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Hit me up if you're thinking of swapping to a more punch-y character. ;^)

It's not just a preference, but a choice based upon my own proficiency: from what i see, you're going with a swordsman as your character - and i'm afraid, i'm worse with armed combat than i am with HtH, largely due to having more experience in roleplaying the latter. I wouldn't be the worst to ask advice on swordsmaship, but i consider myself a bit clumsier when it comes to properly using any melee weapon that isn't a dagger or pair of brass knuckles.

@Dark Light

I like that approach myself. Give me a short while and i'll shoot you a PM.

well nevermind then. Guru, you sneaky ninja bastard.
What Guru said. I can go on with lengthy ramblings detailing my approach to RP combat - but it's a much more efficient process when there's actual questions to answer or at least some sort of topic that needs to be explained.

Also, is nobody gonna go hand-to-hand? I mean, if you need teaching to be done, i'm already offering my help on understanding a purist brawler approach, reccomendations on character build included.
IMHO, that wouldn't be what the tournament was advertised as. Players didn't sign up for it expecting such a system, so i don't think it'd be a good idea to implement it now - unless we receive unanimous agreement from the participants.

That being said, i'm still a proponent of a more traditional approach. This kind of system isn't currently being used among arena members, so it won't be properly teaching the relevant skills or knowledge in terms of character creation - or at the very least, it might deliver a skewed perception of how it's done.
I had the idea myself as well, and i'd say it's good, as it also helps with balancing the characters out against eachother; but wouldn't it be better for the participants to just closely work on the character sheets together with their mentors instead? It's both the help they may need and an opportunity for their own creative work to be done.
Whoever wants to go full on brawl-style and just punch/kick/wrestle people in their faces, i'll be happy to be their mentor.

Also, i recomend you find your mentor before the character is finished, since the final character build will have great influence on your fighting strategy. A good mentor can help strengthen the synergies, cut away the unnecessary and add the vitally important in order to make a specialized killing machine - and do so while keeping the character true to the player's original concept.

Oh, if that's the case, i like it! Just enough room to get a feel for what powered combat could be like, but still at a level where convetional CQC remains relevant without any boosts or crutches.
I mean, that's a general philosophy: it doesn't place any limits on the actual level power.

Airbending could go from just using gusts of wind to shove your opponent around, to hurricane projectile sheilds, air sledgehammers and even rune-traps that release shockwaves upon activation. Waterbending could only allow one to draw water to their hands from a source and then shoot it out in form of a high-pressure jet; or it could allow full control over water in a certain radius, allowing to attack from virtually any angle in close quarters, and also include temperature manipulation to create ice barriers and scalding steam torrents. The actual physical amount of the element one can manipulate also makes a huge difference: being able to hold 10 and 100 litres of water at a time is a huge difference.

So yeah, even with a single element alone, there's a wide range to account for.
What's the upper limit for accepted characters anyways?
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