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Current In Soviet Russia we kick American Capitalist until they turn Red
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In Soviet Russia we kick American capitalist until they bleed
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Triborg or Johnny main?

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Ayy, that's cool. Thanks for clarifying.
Ah, so it can be whatever race with whatever element?

How much leeway is there to the character theme? For example, could a nature based fighter be an actual animal/insect humanoid hybrid? And could one take earth or air as their secondary element for nature - for example, if they're a plant-based nature wielder, they take earth, or if they're some flying creature hybrid, they take air?
Promise isn't participating, afaik, and Sassy hasn't logged on since 2nd of May. Rocketrobie hasn't dropped out though.

But yeah, 4 people is enough for a snug round robin.
Ironically, a strong offense is great for turtling, as it works excellent to keep your opponent at bay. Courtesy of Melonhead, this lesson is.

And vice-versa: a strong defense allows you to sh*t on your opponent's attacks and jump in balls first to open up a can of whoopass in their face. That's one of my own observations.
i'll grab y'all by the groin

scientifically proven most effective combat maneouver
Aw, shucks. You can always go full on oldschool though: put up an open challenge in the arena chat or interest checks and just fight the first person who agrees. :^)


Shoot me a PM with any ideas you have for your charcter; if you've already got a feel for what playstyle you want, that's even better. Lets make it a statement to all the other fighters: someone's getting punched in the face, no matter what. preferrably Guru.
We shall be known as the RPGuild hivemind and reign supreme over the rest of the rp fighting world. Simple as that.
eleventy keks

@DLL you guys better be here for whatever next tournament be hosted on the guild. now aint the time for RP fighting communities to be drifting apart, y'know.

Certainly. We all should probably write a brief guide of our own after this tournament, based on our mentoring experience, and create an anthology of them. Gonna be good both for newcomers to learn from many different sources at once and for vets to take a sneak peek at what's going on in another's head, maybe confirm some of their theories.
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