Avatar of xCRAZYxFACEx
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    1. xCRAZYxFACEx 10 yrs ago


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High fantasy, always. Just so much more you can do with it, imo. Two votes for fantasy, another one and I think that's what we'll go with.
Even though I'm not officially part of this (yet), that seems like a very reasonable time limit for a person to respond.
@Jerkchicken Go home, you're drunk. (No anime bullshit) ((Well, we could, but I'm getting the impression you'd be outvoted))

@Bourgeoisie@Rockerman403 I'm gonna ask you guys to make a choice on one or the other, we need to make a choice here xD

@manifest Truthfully, the only thing that caught my attention on there was Morts, so if you guys want to play that I'd be fine with it. But I'd still rather create our own world, you know, something uniquely our own.
From her side of the door, Naomi could hear a few things happen in quick succession. First, she heard an old man mutter something along the lines of, "Now who the bloody hell could that be..." followed by the creak of a chair and some shuffling. Then there was a bang, followed by a louder bang, and then a resounding BOOM. The crack under the door glowed bright blue for a second then faded.

The door swung open a few seconds later, revealing a disheveled man that looked to be in his late 60's. His eyes were weathered, but manic, going back and forth - likely due to the small explosion that had just taken place. He was dressed in moderately fine robes, simple but very well made, and loose fitting in a way that made movement easy and showed that he was fairly fit for his age. He had brownish hair that was graying, and his eyes were a dull steel. Besides his robes, the only thing of note on him were his open toed sandals (which Naomi would likely know was a no-no when it came to enchanting) and the small necklace that had a tiny focusing gem on it.

Veeran looked at the woman in front of him, scrutinizing her. Between his disheveledness, his eyes darting back and forth, and the fact that his eyebrows were singed, he made for a strange, perhaps frightening sight. Finally he spoke, "Yes, who are you? I don't recognize you, so you're not from around here. Are you looking for something made? If so, please come back tomorrow, it's already fairly late and I am done for today. Unless you're here to collect taxes? You're three weeks early, so again, come back later. Or don't come back at all! Haha!" He chuckled at his rather weak joke.

His face settled, and he looked at her strangely. "Well? Spit it out, I was reading a very good book when you knocked."
Looks good to me! I'm gonna start working on the next post
Well, here's the thread we're gonna work out of. First order of business, what sort of genre are we looking to play? Fantasy, sci-fi, modern, something else? Put up your vote, and we'll see where we can go from there.

(My vote is fantasy)
I'm looking for at least two paragraphs per post, generally. This will really focus on character development and story/world building. So, I'd guess around medium to low advanced posts. Does that help answer your question?

Well, a lot of the finer details would be up for debate. The types of magic could be changed, the world would be co-developed, and it'd be focused on the characters and their interactions in the world. I'm not sure what other info I could give you, though. Did you have a specific question in mind?
fantasy or sci-fi, but that's just what I'm hoping for. I was going to let that decision and the smaller details be decided in a group.
Veeran sighed. Another long day coming to a close.

He had worked as an enchanter for nigh on forty years now, and while the work wasn't usually difficult, it could be tedious and sometimes even dangerous.

Nothing was ever certain when working with souls.

Veeran scoffed. To think, some people considered it black magic! Yes, in a sense it was necromancy, but truly it was the only way to enchant an item. Besides, it wasn't as if they used human souls. That... would be frowned upon. No, instead, Veeran, and all other enchanters like him, used the souls of animals and creatures. He had made an agreement with several local farmers, where he could siphon the soul while the animal was slaughtered in exchange for some coin. Really, it was just using every available asset of the animal, much like a butcher would.

But enchanting was much more than that, wasn't it?

It required expertise, experience, intellect, and knowledge to become a skilled enchanter. That's why there were currently only three professional enchanters in all of Thanadan, despite being one of the largest cities on the continent. Of course, there were probably more, you never knew what went under the table or what the underworld had to offer, unless...

Veeran shook his head. Enough of that. He had to focus. He was finishing up an enchantment, a simple one really, to make a set of armor gleam without polish. It was a job for an old acquaintance, someone who was past his prime and wanted something to remember his glory days by. But considering the nature of the job, it was a tad frustrating. He'd had to use multiple souls for this, albeit small ones, because the armor couldn't be shipped in one large piece. If it were, he could just use one large soul, say a cow's, and be done with the matter. But because the armor would be disassembled, he had to individually enchant each piece to make sure it stuck. That took time and patience, both for the enchantments itself and the wait for hunters to capture enough appropriate animals for the job.

One last touch, a whispered incantation, and the last piece, the helmet, was finished. It practically glowed in the afternoon sun, in contrast to the now empty focusing gem he had used to power the enchantment. Tomorrow he would have it delivered. For now, it was time to enjoy some light reading before night fell. Perhaps some theoretical arithmetic arrays on the usage of souls, to soothe him?

Veeran chuckled lightly at his private little joke. No more work for him, not tonight! He was going to settle down and read something fun, like that story that had come out about a dragon and a vampire falling in love. Of course, that brought up the possibility, could it happen? Now Veeran was intrigued, where had he set down that book...?
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