Avatar of Weird Tales


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9 yrs ago
l love Ben Affleck's desert batsuit


Greetings, I am a member of an alien race from a distant and weird dimension. I happen to have a developed a taste for role-playing on the human internet and I am looking for a good community. I am very interested in joining Pulp Fiction, superheroes, Naruto and fantasy roleplays.

Most Recent Posts

@Weird Tales I don't think this character would be a good fit for this RP, interesting idea though.

What would be a better fit?
@Bluetommy is my cs good to go?
finally finished my cs

almost finished with my CS
I've got an Egyptian mythology inspired character I'm writing
@Weird Tales no, unless it's a hidden nation

By hidden do you mean something like Wakanda
are made up nations allowed for the nationality section of the cs?
I got some metal ideas for a character
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