Avatar of Violetta


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Hello, my name is Violetta. I mostly do fandom roleplays and sometimes original ones if they interest me.
Here's the list of the fandoms I roleplay:
-Fire Emblem
-Kingdom Hearts
-Saint Seiya

Also at the moment I really want to roleplay one of my two orignal scenarios. Which is here:

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Hello, I'm Violetta, I am looking for someone who I can roleplay with on the long term. I write at least one paragraph, but for the length I try to match the length of the paragraphs of my rp partner. I will try to respond quickly as can. I am mostly looking for fandoms roleplay. Also, I can do originals rp, but I tend to more picky about it since I'll rather do fandom rps. Furthermore, I have some plots ideas, but I'll rather speak about it in the dm since I don't want them to take too much place here. Also, I am open to any suggestions. So here are the fandoms I would like to rp:

● Transformers

● Fire Emblem

●Kingdom Hearts


●Saint Seiya

Some of my original roleplays ideas:

● Magical girl x ex-villain


A tired magical girl who has been doing her job for the past twenty years has to reunite with her friends and old teammates to fight a new mysterious threat. They have to team up with an old redeemed foe of theirs. (FxF)

●Pilot x Mecha


A mecha pilot discovers the robot they pilot is sentient. As they bound together, they uncover a dark truth about the war they fight in. (MxM)

Hope that you're having a good day/ night.
@Sky Blue Good, idea! Also, I need to mention a change I made to Tempus is if someone touch the hole in their chest it's influence them, and it's change the color of the hole. For example, if a Decepticon were to influence Tempus the hole would become purple and their mischievous personality would be become more malicious.
@Sky Blue Tempus's spear can open portals and can slow down time for a few seconds.
@Rhona W Ok, thank you for being here for a while.
When Arcee and Bumblebee arrived at the industrial building, they transform back into their robot modes, and then they slowly approach the door with their weapons in hands. "Open the door or we will force our way in!" Arcee exclaimed as she knocks on the door. "One! Two! Three! Now!" Bumblebee exclaimed as he ran into the door as Arcee kick into the door, kicking it down. As they notice, nothing else was there except wooden crates with a red snake logo on them. "Arcee do you know what that snake means?" Bumblebee asked as he inspects the logo on the crate in front of them. "No, I never saw that logo before, let's bring them back to Autobot City." Arcee said as brings a few of the crates closer.
Bumblebee transforms into his alt-mode, and then she charged him the crates before transforming herself into her own alt-mode. Just as they were driving away from the building, they chose a different and longer route to avoid damaging the crates if they speed too quickly.

Meanwhile, in the desert, Tempus was still chasing the poor rabbit as they believe the animal was a mischievous Minicon testing them. As they pass by a rock, Tempus jump on it and scoop up the jackrabbit in their arms. "You're quite soft and fleshy for a Minicon." They said as they look at the rabbit. "Do you see a golden spear with Vector Prime symbol carved in it? Also, have you seen Vector Prime?" Tempus ask the animal their question, being met with silence as they place the rabbit close to their face. "Ouch! Why did you that?" They demand as the rabbit scratch their face to escape their grasp.
Meanwhile, in the desert, Tempus was walking aimlessly until suddenly they saw a jackrabbit passing by. "A Minicon. Hey, wait for me, friend." Tempus said, as they ran after the rabbit, who they believe to be a Minicon in disguise. "That's quite a fast Minicon..." Tempus said, as they start to lose sight of the jackrabbit.

In the meantime, in the scientific laboratory of Autobot City, Rodimus Prime and Ultra Magnus enters the room, noticing the exhaustion in the frames of the Autobot scientists. "Perceptor, is there anything else the influx of Chronotron particles?" Rodimus asked, hoping that nothing else is wrong. "There is something I need to tell, there is a random chance of a foreign memory popping. At first, we thought those were false memories, but as we continued to study these phenomena, we realized that these memories were from a different version of ourselves from a different universe." Perceptor said showing them a diagram of the phenomena. "This worrying, we must find the source of the events that happened recently." Ultra Magnus said. "But before continuing your researches, all of you take a break." Rodimus Prime said as he left the room with Ultra Magnus.

Meanwhile, on the highway, Arcee and Bumblebee were driving toward their destination, Bumblebee suddenly lose control of his alt-mode and crashed into a barrier. "Bee, are you alright?" Arcee ask with worry in her voice as she approached him after she transformed back into her robot mode. "Yeah, I am alright, for a sec I felt my voice box being ripped out. It was quite disturbing..." Bumblebee said as he rubs his neck as he had a surprised expression on his face. "We can take a break here if you don't feel well after what you experience." Arcee said in a soft tone. "No, I can handle this and beside we are on a mission." Bumblebee said before transforming into his alt-mode and driving toward their goal. Arcee sigh then transformed into her alt-mode and followed him.
@Sky Blue It looks like this, but there also Vector Prime symbol engrave on it.

Here's Vector Prime symbol if you dont know how it's look like:
@Sky Blue Great ideas, and for a suggestion, maybe it could involve Tempus' spear since I need it to be anywhere but the desert they are at the moment. You don't have to take that suggestion if you don't want to.
@Sky Blue What is your idea?
Meanwhile, in Autobot City, after picking up the alarm signal, Blaster ran outside to where Rodimus Prime, Ultra Magnus, and Springer were.
“Hey, boss bot, I got a distress signal from an industrial building.” Blaster said. Rodimus though about it for a few moments, then he said:”Blaster, call Arcee and Bumblebee and send them over there.” Rodimus Prime said as he stares at the white cracks in the sky.
“Sure thing, boss!” Blaster said before running back to his post. “Ultra Magnus, let's go see the progress of the scientists.” Rodimus said as he started walking towards the laboratory.

In the meantime, somewhere in Oregon, in their alt-modes, Bumblebee and Arcee were racing each others on a deserted highway. After, ten minutes, they received a call from Blaster. “Hey, Arcee and Bee, there is a slight change to your mission.” Blaster said through the communication channel. “What is it, Blaster?” Arcee ask as she slow down her speed. “Blaster, what's our new mission?” Bumblebee said as he also slow down his speed. “Your new mission is to go check the industrial building that I will send you the coordinates to.” Blaster said communicating through the communication channel. “Got it, thanks, Blaster.” Arcee said as she closed the communication channel. “Arcee, do you believe it might be Cons?” Bumblebee asked as he was driving next to her. “It might be them, or maybe it's might be an accident that doesn't involve any Decepticons.” Arcee replied, hoping that the Decepticons weren't involved with whatever what was happening in that industrial building, as Bumblebee and her were speeding to that area.

Meanwhile, Tempus woke up somewhere they don't recognize as they felt a strange substance beneath them, it was a yellow beige color as they touch the substance it had a coarse and powdery feeling. “Oh, it's sands. I thought it would have a more pleasant texture.” Tempus said as they got up as they brush off the sand off his frame. “And on top of that my spear is gone…” Tempus said as they realized that their spear was no longer on their back. As they looked around, Tempus could only sand that goes on for miles. “Great… nothing but sand. Think positively Tempus, you may have to walk for hundreds of miles or even thousandth, but maybe you will find someone who could help you find your spear or Vector Prime.” They said to themselves as walk toward the north as they try to reassure themselves as they were lost in a world they only observed before.
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