Avatar of vancexentan
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Old Guild Username: VanceXentan
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 9706 (2.56 / day)
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    1. vancexentan 10 yrs ago
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1 yr ago
Current Losing a game of dragon ball the breakers because my dipshit allies wouldn't give me their fucking dragon balls pisses me off. the raider was already nearly dead fml.
1 yr ago
devaronian is the race you're looking for. They're basically thugs for the hutts for the most part.
1 yr ago
Man I'd love to be proven wrong so i'll keep trying but still it sucks like the fourth time this has happened for entirely seperate reasons each as dumb as the last.
1 yr ago
Man I just can't stick with a DND Group. I'm aware I feel pushy at times but I never intend to push anyone into doing anything. I'm just feeling so dejected at this point.
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1 yr ago
In general I've given up play by post roleplaying. I only check on occasion due to how NO ONE commits to forum posting in my over ten years of experience.
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I'm one of the surviving members from the event known as Guild Fall. I am a big fan of Mobile Suit Gundam and am very specific on what I want in a roleplay. I have completed two roleplays (one is debateable) and have over six years of roleplaying experience dating back to when I was in Middle School.

Most Recent Posts

I'd also like to mention no one has asked for clarification, and since today has already worn me out on a physical level from subjects outside this roleplay I'd like to remind everyone I am human, and while I'm trying to be polite right now and would prefer to keep a calm tone through this discussion.
Then I apologize for my own poor writing I thought I did give the team orders to search the house, or at least implied it in out of character in which case that was my mistake. I am not above noting more own shortcomings as a writer. And regardless of what Connor said, or did this is also a highly dangerous area where a servant with B rank instinct, and your own lancer felt was ominous so the action of moving forward without the group, when not given an express scouting order like Irish thought which I also re-read and did not give for definite, is also lowering one's survival odds.
@The Irish Tree No I don't believe so if not it was not intentional. If what I posted is skewed by my poor writing skills or something let me re-clarify.

Leon told the group to search the house, and area first. Then make preparations to move -together- with Lancer at the front of the group while Saber protected the rear, and caster/berserker protected the left and ride. That means they're moving together in a triangular or square shape formation down the street. What I took out of your collab post is Scarlett felt alienated by Leon, and Connor still and decided to move out of the house first and lancer vanished to move to her side more quickly. Prompting Archimedes to remind everyone Leon is in charge.
Alright if Scarlett and lancer are going up ahead they can get their own twenty to deal with how they fight them is up to them. The ones to caster's side I imagine Fran will be dealing with them but i imagine caster can do something as well.
"Archimedes calling in once more. Remember to not veer too far away from the group. Spreading my attentions, and analysis thin. I will not be able to support you all at the same time. The crew here can try but I'm still overseer of all rayshift operations given my technology." the voice of the scientist said placidly as he appeared in front of Leon in a digital blue form. "Suffice to say splitting up far enough may be grounds for termination if not given by the order of the Team Captain, or circumstances. I will not suffer AWOL masters." he comments grimly before vanishing once more. "Running a tight shift? What a pain in the ass...he's pissing me off so I bet he's pissing the others off too." grumbles Mordred as they place a hand on their steely helmet. "Master just let those two go ahead they're free to die if they feel like it. I'll protect everyone else." grumbles the annoyed Knight of Treachery which did not go too far to settle Leon's nerves as he was already having his authority put in question while he was focused on examining the situation. "I'm still in charge of the squad's immediate orders. I'll give Lancer, and his master the chance to go ahead to the BRIDGE. Alteration to the formation plan is as follows. Assume tight formation adjust for Saber in the back and protecting the three others from surprise attacks, and Caster can watch the left, while I watch the right. I trust Connor but I'm more battle ready I believe. Not ideal but such is the world we're in right now. Until we can establish a proper summoning layline I cannot use Archimedes' summoning system to call upon a temporary servant." Leon making his orders on the matter clear as this time Orson's voice comes in. "I give my blessing on that do as you will Team Captain." Orson said briefly as Leon made his way out of the estate with the others in formation.

The streets were as empty as the house was. There was signs of cars having been abandoned, and houses destroyed along the way. Whatever happened it would seem that not everything happened without a fight. Or perhaps things were meant to be that way? Saber grumbled none to happy to be the rear guard she would very much prefer to be in front but judging but what she remembered in the past Berserker would be able to be able to handle themselves. "There's no blood. No remains. Whatever happened this wasn't the work of an assassin it was the work of a caster, or something else." Mordred comments as she looks at a toy in the corner of a storm drain most likely dropped by feeling disgusted at whatever had caused this singularity. Leon himself pointed out that none of the houses look like they had been hit with magic more so some sort of force has crushed them.

"My guess this was servant combat in regards to damages. The houses not hit were just lucky. No blood lines up with what-" Leon comments before the words come into his ear, "Enemies detected. Defend now." Archimedes says as Leon quickly casts a spell sending a change of direction of the wind to deflect a nearby arrow shot into a wooden pole nearby. Saber quickly charges up to the house where a dragon tooth bone warrior stood on top of the house. Sabers quickness allowed her to quickly reach the thing decapitating it. To the left where Caster was watching there came a large group of about 20 of the warriors all charging the group. "Defend the area!" Leon orders as he charges a wind bullet and shoots it at the group crushing the skull of one of the warriors in the back. The warriors remaining charged at them with their clubs, axes, and swords of crude make. A similar number of them up ahead charge at Lancer, and Scarlett.
@Rezod92Do you want me to wait for you to post?

@The Irish TreeLike i said shit happens just gotta drink an energy drink or something idk.
Its fine shit happens.
"If you hear my words than you should know dear Shield friend! The worth of one is not just by their actions but their history! One can comment on the brazen Bow Hero's actions, and their words but do you really know the cause of that fire? That hellish damnable spirit to be the best? I have no clue either. But until that day Rin chooses to give me her true feelings. I will only judge her as need be. Blunt, and brutal she may be but to save the world? It takes many indeed." The spear hero says twirling his spear around in his hand dexterously. He moves it around his back, and around him as he stretches out his arm to allow him to pass it to his other hand and back around his back where he places it on his shoulder. "Definitely I would consider my words, or should these people take you for just a big walking target that follows the Sword around?" Lev comments further as he points a finger at the shield hero. His smile still plastered on his face ignoring Fer's comments towards the Fox girl approaching the shield.

Cole chooses not to intervene in the talks between the spear, and the shield it would be best that these two work out their "Oh hey there been a bit Rivia. I hope you're well, and sure I'll take a dango...whatever that is." Cole said as he gratefully took it and took a bite of it. Surprisingly it was pretty good! He didn't think a treat like this would be this tasty he half expected too much candy flavor. Instead the strawberry flavoe was pretty nice on his. "Bitching! I guess this will make up for going after shieldy so quick the other day. Alright then! I'm pumped up and ready when you all are to do whatever it is we're doing!" Edusa said as she took her own and ate it so quick she started to choke a bit before she took a flask from her hip and chugged down the contents. "Chill a bit I don't need royalty keeling over on me." Cole says dryly and sarcastically towards his follower who sticks out her tongue at him. "Look just find me something to punch boss I'm getting antsy!" comments The fiery royal as they bounce around and throw mock punches at surprising speed. Cole felt impressed as he watched her pull off a full combo like a boxer who was professionally trained. "Of course we may head out at anytime assuming there is no questions for the legendary Lev of the Spear?" comments Lev with pride as he scratches his own chest none to modest about his own skill.
"Archimedes?" Leon said as he walked forward towards Conner as he reached forward with a small device connected to his mystic code and scanned the bloodied knife. "I've been on missions with a few of Team A before but mostly? No. Togami specialized in his time-" Leon began as he suddenly remembered people COULD be watching besides him, and decided to keep quiet on that front. However after a brief amount of time..."Blood Type O. Registers of the same blood type...Miranda Einzbern. However DNA tests confirm that it is not her DNA." Archimedes replied as commented on the matter with vague interest as he took another moment to consider. "My skill tells me that this individual weapon was used to kill someone...a human. I don't know who. Blood registers as similar to that of the Tohsaka blood. However...irregularities can't confirm what something tampering with the blood from the body. Magecraft confirmed used on the knife. Reinforcement magic it seems." comments Archimedes further as if he was very intrigued but at the same time couldn't be bothered to over think it. Saber vanished looked at the knife herself. "Huh? Well if I had to guess whoever got killed with that thing was killed in their sleep. Or at least a weakened state. Look at it no blood on the hilt. All on the blade, no marks on the blade itself. On top of it looks like a kitchen knife." comments Saber as she walks up to Leon and leans forward. "Just a guess though I'm no expert. Always preferred the thought of killing dad face to face. Like a real knight." Saber says scoffing at the idea. "Thanks for looking Berserker." Leon says smiling kindly to her.
"Look I have my orders ready, and set. Once we're all sure we're not about to be ambushed we'll make our way down to the city of Fuyuki itself. Its probably where we'll find the servants, or some sort of activity." Leon says aloud as he takes in the opinions of everyone present seemingly want to set up shop but wanting to make sure that they weren't stuck in one place to long. He imagined that staying here wouldn't solve anything either as Caster had already informed them of what was happening. "Hold up, look I'll back Capricorn or whatever his name is over there. Berserker's master. If Berserker says there's nothing there's probably nothing if Archimedes says there's nothing that's also encouraging. But if you got some sort of sensing ability go ahead, and give it a try. I got a nack for sensing danger, and I don't feel anything but something's wrong with this whole fucking city." Saber grumbled none too helpfully identifying that she felt something was off but couldn't tell what, or at least didn't specify what. "Long range sensor is back online...I'm detecting a possible number of servants near the river. Bridge section to be exact to your far east. I'm not sure what servant it could be but its not one of ours it seems. I don't detect the sensors I attached to Team A." Archimedes said as he tried his best to communicate with the team.

"Lancer since you offered do you want to take point while Saber takes the rear? Have our strongest vanguard protect the masters up front, and back while caster, and Berserker look out to our east, and west." Leon suggested as Mordred vehemently argued, "Me in the back? Are you nuts? Master just find me a car, and i'll drive you guys there." Mordred grumbled as he suddenly felt an uneasy pang in his belly like that would be an awful idea. Saber driving? Reasonable but it was also Mordred who in the short time he's known her seemed to be very blunt. Didn't seem like the easy driving person. "I'm worried about gridlock, we can smash through but it also makes us a prime target when we're all bunched up together in my opinion." Leon said as he gave the others to chance in favor of Saber, or not. "I do want to know if you guys would rather stay here, and let the servants clear the path first though. This place doesn't look too fancy which must mean we're in a rural area, or else Japan has very conservative living styles. My point being that the space is probably wide open."
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