Avatar of vancexentan
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Old Guild Username: VanceXentan
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 9706 (2.55 / day)
  • VMs: 6
  • Username history
    1. vancexentan 10 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Losing a game of dragon ball the breakers because my dipshit allies wouldn't give me their fucking dragon balls pisses me off. the raider was already nearly dead fml.
1 yr ago
devaronian is the race you're looking for. They're basically thugs for the hutts for the most part.
1 yr ago
Man I'd love to be proven wrong so i'll keep trying but still it sucks like the fourth time this has happened for entirely seperate reasons each as dumb as the last.
1 yr ago
Man I just can't stick with a DND Group. I'm aware I feel pushy at times but I never intend to push anyone into doing anything. I'm just feeling so dejected at this point.
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1 yr ago
In general I've given up play by post roleplaying. I only check on occasion due to how NO ONE commits to forum posting in my over ten years of experience.
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I'm one of the surviving members from the event known as Guild Fall. I am a big fan of Mobile Suit Gundam and am very specific on what I want in a roleplay. I have completed two roleplays (one is debateable) and have over six years of roleplaying experience dating back to when I was in Middle School.

Most Recent Posts

When everyone was focused on the issues going on by the summon of Mordred Pendragon they didn't notice the fact that unbeknownst to them a small group has shuffled into the basement behind the initial group. Shoving their way past Assassin the group entered, and suddenly a extremely violent, and loud bang filled the room along side the smell of smoke. Standing in the door way holding a shotgun, a automatic, with it's barrel smoking, and surrounded by his men was Mason Collins. His face contorted into absolute disdain as he beheld the group in the room. And when he finally laid his eyes on Leon a look of deep shame for a brief moment followed by an even briefly glimpse of disgust then a cold hard coolness. He spit on his own floor, and gave a deep breathe. "This whole fucking room, and part of the house is sound proof. You should be lucky for that otherwise I'd need to explain to the other people why I just fired a fucking blank into my ceiling." Collins growled as he walked into the study. "Second off all you fucks need to get out of the god damn celler. Now! I'm not taking this bullshit. This is my fucking inn, and I ain't having no assholes wreck it over a god damn squabble over a chalice that just happened to be touched by the blood of that stupid messiah you all seem to fucking love so much." Collins said as he looked over to Leon, "You...you're fucking lucky that there's people here right now. But me, and you....and that THING are going to have a talk later." Collins said as he pointed harshly towards Saber with contempt. It was a blur but Collins was suddenly slammed into a wall. It wasn't even a moment it was almost instantaneous. Saber held Collins to the wall with one arm, and heaved their blade against Collin's throat. It only took a moment for the men flanking Collins to point their guns at Mordred. "Call me a THING one more time, and I'll destroy you! I don't care who you are no one talks to me like that!" Saber shouted angrily as they held their blade firmly against the man's throat. She would not be called a 'thing' by this bastard! How dare he insult the heir to the throne of kings!

Collins for his part looked Mordred in the face without any hint of fear. In fact he looked more disgusted by her then before, and actually somewhat amused. The men held their guns ready to shoot Saber at the command. The four people were held in deadlock for a moment before Collins smiled at Saber, "Looks like you summoned one hell of a bitch Leon. I don't know who the fuck you think you-" Collins began as Saber slammed him into the wall harder, "Shut the hell up! You think I'm not above spilling your-" Instinct suddenly kicked in for Saber as Collins underhanded tossed a small glass vile into the air between Mordred's arms. She pulled back quickly but Collins, whom had dropped his shotgun, quickly pulled out a small black pistol and shot the vile in mid-air a practiced, and well rehearsed movement. The liquid inside the bottle, a tan substance, flowed around the two of them the substance coated Saber's fingers and Collin's shirt. Then suddenly a chemical reaction occurred and the substance bloated, and expanded into a foamy blob that covered Saber's hands, and Collin's shirt. Saber's eyes widened underneath her helmet as she saw her clenched hands get covered in the substance. She couldn't move her fingers anymore. The substance stuck to her hands, and wouldn't break apart. "No I'm aware of how fucked your kind is ghost. Saber by the looks of it. Doesn't mean that I'm afraid of you cunts. I'm many things...but I'm never a defenseless coward. Like the spirit though...can at least appreciate someone who doesn't take shit from someone else." Collins growled as he looked at Saber who glared daggers at Collins through his helmet. Leon rushed over in that moment.

"Enough! Saber this is my great uncle his name is Mason Collins please refrain from attacking him. I'll explain more to you outside please just for now let's please calm down, and not cause more damage then needed. And Uncle please refrain from calling Saber anything insulting. I understand that you might have had issues...I'll tell you about this later." Leon said trying to usher some sort of control over the situation. Collins grunted, and turned his back to his nephew. "Yeah I'd expect as much. But for now I'm going clean up my study. Now get out." Collins grumbled as he whistled and his men backed away. Before Leon could leave though he shoved a green bottle into Leon's hands. "Use that on Saber. That shit won't come off for a while unless you do. She can try and rip, and tear at it all she wants but I made it from a chemical level to not rip, or tear under any circumstances." He told Leon who nodded and took it. "This isn't over Collins! I'll remember this!" Saber shouted at the Irishman as she rather awkwardly stood there unable to do much under the current circumstances besides stew in her own anger, and remember not to make this same mistake again. Collins waited, and made sure everyone was out of the room before locking the basement doors behind them refusing to answer any further questions leaving him, and the rest of the group to do what they wanted in the now empty ground floor of the building.


Leon excused himself from the main party and led Saber outside. There he sat down in the grassy backyard of the inn, and poured the green substance down on Saber's hands having to awkwardly move around the sword still clenched in one of her hands. Leon looked Saber over and the mucky hardened foam slowly evaporated, and dropped on the floor turning into liquid which seeped into the ground. Saber at the moment was suddenly coated in red energy as the armor around her evaporated leaving her clothed in rather few lines of clothing. Leon tried not to stare at Saber she wasn't a average looking girl by any means of his own imagination. But it felt weird looking at her like that because he was now deeply connected to the one who was called 'The Knight of Londinium'. Saber was still angry her face hanging onto a frown as she clutched at the dirt with her hands.

"That bastard uncle of yours got lucky. I didn't kill them because I wasn't sure what purpose he had. Didn't think I'd end up falling for an mage's trap like that. Won't happen again I promise." Saber said as if she was more disappointed in her own lack of action than anything. "Mistakes happen Saber...Mordred. I'm sorry that Uncle Collins called you a thing...I don't know why but it seems he has a clear dislike for heroic spirits. I didn't know. For my part however I didn't act in accordance to that which would be worthy of being called your master. I should have interceded on your behalf sooner. I-" Leon began as Mordred turned to look at him now with annoyance overcoming her self disgust.

"Oi master! I don't want you talking like that. I like professionalism but you're taking things a bit too far right now. I appreciate the thought but we'd be better off establishing some things. Let's just go over what's happened tonight before I was summoned." Mordred told Leon as she stabbed Clarent into the ground. She would not have her master acting like some fop when he was around her. Leon on his half took note on what Mordred had told him before explaining the circumstances of the night. The events leading up to the night, and their mission to take down their old teacher. He had chosen on his own personal preference to neglect him kissing Rider earlier.

Saber snorted, and laughed a bit. "So you stole my catalyst? I was wondering why a person like you would summon me. You don't seem like the sort of guy who would normally end up calling to me. I'd take you more for a Percival, or maybe even that idiot Gawain." Saber said laughing her frown turning into a smile. She finally understood what had led to her being called her and it made sense. "What are you talking about Saber?" Leon asked her with a confused voice as he stared at his servant for a moment trying to figure out what had cracked her up. I mean tonight was rather bleak. People had died after all, and Leon had failed in summoning Mordred once already. "A bunch of thieves, who hate the authority of someone above them, stole a catalyst from the round table, and a bunch of other ones, and proceeded to go onto try and challenge said authority...sound familiar?" Saber said with a smile as Leon realized now that the grail had a bizarre sense of humor...or since he was a thief believed that someone like him would fit better than a proper knight of the round table. "I didn't get this sword, Clarent, legitimately from father you know. I took it when I rebelled." Saber said as she nodded over towards Clarent which was laying on the ground next to her. It's red maelstrom of power had calmed a bit since Saber had put it down. Leon figured now would be the best time however to get Mordred to discuss...well her history. She was after all the famed 'Knight of Treachery."

"So why did you do it? I mean rebel against Arthur I mean. He was supposedly the righteous king who saved Britain, and you claimed back when you were summoned to be the true rightful heir. Why would you go after your own father, and raise your blade in rebellion?" Leon asked as Mordred instantly sobered up at the mention of their father. She turned rather stone cold serious as she looked at Leon. "Father never once saw me as anything more than a servant. He never appreciated my skills, or my talents. Or anything for that matter." Saber told Leon as she grew rather distant suddenly remembering her own past. She grew angry as she glared at the ground, and punched it shaking it. "So I showed 'King Arthur' what their reign was. I wanted to look at them when I told threw them down, and ask them what they saw when they looked around them and saw what their reign was worth in the end." Saber told Leon with frustration in her voice as she turned her head back at him.

"So...then is your wish for the grail to finally become King?" Leon questioned as he looked at Mordred with all the earnest attention he could give her. It was not just to placate her he genuinely was interested in understand why the woman in front of him did what she did. "To show that your father was wrong in not allowing you to take the throne in his stead?" Leon asked further as Saber shook her head. "Don't be daft master. Having the grail give me the throne would be both pointless, and meaningless. What would I get from becoming King of Camelot if I had no real claim to it? I want to challenge the sword in the stone. Just as father, the King of Knights, once did."Saber informed Leon as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"So you want a try? You don't want to guarantee it?" Leon asked Saber who looked at him with a bit of anger, "Of course pulling the sword would be guaranteed in the first place Master. What you don't think I could do it?" Saber questioned Leon in return with a harsh frown as Leon shook his head. "I'll be honest Saber I do think you have a chance but my own father never once told me to take anything as a guarantee. But for what it's worth." Leon said as he remembered his training with his father back in his younger days. The harsh reality of failure as a young magus was always prevalent but he never surrendered, nor gave up. He failed but he was not allowed to falter. It was because of his own harsh training that Leon was made into who he was today. Leon smiled at Mordred whom had grown angry at Leon's mention of failure, "If anyone other than Arthur can do it I believe it can be you. The one who defeated him, and cast him down. If his path was not right then perhaps yours may have been. From my point of view Mordred maybe the power of Caliburn, and Excalibur failed because they were not willing to step down to someone who may have been better suited for the throne. Someone like you." Leon said as Mordred looked at Leon with a bit of welcome surprise as she smiled, and nodded.

"I appreciate the vote of confidence master." Saber said with a smile. "So then...I'd like to welcome you to this side of the holy grail war Saber. Together we shall win, and not only win we shall crush all of those who seek to throw us down. A blood oath was made. Shall we win this together then? Partner?" Leon asked as he reached out his hand to Mordred who nodded, and grinned a toothy excited smile before smacking Leon's hand and grasping it firmly shaking it. "Let's do this MASTER!" Saber said with satisfaction as the two sealed their alliance. Mordred was happy with her choice of master. He lacked initiative but he believed in her. And Leon was happy that his Saber was an honest person. Forthright, and true to herself, even with her own troubled past. "Awesome! Now before we do anything more for night I have a question, a rather personal one, I want to know how to address you. Saber you were known as male in history though you seem to be a female. How should I address you? I'm only asking this because I don't want to disrespect you." Leon said as Saber nodded she seemed a bit annoyed by the comment but she wasn't too quick to anger.

"I'm a 'female' but I was never raised, nor brought up as one. However it would be wrong to treat me like a guy. Just call, and treat me like you would any other knight master. Just don't call me a woman, or Clarent will have a new sheathe in your guts got it?" Saber told Leon firmly as he nodded. "Alright understood. I'm sorry I'm sure your excited to get on with the war...but I'm tired, and I'd like to rest if that is fine with you." Leon told Saber who looked at him, and sighed. "Alright fair enough...I'll keep watch for the night. Sleep well master but be ready to fight when you wake up." Saber said to Leon as Leon nodded Saber vanished into mist. Now alone, all but mentally, Leon decided it would be best to go to sleep now.
Well if anyone's still here I've found one possibly two new people to join in.
Since I've gotten two more people interested I'd figure I'd bump this up one last time and check to see if I can get one more.

It is the year 2016, September 1st and it is a special day. The Sekirei plan, a secret plan developed by HEMTAI INC, (Hyper Evolution Medical and Technological Advancement Incorporated) has initiated it's stage one. It is the release of all 108 of them including the first ten. Magoichi Hanabi, the president of HEMTAI INC, has already taken over much of the city and his partner David Summerset is already working on claiming the rest. The city is set for a massive brawl between super powered beings with abilities that could combined destroy any army. Rehearsed, and prepared for HEMTAI excitedly wishes to see the end result of their efforts to help their dear little experiments find their loved one, or special one, their Ashikabi which will awaken their full potentials. Various Ashikabi have already winged their sekirei in total about thirty have been winged including the infamous discipline squad. The battle has not begun in earnest though some ashikabi are trying to get an early edge on the competition. However the majority if not all of the people in the city have no idea about the sekirei plan at large in their city. With the intention of finding their Ashikabi and fighting for them and their love. With dreams of winning the grand prize the ashikabi and their sekirei fight one another all for the plan made by 'The King' Magoichi Hanabi. However Hanabi has been keeping a secret to be sprung soon...the secret being that an alliance based battle will take up the majority of the plan...and they need to rely on more than themselves to find the one sekirei of destiny among them.

As the world spirals towards an exciting contests of passion, love, war, and loss many of the Sekirei prepare themselves to fight old friends, old rivals, and old enemies that they met during their time at the HEMTAI Labs. It will be a battle royale for the ages! Let's see what you got!

Note: This is based on an actual show but it is not required to watch it. However it helps tremendously to having at least looked on the wiki, or actually watch the show.

1. All rules of normal roleplays apply power playing, overpowering, and meta game along with the other typical rules.
2. Any explicitly sexual scenes should be played out pm's. Sekirei is an explicit series at times however I'd like to make it clear that you don't have to engage in any conduct that you don't want to (which should go without saying).
3. Clothes rip and tear and of course this is based off an ecchi esk anime but try your best not to get to explicit in your wording if you must have female or male bodies showing.
4. The singular number Sekirei up to number ten are not to be picked due to the power advantage they have on other sekirei due to them being the first. The lower the number the older the sekirei the first eleven through 30 should be grown adults.
5. As GM I reserve the right to reject anything for any reason. This is my roleplay, and I will handle it as best as I can.
6. You may only have up to two sekirei if you choose to double up.
7. All characters are to be at least eighteen years old. Lolis are a thing but I don't want to get in trouble with the mods.
8. This is not a low casual roleplay please put some effort into characters.

Character Roster:



Sekirei Numbers currently taken:
Number 22 - Minami - Unknown
Number 44 - Momka 'Momo' - Unknown

@JollanPersonally I try my best to stay in roleplays unless the rest of the group have completely abandoned it, or my own character has become a hindrance. I even try when the rp stops being fun, and I can let my character off at a decent point in the story. I've only been in two ever finshed rp's. One I forced a finish so it technically doesn't count. And the other one lasted all the way to the end only by me randomly piggy backing the gm's plot into my own creation. The rp was a percy jackson rp in the free section. You'd think people would be more inclined to actually FINISH the rp that they put effort into rather than wordlessly dropping it mid way majorly inconveniencing everyone. It's like going to a party with a group of friends and then leaving but before leaving you take one of the wheels off of their car without telling anyone.
Well I can't really do more than I already have.
Alright fair enough. I'm trying to be patient life does take precedent after all.
@SaveusY2J@KawaiiKyoukoamy chances of posts this week?
Alright you can look over the stuff we have already which isn't much. Shouldn't be too hard to make a post once you I've looked over the CS.
@The Black WitchAlright I can allow in another person. We're kind of in a deadspot right now as Sev has school to work out of, and Kawaii has been stuck in workplace hell. You can make both as you desire and kind have to because we don't have another player to fill out a blank spot.
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