Avatar of Warwick
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 2 yrs ago
  • Posts: 100 (0.12 / day)
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    1. Warwick 2 yrs ago


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2 yrs ago
Current Now, Now, I do KNOW he takes many long breaks, But give the guy some time! He still has a social life, And Is doing college so he's Okay for his breaks.
2 yrs ago
I think Martin IS working hard, Why would he NOT?
1 like


We Become What We Behold, We Shape Our Tools, And Thereafter Our Tools Shape Us.

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<Snipped quote by Warwick>

You’re avoiding the question.

What do you mean?
<Snipped quote by Warwick>

Me? How?

*He chuckles* I just met you!
<Snipped quote by Warwick>

Then what are “people like me”?

*He shrugs and chuckles.* Uh...People?
<Snipped quote by Warwick>

What did I do?

<Snipped quote by Warwick>

Oh how droll, the infinite multiverse thing that simply gave the skeletal figure a headache or it would if he had a brain "Lovely, more people to do my job for me how absolutely wonderful." just the thought of sharing a watercooler with every version of himself was not thrilling in the slightest.

*She did not look at him, Only forward and spoke.* You'd be a riot with Wick. He'd Like you.
<Snipped quote by Warwick>

If he had eyes he would be rolling them but Death simply scoffed, tapping his scythe with his boney fingers "I'm literally Death, I'd hardly expect someone to be like me. But if you mean Charon then, I'm flattered." he was also jealous, the underworld ferryman had a boat!

*She chuckled as well.* Trust me. You think YOU and Charon are the only robed tall people with a scythe you'd be mistaken. Every Dimension has its own version of Death.
The waiting room, as usual was abysmally bland and boring.

For Death himself it was absolutely dull, not even the local funny page elicited a laugh from the skeleton thus when the secretary finally stepped out to address him the robed skeleton sighed, folding the newspaper he was reading "Finally, you do know I've a plane bombing to attend? Souls don't reap themselves."

*The Secretary smiled and chuckled.* Yes, Yes. We know. Come. Toby Is waiting for you. *She had led the tall robed skeleton out of the waiting room and Into the MASSIVE corridors of the metal facility. Every Mile, Every Inch had something Anew, A look to your left, and there was a group who were returning after retrieving a cache of what appeared to be weapons...A turn right and, the glorious sight of the Archangel Hub full of Metal humanoid beasts flying or practicing target shooting. A few more steps and the duo walked Into what appeared to be an elevator. The Woman Pressed a button and off the elevator went. The Lift Itself was some sort of metal, But It had many windows so you could see the absolute Hugeness of the Hierarchy. This was something that fascinated the Reaper but did not make the woman flinch.*

We used to have another like you, ya know. *She said, Looking forward.*
<Snipped quote by Warwick>

Like me?

Yep. Like you.

*The door opens. A woman with a lab coat steps Into the room with a clipboard. She was a fair and pretty sort, A tall woman with glasses and red hair.*

Toby from H.R. Is ready for you, Sir.
<Snipped quote by Warwick>

Which circles us back to why you chose this small thing.

Well, For people like you!
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