Avatar of YamiCuoreLaroux
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 7385 (1.95 / day)
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    1. YamiCuoreLaroux 10 yrs ago


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Hello! Nice to see you, eh?

I'm Yami, a college student and sometimes decent artist heavily influenced by anime/manga styles. Um...I'm not that interesting, really. I do some cosplay stuff and can get really into anything that interests me enough, but that's about it.

I might be in a bit of a slump right now, actually. I'm looking for something really fascinating to pique my interest once again, help me get back into the swing of things. I'm into crazy fantasy situations, especially.

Most Recent Posts

@Im a huge mess

"Ah...I can't believe we got another one on the first day...we never seem to get through this easily, do we?"

The rabbit-eared man slumped a little as he looked over at the girl tossed onto the bed. At least she was in what was probably a little more comfortable of a position now, but this wasn't even supposed to be his job. He was just an assistant healer sent here while the head nurse was busy. He was done with health exams for the new students, anyway, so he was free. At least he wasn't completely lost on what to do.

"I know we keep the smelling salts around here somewhere...we just had a training meeting for equipment...I guess I'll get some water, too..."

@Guess Who@Vampy@BlackPanther@The Irish Tree@Lunarlors34@Im a huge mess

After nearly all the students had finally made it through their screenings, another announcement played across the room in the same voice as the ones before. "Students of Arcana, we are pleased to announce that you may now head to the auditorium if you have finished your testing. If you have not been tested yet, we shall try to get you through the process quickly before sending you there. The first announcements of the year will take place in just a short while. Again, all students who have finished their testing must go to the auditorium. Seating is to be followed as such:

All first years are to fill the first and second rows.
Second years to the third and fourth rows.
Third years to the sixth and seventh rows.
Fourth years to the eighth row.
All teachers are also requested to join the fourth years in row 8.

Thank you, and have a nice orientation."
Eh, I've been there. I'm about to go back there, actually, just waiting on the storm to chill a bit...



The figure muttered the name under their breath as they looked over the clipboard. "Ah. We're missing a couple, then. No matter, I'll do something 'bout it later." Hopping off the stool, they walked over to another part of the room and placed the clipboard down to put on a pair of gloves. "So, not much to be done here. Just simple stuff, make sure you're reasonably healthy, answer questions, get information regarding health concerns...policy says we gotta do a blood test, but eh. That's probably the worst of it. The rest isn't much different from a regular school health checkup, if you've had those. Anything you wanna get out there now? Or should I just get run through the assigned process?"

@Guess Who

"Understood. Thank you."
The girl took leave of the room as calmly as possible. No matter what any of that was supposed to mean, it wasn't a big deal. That could have been any point in the future, from the next day to twenty years later.

...Though she hoped it wasn't either. She needed to get to that door.

She knew what was there.

Having entered the next room, she was greeted by the plump woman inside the same way others before her had been and sat down quietly. There was nothing to be afraid of today, just a regular health exam...

That's good.

I can't go back to the university until it lets up...So it's a bit of a problem...

Which brings me to the other announcement: I might not be around too much tomorrow. I'll try to get things done tonight so people won't be too horribly stuck.
Okay, so does some sort of celebration held by nobles in the area sound good, then? We could have maybe a large palace consisting of a castle or large estate and a few surrounding inner-city areas inside a wall, perhaps? I don't want to make it too big to navigate, but I want to provide plenty of space for people to play around.
Ready any time.

Have to warn everyone that I'm travelling again tomorrow, though. I'll check in when I can, but I'll have work to be done once I make it to my destination as well.

Chiari stayed silent for most of the conversation, just watching the boy from over Valencia's shoulder. They were...talking about their ages, their parents...normal kid stuff, perhaps? As much as they didn't want to relate, the whole thing about not having parents there for them was a little familiar. They tried, but stuff happened. I spent so much time hiding, too...what else was I supposed to do, though. Let myself be offed?

The part where the girl mentioned not being taken seriously, though...that hurt. Just a little.

The hiding teen almost missed it while dodging that hand suddenly reaching for their occupying shoulder, though. The urge to growl or possibly bite it was tempting, but necessarily suppressed. It would wreck the game.

As they took up the other shoulder and continued watching the display, however, they found themself scowling more and more. Especially at that last comment of that boy's. "Hey, you can't see his eyes? You should know better." The slightly irritated teen whispered in Valencia's ear, trying not to be too obvious, but feeling very odd at the moment. "Don't tell me you can't see what's going on here."
Still here, just running a bit slowly. Still considering possibilities.
So get him to the front row. I'll get the posts up when I get the chance. Just getting through the usual and less usual craziness of this time of year.

Also, be careful if your area is predicted to be in that storm path. People have been losing power and getting stuck in the last couple of days and such.
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