Avatar of Wolvena


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Hey there, I'm Wolvena!
So, after being away from the roleplay world for a while, I'm ready to jump back in. I don't do many 1 on 1's because I tend to struggle to keep it going after a little bit. I normally go with group rps on the smaller side, just because I tend to get a bit lost in larger ones. My go-to genres are animal(mostly wolves), anime, sci-fi, and fantasy, though I'm always up to give something new a try.

Location: Texas
Addictions: Minty chocolate, Wolves, Supernatural Tv Show, Anime
Favorite Quotes:
Even if you think you're alone, even if you think
there's no one else to listen to you. You're not alone.

You are Not making mistakes,
you are Not losing.
You are either Winning or Learning!

Most Recent Posts

This has caught my interest. Will be watching to see where this goes.
Marabella Wulf

Bella smiled warmly at Eris as she greeted her and Killian in return. It even made her smile more as she used one of her nicknames instead of calling her by her full name. It felt like it had been ages since she had last seen her, which was Killian’s last vet appointment. She and Killian made their way to the back of the car, and she shrugged at Eris’s question. “Eh, we’ve been alright. Nothing too much to complain about.” she said with a small laugh. They both watched as Eris made her way to her truck and pulled out a small bag, then Bella laughed at her question and looked down at Killian. Killian barked in response as his tail was wagging wildly and his tongue hung out of his mouth happily. “What a question to ask.” she laughed. “This guy would eat treats all day if I let him.” Killian made his way over to Eris and sat down in front of her with his tail still wagging as he looked up at her. Bella then leaned herself against the trunk of her car with her arms crossed over her chest as she watched Eris and Killian as they waited for the others.

When she heard a car approach, she looked up and watched as the car came and parked. A warm smile came to her lips as she saw who stepped out of the car and stretched before greeting them. She listened as Eris spoke to him first and couldn’t help the laugh that escaped her at the joke she threw out. “Hey Zephyr!” she greeted in return. “Glad you could join us.” She really was glad that he could join them, even though she knew he wasn’t big on things like this. Not to mention, it wouldn’t be the same if they all weren’t there together. When Zephyr made it to them, Killian turned his attention away from Eris and to Zephyr. Killian gave a small whine and nudged Zephyr’s leg with his nose as a greeting, his tail still wagging happily.

As Eris spoke about different paths they could take, a look of thought overtook Bella's features. She had no problem taking a path that was less traveled, but that could be because she loved to be out in nature and go where it led her most of the time. “You know me, I’m always up for a good adventure.” she said, the excitement showing in her tone and a sparkle in her eyes. “So, you pretty much know what my vote is for. And if we end up getting lost, it's not like we don’t have a way of asking for directions.” she added the last bit with a laugh and smirk. Bella then reached over and gave Killian a scratch behind his right ear before looking back at Eris and Zephyr to see what path they would want to take.
Quick question, do you want us to stick to a posting order?
Esme Stirling

Esme felt a warmth flow through her when she heard Duke chuckle as she pushed him back from their kiss. There was just something about his laugh that filled her with warmth, just like it had done back then. When he returned her kiss and pulled her into him after she deepened it, she smiled behind their kiss and relaxed fully into his embrace. Her hand on his chest slowly moved up to rest on his cheek as he held her close to him as she felt herself becoming even more lost in the moment and emotions filling the room. When he leaned his weight into her, she was prepared for Duke to lay her back on the bed, but not for the door to open suddenly and Cason walked in with Sarah. She had pulled from the kiss at the same time as Duke and gave a gasp in surprise as well. Her hand had fallen from his cheek to hold the blankets in place as he brought them up more to cover her, then her other hand fell from his arm to meet her other hand.

She carefully adjusted herself against the headboard of the bed as she watched Cason with slightly narrowed eyes as he spoke and stepped into the room. “Yeah, you really should by now. You were also gone longer than you think.” she mumbled. He was once again lucky she didn’t have her gun handy. She literally could have shot him again for just walking in without knocking. Her gaze left Cason and went to Sarah as she ran to the bed, then watched as Sarah jumped up on her side of the bed and curled up near her side. When she saw Sarah eye Duke with curiosity, she gave Sarah a look that said he could be trusted and not to harm him. Once she saw Sarah understood, her gaze lifted and went back to Cason. It was hard to read any sort of emotion coming off of him with Sarah so close, but she could see how upset he was even without the use of her ability. Her gaze softened a bit, even though she was still upset about him coming into the room unannounced.

Her gaze shifted briefly to Duke as he spoke to Cason, wincing slightly at his words with a heavy sigh. She knew Duke’s words would probably hit Cason wrong and upset him more than he already was. As she sat in the bed, she watched Cason walk over to the table and tap his fingers on it. It wasn’t hard to see how he was avoiding looking at her. She couldn’t tell if it was because of what happened earlier or if it was because Duke was shirtless and he could see her bare shoulders were just above the blankets. If she were to put herself in Cason’s shoes, she could see how it possibly looked to him, and from what she knew from the little time she spent with him, that’s where his mind had most likely gone, even though she and Duke hadn’t gone that far. She sighed heavily once again as he spoke about bringing Sarah to help with the healing process and finding himself a room, then spoke to Sarah.

Esme couldn’t help but feel sorry for Cason right at that moment, and it caused her to grip the blankets tightly. Even though she couldn’t feel it, because of Sarah being next to her, she knew Cason was hurting by seeing her so close to Duke. Since they had met, she has had a problem with him being too close. She has shot him in the head, punched him in the face, flinched at his touch, and even yelled at him over it. Now here she was laying in bed with Duke, looking as if she were completely naked, and didn’t have a problem with how close he was. She knew it had to be a hard blow for Cason after everything he had tried to get her to come around to him and she took to Duke as if it was nothing, but he hadn’t seen how she had flinched and tensed up at Duke’s touch earlier. But he also didn’t know the past that she and Duke shared and that was how she could get so close to him.

When Cason turned and grabbed the doorknob, Esme painfully sat up with a hiss, the blankets fell from her chest and to her lap revealing the towel that was wrapped around her. “Cason!” she called out to him in a sorrowful tone. “Cason, wait!” When the door closed behind him, she let out a sigh as she dropped her head and brought a hand to her face and wiped it over the bridge of her nose and cheek before running it through her hair, then resting it back on her cheek and propping her elbow on her bent knee. She actually felt bad about how Cason found them and how much it upset him. She could admit to herself but not to him that she did care for him, but not in the way he wanted her to. Esme was thankful for how he had cared for her after being overwhelmed by everyone's emotions, after becoming a demon nuke, pulled her out of her deep sleep after the whole ordeal with cupid, even if he got a little closer than she had liked during those times, and even made it where she could see the Hellhounds roaming around.

Now he had brought Sarah to her to help her heal as he said, but something told her Sarah was brought to her as an apology for her being tortured. She was definitely going to have to find a time to talk to Cason, when that would be, she didn’t know. She didn’t even know if he’d talk to her after this. At Duke’s voice, Esme lifted her head a little and moved her fingers over so they weren’t covering her eye any longer so she could see him in her peripheral vision. “Sarah is, umm…….” She hesitated to tell him what Sarah was, not sure how he would take it. She saw how he looked over at the depression on the bed where Cason had pointed while speaking to Sarah. Esme was about to speak again when Sarah nudged her neck and draped a paw over her lap carefully, which made her tense up a bit, almost expecting Sarah’s paw to hit the wound on her thigh. She relaxed when it didn’t and looked at Sarah as Duke spoke again. “Invisible dog.” she repeated in a whisper.

Removing her hand from her cheek and dropping her elbow from her knee, she rested her hand on the side of Sarah’s face, pulling her head to rest under her chin before patting her cheek. “You could call her that.” she continued in a soft tone. Turning her head to the side, she rested her cheek on top of Sarah’s head and looked over at Duke, studying him as she fought against telling him what Sarah was or not. Though not wanting to keep anything from him won out in the end, even if she thought he might flip over the news, but she couldn’t blame him if he did. It was strange and unheard of for anyone but a demon to befriend a Hellhound. “Sarah is a…… She’s a Hellhound. And yes, I can see her thanks to the black dot on my hand.” she finally said after a moment of silence. She fell silent again, letting what she just said sink in, and waited to see how he would react to the news. The others didn’t like the fact that Sarah was around. She knew that, especially Dean, but she couldn’t blame him after his experience with them.

As Esme studied Duke's face, she tried to keep her own face neutral but knew she was failing miserably at it. She didn’t want to show she was worried about how he would react to what Sarah was. She wanted his reaction and words to be genuine and not based on how he thought she would want him to feel and answer about it. Esme then attempted to lean back against the headboard, but soon regretted it as a sharp pain shot through her, causing her to hiss at the pain and stop the attempt. At her hiss, Sarah nuzzled her neck with a soft whine to which Esme patted Sarah’s cheek to let her know she was alright. Sarah released a sigh that was heavy and filled with relief before she nuzzled into Esme’s neck once more.
Marabella Wulf

Today was a beautiful day, and the first signs of fall were showing themselves. Bella stepped out her front door with some supplies in hand for camping and stopped on the porch. Closing her eyes, she took in a deep breath as the breeze caressed her face. Opening her eyes, she looked to her right and down at Killian, who had some supplies in his mouth. “This is a perfect day to go camping. Don’t you think, Killian?” she asked the wolf-dog. Killian’s tail wagged, and he gave a bark behind the supplies he was helping Bella carry. She smiled down at him before heading to her car and putting everything in the already opened trunk, then turned to Killian to take what he had and put it in the trunk also, but he ended up doing that himself. Jumping up and placing his front paws on the bumper, he dropped what he had into the trunk, then jumped down. “Thank you, my good boy.” she cooed as she reached over and scratched his head. “Let’s go get the rest and make sure we haven’t forgotten anything.”

With a bark and a wag of his tail, Killian ran back to the front door with Bella behind him. She watched him disappear into the house with a smile on her face, only to see him reappear in the doorway a moment later, just before she could reach the first step of the porch. She stopped and laughed as she looked at him standing in the doorway with his tail wagging and his blue ball in his mouth. “We definitely can’t forget that.” she laughed. Making her way up the steps, she walked inside, scratching Killian's head as she slid by him. Once inside, she went to her bedroom and scanned it to make sure she hadn’t forgotten anything she may need or wanted to take with her. Walking to the head of her bed, she grabbed the necklace that was hanging on the bedpost, then slid it over her head to rest around her neck. The necklace was a silver chain with an anchor of silver and gold, a silver and a gold feather, and a wolf made from Lapis.

Bella then headed to the kitchen, grabbed her water bottle off the counter and Killian’s little travel bag. Heading back to the living room, she stopped to scan the room for anything that hadn’t made it to the car other than the cooler, her jacket, and Killian’s harness. Walking over to the cooler, she sat her water bottle and Killian’s travel bag on it, then grabbed his harness off a hook by the front door. As soon as he saw it, his tail wagged wildly, and he made his way over to her for her to put it on him. “That’s my good boy.” she said warmly as she knelt down. After getting his harness on, she stood, extended the handle on the cooler, grabbed her water bottle, her jacket off a hook by the front door, and headed back out to the car with Killian in tow. She opened the back door of her car, slid on her jacket, and put Killian’s travel bag in the back seat and her water bottle in the cupholder up front, then put the cooler in the truck before closing it. Walking back to the back door, she closed it and walked to the driver's door.

“Looks like that’s everything.” she said as she opened the driver’s door. As soon as the door opened, Killian jumped in and made his way over to the passenger's side, and she laughed as she looked in. “Let me go lock up and we’ll be ready to go.” she told him. “I also hope you’ve done your business. It’s a long drive there.” Killian dropped his ball into the seat and gave a bark as Bella turned from the car and walked back to the house. Killian took this time to get out and do his thing before jumping back into the car and getting back into the passenger’s seat. After locking up the house and getting back to the car, she started it and started the long drive to the campsite. It felt like it had been forever since she had been out of town. It felt great to get the chance to get back out into nature. Once she arrived, she parked her car next to Eris’s car, killed the engine, and got out with Killian after attaching his leash to his harness. “Hey, Eris! Long time no see!” she greeted Eris warmly as she shoved her keys into her jacket pocket.
I'm happy she works for the RP.
I look forward to your first post.

Name: Marabella Wulf

Nickname: Mara, Bella, Wolfy (because of her love of wolves)

Age: 24

Fae properties: Half Fae, she has the gift of animal companionship

Personality: She is one of those that tends to wear her emotions on her sleeve. She is loyal to a fault to those she calls friends. Can be quite playful at times and is a big daydreamer. She is very adventurous and is almost always looking for a new adventure. Generous and kind to all those she meets. She is also one that’s not easily angered.

Bio: Marabella had a pretty wonderful childhood, she had two loving parents who did just about anything for her, a roof over her head, food in her belly, and a wolfdog named Killian for a best friend. She was about a year old when her gift came to reveal itself. It all started with her and Killian getting extremely close, then him becoming severely protective of her when it came to anyone but her parents getting close to her. As she got older, the bond between them grew and they became inseparable and always watched out for each other. It also became clear she had formed bonds with other animals, most of them being canines that would follow her home much to her parents' dislike and feared it a bit. Though Killian never allowed any to enter the house. Even Marabella had them stay outside, but they would linger around the house and come and go as they pleased. When she was ten years old, she lost her parents in a mysterious way. Not really ever figuring out what truly happened.

She ended up going and living with her Aunt and Uncle who didn’t live that far away, took her and Killian in with open arms and no questions, and raised her as their own. She was happy that she had a family to go to, but the loss of her parents took a toll on her and she ended up closing in on herself. She almost stopped talking to her Aunt and Uncle, but hardly talked to any other person. She mostly kept to herself and pretty much only kept the company of the animals she befriended, only having a few people as friends. Going through school proved to be a bit difficult for her. She ended up having to register Killian as an emotional support animal so she could keep him with her at all times. She was considered strange and a bit of an outcast since she hardly ever spoke to anyone other than those she trusted enough to become her friends. As time went on, she slowly came out of her shell and started to talk more until she was almost a completely different person, all thanks to her friends and Killian. Now out of school and an adult, she has found herself a job working at an animal rehabilitation center.

Other: Killian
Hope she's alright. If I need to change anything don't hesitate to say so.

Esme Stirling

Esme felt a change in Duke when she leaned into the kiss. It was as if the hesitance he felt and fear of her lashing out faded away as soon as she returned his kiss. As he brought his hand up and wrapped his fingers around the back of her neck, her hand slid from the back of his hand, down his arm, then up to his bicep when he pulled her lips tighter to his and brushed his tongue across her bottom lip. She was half tempted to meet his tongue with her own but feared that it would push them to a point of no return, which would be moving too fast at this point for her, and she wasn’t capable of doing so. It surprised her she was even kissing him at his point. Yes, they knew each other from the past. They both loved each other back then and seemed that they still did today, but this wasn’t like her. She didn’t just kiss anyone, no matter how well she thought she knew them. Not to mention, this was Duke, who was practically a bother to Dean.

It almost felt like she was going from one brother to the other, but she still couldn’t deny that she had feelings for Duke that had lingered from their past. Yes, she was with Dean back then, but she had loved Duke as well. Her love was just stronger for Dean then. Back then, they were her everything; they were all she had, so of course, she loved them both dearly and would have done anything for them. That still stood true today. When Duke carefully broke the kiss and brushed his fingertips across her cheek, her eyes opened slowly to meet his gaze and bright smile with flushed cheeks as he scanned her eyes. She couldn’t stop the smile that came to her lips as she held his gaze and took in his words. “You don’t have to tell me. I know you have.” she whispered with a light laugh when he smiled widely and chuckled. She was about to say more when he moved his fingers down to her chin and brushed his thumb across her bottom lip, and spoke again.

Her eyes dropped from his and her cheeks flushed more in embarrassment from the unintentional sharing of her own emotions, followed by a light, nervous laugh. With her eyes averted away from him, Esme missed him leaning in for another kiss but kissed him back when his lips met hers, noticing the excitement behind it. She slightly smirked behind the kiss as she freed her hand from his and placed it upon his bare chest. She then pushed him back just enough to break the kiss, but to where her lips lightly brushed his. “Easy there, Cowboy.” she whispered against his lips, her smirk growing. Softly brushing her nose against his, she kissed him again, deepening it a bit more than the last one. Her mind soon drifted to the same things Duke was thinking about. She wasn’t sure what this meant either, other than there was a spark of some sort between them.

She wasn’t sure where they stood or even sure if this was a mistake or not. Did she care at that moment that it could possibly be a mistake? No, she didn’t at all. Would things come to light later to show if it was right or not? Yes, it probably would when they least expected it to. Would the others have a problem with it once they found out? She couldn’t say if they would or not. What she was sure of was that she was perfectly content there with him. All the nervousness and fear of being touched she felt earlier had faded away and had been replaced with a calmness that made her melt into Duke's touch and kisses. She also knew that she just wanted him to hold her close and not let her go. The pizza could wait. She just wanted to live in the moment and hold on to it for as long as she could until someone or something interrupted it.
I should have my CS up soon. Just have the backstory left to do.
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