Avatar of Zombehs
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1788 (0.47 / day)
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    1. Zombehs 10 yrs ago
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12 mos ago
Current Hey now, he's becoming self-aware. Don't take that from him.
1 yr ago
If the man's is asking for a ban, might as well give it to him. Good riddance.
1 yr ago
Then you'd just be crying about why it's permanent instead.
1 yr ago
Oh no, oh no. Someone warn his "roommate" Smarty's about to lose it.
1 yr ago
Go watch your fucking cow then instead of getting all upsetti spaghetti.


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Shou Zheng

Even if each of them had their personal bedroom within the apartment, Shou doubted the insulation was thick enough to block out the noises the pair would be making. He'd slept through worse, but it was a convenient enough excuse to spend the night elsewhere if asked. By the time he finished his meal and headed back up to his room, it sounded like things were well underway between the pair and he gathered some of the equipment he had brought along before he slipped out and locked the door behind him. Hopefully he didn't come back to a dead roommate and his ransacked belongings.

He should probably be more concerned with his own safety instead though. The warning from last night still rankled him, but Shou felt a sense of stillness and calm fill him as he watched the waves slosh up against the sandy beaches. For such a built up city, it felt odd to look down into completely empty streets... Well maybe not. Even if he couldn't see anyone, his ear fins flicked at every little noise.

He wasn't planning to pry on other people's business tonight. There was no desire to be strung up as an example like Jeanne had been this morning after all. With the fog finally rolling in after the clocktower toiled, Shou rose from his perch and squinted. Here, by the beach with no street lights nearby, the fog truly was impenetrable. His destination was straight ahead though, and he hopped forward onto the sandy shore without hesitation. Weapon gripped in hand and twirled around as he stepped into the waves and headed underwater again.
Shou Zheng

The opened door to his shared apartment came as something of a surprise to Shou. The light had already been on when he was outside, so it seemed a bit odd that the front door would have been left open like that. It wasn't enough to set him on edge, but it did make Shou a bit curious as he approached and rounded the corner. He certainly didn't expect the sight that greeted him, but he also wasn't so innocent so as to spit-take his mouthful of ale.

She might have been faced away from him as she claimed Kiran's lips, but the blonde was still recognizable to Shou. Both for her works and research, and the reputation she had established on the journey to Bermuda. Was it that surprising that her target was his roommate then? Considering the similarities between their chosen fields, maybe not. All that consideration in the few moments it took for him to gulp before he just raised an eyebrow and made eye contact with Kiran.

"Guess that reputation isn't unwarranted," Shou muttered before he shrugged and turned around. Kiran was clearly a bit too busy for dinner at the moment, so he decided to leave the two of them be for now. "Try and keep it to your personal room, hm?" With that said, he closed the door behind him and gave them the privacy they were looking for.
Shou Zheng

While he personally might not have been well adapted for the journey Lucy envisioned, Shou's explorer spirit couldn't help but be intrigued. The difficulties associated with breaking new boundaries could always use a few sturdier bodies, and he made sure to introduce himself to the Englishwoman as a possible asset. Limiting himself to being just a man of the sea seemed like far too small of a box after all. With a bit of networking finished though, it was about time for Shou to take his leave. After all, participating in the venue's challenge seemed a bit childish when there weren't any other Egoists in attendance.

He should get back and touch bases with his roommate after all. Figuring out ways to replicate Egoist adaptations with Technologism was probably going to involve a few hiccups, and he was already putting off one project. If he put off another one, then it'd turn into three at some point and things would only snowball from there! While the remainder enjoyed the fruits of Miss Atkinson's mania, Shou quietly slipped out of the building and into the evening.

As per last evening, Shou arrived just outside his residence atop one of the neighboring building's roof. The lights to their shared room were on, so it seemed that Kiran was already inside. It was possible that he had never left for the entire day as well. After all, Shou hadn't checked in with the Technologist ever since he stormed off last night. Was that perhaps a bit too distant of him? He rubbed his chin for a moment as he considered it. Then again, he had been in somewhat of a foul mood and definitely not the best of company.

Shou supposed he could always check in and ask if the other boy wanted to have dinner now. It'd be a good idea to get someone else's take on his discoveries today and bounce some ideas off the other explorer about possible uncovering just what was held down beneath Bermuda. With a casual hop off the roof and down to the ground below, Shou entered and grabbed himself a light drink to bring up to the room with him.
Shou Zheng

Enrolment at the Academy had not made mention of any terms, so it wasn't a surprise that students were free to come and go as they pleased. Shou couldn't imagine that nations would willingly surrender some of their brightest if they were bound to the island, for all the talk of cooperation to a brighter tomorrow. Irregardless, he doubt it would be a concern for him in the immediate future. The Ministry had not stressed any particular urgency for his task, and the reasons he could be called back were few enough to be counted on a single hand.

Meaningful news aside, it seemed that the newspaper was more of an recruitment board if one judged it by the quanity of content. Some of them earned a chuckle or snort from Shou given the audacity of the requests, but he supposed that the island was filled with those willing to push boundaries. The healthy selection of clubs and societies already on the lookout for members was promising though. Between the strangeness of what laid underneath the island and his own efforts to improve his Egoism, he'd see plenty of benefit from the more martial/combat focused clubs and the exploration sorts. Finding the time to check out each of them would be a task in and of itself, and there were still the official lectures and activities held by the Academy to consider.

With nothing but free time on his hand though, he decided to go check out one of the socieities holding an event nearby. The Hollow Earth? Certainly nothing he had heard of before and a bit odd of an idea, but it could be hard to tell where the line between genius and nonsense was drawn. Without bothering to waste time sitting down for a meal, Shou picked up a sandwich from a nearby cafe and had his meal on the go.
Shou Zheng
With a grunt and a few escaped air bubbles, Shou managed to wrench his sword free before he pushed it too far into the pressurized zone. Tapping at border in front of him was almost like pressing his fingers against a film of sort. He could push into it, but it wasn't pleasant at all. His body adjusted to the intensifying pressures as he dived deeper and deeper, so just suddenly being exposed to the stark difference was actually a bit painful. He was reasonably sure he could survive being shoved into the zone, but it wouldn't be without injury.

He shook his hand after he pulled the finger free and huffed before he continued to dive even deeper. Plumbing the depths beneath Bermuda for anything of interest revealed that the island seemed to be situated above an even deeper trench of sorts. Of sorts because it clearly didn't seem to be natural given how it was precisely the shape of the island and allowed the pressurized zone to extend even deeper. There was no way for him to know just how deep at the moment, and his head was starting to hurt a bit from the constant electric buzz. Given the scope of the island, he must have been diving for at least an hour or two by now. Discovering this strange pressurized zone was a start and meant he hadn't just wasted his time. Maybe there was something being trapped at the bottom of the zone? He'd have to see about finding some sort of container that could withstand the pressures and some sun rods. For now though, he swam back up to warmer and clearer waters.

Thankfully the beaches weren't just an afterthought, and some of them had clearly been meant for the students to enjoy. Beyond the various palm trees that provided some shade and greenery to the area, there was also access to fresh water via fountains and a few shower heads. It saved him a trip back to the dorms to get changed as he simply rinsed and rung out his clothes right then and there. Between the sunny afternoon and the warm tropical breeze rolling through the island, he'd be dried off by the time he found a place to eat for lunch.

There were naturally a few spots by the waterfront for the beach-goers, but Shou found himself wandering into the more built-up sectors of the island in search of fare. It also gave him the opportunity to swipe a copy of the newspaper being hawked and he blinked a few times at the headline. "Damn, you are as bad as the rumours," he muttered with a shake of his head as he skimmed over the paper for any other noteworthy news. With his eyes glued there, he started to test out just how best to get his echolocation to function out of the water. As he was in public, he began with a few higher pitched clicks. Something beyond the normal range of human hearing so as to not bother the other students around him.
Nerio Luchessi
For someone who apparently did not know how to ride his horse properly, Nerio had little problem in staying mounted and comfortable as the procession slowly wound its way through the town and arrived before the Academy proper. With both legs on one side of his steed as he sat on it sideways, the horse hardly seemed bothered by the unbalanced way he sat on the saddle. As the nobles before him filed through one at a time, he leaned forward, propped his elbow up on a knee, and covered up a wide yawn that almost had him tearing up a bit. His eyes and attention wandered as he waited patiently for his turn, and he didn't hesitate to wave and smile out into the crowd. It was no hero's homecoming, but the similarities were there and who was he to deny the celebratory atmosphere in the air.

"Presenting, Nerio of House Luchessi!" He raised his head slowly as his name was finally called out and with a patient smile, he leaned backwards a bit and patted his horse's side. It was one that had been given to him for the occasion as he was never much of a rider. He liked animals though, and a week of riding around town with the creature had been enough for the two to come to an understanding of sorts. Setting off at a steady pace, the horse was well trained and had participated in the ceremony five years prior, so it had little trouble in keeping with the rest of the nobles.

As he passed through the city gates, Nerio smiled at the crier and gave a slight nod of thanks. His introduction had been short and simple, avoiding any of the titles he had garnered from his time in service. It would be a bit needlessly provocative to remind the Perrench in attendance of how he had profited at their expense. After all, he could already see some cold expressions in the otherwise cheering crowds that lined the procession. He shook his head slowly to dismiss them from his thoughts for the moment though. This was supposed to be a momentous occasion and he raised a hand towards the rose petals that showered down around him. The sheer energy exuded by the crowds gave him plenty to work with, but that was just the easy part. The hard part was to snag each of the petals as they fluttered and danced in the wind and bend them to his will without simply tearing or crushing them apart.

What should have been a rain of rose petals was instead turned into a flowing stream of red that moved in tune with each flick of his hand. Tracing his name through the air in Avincian for all to see before he guided it down towards him. He leaned his head forward just enough for the gathered crown of rose petals to set itself on his head before he bowed to the surrounding crowds. Nearly tipping from his horse, but almost floating back into place as he sat up straight once as his horse cleared the gates for those that would be coming afterwards.
Well drat. If a spot opens up, lemme know?
Well this looks like a whacky ball of shenanigans.

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