Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The book of bad juju
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The book of bad juju Make Koganusan / Great Again.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


"Maxx C" She said simply, watching the grin on his face as he looked at the card he'd just drawn. That face did not look like the face of somebody about to be beat with the most meta card in the game. Her fears seemed to be proven founded, as he immediately summoned even more of those damned Igknights to his side of the field. She drew one card. He overlayed. She grimaced, drawing into one more card. Face up or Face down, Gauntlet Launcher still trounced one of the most annoying cards in the game in a single swipe. And now it was coming straight for her. She grimaced, waiting for the impact...

And played her Swordsman.

The monster stopped at the last possible moment. A yellow object, radiating so much light it was impossible to make out it's shape was blocking the path. The monster moved, but even there, more similar objects all floating in space curtailed it at every turn. Two of them floated above Aya's head as an honour guard. As the Solid Vision took hold, he took a more solid form, blue sky cutting and dividing, becoming silvery armour, become the futuristic samurai armor of the level 8 monster. Aya breathed out. Unfortunately, his second effect, retaliating against those who would threaten him wouldn't go off, but still. 2400 defense versus 2400 attack, they'd both cancel each other out. Boy, was that the mother of all clutch moments. King of Games worthy, if she was any judge. But until she was able to capitalize on the card she'd drawn, she'd have to wait until the white-haired boy had finished his turn.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by GarlandChaos
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@The book of bad juju

Tekkan's grin immediately turned into a grimace as Gauntlet Launcher was stopped by a luminous samurai warrior, keeping the youth's victory still well out of reach.

"Urgh...You never know when to quit, huh? I guess I'll use Gauntlet Launcher's effect to destroy your swordsman..." The warrior launched his last rocket fist at the swordsman, the impact sending him flying and leaving the launcher with no ammunition remaining.

"...and end my turn."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Satoshi Kyou@KOgaming@Eklispe

Lua looked to his duel disk that announced to him it was his turn with a beeping noise. He looked at the cards he had to banish. A Mystic space typhoon, both his pot of greeds, an Obnoxious Celtic Guardian and a Skelangle. Regardless he still thought he had a chance against them all. Looking at what he had drawn he smiled. His hand was not bad, he knew that it would help him match with the others. He decided he would be targeting the kid with the insane amount of life point. With a deep breath, he started by pushing out his first card: Despell.
"Here we go. First, I use despell to put that Chaos Zone in the graveyard. I hope that makes things easier for me." he said, discarding it and putting his card in the graveyard, assuming that chaos one would have the same effect. He followed up this by placing down an Amazon fighter in his center field. "I guess I will attack you, Martin" He spoke. Assuming that the card would hit, he watched the life points drain away, barely putting a dent into his life points. Lua looked at his cards and nodded. He didn't seem to have anything else he could play. As such, he looked to Rumi for some confidence in his actions. He wasn't sure if this was the best move. What if he had helped Martin? Regardless he did his best.

"Well, I'm going to end my turn. I am sorry if it's mean of us to gang up on you like this. It just seems like you don't need a helper on your team" He spoke nervously, looking at Matt now. He desperately wanted to see what he had to offer. It wasn't like he knew anything about him, let alone his cards. With this, he was clearly excited to find out all of this in his next turn.

Cards set: Amazon fighter, attack mode. (Att 1500, Def 1300)
Spell/trap played: Despell
Cards Banished: Mystic space typhoon, 2 pot of greed,Obnoxious Celtic Guardian and Skelangle
Attacks: Amazon Fighter to Martin
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Matt Ronwell

Matt nodded as Martin kicked things off, increasing his life points even more. So it looked like his deck revolved around banishing cards while having soul absorption up to increase life points, though doubtless it had other tricks hidden within it. Matt shrugged, he'd cross that bridge when he came to it. In the meantime... The top 5 cards of his deck were forcibly placed into the banished zone, Matt peeked and saw it was nothing too terrible. As for right now. "Hm, I suppose I'll simply summon Roulette Barrel and use it to attack you directly." A large roulette machine with a laser on top popped onto the field, rotating around briefly before firing a rainbow beam at Martin. "With that I'll set two cards and end my turn. I'm interested to see what else your deck can do." Matt said to Martin with a cheery smile

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by KOgaming
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KOgaming The Nose Knows

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@Satoshi Kyou@Eklispe@manapool1

"The effect of Chaos Zone activates..." Martin replied sheepishly as Lua destroyed the fieldspell, the environment returning to normal. A card pops out from his deck "D/D Berfomet", he reveals to the three.

At the end, he had only taken 4200 damage leaving him at 405800, still far above the others. Martin then activates a spell card from his hand, Emergency Provisions, targeting his own soul absorption. With it, he drew an extra two cards.

From his hand, he normal summoned the card D/D Savant Kepler...

@Blight Bug

Just outside the parking structure, there was a mysterious and remarkably large pile of discarded semechki shells.

Then, the sound of sirens- it was the campus police- freed up as the number of participants in the battle royale dwindled down. Then, a voice emanated from a distance away as well as from the Ghoulish Rider's Duel Runner. "SPEED WORLD 2 ACTIVATED." The environment around them shifted, as a man in a police motorcycle wearing a helmet with a cigar in his mouth gave chase to Fyodor. A patch on either side of his shoulders read "CAMPUS POLICE". The police man pointed toward the Ghoulish Rider and suggested that it was his turn first.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Blight Bug
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Blight Bug

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There was an expression as The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell noticed innocuous details during the chase that evolved into a Turbo Duel. Those piles of semechki shells, the quick activation of the sirens and what sealed it for the Damned Detective, that cigar chomping during work. The evidence was clear cut; The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell knew who this person was!

Fyodor had finally found a fellow person of Russian descent in this sinkhole!

Sure they might've chased him and engaged him in a Turbo Duel, but this time it was a natural greeting. The Ghoulish Rider glanced at the orange solid vision field before him, while his duel runner engaged autopilot mode and spat out his hands.

He was going to make this turn quick for the card-playing, as he needed to gather information about this figure. Hopefully they were in fact a fellow Russian, it would be disappointing otherwise. But this went through his mind quickly as he made his play of placing a card face down in his Field and Spell Zone, and then summoning Dragon Zombie.

The mightiest and most majestic of all the dragons emerged, letting out a hacking wheeze. Some green mist came out of his snot as the purple dragon held at a spot of flesh that was starting to drift off. With that play made, Konstantinovich did not signal that his turn was over yet. For he had something more important to do. He needed to chat with his opponent.

"Я вас знаю? Я думаю что знаю тебя." He used his index finger to scratch at the side of his helmet. "Вы работали в Дубравлаг? Ты напоминаешь мне охранником там. Нет, подождите! Может быть, вы работал Ростова-на-Дону?" He shook his head before going on. "Мы будем должны обсудить это Больше! Но сначала вам нужно сказать мне что-то очень важное ..."

Clicking on the tunes, something fitting began to play as Fyodor Leo Konstantinovich began to make a declaration.

"Скажите, вы действительно служить этим япо́шка дворняг? Или же ваше сердце все еще билось с гимне нашей Родины в вечной зимы ?! Независимо от исхода этого события Мы должны быть оба лучше из-за этого как Мать Россия хочет.

Россия будет господствовать над всем мире. Это наша обязанность, как дети России чтобы сделать это видение реальностью.

ДАВАЙТЕ ПОКАЗАТЬ славный России С НАШИМ боевым настроем для этих японских собак! После этого мы будем пить много водки!"

"Кстати, я заканчиваю ход." he concluded as he pointed towards the officer.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Zepavil
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@GarlandDaHero@The book of bad juju@Lord Szall

As the competition between the duelists had raged throughout the school, one of the students had kept himself back throughout the entire ordeal. He had surrendered his first duel, not feeling up to competition as he wanted to observe his peers' playstyles before participating in any duels. It didn't help that he was just usually a very unnoticeable and mediocre. Taiyo didn't mind however, even after the Battle Royale had a decided victor.

As the duels continued through the school, he saw the benefits. There were the opportunities to learn about his potential opponents, their strategies and best cards. However, after some time had passed, he noticed another duel going on nearby as a colossal creature appeared within the area, then promptly vanished. A monster he had never seen before. He took a few steps towards the duel, still hanging back a few feet, watching as a constant flurry of summons and effects were being flung between two duelists.

"Kaijus and Igknights..." The mutter was quiet, and would not be heard about the sound effects of the duel disks.

He saw another spectator observing the duel, and Taiyo couldn't help but wonder if he was just as curious as himself. However, instead of approaching the stranger, he remained at a distance, merely hoping to get a better idea of how to beat the two duelists should it come to that later. After all, these two always seemed prepared for each other's next move.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The book of bad juju
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The book of bad juju Make Koganusan / Great Again.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Aya looked annoyed as her Swordsman left the field, but accepted her loss without comment. What an annoying card Gauntlet launcher turned out to be. Destroying two cards without any sense of proprietary. Now that it was depowered and powerless would be a terrible time to tribute the thing, but she'd have no more choice. She was worryingly running out of kaijus to summon. She'd already lost her insect, turtle, doggie, Daigorah, and the machine monster with the confusing name that nobody could pronounce. That was five. With the two in her hand right now, seven. And she'd just drawn into SS of SS. Yes, she could discard the other kaiju in her hand for easier pickings, but should she? Kaijus didn't grow from trees. If she didn't draw into Smash hit or Exodius quickly, she'd be over real fast. She kept a smile all lit up on her face, bright and shiny and completely faked, as she played out her turn.

"I play Sacred Sword of Seven Stars, banishing the Radian in my hand to add two cards to my hand." She began, manually pocketing the kaiju before drawing. "And, as much as it pains me to do this for like the third time this duel, I sacrifice one of your monsters to bring out my Kaiju." She said. She didn't have the energy in her for another screaming and yelling fanfare anymore. It was starting to get a little boring. Playing the exact same strategy three times in a row and still neither of them wanted to back down any more then they already had. And she was still losing. She was facing the strongest kaiju in her deck, along with the hardest to pronounce name.

"And, blah blah blah, kaijus can bring out more kaijus. I pull out Jizzy kizzy's identical twin fron my hand." She said. The two completely identical monsters faced off against each other, both with identical attack values. The only way to decide this conflict in any way would be to "Kaiju capture device, go! Flip his mecha face down." That would do it.

"Jazzy Kirby, Attack that monster, and we'll end the turn here."

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by KOgaming
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KOgaming The Nose Knows

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@Satoshi Kyou@Eklispe@manapool1

"M-my monster's effect is activated..." Martin adds a card to his hand, then immediately puts it on the field. "Dark Contract with the Gate" he said, another card dispensed from his deck, revealed to be "D/D Lamia". He then shows the trio another card from his hand, "D/D Swirl Slime". "A-again... F-fusion summon." Swirl Slime and Lamia were sent to the graveyard, the slime and the flower-snake thing melded together above him, morphing into a humanoid clad in red armor, grasping a sword and a shield: D/D/D Flame King Genghis.

"S-swirl slime..." he banished the card from his graveyard to activate its effect, summoning Berfomet from his hand. The eyes of Genghis ignited as it pounded its shield onto the ground, Lamia returning to the field with a burst of flame. He placed another card, D/D/D Oblivion King Abyss Ragnarok into the pendulum zone, before... "S-synchro..." he declared, lamia vanishing into a single green circle. Genghis and Kepler flew up, disappearing into green orbs within the circle which was once lamia and appearing from it, another sword-wielding being: D/D/D Cursed King Siegfried. The demon sitting on its chair, a glowing number 5 underneath it, raised its hands, and erupting from a burst of flame returned D/D/D Flame King Genghis.

Next. "L-lamia's effect..." Martin brought back Lamia from the grave. "Berfomet..." he mumbled, Lamia changing into a Level 4. "O-overlay." He placed Lamia on top of Berfomet, the two diving into a purple-yellow spiral galaxy, re-emerging as a black armor-clad figure wielding a sword with two yellow spheres orbiting it, D/D/D Wave King Caesar.

"B-battle..." Matt tapped D/D/D Wave King Caesar and pointed at Madolche Chauxvalier. The demon king raised its sword into the air, smashing into Chauxvalier with the flat of its blade, crushing it.

Next, he tapped Cursed King Siegfried, pointing toward Roulette Barrel. The other demon with the sword sprinted over to the roulette robot, slashing at it.

Then, he tapped Flame King Genghis, pointing at Amazoness Fighter. The final demon with sword went on to crush the Amazon woman with its shield.

"T-turn end."

@Blight Bug

The officer nodded, but not respond verbally.

A card was placed on his field, "Jutte Lord". Its weapon glowed and from the officer's hand, a shorter fight, Jutte Fighter. Jutte Fighter flew into the air, disappearing with two circles in its place. Jutte Lord followed, becoming four glowing orbs. Emerging from the two distinctly Japanese monsters, another distinctly Japanese monster, Goyo Guardian.

The officer then activated Monster Reborn, Jutte Fighter returning from the graveyard to the field before flying again. He was performing another Synchro summon. Then, emerging from Jutte Fighter and Goyo Guardian, an even more powerful fighter, Goyo King. He pointed toward Dragon Zombie, Goyo King running towards it and slashing it in half. Then, as it was destroyed, Goyo King produced a rope, wrangling the zombie back from the dead and onto the officer's side of the field, and with the acquired monster, the officer attacked again.

He set a card, then made a gesture, suggesting that his turn was over.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by GarlandChaos
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GarlandChaos Pixilate

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@The book of bad juju @Zepavil @Lord Szall @Blight Bug

Tekkan groaned in increasing discomfort as Aya did her typical Kaiju shenanigans. Tribute his Gauntlet Launcher for Jizukiru, Summon a Jizukiru to her own field, and kill the Jizukiru she summoned to Tekkan's field by changing its position with Kaiju Capture Mission and attacking with her own.

When she declared that her turn was over, Tekkan drew his card and let out another irritated groan. Igknight Champion, huh? It was borderline useless in his hand, since he only had 1 of that and Lancer in his deck to use with Viscount.

"Urggh...I surrender." The white-haired youth's duel disk powered down, the solid vision dissipating along with it. "Take your stupid giant monsters somewhere else."

Tekkan then turned towards the two blue-haired duelists which seemed to have been watching Aya and himself duke it out. He grimaced at Yuryuu in particular, who he assumed spectated just so he could see the white-haired youth get defeated again. "F-Forget you two saw that, okay?" He said, flustered and sputtering out his words. "I'm getting out of here to find Leader!"

Tekkan quickly ran outside the hallways and started his search for Fyodor, hoping he wouldn't be disappointed in him further.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lord Szall
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Lord Szall Supreme Dark Entity

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@GarlandDaHero @Zepavil @the book of bad juju

Yuryuu, realised he had been seen by Tekkan, threw his arm out in a motion of halt. "W-Wait!..." But it was too late, Tekkan was already looking for his leader.

Yuryuu's aim was also to find Kostanovich again, however before he began to chase off Tekkan once again, there was something he wouldn't let pass about this situation. Regardless of his relationship with the biker duelist, Tekkan was clearly a member of Odd-Eyes house. That meant Yuryuu wasn't going to let the victor walk off.

Marching up to Tekkan's opponent, Yuryuu pulled out his deck, switching it up before being ready to face his next opponent. "I don't know what that was about, but as a member of Odd-Eyes house I can't let you walk away from beating my classmate." Yuryuu said with a sigh, facing his opponent. "I don't owe him anything, but nonetheless I personally wish to fight your Kaijus. Well?..." Yuryuu readied his duel disk. "How about it?"

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Blight Bug
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Blight Bug

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Perhaps the intentions and origins of this officer of the school law were revealed as he made his first bit of plays. Those monsters he played held distinctively Japanese origins. Was the Damned Detective wrong from his casework? He could not be sure as the officer refused to speak. But, the thought lingered as the campus police brought forth his Synchro Monster, before then bringing out another more impressive Synchro Monster.

The first attack was made and he lost his Dragon. The Duel Runner of the Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell began to skid. He grabbed the handles of his motorcycle and began to steer it back into a manageable place.

And that's when his Zombie Dragon was now taken by the Officer; and he commanded it to attack him. Once again did the Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell spun out of control. The situation was dire, he lost 3200 Life Points alongside of course having his motorcycle react to the damage, but even still at this point it was still controllable. He maneuvered his vehicle back to the path.

A card shot out signifying his turn began. The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell was at 3 Speed Counters.

The Messenger of Hell clasped his hands together in a prayer and made his declaration. "Ваша душа должна быть освобождена! Я буду вас свободными для Люцифера и матушки России!"

From his hand he activated the card Speed Spell - High Speed Crash. The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell gestured at his face down card in his Spell/Trap Zone before gesturing at Goyo King. Life in the fast lane is just how it seems; hard and it's heavy, it's dirty and mean. But Fyodor couldn't have it any other way.

From his hand, The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell summoned the monster Zombie Master to the field. The white-haired, perhaps teenage, necromancer let out a laugh before waggling his hands glowing with purple energy.

"Возвращение моего зверя обратно домой. Он должен быть похоронен, где он принадлежит." he spoke as he pointed at Zombie Dragon. With a maniacal glee the Zombie Master fired off purple bolts to destroy the Zombie Dragon and return him back to the graveyard of his master. With the deed done, the motorcyclist lowered his head for a brief moment.

With these funerary rites now done, The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell rolled his left index finger around and pointed at the officer to signify his turn was complete.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Zepavil
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Zepavil Artist

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@The book of bad juju @Lord Szall

As the duel ended, Taiyo couldn't help but feel a little surprised as the white-haired duelist ran past, he nervously nodded at his comment. Of course, he would never forget this duel. Learning about his opponents and remembering their playstyles was always good information to save for later.

The stranger who had also witness the duel walked up to the victor, and mentioned being in Odd-Eyes house before issuing the victor a duel.

'Ah, a challenge?' Taiyo thought as he kept himself out of the situation. He brought out a small notepad and pen to record anything of note from the duel. Maybe that large monster he saw before would make a reappearance. After all, he imagined something that large belonged in a Kaiju deck. He even got down onto the floor, crossing his legs and awaiting the duel that would probably transpire.

He opened up to a name page, then did a very poor sketch of the stranger's appearance and wrote "Odd-Eyes House" beneath the terrible drawing.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The book of bad juju
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The book of bad juju Make Koganusan / Great Again.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Aya blinked. She blinked again. Had she just... Won? She'd barely had enough time to register the win before her opponent had run, kicking and screaming from the area. She raised both arms, making fists like she was milking an invisible sky god. "Whoo!" She yelled. She was on cloud nine. She barely even noticed that her Duel Disk, in anticipation of the end of the duel had opened it's graveyard slot. The cards she'd been playing since the beginning of the game spilled out, in a rush of floating cardboard. Aya looked up. For a moment, she thought the whole thing was some elaborate confetti thing, automated by Solid Vision. But as the card turned and twisted in the air, revealing a whole bunch of kaijus. She panicked, snatching them out of the air and off from the floor. Oh gosh, and now some of her other cards were mixing into the pile of roughshod cards in her hands. She could barely even tell what that winning deck formula was any more, she'd have to remake it all later. She was so absorbed in the nitty gritty of card ratios and deck-building that she completely lost track of the other two people around her. She'd only realized what had happened when she fed the deck into the machine, which promptly swallowed it all up, demanding that she pick weather or not to start the duel first.

"Hey, wait a moment you stupid machine, i never agreed to any-"

The Duel was on. As the incumbent champion, Aya had free reign again over who would go first or second. Not that she cared, much. She was trying to see how she could back out of this duel without having to surrender. Losing was one thing, but surrender was just uncouth. She'd bring shame on her family if she surrendered. That's why, after a bit of a sigh, she went first. Drew into a pretty neat hand, too, all things considered. She let the standby phase come and go, trying to think about how best to play this hand. She'd start strong, going straight into a big show of force. Try and frighten this newcomer off and maybe end the duel in three turns or less.

"I activate the field spell Kyoutow Waterfront." She said, sliding it into the specially made slot on the side. Immediately, the duel disk sprang into life, rendering the beautiful city around them in all its metal and steel glory. "And with it, i'll play the magic card Trade-in, discarding a Kaiju in my hand for one on the field." As she drew her new cards, The waterfront grew a nice, shiny statue of a blue-eyes white dragon, symbolic of the counter that now rested on it. "I summon this chibi girl in defense mode, and play the spell card Interrupted Kaiju Slumber!" The ground shook, and the little girl burst into light as the kaijus made their way onto the field. Dogoran on her opponent's, and her trusty Jitterykisses on hers.

"And now, from my hand, i can special summon this monster if i shuffle all the monsters in my grave back to my deck. Make your way onto the field now, Exodius! The Ultimate Forbidden lord! And with two level ten monsters on my side of the field, i bet you know what comes next. Build up that overlay network, boys! XYZ summon! Ravenous tarantula! But i ain't done here, no sir! Overlay again, and ravenous tarantula becomes Pain Gainer! Overlay again, become The Seven Sins! Oh yeah! Four thousand attack right out the gate!"

She lowered her hands, awfully proud of what she'd managed to pull off. She almost ended her turn there, before deciding to annoy her opponent one last time. "With 3 counters on Kyoutow Waterfront, i can add a Kaiju to my hand, immediately. With a Doggie on your side of the field, i can call forth Gamaciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju. Now, any card you play, i can negate immediately for almost nothing. I'll set this card facedown and end my turn here."

2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lord Szall
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Lord Szall Supreme Dark Entity

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@The book of bad Juju @Zepavil

Yuryuu drew his next card, unsure of the display his opponent put on to start off that duel. He couldn't tell if she had just made a mistake with the way she setup her deck, but she seemed a lot more calm about her turn. Luckily, Yuryuu had the card to deal with her Gamaciel.

"From my hand, I activate Dark Hole!" Yuryuu declared, as suddenly a warp hole appeared amongst the field, slowly dragging all monster on the field towards it's center. Meanwhile, Sikao Yuryuu simply smiled. "I assume you won't allow this to go my way?" he said to his opponent expectantly.
1x Like Like
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Satoshi Kyou
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Satoshi Kyou The Knight of The Frozen Lance

Member Seen 9 mos ago

"B-Before the attack connects! Double trap activation, Madolche Waltz Times 2, Whenever a Madolche monster battles my opponent takes 300 Life points damage!" Hayate explained before taking Chouxvalier from the field to her deck "All Madolche monsters get shuffled into my deck instead of the graveyard if they are destroyed by an opponent's card" Rumi continued looking at Madolche ticket which appeared to glow on the field "Ticket's effect activates when a Madolche monster from field or graveyard would be moved to my deck, I can add a Madolche monster to my hand the card and that card I add to my hand is Madolche Angejelly" Rumi took all her actions in one go as she explained everything she was doing

"Draw!" Rumi declared as she drew her card, nodded after thinking for a few seconds "I summon Madolche Mewfeuille in defense position" She declared with a plan in mind, as a pink puffball that seemed to resemble a cat appeared in front of her "Mewfueille's Effect activates when I normal summon this monster I can special summon a Madolche monster from my hand and that card is Angjelly" Angjelly jumped from Rumi's hand onto the field "I activate Angejelly's effect and tribute her to special summon a monster from my deck once again and I special summon my other Madolche Hootcake" Rumi declared as Angjelly slowly ascended from the field bringing in Madolche Hootcake "I activate Hootcakes effect to banish Madolche Angjelly from my graveyard to special summon my other Madolche Messengelato" Rumi declared pulling out and summoning Messengelato "When Messengelato is special summoned when I have a beast type Madolche on the field I can add a spell or trap card to my hand and the card I am going to add is my field spell Madolche Chateau which I will activate right away" Rumi continued her streak and continued to explain every single effect as she activated Madolche Chateau a chateau appeared behind Rumi "Madolche Chateau adds 500 Attack and Defense to my Madolche monsters and as long as Madolche Chateau remains on the field any monsters that would be returned to my deck can be added to my hand instead" Rumi took a deep breath "Battle! I attack Flame King Genghis with Messengelato!" Rumi declared Messengelato tripped up Genghis twice before attempting to hit him on the head after a short waltz

Field status
Monster zone: Madolche Mewfueille (def) 1000/800, Madolche Messengelato 2100/1500, Madolche Hootcake 1500/1500 (Def)
Spell/trap: Madolche Ticket, Madolche Waltz x2, 2 set cards (Madolche Nights and Madolche Tea Break)
Field Spell: Madolche Chateau
Hand: 0
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The book of bad juju
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The book of bad juju Make Koganusan / Great Again.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Zepavil @Lord Szall
"Hah! You thought a little black hole would be enough to stop my kaijus! You must be dumber then I thought. Gamaciel, sic 'em!"

All three monsters turned as they were dragged into the swirling, chaotic void that had appeared in the middle of the game, but only one seemed to be doing anything about it. The Gamera knockoff moved forwards, with a surprising turn of speed for a giant monster. It angled its long, swanlike neck and caught the dark hole in between its teeth. This little slap in the face to all the known laws of physics seemed to go unnoticed, as the monster began to lift itself onto its hind legs, pulling upwards with all of that neck strength. The black hole moved with it, sliding through the sky in a graceful arc, until it left the grip of the turtle's mouth and sailed, gracefully as a bird off into the city surrounding the duel. And everyone's life was subtly improved from that day onwards, as they now knew what it was like to watch a turtle suplex a black hole. Aya thought that was the funniest thing in the world.

"Bwahahahaha! With the simplest cost of just two measly little kaiju counters, i can pull that little stunt off as many times as i want! Just you wait until my turn comes around again, when The Seven Sins ends this whole duel in a single deadly strike of his metal spider legs, ripping through your life points like they were made of paper. Soon you will all know the sound and the fury of a giant spider scorned!"

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by KOgaming
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KOgaming The Nose Knows

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Satoshi Kyou

As Messengelato moved to destroy Flame King Genghis, Martin quickly snapped. "I-I activate the effect of D/D/D Wave King Caesar!" he declared, the monster raising its sword. One of the orbiting xyz materials popper on the edge. Then, Caesar planted its blade into the ground. At the end of the battle, Genghis returned in a burst of flame.

After this, Abyss Ragnarok's eyes glowed, and returning from the graveyard was D/D Lamia, curled into a ball. It was in defense mode and Martin had taken 1000 damage.

@Blight Bug

At the start of his turn, the officer had four speed counters and three cards in his hand. Despite setting up a good deal his last turn, his opponent managed to skillfully destroy all his monsters. Due to this, the officer was forced onto the defensive.

A clown on a ball appeared on the field, waving at Fyodor. It was Jester Confit, special summoned using its own effect. Following it, another Jutte Fighter normal summoned from the policeman's hand. Once again, he had performed a synchro summon, this time of a level 3 monster.

This one was Goyo Defender, a miniature warrior wielding a riot shield. Its weapon glowed as another one appeared from the officer's extra deck. This one repeated the process, and soon there were three Goyo Defenders on the field. With a meager 1000 attack, however, they could not do much against the Ghoulish Rider's Zombie Master.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Blight Bug
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Blight Bug

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell looked from side to side as he initially saw Jester Confit appear on the field. For a second, he swore he might've passed his neophyte Tekkan. But of course Turbo Duels were all about speed; so he dismissed the thought as his Duel Runner continued charging forward on autopilot. There was an expression underneath the helmet of The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell as he saw Jester Confit waving at him. Of course that expression was just between him and the Devil; but Fyodor waving his left at the Jester was quite visible. Alas the Jester didn't stay, instead it brought out one little Japanese-inspired officer with a riot shield and a manner of baton Fyodor himself wasn't familiar with. One became three as the turn ended.

Five Speed Counters. His Duel Runner continued to speed up as it shot out a new card at Konstantinovich. It was time to truly live fast and furiously.

Fyodor's Zombie Master held his hands up towards the sky and began guffawing; until a strike of lightning was heard. Zombie Master blinked as he glanced up towards the sky which had a dark cloud looming over it. Confused at what was going on Zombie Master went to scratch at his cheek, before realizing that he was fading away as a Tribute for a new Summon.

Emerging from this dark in a shower of lightning was the Monster Card Summoned Skull. This fiend of bone and demonic flesh made an deep and ethereal hissing noise, while its wings furled out and it took its spot where Zombie Master once stood. It menacingly stared down at the trio of officers that were surely intent on stopping whatever served The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell.

Shortly after this, Fyodor played another card; Speed Spell Final Attack. His Duel Runner slowed down two notches as Two out of the Five Speed Counters were taken away to utilize this spell. The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell nonchalantly pointed at Summoned Skull who felt an intense surge of energy. What was once a low hiss was now an energetic crackling. An electrical purple surge was coursing throughout Summoned Skull's body and moving flesh and bones out of place. Summoned Skull smirked as he clutched his claws together quite fond of this boost of power to 5000 Attack Points.

"OBLITERATE!" howled out The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of Hell as he pointed towards the middle of the Goyo Defenders. Summoned Skull flapped his wings twice before swooping down at the Defender ready to crush that creature's skull into nothingness while shocking them into dust with the fiendish electricity for a true final show of dastardly force.

The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell did not care what that set-down card could possibly be; after all he was living in the fastlane. And he wasn't going to have it any other way.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lord Szall
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Lord Szall Supreme Dark Entity

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@KOgaming @Zepavil
Yuryuu placed a hand across his face. "But you see, I needed you to negate my Dark Hole.... now, there will be nothing to stop me from winning this duel" he said confidently to his opponent. ""I activate Pot of Greed, in order to draw two cards from my deck."

It was at this point that the wind around the two duelists began to pick up. "Do you feel that? It looks like a Storm at the Kyoutou Waterfront..." Yuryuu remarked, smiling as he revealed his newly added dragon. "With this, I'll activate Storm Rage Dragon in my pendulum scale, along with Lancephorhynchus." Immediately, a Weapon-looking Dinosaur hoevered over Yuryuu's side of the field, however his second monster was nowhere to be seen. "Storm Rage Dragon's skill activates: Once per turn, it can destroy my other pendulum scale to destroy one spell or trap card on the field" Yuryuu explained, as a dragon appeared in a leap, swallowing the other dragon before rearing its head, as it charged a thunderous laser. "I will use it's effect to destroy your face down."

As his opponent's face down was destroyed, Yuryuu sent his scale to his Extra Deck. "However, if you think that's the end of the Storm, think again! I activate a second Storm Rage Dragon from my hand. With this, my new Storm Rage Dragon will swallow his ancestor to fire at Kyoutou Waterfront!" He watched as another dragon swalloed the first in it's place, firing a laser at Kyoutou Waterfront. "Oh, but of course, your Kyoutou Waterfront won't be destroyed, right? Instead, it will use it's last counter to stay on the field. Then, the Storm shall break into a mighty hurricane!! I activate Fierce Anger Dragon!" Yuryuu declared, as a three-headed dragon stood beside the adjacent hovering dragon. "Pendulum Summon! Awaken, Dragons of Infinite Rage! I summon forth Storm Rage Dragon, Lancephorhynchus, along with Magiquipped Dragon Etherweapon and Lock Rage Dragon"

Suddenly, the wind became much stronger as Yuryuu's Ace monster appeared: Lock Rage Dragon. Along with him, 3 Mighty Draconic creatures has now taken the field. "With this, I can activate Storm Rage Dragon and Magiquipped Dragon Etherweapon's skills. First, I can destroy the Storm Rage Dragon in my Pendulum Scale to place my newest Storm Rage Dragon into my scale." Yuryuu declared, as the Storm Rage Dragon on the field shot into the air and destroyed it's predecessor, avenging itself in the process. With this, all my Dragon-Type monsters increase their ATK by 200. Following that, my Magiquipped Dragon Etherweapon's skill activates as well: when it is pendulum summoned, I can return one card to your hand, and I choose Ravenous Tarantula!" With that, the Spider Monster returned to his opponent's extra deck. "Finally, the Storm will wipe this field clean! My newborn Storm Rage Dragon will destroy Fierce Anger Dragon to successfully destroy the Kyoutou Waterfront!"

With another Dragon's destruction, the field card was wiped clean, and what was left was Sikao Yuryuu's dragons versus his opponent's Kaiju. "With one more effect, I can special summon Fierce Anger Dragon from my extra deck, but it's banished when it leaves the field. Battle!" Yuryuu pointed at Gamaciel. "First, my Lock Rage Dragon will attack Gameciel, and when Lock Rage Dragon's attacks after his ATK has been increased, your monster is immediately destroyed! Black Raging Nova!" And with Gameciel destroyed, all that was left was for Yuryuu to attack an empty field with strength of 7100 ATK power. "My Dragons of Rage... Attack your opponent directly."
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