Avatar of VampireOracle
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  • Posts: 355 (0.13 / day)
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    1. VampireOracle 8 yrs ago
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5 yrs ago
Int check! Check it out? roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
5 yrs ago
Wondering if it's worth putting up a 1x1 int check...
6 yrs ago
Been having some issues lately. Sorry for the lack of response.
7 yrs ago
I ate a piece of chocolate before exercising to motivate myself. Yeah. Trying to keep myself from eating another piece now.
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7 yrs ago
Hng that feeling when your post count is less than one a day...


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@CrazyShadowy Quick question, are the prisoners handcuffed until they get their belongings? And do they carry their belongings on the way to the prison?
@CrazyShadowyYep, doing a little god-modding with my character is fine with me. If I'm able to get on but don't have time to post, I might tell you what I would have posted my character doing, to give you a little bit more of an idea what to have my character do when you god-mod her.
Sophia Lemane
There was a change of plans. And that involved... Shane rescuing a few people, probably his teammates, and putting on some kind of gear that one of the people had been previously wearing. That plan also seemed to involve getting all the rest of the fighting humans along with a dragon, off the battlefield and encasing them in floating bubbles like the one she was in. Not to mention creating a whole lot of that crystal substance and spreading it across the battlefield.

What that plan didn't involve was any kind of participation from her. All she needed to do was stand back and watch Shane work his power. It was a big relief, really. She preferred it that way. At the end of a few minutes, it was all over. The monsters had been crushed, pulverized, killed, by the crystal dome that had imploded with spikes. She couldn't take her eyes off that scene of destruction until they landed on the ground near a few trucks.

Bringing her gaze over to the sitting form of Shane, she wondered why the Director had been against sending him out before. If he had the power to end such battles quickly without assistance, why hadn't he been sent out earlier? Yes, Shane was injured, but he had still defeated those monsters. But now, there were more injured students, some of them perhaps even being dead. There was an example of that.

Sophia had spotted the body of Christmas being dragged over to Shane, and her eyes widened as Myla dug her hand into one of the boy's wounds, before Shane proceeded to drink from the unmoving boy. The white veil around the boy and Shane didn't go unnoticed by her. Some kind of weird magic usage? Not wishing to watch Shane drink the boy's blood like a vampire, she dropped her gaze to the ground, taking a few steps backwards before turning away.

As she stood there trying to ignore the noises going on around her, a beeping from her cuff sounded, accompanied by a voice. Combat assessment concluded? she thought in confusion. Wait a moment, I remember something like that now. When the alarm had sounded while she was in the hospital, it had said something about an assessment, but she hadn't really paid that much attention to it. Don't tell me that's why Shane wasn't sent out, because the Director wanted to see how the new arrivals to the school could fight? Or maybe she had it all wrong. Everything here was so different, and confusing. She just wanted to go back to the suite that she had all to herself, and be alone.

But now, Brent was talking again, and to her. Lifting her gaze to look at him, she took in his wide smile and cheerful appearance with her own poker face. Did he ever stop smiling or talking? Taking a deep breath, she let it out slowly before shrugging. "Perhaps." Maybe that had been the Director's intention, maybe not. What had been done had been done, and there was no changing it, right? Though that still wouldn't stop her from pondering over it.
@CrazyShadowy I will try to get a post up tomorrow, if I'm lucky.

But I do have something else I would like to discuss with you and notify you of. Shortly, on the 16th this month, I will be leaving for a month long trip overseas. During the first week of my absence, I will practically disappear. I most likely won't even be able to get on, let alone post. After that, I will be able to get on once in a while, but posting will be far and in-between, if any.
@Musaki Hajime Yup. It gives the characters a chance to interact with each other before anything big takes place, and this way one can also get an idea on how the rp is like.

@Aeternum Okay. Having side stories on Brian actually sounds quite interesting, it's kind of what I do in my head when I go to bed at night, but I never really write those things down. If you ever get anything like that completed I'd love to see it.
Detail every move he makes in his sleep, down to every twitch of his hand. Or make him sleepwalk.

Maybe we should send someone out to wake him up for breakfast? like Darius XD Depending on if you feel like doing some interaction with the other chars, or if you're fine with just letting him laze the day away alone.
@Holy Soldier I did let you know that I will no longer be rping my character here, and you did list me under inactive. So no, I'm not really in this game anymore, just to clarify.
Sophia Lemane
As Shane answered Brent's questions, Sophia listened but didn't provide any of her own. Though she made sure to listen to Shane's description of his team, she was beginning to partially tune the two talkers out as she went over what she had been told she should be able to do. Though what he had said made sense theoretically to her, there was still something strange about how she might be able to see the monsters with her power on. That would mean that they weren't really alive, but how could something that wasn't living be capable of causing so much damage?

Pushing those skeptical thoughts out of the way when Shane announced they were almost there, she peered down at the ground far below her. The two distant green circles hovering in mid-air caught her attention as she began to look out for the battlefield, but her view was soon obstructed as a light flashed and a green kind of mist spread out. It caused her to instinctively jerk backwards, even though it did not reach her. What is that stuff?

The answer was soon supplied to her as Shane began to communicate with someone on the other side of the phone, getting information about the battleground below them. It was poison. But that problem didn't last for long as Shane, with his miraculous power, blew away the fog so that they could see the ground once more. The view... wasn't what one would call pretty. Monstrous figures were revealed to her, along with the smaller forms of humans that were attempting to fight them off. Attempting, and were they succeeding? There were some motionless bodies of monsters strewn about, but along with them lay a few smaller bodies of humans that were either dead, or unconscious.

At this point, things seemed pretty surreal. She would never have imagined herself arriving in a floating creation, hovering above a battleground and watching monsters and humans face off, while being expected to help provide backup. That was something that heroes did, arrive late and save the day, right? A scene suddenly formed in her mind. She was describing and pointing out to Shane where exactly he should shoot his crystal shards, and he followed her instructions with excellent aim, shooting down the monsters right and left before they had a chance to attack any of the other fighters below. Then all the monsters were defeated, and-

Impossible. All of it was impossible. Especially the describing and pointing part, she didn't have any communication skills. Sophia let out a single huff of laughter, though she was unsmiling and obviously unamused. Though perhaps it was time to see if she could be of any use. She hesitated before beginning her question. "When should I..." Her question was left unfinished, for she lost courage in the middle of her sentence, leaving her words hanging. After a pause, she added, "You know."
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