Avatar of WilsonTurner
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    1. WilsonTurner 10 yrs ago
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8 yrs ago
Current Spontaneously moving to a new account- OfWindAndRain.
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8 yrs ago
Born too late to explore the world; born too early to explore the galaxy.


I'll eventually get a real bio in here.

Most Recent Posts

I'd love to, but I've already got four people interested in this, and even those four might be a bit much for me >.<

I'll see how they go, and will shoot you a PM if I have the time. I might not, though, at present.
Well, sure! Shoot me a PM and I'll reply to it after school!

I didn't expect so much interest.
Welcome to my first 1x1 interest check!
I'm here today to search for a partner- preferably female- to play a female character to mine.

My character is Samarkand, an Egyptian djinn that escaped the magician that summoned him. However, the magicians- dedicated to their own power and keeping to world at large unaware of spirits, demons, and magic (among other mythological creatures, objects, or places)- are on his tale. Taking the form of a human just in time to save your character from one thing or another- a mugging, simply tripping, a walk through the rain without an umbrella, even- Samarkand uses his new relationship with your character to escae the notice of the magicians.

Now, I am looking for someone who fills the criteria below:
-Advanced writer: Someone who can write very well, with diction and sentence fluency and all of the above. At least two sizable, very good paragraphs.
-Friendly: I do enjoy talking to people, and being unable to talk and relate to you will make this difficult for me. I'm not perfect- certain types of people will be unbearable for me to deal with in the long run. I'll also need to be able to plot things out and discuss parts about the world, you know?
- frequently online: it'd be a great contribution if we're both online a bunch! I can be patient (most of the time), but I wanna jump right in and get started.

I want to really pour 100% into this- the best I can write, and I'm looking for someone who's up for that sort of challenge.
Aulfr shook his head, already denying her offers and suggestions. His father was older now. He was slower and weaker, and his experience doesn't give him an overwhelming superiority anymore.

"Nay, my dear. I want you to teach me how to use it- I already have many advantages, but using a weapon no one has heard of- not around here, at least- will give me an even bigger one. I can adapt and react quickly, so once I know the differences and similarities between this and a normal axe or sword will allow me enough to use it as both."

He paused for a moment, before slowly setting his khopesh aside.

Standing, he slowly walked up to Aleksandra. Smiling almost as slowly as his gait- an uncommon soft, gentle, invitingly warm smile, he continued.

"However, I've just realized my poor timing. Hardly fair to make you work after relaxing from your own training."

He reached up to gently stroke her somewhat damp hair.

"I suppose we could relax for a good bit. There really isn't any hurry, at this point."
Hey bud- unfortunately, no hangouts for me

Anyhow, i dunno when I'll be getting a post up. Here in a couple days, methinks. Inspiration for this is a tad dry, but I'll tryta think up something. Maybe even tonight. Depends
@WilsonTurner that's something you're going have to ask her sorry.

Roger that!
Point taken, bud. I got another roleplay to post for before I move on to something with this one.

One IC day has taken weeks irl, though.
This time ratio though xD
A timeskip to the next morning might speed things back up again!
@WilsonTurner She only comes online throughout the school day, currently it's school holidays where she is I'm pretty sure so she'll be online next week when school goes back

Well that explains some things. Thanks

So how is she going to get on over the summer?
I'll have a post... Soonish.

And speaking of dying, where's Haley? If I recall correctly, Royalty Collides died with Haley's sudden, unexplained, extended absense on that one too.
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