Avatar of Yevin


Recent Statuses

10 mos ago
Current I am sort of back? I'll be popping on when I have time but replies may not be a thing. I'm hoping things will settle near the end of this week.
11 mos ago
I'm moving across country next week, so you won't hear from me for a bit. I expect to be back on the 24th.
12 mos ago
I will be on vacation starting tomorrow. I'll be back Sunday but expect replies on Tuesday. K cool see ya later ~
12 mos ago
Mm, yes. There's nothing like being sleep deprived and drinking a soda in the morning.
1 like
12 mos ago
I know we need the rain but goddamn does it bring my energy down. I want my hot, sunny days back!


Hey! Welcome! Thanks for coming by.

18+ | Casual to Advanced Writer | PMs Only | Discord Available for OOC
Feel free to PM with any questions you have

18+: For maturity and also for more adult themes.

MxM: This is my jam. I rarely deviate from it.

Casual to Advanced: My typical posts can run around 300-500 words, sometimes less if less is needed. My typical intro posts can run around 500-1,200 words. I expect the minimum from you is 3 paragraphs.

Creativity and willingness to speak OOC. I do have a discord for OOC chat if you prefer. I do love building worlds and things. It's kind of my favorite part of RPs. But I also don't really like being the driver for everything. So, please bring along your imagination and let's get freaky.

PMs only for RP.

Most Recent 1x1 Check

Fate & Destiny

Fantasy | MxM | Enemies to Lovers | Fated Mates

My List of Ideas

These are constantly updated.

Yevin’s Ideas

Another Idea Int Check

Most Recent Posts

In Missing 7 yrs ago Forum: Character Sheets

The great marshes and forest the mushin reside in.

A piece of their city

Another image of the marshes with some cliffs where their winged mounts typically reside.

Mountains where they produce their precious metals.

Sa'di's house. The 13th house of the mushin clan. (has some importance)
I've been busy. I'm sorry. I don't know if I can re-continue our thing here. I just popped on b/c I suddenly remembered this site. I wanted to check up on you guys and also apologize.
Yes, they are.
Quite unlike the rest of his peers and friends, Fonsus was undisturbed by the looming tests ahead. However, he kept to his word with River and conquered the piling homework during study hall. His grades miraculously rose as he put almost as much effort into the classes as his experiments. Which his mother was joyful to hear and was surprisingly eager to invite Richard and River over.

Currently, Fonsus frowned at Gus. He sat at a table in the club, being unusually still and quiet. No muttering under his breath or scratching of a quill. No books splayed around him. No catastrophic end of another failed spell crackling in the air.

He was a statue. It was hard to tell if he was breathing until he lifted his head and turned to his friends, and Cae.

“What if it’s a dead end?” He finally voiced his worry. He spoke about their upcoming adventure. “What do we do then? It’s a long shot already. I don’t really want to bring negativity to the table. But I just can’t not think about it.”
speaking of numbers mine actually just changed.

that was a pathetic post but I forgot what we were going to do. I know the vancover trip and other stuff. But was there something specific we were going to do this day?
Research? Painting?
“Haha. Funny, Rich. You crack my side.” Fonsus said in a sarcastic and dry tone. Despite his refusal, the idea was scratched on the paper, as a backup. “Great. So, it’s basically set in stone.” There was some more scratching on the paper. Then Fonsus shut the book and stuffed it away before Gus managed to bite off a corner of the page. He gave the turtle a piece of carrot. He noticed, not intentionally, that River seemed preoccupied. “You okay?”
I heard you and eyeris met up!
and that there were pics! Show me!
also, gimme yo number
I have eyeris'

He's 145 lbs
we have a new dog who is the biggest thing you'll ever see!

and his name is Hagrid.
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