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@Windstormugly Thing about cliche is, it may be overused and unoriginal to you cause you have seen many other characters like that but to the person building that character, a person who doesn't watch anime or RP in general, it may be entirely new to him.

Also, I like to build my characters around my powers. Can I have that Obito Uchiha power that makes him intangible while using his Kamui? SO basically he teleports his body to another dimension and nothing in this world can affect him. So my dimension would be the Shadow Plane. His sheer willpower keeps the creatures on that plane from taking his soul and although he can't see them he can sense them and feel their gaze pierce through him from every angle. His emotionless attitude keeps him hidden from the bigger part of the resident devourers of that realm but there are a few who have marked him and keep on following him everywhere, waiting for an opportunity when he ultimately slips. The longer he stays there the harder it is to keep them away.

He can also open the portal and drag someone through to that dimension and leave them there. Besides the creatures that are there, the plane itself is gradually transforming him. The more time he spends there the more his soul corrupts giving him additional powers from that plane but the time he can spend there with his will shield on gets dramatically reduced as, like I mentioned above, his soul loses it's initial form and so does the will power. He can recover but veeeeeery slowly.

When he comes out of the plane he leaks a shadow essence for some time, a mark that the plane has left on him. He can open small portals with his finger effectively writing with shadows and doing other creative things.

Tropes and clichés are not exclusive to anime and RPs, originality is long dead and unless you live in a vacuum you have likely been exposed to a fair amount by your teenage years. Books, tv-series, cartoons, comics, movies, even anecdotes told by people from their Real Lives are tropes and clichés. It's all about standard settings or often-happening situations and personalities built from obvious pasts.
And as I said, that's fine, what matters is that your char grows into their cliché with their own tweak to it, a fitting reasonale for themselves adhering to the setting and some matter of self-awareness.

Regarding your char-idea, I believe some kind of such can be reached, do put the char up and we'll look it over. This world does have a fair amount of lore and rules that will affect how and what works.
Talking with @The Jest it seems the IC will be up shortly, hopefully today. And @Warborn123 it's more like everyone is super excited for it ;)

(In my opinion players that can't retain interest should learn to have patience, but I know I say that as one who sometimes disappear for weeks xD)

So get ready to jump into the action everyone! (Though the guy is asleep at the moment so yeah...)
@The Jest It's possible to communicate without a language, someone could write stuff on a piece of paper or mime out a action, Vivian can still talk aswell, also if one person knows sign language its possible for that person to act as a interpreter.

@Windstormugly by immunity I mean anything that relies on sound, for an example if a Angel had a spell that kills people via loud noises, Vivian would be too deaf to be affected because she can't hear. if something relies on a person's hearing to work, it simply won't because Vivian can't hear anything.

I have a question, what do you expect my character to do that is so cliche and dull, I want to know so I don't do that.

You could use your music to express yourself as well as understand others ;)

Regarding the char, it isn't that I expect you to do something so much as the char itself being cliché. (This is not bad in itself, and if you put it the hard way every char will be cliché and trope-made.) The important thing is not to be defined solely by the cliché and sometimes cringe backstory and personality. But to let it grow and take on its own tweak of the cliché.

Now then, that Immunity:
Your last example works well. Say a siren's call.
But abilities/spells that relies on sound are not so black and white. A strong sound will damage you whether you hear it or not, as will sounds meant to disrupt your balance, or meant to vibrate your brain into mush. And magic manifested by sound or traveling on sound won't be hindered by your inability to hear it.
When you answer them @Warborn123, can you also specify more closely what her "Immunity" entails?

For the record, I don't have a lot against cliché character traits, or backstories, or abilities. But it reaches a point where it is too much at once xD
And like you said, if you can play it off nicely, then there really isn't a problem.
Why not call Tserv "Tall" as he is the tallest of the crew xD
@The Jest@Windstormugly I hope that this is ok, sorry about the wait.

Art Credit: http://tekka-croe.deviantart.com/

Ok, as she is a scientifically created user of Ferromancy, with a built mind, she will have a few limitations.
Her power will take a lot of energy to use, and her versatility with it won't be that wide.
As her mind grows more "real" she will likely get better with that power.
Apparently that's how things work around here ;)

I am not convinced @Silvir... How to tell as little as possible 101 xD
Good sensible char, add it in the char-thread.
@John Humphreys is your character joining us soon :) ?

@Ragrar the char looks interesting to have with us ^^ for a collective starting-point however, the end of her backstory needs to be somewhat different. Everyone will "awaken" in the cave by the mummified corpse.
Regarding her powers as such, necromancy is broad, but it seems you are going to focus on the "raiser of dead"-theme?

Everyone also needs to remember that your weapons are something you will find/acquire later on.

Seems we'll soon get this off the ground, can't wait :D

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