Avatar of Zepavil
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    1. Zepavil 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current I'm new to Forum Roleplaying. But I believe I'll be good at it.


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Well, I'll definitely choose a preset Link Monster if one of them is an Archfiend. If not, would this be okay?


Hey, I'm a very patient guy. I'm just glad I haven't messed up so far. The wait is long, sure, but it gives me time to plan out possible stuff for my character. And draw. Drawing is nice.

Speaking of which, with Link Monsters coming out, will we be using the official Link Monsters (if we decided to use them), or will we be able to make a Custom Link Monster once the rules are in place?
@Lord Szall

As the stranger turned his back and stared out towards the distance, Taiyo raised a hand... then stopped. Before he would wave, catching himself he too turned away. He felt his anxiety creep up, and began walking away, desiring to know the stranger's name, but not bother him. He'd learn his name soon enough, through a class role-call or someone calling out to him. For now, Taiyo desired to find someone else to watch, some other way to pass time. Maybe go through his card collections and start forming a possible Side Deck. There were a lot of choices to choose from.

Maybe getting familiar with the school's layout was the best one. Using the map he had grabbed from the front desk a couple weeks back when he first came in to be enrolled, Taiyo began following the map to it's many destinations, hoping that before long he wouldn't need to rely on it to find out where he was going. Maybe he'd even run into someone else, or even better: watch another duel.
@The book of bad juju @Lord Szall

Taiyo's mouth was agape, his eyes wide and his pen quickly scribbling down onto his notepad. That was a terrifying combination, completely wiping her field and rendering her cards useless, then decimating her with a force that was almost double her life points.

"... Astounding..."

He wrote down the names of the cards he had never seen before, and their effects quickly on his page. Storm Rage Dragon, Lock Rage Dragon and Fierce Anger Dragon, all pendulum monsters not to be taken lightly. He quickly stood up after listing down what he believed was their effects, unsure of what he should do now that he witnessed the duel end. Truly, it was a grand display, but he wondered what could possibly counter such an immense force.

Taiyo would have to prepare some extra cards if he was to ever take on this duelist. He didn't even know his name. Or the other duelist's name either.

He felt somewhat embarrassed...
@The book of bad juju @Lord Szall

As the duel ended, Taiyo couldn't help but feel a little surprised as the white-haired duelist ran past, he nervously nodded at his comment. Of course, he would never forget this duel. Learning about his opponents and remembering their playstyles was always good information to save for later.

The stranger who had also witness the duel walked up to the victor, and mentioned being in Odd-Eyes house before issuing the victor a duel.

'Ah, a challenge?' Taiyo thought as he kept himself out of the situation. He brought out a small notepad and pen to record anything of note from the duel. Maybe that large monster he saw before would make a reappearance. After all, he imagined something that large belonged in a Kaiju deck. He even got down onto the floor, crossing his legs and awaiting the duel that would probably transpire.

He opened up to a name page, then did a very poor sketch of the stranger's appearance and wrote "Odd-Eyes House" beneath the terrible drawing.
@GarlandDaHero@The book of bad juju@Lord Szall

As the competition between the duelists had raged throughout the school, one of the students had kept himself back throughout the entire ordeal. He had surrendered his first duel, not feeling up to competition as he wanted to observe his peers' playstyles before participating in any duels. It didn't help that he was just usually a very unnoticeable and mediocre. Taiyo didn't mind however, even after the Battle Royale had a decided victor.

As the duels continued through the school, he saw the benefits. There were the opportunities to learn about his potential opponents, their strategies and best cards. However, after some time had passed, he noticed another duel going on nearby as a colossal creature appeared within the area, then promptly vanished. A monster he had never seen before. He took a few steps towards the duel, still hanging back a few feet, watching as a constant flurry of summons and effects were being flung between two duelists.

"Kaijus and Igknights..." The mutter was quiet, and would not be heard about the sound effects of the duel disks.

He saw another spectator observing the duel, and Taiyo couldn't help but wonder if he was just as curious as himself. However, instead of approaching the stranger, he remained at a distance, merely hoping to get a better idea of how to beat the two duelists should it come to that later. After all, these two always seemed prepared for each other's next move.

The only issue with something like that is it relies on a card with "Archfiend" in it's name, when one of the prime and most important Archfiend cards is "Pandemonium", which also adds Archfiends to the hand.

EDIT: Decided to change the effect of Atheling to "If this card is added to your hand by the effect of "Pandemonium" or an "Archfiend" card: You can Special Summon this card." as to suit the meaning better.
@KOgaming Ah, right, sorry, Duel Monsters, got it. Also, I thought adding the effect for Advisor was a bit warranted, due to the fact if you have more than 1 of them on the field, wouldn't it be able to do it more than once? But I understand what you mean, and will instead remove the "Once per turn" part. Thanks for the advice. I've edited the post. I hope when you meant to change the effect of Cosmocrat, that you didn't include the original lines before your edited portion.

Uh, are you still accepting applicants for the RP? If you are, I have a character ready to go.

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