Avatar of VKAllen
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2938 (0.77 / day)
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    1. VKAllen 10 yrs ago


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1 yr ago
Current You've heard of BBW and BBQ, but have you heard of BMW? Neither have I, they never signal their turn.
7 yrs ago
@Cyndyr, ho ho! Jk, I don't have the power to track that down.
7 yrs ago
Whatever credit is left is flushed down the toilet for them. #CNNBlackmail
7 yrs ago
Critically failing perception checks is in muh blood.
7 yrs ago
I swear, I think Optus had some dickhead accidentally hit the restart button on their systems.
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Thank you for visiting my biography.

I am just a typical Aussie Young Adult juggling social life and work at the same time.

I have not roleplayed in years. I thought maybe I'll re-login once in a while and see how the Guild is going.

I have lost touch with the friends that I've made while I was a resident here. Those of you who were my friends, know that I enjoyed my time roleplaying with you and I hope that it is mutual.

I hope to see you in another life.

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Hmm. Not much. I assume, they hunt and kill whatever monster the village or town is having problems with?

Ah, it is as I expected.

Witchers undertake contracts from whomever posted the contract and conduct investigations. When they conduct such investigation, they rely heavily upon the information given from the contractor, and also physical tracks that may be left behind by the monster. This means, it would require Yuna to use her Witcher senses when looking for tracks and examining sites where the monster had been around or attacked. Even sometimes contractors could be wrong in their judgments. A werewolf that claimed to have stolen or attacked his chickens might as well be a petty but cunning thief. If Yuna had undertaken a contract with Ferghus, it would be very vlear to him that she is able to see through the illusory bandages that is wrapped around her eyes. Not only that, he would attenpt to move into close proximity of her in order to investigate whether it is indeed an illusion or if she's literally blind. This is because Witcher medallions react to magic-- given how you said that it was an illusory spell, the Medallion would react.
@NecroKnight Do you have any knowledge of how Witchers conduct their contracts?
<Snipped quote by NecroKnight>

Medallion would give her away. Not just that, his own medallion would react if they were close (in proximity). Her training and proficiency with blades and witcher hunting techniques would give it away too.


I will acknowledge the fact that if you wish that he has travelled and did contracts with her. If she did not and never met him and only heard of each other through word of mouth, he would not have known.

@NecroKnight Since you havent made any further comments, I assume you missed what I said few hours ago. Please read it in quoted and get back to me.
**When everyone has gathered.**

Ferghus: "O shit why ya all here"

All: *silent, cause everybody wants to catch the sylvan but dont wanna tell*

Ferghus: "Well I'm here fo the sylvan..."

All, consecutively: "omg me too!"

*awkward moment ensues*

Rilden: "actually guys..."
@Jones Sparrow Oops... I may have caused more trouble... LOL
I don't know how to start this o.o

Do what a Cat Witcher does. Killin' people discreetly n stuff.
@Jones Sparrow I haven't worked out any more details with you yet. Lol. Which, I will be asking few more questions... Later.


Yet keep in mind Yuna, has propagated her 'condition' - that likely even Ferghus wouldn't know if she is really blind or not.

Medallion would give her away. Not just that, his own medallion would react if they were close (in proximity). Her training and proficiency with blades and witcher hunting techniques would give it away too.


I will acknowledge the fact that if you wish that he has travelled and did contracts with her. If she did not and never met him and only heard of each other through word of mouth, he would not have known.
@NecroKnight its more like a summary as I've done with the others. Ferghus spent most of his witchering days between Haakland and Zerrikania. Knowing that Yuna is also Zerrikanian, it would make sense if they had to run into one another more than once rather than word of mouth.
@NecroKnight Would you like to have a relation with my character Ferghus? He is similar in culture and theme.
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