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Zeke Deshotel

"Wake up, It's time to die!"

Name: Zeke Deshotel
Gender Male
Age: 36
Alignment: Guild
Rank within Organisation: Member

Birthmark Shape: Zeke's birthmark covers his face. It creates a kind of branching design with it's most prominent features being a pair of stripes running up the sides of his face touching the edges of his eyes and a spiraling webbed shapes on his cheeks.
Location of Birthmark: Face
Magical Abilities: Telekinesis - Zeke is easily capable of many of the more basic abilities of this power. Levitation, manipulating objects, binding things in place are all done with little effort for him. But he's gone much further than that in his practice. He is capable of using telekinetic energy as attacks. sending out waves of force at his opponents, crushing objects and potentially people, even creating areas of heightened pressure to harm those within it. A mere snap of his fingers can create a small projectile of telekinetic energy akin to a bullet.

Zeke has also manage to get his level of control to the point that he can manipulate matter on a molecular level. He can use this to manipulate cells within his own, or another's, body to rapidly heal wounds or inflict them on others. This has also allowed him minor control over some elements and magical energies, however he would never be able to wield them in the same way an elemental mage would and he could never generate them himself, though he could attempt wrest control from a mage or disrupt their abilities.

Place of Birth: Anchorage, AK
Currently Residing: New York
Personality: Every since his mind fractured Zeke has been dealing with a split personality. The one that seems to hold the most control over him is at least kind and incredibly friendly, it never seem to bear any true ill-will upon anyone and very much likes to see any mage become their best, including his opponents. The other side of him, a side that can usually only show itself for brief moments often to interrupt his own speech, is highly aggressive and spiteful toward just about everything. It's proven to be homicidally insane, wanting to slay everything in it's path, but seems to get the most excited when facing off against another powerful mage, likely getting a thrill from the challenge

That said they do hold some similarities, both share the same determination and ferocity. Neither will back down from conflict and would never hesitate to unleash their full capabilities if they need to. And finally, subconsciously or not, both are still at least somewhat driven by the goal of becoming as strong as they could possibly be

History/Bio: Zeke was born to a pair of magical parents, his mother was an illusionist and his father was telekinetic like him. His family had always managed to keep their heads down and, aside from having magic, lived life alot like most nonmagi. His mother was able to use her illusions to hide the birthmark on his face, allowing him a somewhat normal childhood, and his father would teach him how to control his powers.

Eventually as he got older hiding what he was became harder and he couldn't stay behind his mother's illusions forever. It was around the age of nineteen that he decided he should leave home, a decision that was both sad and joyful, as though he was leaving home he delighted at the opportunity to see the world, at the time having a bit of a wanderlust.

The constant travel suited him anyway. With the mark of his magic written across his face staying in one place was a sure way to be discovered, so he would always move place-to-place, getting by on usually small laborious jobs that were made easy by his power and wouldn't involve dealing with too many people. Along the way, since hiding what he was proved difficult he fully embraced it and would always practice and try to make himself stronger.

one of the best things that would help him on that path was, ironically, science. He would try to find work at universities when he could and often sat-in on classes and lectures while he was there as a way of informally furthering his education. The science classes would prove the most beneficial to him, molecular theory, quantum physics, it all helped him gain an understanding of how far he might be able to take his power.

He was capable of so much but always wanted to take it further, always wanted to find what he was ultimately capable of, and find it he did. He thought with everything he could do, if he could manipulate the cells of his body and the matter that made up what was around him, then why not also reality itself?

He found a secluded place in a small town where he could try his experiments, and after making a few attempt he actually found success, He was able to manipulate the very fabric of space and time. It was not this easy however, the strain on his mind proved far too much and almost as soon as he found success his mind fractured with catastrophic effect, resulting in an implosion, followed immediately by an explosion, that laid waste to half the town. When he finally came to he found he wasn't even in the town anymore.

Such a dramatic event of course attracted the attention of the guild and soon some of it's members tracked him down. They had initially thought him a terrorist but when he found out who they were he all but begged them to let him join the guild. He didn't wish that kind on devastation of people and hoped that with the guild he could help prevent it, yet all the while another part of him was speaking in the back of his mind with quite the opposite sentiment.

Now he is a member of the guild, having proven capable and sane enough to carry out his duty as one of the guild. Though his mental instability prevents him from attaining any kind of leadership postion.
Not gonna lie I kinda forgot that this got moved on...sorry 'bout that

also by my count I had the last wolf we were currently up against so I posted as such, please let me know if I'm mistaken so I can fix it
Lothian had been crossbow ready and sword out, ready to support any of his companions that needed it while taking potshots when he could. But it seemed few would need it against this foe, one by one the wolves fell to the party. Keenan, Brennen, Adra and Kean, and the Templar, until finally the only remaining wolf-monster was the one Keenan was currently grappling.

Keenan lost his swords not long after the two met, and soon the melee devolved into something of a fist-on-claw fight. Keenan was growling and snarling in almost a similar fashion to the wolf and throwing hard punches when he could or grab the wolf to keep it from rending him with his claws or catching him with his fangs. The fight really was going nowhere slowly, with neither able to land a solid, debilitating hit simply due to their proximity. At least until Keenan made the mistake of headbutting the creature, his hands were on it's throat holding it's jaws away and arms blocking it's claws so he deciding to use the one unoccupied body part in reach: His head, though as his head was unarmored at the time the blow really did more to him than the wolf and in the moment he was stunned he was knocked to the ground, the wolf ready for a killing blow.

Seeing the scene Lothian starting rushing over, taking his shortsword in a reverse grip and throwing his full weight into a stab. He caught the wolf as it was poised over Keenan, driving the blade into it's skull and using his momentum to carry it away unloading his crossbow into it's right eye at point-blank range as he did. In the short distance of perhaps one-to-two feet he fell on top of the monster's corpse.

Panting as he rose back up, pulling his blade out as he did so, he turned to where Keenan was still on the ground. Keenan was not sitting up and seemed like he was trying to come down now that the last threat was dealt with, he was still breathing heavy in a way that could be described as angry. The elf held out his hand to help him up "are you alright friend?" which Keenan accepted after a sigh to steady his breathing "yes, thank you for that" He gave a short nod to Lothian before looking around for where his swords ended up.

Meanwhile, Lothian started heading back towards the group "I think that is the last of them for now, we might want to move on quickly if we can"
This sounds fun
Ratmen could be fun, I'm down
In --- 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I'll give it a shot, I'm interested
Sabine returned that man's smirk, he wasn't bothered by odd looks or cold tones he would tend to receive and this stranger was friendlier than most anyway. "Well I suppose were all anxious in one way or another" He tipped up his mug and took a long drink before continuing "So-" before he could continue he was cut off by the arrival of Torok and his brothers. He nodded to the middle brother and waved a hand in greeting "Torok" he spent enough time training with the brothers that he was fairly good at telling them apart. After greeting Torok he went quiet to let the newcomer answer for himself, as he had yet to find out who he was anyway.

He took another drink and studied the man as he gave his greeting. He'd been around enough soldiers to see the demeanor of one in this man and looking at his armor, fine metal bearing the queen's insignia, he'd guess this man was a knight. Sabine didn't know of any knightly orders within Tur, if there were any he hasn't heard of them, but with that symbol he suppose the man was in direct service to the queen so perhaps he was royal guard, or maybe a lord's son. Regardless, Sabine wasn't much concerned with the details of the David's prior service, at least for the now.

When David commented on them knowing each other Sabine nodded as he put down his drink "Aye, we've all been training here for perhaps just a bit over a year now" he glanced back toward Torok and his brothers but looked back to David after his next question. The smirk returned to his face as he took another sip and tilted his head slightly before giving his answer "One could say that" his smirk slowly turning into a grin.

@my Lalia@ReusableSword
@Lionhearted would the viking of moore tolerate having someone with magic among them if it's one of their own? I'm thinking of a viking born with magic but he's kept around as some kind of shaman mage or something as a counter to the witches from the witch hut's.

or alternatively he gets exiled, joins the witches, and hates his own people for it.

or maybe I'll try to think of something else if that's not possible.
Keenan didn't even flinch as the wolf was obliterated in front of him. He kept facing the woods until the rest of the corrupt pack showed itself and charged the party. rather than remain braced, however, Keenan charged for the silver wolf as it came towards him. As he charged he subtly tapped into the magic the Fae left behind in the wake of her spell, no one would be the wiser but as the two were about to meet the wolf's front legs were suddenly snared. The wolf was stopped for the split second needed for Keenan to drive his knee into the underside of it's jack, and with a wet crack the wolf's jaw was broken. The stunned beast was then subjected to a flurry from the Twin Fang's blades, ending it's miserable life.

Standing over it's body Keenan roared a challenge at the other brown wolf and it came barreling into him in answer. He took the charge and the two entering a fierce grapple.

As soon as the first wolf was gone Lothian aimed for the treeline and began shooting with his crossbow a moment before the wolves had come charging out of the woods. He continued aiming as he had before, taking every available shot to either weaken, maim, or kill. He slowly stepped backward to put himself behind the others as he did to avoid the melee so he could keep firing but he drew his shortsword in case it found him anyway.
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