Avatar of vancexentan
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Old Guild Username: VanceXentan
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 9706 (2.56 / day)
  • VMs: 6
  • Username history
    1. vancexentan 10 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Losing a game of dragon ball the breakers because my dipshit allies wouldn't give me their fucking dragon balls pisses me off. the raider was already nearly dead fml.
1 yr ago
devaronian is the race you're looking for. They're basically thugs for the hutts for the most part.
1 yr ago
Man I'd love to be proven wrong so i'll keep trying but still it sucks like the fourth time this has happened for entirely seperate reasons each as dumb as the last.
1 yr ago
Man I just can't stick with a DND Group. I'm aware I feel pushy at times but I never intend to push anyone into doing anything. I'm just feeling so dejected at this point.
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1 yr ago
In general I've given up play by post roleplaying. I only check on occasion due to how NO ONE commits to forum posting in my over ten years of experience.
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I'm one of the surviving members from the event known as Guild Fall. I am a big fan of Mobile Suit Gundam and am very specific on what I want in a roleplay. I have completed two roleplays (one is debateable) and have over six years of roleplaying experience dating back to when I was in Middle School.

Most Recent Posts

Don't worry if we get to Zeltoble then whatever fantasy she can find probably the strongest warrior NPC I made in the Phoenix Born Gladiator.
@WhoamiAlright fair enough I'll edit my post.
I thought your character displayed them more openly. I can edit my comment about the wings if they aren't. I'm going off the assumptions that they would've been noticeable in terms of injury.
"Charming? What do I look like some sort of prince? I'm just a guy with a legendary sword on his hip. I'm only as special as this world allows me to be really. If possible...I'd like to be the one who follows rather than leads but if destiny thrusts that upon me then so be it. I will be the legendary sword that cleaved the waves apart." Cole admits to Fer, and by extension Marcino, as he takes a deep breath he looks to Fer directly. "But...I will not just survive. I want to win. I want to save these people, and the people of the other nations. I will do my best for them because that is what fate has put upon me. I sound really dramatic I know but...this is life, and death, and the fate of nations I can't afford to just be common anymore can I?" states Cole calmly as he turns to Marcino. "I'm ready to go are you?" Cole asks him as he shakes his head. "I need to go lock my valuables away, and get my equipment. You two should eat, or go find that buddy of yours and see that she's ready to go." Marcino states as Cole nods, and grabs adjusts his armor a bit. "Understood I'll see if we can get her quick. Let's go Fer if you're ready." Cole stated as he stands up quickly.

As Hans stood there looking about as the young lady Auriel looked at her book he gave some directions to a young scholar who was looking to see if there were any potions of healing books he could find. It was only a moment before he managed to point him in the right direction did she speak up to him again. Hans looked a bit uneasy for a moment but took a deep breath. "I can't say I have the authority to let you take that book. But if you clear your name proper with the secretary you should be able to sign it out as a member of the Hero's Party. The Shield is your actual patron isn't it? Then you should make sure to put his name with yours as well for the sake of making sure all the books are accounted for. With the waves coming you don't know what books could be vital so preparations are needed you understand." Hans stated as he uneasily prepared for more questions of 'why can't I just take it' like the usual warriors did when they didn't understand proper library matters. "Is that really the only thing you wanted? The Spear isn't your saint after all." commented Hans confused.
"The question is do we stop this, or do we simply try to observe sometimes information can be more valuable then action. Harvesting, or not we should try to be careful until we have an idea of what exactly we're messing with here if entire universes are gone then we may be a bit over our head in terms of power levels." comments Darbin in response to the Frost Demon's confused reply. Darbin knew it was likely a futile endeavor to try and stop some of the saiyans from doing something dumb but the others may be willing to listen. Years of hard work in the fields of combat, and war made it quite clear to him that war was not something you took lightly in any regard. You had to have the right knowledge or else you would lose. Things quite simply put they couldn't afford to be reckless and cause more damage unintentionally.
Given the circumstances things could certainly become dire in an instant, with a whole galaxy's timeline flayed, what kind of horrors would await them in the wreck? Was there anything even there besides the destroyers? It was a quagmire of uncertainty and doubt that kept Darbin from wondering just how exactly the Kai intended to get to the bottom of this. He was no detective, or mastermind strategist he was a soldier. All the same doubt was not something he could afford. Darbin stepped through the portal with no doubt in his mind about what he was going to do once this all came to a conclusion. He hoped it would be at least one that he wouldn't find repulsive.
Alright fine I'll see what I can do do tomorrow.
Alright well unless you want me to make a super small post I don't really believe I have much value to add at the moment.
I've been receiving no notifications of posts other than general posts which I have not received in a bit.

"Well before we do...I have a question for you Fer. Do you think the other two heroes will be a problem for us? Not on this misison I mean in the future. The Spear Hero is a big unknown, and The Bow Hero is a loud mouth vulgar biker chick. I don't think we'll have much luck when it comes to teamwork BUT we need them. That's the big problem we need to form a cohesive team because otherwise we'll be split, and easily picked off once the waves come. We had some trouble with the bandits but given two weeks of prep we can easily manage to overwhelm the basic bad enemies that we'll fight. But the big ones? I don't think I can stop those alone." Cole states as he looks across to Fer his eyes fixed firmly on him as he grips the table a bit tightly. Cole wasn't sure what his comrade thought on the matter. Given the chance Cole would prefer the heroes joined together to save the world but...would that even be a possibility or were they called her to be doomed?
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