1. TwelveOf8 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Now that I have given up video games I should have a lot more time to RP now. I'm sure that I'm not the first person to have declared this but hopefully I won't be the last.
7 yrs ago
To all those who are awaiting a post from me I'm sorry. I have no excuses. I expect the very best from myself and frankly that kind of pressure brings about some major procrastination.
7 yrs ago
I very well may be the worst fps player the world has ever known.
7 yrs ago
Has anyone heard of this Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen guy? They say he's number one.
7 yrs ago
Alright, no more screwing around. I have to get started on my various projects. I can't let another week go by with nothing done. Lady France awaits and I'm not getting any younger.
1 like


I guess this is where I explain myself.

All I can say is that my existence is an endless void occasionally interrupted by passing flashes of light.
Interlaced with a little randomness here and there to, ya know, keep things interesting.

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by TwelveOf8>

Heeeeey, I'm from france and since you love it, you're always welcome in Nice city, my uncle owns a hotel out there, come over! :D

Thanks dude, I will keep that in mind. Sorry to go off topic but I love France because I just returned from there. Mind you I have only visited Paris. I didn't think I would like it as much as I did. I've always wanted to visit Nice btw. Perhaps I will next time. Your women are as hot as they are cool. I'd be keen on checking out the local clubbing scene while I'm there.

Alright, here's another fact about me. I am the worst Overwatch and Snooker player on Earth. Try as you might, you can't find anyone worse than I.
In Alphabet Game 7 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
There once was a man, who is well known in his shitty. His name was John but on weekends it was Britney. On Sundays, his name was Carl. The rest of the time, it was 'dumbass'. And he has two things that always accompany him, a list of names and a worn-out red marker. It would surprise you to know that, while it went against the expected function, the marker was not for writing on paper.

Morning light filled the hospital, the smell of death hung in the air. The pale walls shone wetly. Above Dumbass's bed hung a portrait of the Quartermaster of the KSR, and by his nightstand was a comb and a brush and a bowl full of mush. John had ended up with a broken hip after tripping himself at the stair. Or, at least that's what he told the Doctors had broken his hip. In fact, it had been something far more sinister; autohypnotic asphyxiation. Heading back home, he saw, that the mayor's car had been entirely covered in cling film. Confused by his misadventures, he decided that a live tentacle porn show was the next best option.

He proceeded to go to the fishmongers, and detail precisely what his plan was. The Fishmonger agreed,

"Fourty dollars for fifteen minutes sounds fair." Dumbass reached into his pocket to find that he had forgotten his wallet at home.

"Do you accept IOUs?" Dumbass raised two middle fingers and asked. As a result, he received a look of disgust and a kick in the nuts. Swearing revenge Dumbass crawled away, winded and bruised. On top of that, he was slightly bemused. However, he appeared to have the upper hand as, with a devious smile, he pulled a remote control from his pocket. He pressed the button, and cursed out loud. Then he saw something he could not describe. It was a horrifying, yet beautiful, visage of his old dirty dog named Lasagna. Lasagna looked like it was going to bite off his... well... it's a delicate place.That delicate place is his head, the dog jumped into the air holding a flamethrower and somehow seemed both willing and able to use it.

"Don't attack me," cried the topless porn star who had just stepped into the madness. Because he was running out of gravity, he decided to swim away. At that moment he knew, he was in hell, and at the right second he saw a flying fetus straight to his face. "Why did you abort me daddy?"

With a horrified scream, Dumbass awoke - to discover that she was sitting on her toilet in Heaven having a heavenly crap. Satan called on his cell phone with fury at the latest posters disregarding former italics tags, the clouds rained unicorns as well.

Meanwhile on Earth,"Dong, where is my automobile?" asked the sexually frustrated old man.

"Where did you have it last?" his butler replied sarcastically.
"I checked my asshole 15 times." The old man's son said.

It seemed that old 80's movie references were

I am not sure if this idea has been brought forth before or not. Unfortunately I am far too lazy to check so I'm just going to go ahead and ask. Are there going to be special events in Sol City that will bring all the players together so that we all have a chance to socialise? Or do we all have to somehow find each other in this vast city like Sleepless in Seattle? If you want ideas for possible festivals and events then I would be more than happy to do a little brainstorming.

James Cobalt

Fun fact: Cobalt is his least favourite colour.

Age: 28

Height: 185cm or 6'1"

Weight: 84kg or 185lbs

Likes: Working out, clubbing, dancing, flirtation, video games, coding, art appreciation, mystery novels and language learning.

Dislikes: Politics, having lack of control over ones life, working late at night, hot and humid weather, forced conformity, neediness in others and people who create drama.

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Special Talent: Pattern recognition and a generally good sense of direction.

Profession: Digital nomad and brogrammer. A digital nomad is a programmer who makes a living by working alone on his laptop. They have the freedom to move around and live wherever they like as long as the can support themselves. A brogrammer is basically a slang word that means someone who takes part in non-geeky pastimes who also happens to be a programmer.

Bio/Personality: A man of few words but many stories. James Cobalt has always been of the quiet sort. Unbeknownst to all but a few though that quietness hid a wild and adventurous side. Growing up in Auckland, New Zealand, James always felt that he never truly belonged. Sure, people were nice enough to him but the lifestyle and mentality of a typical New Zealander was always hopelessly banal to him. Support the local rugby team and drink a few choice brews with the bros. It was all well and good for most people. Such a prospect though quickly grew stale for James. Many people considered him a pretentious douchebag and perhaps they were right but the life of a pretentious douchebag suited James just fine. To be able to both enjoy a a wide range of food and music whilst learning something new about the world appealed to him greatly. This love of the what is different and new fueled his wanderlust to an unquenchable level.

Sol City was everything James wanted in a city. It had culture, class, sophistication, cool bars and clubs, many young people and a love of liberalism. It was perfect. And so with that in mind James decided to leave New Zealand and move somewhere more hip and happening. Being a creative and independent loner was a hindrance when it came to forging long lasting relationships with people but it did have its perks. It allowed James to forge a skill set that made it possible to work with others distantly over the internet with no supervision at all. Such a level of freedom came at a cost though. Uncertainty and a lot of extra work came with the territory of being a digital nomad but James wouldn't have it any other way. With his unique skill set and his independent loner type nature it didn't take long for James to uproot his life in Auckland and transplant himself seamlessly into the exciting and glamourous backdrop of Sol City.

Apartment hunting proved to be quite a lengthy process. Thankfully in the end, James was able to find a nice enough single room apartment for himself in the Western Shore area of Sol City. It was nowhere near as hip and as happening as he hoped but the area, as far as James could tell, was relatively safe. The rent there wasn't too stifling though he still had to budget like a miser. It was worth it though to live in the same city that the legendary programmer Markus Hughes first began his successful career. With the promise of an adventure over the horizon and many a nice young lass to meet, James Cobalt eagerly set off into the neon wilds of Sol City to realise his destiny.

Your character's favorite song:

Tell us about yourself:

*Your age: mid twenties

*What part of the world are you from?: Australia

*How many years have you been writing/roleplaying: Technically I have been a member of this site for like three years or something but I've only been roleplaying for a year though.

*How often do you have time to post?: It depends on how busy I am and how lazy I feel. At least once every three days. At most one post a day.

*Anything else you want to mention? What you do for a living? How much do you work a week? What do you enjoy doing besides writing? Put as much as you want: I am a mystery wrapped in an enigma and dipped in a dream.
There once was a man, who is well known in his shitty. His name was John but on weekends it was Britney. On Sundays, his name was Carl. The rest of the time, it was 'dumbass'. And he has two things that always accompany him, a list of names and a worn-out red marker. It would surprise you to know that, while it went against the expected function, the marker was not for writing on paper.

Morning light filled the hospital, the smell of death hung in the air. The pale walls shone wetly. Above Dumbass's bed hung a portrait of the Quartermaster of the KSR, and by his nightstand was a comb and a brush and a bowl full of mush. John had ended up with a broken hip after tripping himself at the stair. Or, at least that's what he told the Doctors had broken his hip. In fact, it had been something far more sinister; autohypnotic asphyxiation. Heading back home, he saw, that the mayor's car had been entirely covered in cling film. Confused by his misadventures, he decided that a live tentacle porn show was the next best option.

He proceeded to go to the fishmongers, and detail precisely what his plan was. The Fishmonger agreed,

"Fourty dollars for fifteen minutes sounds fair." Dumbass reached into his pocket to find that he had forgotten his wallet at home.

"Do you accept IOUs?" Dumbass raised two middle fingers and asked. As a result, he received a look of disgust and a kick in the nuts. Swearing revenge Dumbass crawled away, winded and bruised. On top of that, he was slightly bemused. However, he appeared to have the upper hand as, with a devious smile, he pulled a remote control from his pocket. He pressed the button, and cursed out loud. Then he saw something he could not describe. It was a horrifying, yet beautiful, visage of his old dirty dog named Lasagna. Lasagna looked like it was going to bite off his... well... it's a delicate place.That delicate place is his head, the dog jumped into the air holding a flamethrower and somehow seemed both willing and able to use it.

"Don't attack me," cried the topless porn star who had just stepped into the madness. Because he was running out of gravity, he decided to swim away. At that moment he knew, he was in hell, and at the right second he saw a flying fetus straight to his face. "Why did you abort me daddy?"

With a horrified scream, Dumbass awoke - to discover that she was sitting on her toilet in Heaven having a heavenly crap. Satan called on his cell phone with fury at the latest posters disregarding former italics tags, the clouds rained unicorns as well.

Meanwhile on Earth,"Dong, where is my automobile?" asked the sexually frustrated old man.

Looks good. Seems all there. @Pilatus can give it a quick look and then feel free to post it up and start posting.

Thanks man. I can't wait to get started.
James Cobalt

Fun fact: Cobalt is his least favourite colour.

Age: 28

Height: 185cm or 6'1"

Weight: 84kg or 185lbs

Likes: Working out, clubbing, dancing, flirtation, video games, coding, art appreciation, mystery novels and language learning.

Dislikes: Politics, having lack of control over ones life, working late at night, hot and humid weather, forced conformity, neediness in others and people who create drama.

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Special Talent: Pattern recognition and a generally good sense of direction.

Profession: Digital nomad and brogrammer. A digital nomad is a programmer who makes a living by working alone on his laptop. They have the freedom to move around and live wherever they like as long as the can support themselves. A brogrammer is basically a slang word that means someone who takes part in non-geeky pastimes who also happens to be a programmer.

Bio/Personality: A man of few words but many stories. James Cobalt has always been of the quiet sort. Unbeknownst to all but a few though that quietness hid a wild and adventurous side. Growing up in Auckland, New Zealand, James always felt that he never truly belonged. Sure, people were nice enough to him but the lifestyle and mentality of a typical New Zealander was always hopelessly banal to him. Support the local rugby team and drink a few choice brews with the bros. It was all well and good for most people. Such a prospect though quickly grew stale for James. Many people considered him a pretentious douchebag and perhaps they were right but the life of a pretentious douchebag suited James just fine. To be able to both enjoy a a wide range of food and music whilst learning something new about the world appealed to him greatly. This love of the what is different and new fueled his wanderlust to an unquenchable level.

Sol City was everything James wanted in a city. It had culture, class, sophistication, cool bars and clubs, many young people and a love of liberalism. It was perfect. And so with that in mind James decided to leave New Zealand and move somewhere more hip and happening. Being a creative and independent loner was a hindrance when it came to forging long lasting relationships with people but it did have its perks. It allowed James to forge a skill set that made it possible to work with others distantly over the internet with no supervision at all. Such a level of freedom came at a cost though. Uncertainty and a lot of extra work came with the territory of being a digital nomad but James wouldn't have it any other way. With his unique skill set and his independent loner type nature it didn't take long for James to uproot his life in Auckland and transplant himself seamlessly into the exciting and glamourous backdrop of Sol City.

Apartment hunting proved to be quite a lengthy process. Thankfully in the end, James was able to find a nice enough single room apartment for himself in the Western Shore area of Sol City. It was nowhere near as hip and as happening as he hoped but the area, as far as James could tell, was relatively safe. The rent there wasn't too stifling though he still had to budget like a miser. It was worth it though to live in the same city that the legendary programmer Markus Hughes first began his successful career. With the promise of an adventure over the horizon and many a nice young lass to meet, James Cobalt eagerly set off into the neon wilds of Sol City to realise his destiny.

Your character's favorite song:

Tell us about yourself:

*Your age: mid twenties

*What part of the world are you from?: Australia

*How many years have you been writing/roleplaying: Technically I have been a member of this site for like three years or something but I've only been roleplaying for a year though.

*How often do you have time to post?: It depends on how busy I am and how lazy I feel. At least once every three days. At most one post a day.

*Anything else you want to mention? What you do for a living? How much do you work a week? What do you enjoy doing besides writing? Put as much as you want: I am a mystery wrapped in an enigma and dipped in a dream.
I will be working on my long awaited character sheet. Sorry about the wait, it seems that jet lag takes a lot longer to get over than I thought.
@PilatusSoon, I just had a lot to do as of late.
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