Avatar of Winterwake
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 91 (0.04 / day)
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    1. Winterwake 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
When it comes to roleplay, I find that there are few things more beautiful than when characters unexpectedly evolve into entirely different people over the course of a story.


My time with the guild must come to an end, it's been a short but relatively enjoyable one. This is me just stopping by for the last time (6/12/2017) to say goodbye to past and present RP partners!

"This sword, forged in fire and ice. The runes that trail its blade can be seen but by my two eyes.

As if written in the snow, the lies, shall melt away. By the wheel of sun to cross the sky this day. Shadows may lay heavy upon the earth.

But the truth, cut deep in stone, will last 'til the heavens comes tumbling down upon this world."

Historical reenactor, Avid roleplayer, Writer, HEMA practitioner, Gamer, Painter.

I'm an experienced Roleplayer who has been roleplaying for 13 or so years, mostly in MMOs but also on the tabletop and via text among other things. Roleplaying, creative writing and history are a few things I am quite passionate about. I like to think that I am quite flexible when it comes to style of roleplay and the setting in which it takes place, that being said I have a bias towards Fantasy settings and tend to prefer deeper narratives.

To name a few of my other hobbies aside from roleplay, I enjoy historical reenactment, gaming, worldbuilding, writing stories, HEMA and LARP, painting, cosplay and making things.

A bunch of my favourite settings are Dragon Age, Guild Wars, Bloodborne, Total Annihilation: Kingdoms, Pillars of Eternity, Warcraft, Warhammer (40K and Fantasy), Fallen London/Sunless Sea, Darkest Dungeon, Cthulhu mythos, A Song of Ice and Fire, Runequest/Mythras, Dungeons and Dragons and Hillfolk.

Low fantasy
High fantasy
Dark fantasy
Bronze age
Iron age
Dark age
Cutthroat/Grimdark worlds
Post apocalyptic
Group roleplay
Grey characters
Deep characters
Original worlds
Original characters

Modern slice of life
Unoriginal characters

Discord: ᚢᛚᚠᚺᛖᚦᛁᚾᚾ ᚺᚱᚨᚠᚾᛊᛊᛟᚾ#7316

Oh yes, one more thing. I should probably mention that I'm not a nazi, and the fact that Norse symbolism and the "viking" image are often used with bigoted connotations disgusts me.

Most Recent Posts

Averine City Docks

As the morning continues to unfold and the rain begins to hammer down all over the city and nearby countryside the docks get busier and busier. Ships continue to set sail and make port, always on a tight schedule. Men and women from all sorts of different places, now living in warehouses by the docks start their jobs, they haul crates from place to place, and set up market stalls. Stronger and more experienced workers load and unload cargo, cover hulls in tar and make much needed repairs to many of the ships which are docked in port. A merchant, taking advantage of the rain offers cheap woollen and leather hoods to passers by.

Wealthier residents of the docks living in rented apartments or perhaps even houses also begin to show themselves, made distinguishable from the rest mostly due to a lack of enforcement of the old sumptuary laws of the land. These richer people head in all directions for many a purpose, the few of them who remain in the docks are most likely ship-masters, retired mercenaries and wealthy merchants who import and export expensive foreign goods.

Guards lazily wander the docks in pairs breaking up any fights which might have gone too far and searching for ne'er-do-wells to arrest. A gigantic, self-proclaimed captain of a new company of mercenaries dressed in a gleaming steel half-plate and matching barbute helmet patrols the wharf, calling out to all who will hear him: "The Band of the Blue are seeking able bodied men and women to hunt monstrous beasts to the far east in exchange for coin!"

Velta Burr

Velta's assistant disappears out of the back door at her command to ensure that her merchandise are clean and presentable as Velta checks through a diminutive pile of mostly uninteresting mail, the seal upon one of the letters however, catches her eye. The letter addressed to her bears the red wax seal of House Sauvage and penned in a neat, professional hand. it reads:

"To one most revered Velta Burr of Averine City

I am writing to you today on behalf of Lady Sauvage who has need of the unique services you offer. House Sauvage requires a young Sethkra'Vesh of either sex which must be healthy-bodied and no older than 11, failing that a pair of equally healthy adults at breeding age will suffice should you be willing to forfeit your bonus payment. You will be compensated for your efforts in acquiring these resources at 250% of your usual rate, additionally should Lady Sauvage find herself particularly pleased by the skilled and loyal servant you provide in the years to come, a small estate outside of Averine City with land included will be added to your payment. Should you find our Lady's terms agreeable she requests that you enclose a reply along with this letter within an envelope addressed to myself as soon as you are able.

Gareth Nolani, Financial and business administrator of House Sauvage
House Sauvage
Averine City

Whether or not the letter is fake it's difficult to tell, but if it is a fake then it certainly is convincing, and it is common knowledge that one Gareth Nolani does indeed handle all of Lady Sauvage's business dealings.

Madame Rose

The Garden was by no means bustling this early in the morning, but that is not to say it is barren. Men and women of varying social standing trickle in and out as the morning progresses, leaving and entering through the front door. Some wake up late, hungover and groggy from the previous evening's misdeeds and have to rush to dress and make it to wherever they might work.

As the Madame left the Brothel to make her way south to the docks many a passer by would, as always, react to her in different ways. Where some frown and share a venomous whisper between one another, some stare, some ignore her and some throw a fleeting glance in her direction, others smile, nod and wave. Madame Rose was well known in the Delucian district, for good or ill, and regardless of her overall reputation and what everyone in the city thought of her most knew who she was one way or another.

Once rows of well built apartments, houses and cottages slowly became rarer in favour of the frequently run down and the ramshackle she could tell she was nearing the seafront. By now Rose was getting uncomfortably damn, people buzzed by her and far fewer seemed to know who she was as she passed by the Siren's Pride tavern which marks the end of the Delucian district and the beginning of the port.
@Chronos Hybrid as Arena said, people are good to go.

@ArenaSnow No worries. You'll be welcome if you do decide to drop in.
@GeekFactor This is my first time DMing of even RPing here as well, so don't sweat it.

As I just got back home I'm going to give everyone the go ahead to start posting IC. I will check back as often as I can to keep the RP flowing especially for people with don't have other player characters starting in the same area. Of course, people are welcome to keep joining and creating new characters as time goes on, the more the merrier as far as this particular setting is concerned.
@ArenaSnow No worries.

On that note I am going on a trip on Thursday morning lasting until Sunday evening, between those days I will try to check in occasionally but can't promise anything as I won't have access to a PC.
@WXer Sounds good so far, hit me up in a PM whenever it suits you!
@Pathfinder Perfect. Love the armour design by the way, forgot to mention that.
@Pathfinder Hmm, having not thought about it before I've decided on the spot that "potions" exist, but they aren't magical in nature, think of them like caffeine shots and energy drinks that some warriors might use to give themselves an edge in battle, at the cost of possibly becoming addicted and gaining a resistance to their effects if used too often.

Among the very, very few that exist, all magical objects, abilities and artefacts belong to select Lore characters and might be discovered or even obtained through IC interaction.
@Pathfinder Sounds fine, but make a few alterations please.

Firstly, change the name of the God from Morr as to not take too much Influence from Warhammer Fantasy.
Second, remember that in-universe gods are either dead and gone or have been disproved and though scholars argue on the odd occasion, noone alive really knows which of the two it is but the fact is there are no gods left.
Third and lastly, the gods being gone doesn't stop cults or individuals from worshipping gods on the down low, in some places it might carry more social stigma than in others, and in the Empire it's illegal, but you're more than welcome to write your characters as gods-worshippers with all that in mind.
@Pathfinder No, the Academy was built after, and the order didn't become renowned until shortly after the Empress' death and the rise of each Noble line to positions of actual power.
@Pathfinder Absolutely, by all means go ahead.
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