Avatar of Wildman13
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  • Posts: 644 (0.21 / day)
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    1. Wildman13 8 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Problems with the internet once more.


Life is peaceful needs a little chaos in it.

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<Snipped quote by Liotrent>

you can either play as Russia, Germany or, why not merge it all together to create a new superpower?

For the alternative universe part of your questions. I could say yes, but if you wanted to play as for example our real world japan, then that's fine. I set this to be a semi-realistic RP so pre-war history isn't really required. But, I encouraged that you would be creative and make your own nation instead or, better yet based your nation on a group of survivors and create your nation from the ground up.
Is this an alternate universe? Cause I have plans for either Russia or Germany.

you can either play as Russia, Germany or, why not merge it all together to create a new superpower?
The world at war


Welcome to the RP World at war

The plot

Because of a failed experiment, several portals from another world, began appearing all over the world. and with them, endless waves of monsters and creatures began pouring into our world. They were endless and above all relentless. They laid siege to cities and indiscriminately slaughtered everyone in sight.

No nation was spared from the onslaught, weak, strong, poor, or rich. All was attacked, some survived, even fewer fought back but, most of them fell. They didn’t spare anyone Women, Men, and children were not spared. The invaders motives were clear, it was extermination.

Where do we start then?

Well, we all start at New Years Eve, A few minutes before the invasion started. So Everyone has little or no time to prepare. Even if they somewhat knew, what was to come. I did this to make the RP more interesting and also for balance purposes also.

I want us all to be underdogs in this RP, cause believe me their gonna come at us from all directions, all at the same time. Also, I want to see your reaction to such an assault. Will you survive? Will you fall? or Will you even fight back? Those are the questions I want to be answered in this RP.

Also and above all I want us to have fun and to learn new things. We're the underdogs in this RP and we need every edge we can get to reclaim our home from those that want to see us gone.

About the GM

Just to start off, I'm not the best I know that and I have accepted it. I have not seen an NRP I could get behind, so I decided to make my own. I don't have the very best grammar as some of you or maybe most of you have already noticed from the very top.

So asking you all to have the very best grammar is a hypocritical thing for me to ask of you, as I continue to make the same grammar mistakes over and over again. I honestly just want a post that we can all read, understand, and enjoy. I just want us to have fun as we continue with the story.

For those that are gonna go out for some time, I wish that you all would tell us before you leave. I understand if you have something to do. focus on your family, school, and friends first before this RP I can understand as long as you tell us first.

The RP is set to mid-high casual, as I believe this is where my ability as an RPier I am currently at the moment, I also ask for your forgiveness for anything bad I may do in the future. I truly hope that you enjoy the RP.


  • I love surprises so make friends and make your plans.
  • Be cool and nice.
  • If your gone for one and a half week then your nation dies.
  • Post something readable.
  • no fights please.
  • and above all have fun.

The first thing that strikes me with your app is the lack of any sort of organization, or coherency even. If your posts in the actual narrative are going to be defined by lots of single-sentence paragraphs as your app is then I'll have to turn you back. So at this stage I'll have to deny you.

You can certainly try again, but I ask that you clean your application up a bit and get it to read more organically and coherent. As it is it could be re-drafted as a set of bullet points and be no different. I want narratives, and I'd like people who at least show the capacity of writing them and have something of a flowing, non-jumbled post.

Ok I'll work on it thanks for taking a look.
The Republic of the Ram

Can I still join?
@Piercing Light
Yeah I'll start working on my OC now.
Can I still join?
I'm interested.
I'm interested in 4.
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