Avatar of Zran
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Zran is Zran
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 354 (0.09 / day)
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    1. Zran 10 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
Current Thank you RPG I can honestly say I don't know what my life would be like if I hadn't found you crazy bunch.
8 yrs ago
Getting back into RPs is hard. Did I have more patience when I was younger?
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@Lunarlors34 Well I should probably wait until @Caits weighs in first. But I think I'll work on something now I can always tweak it later.

<Snipped quote by Zran>

We have two, and that's it. One summons angels and demons, the other...I think it's the Chinese Zodiac. They're twins that Caits controls.

Hmm summoning any of the 12 spirits would probably be too much though I'd guess. Perhaps if he had earnt just their armour though (for instance gaining Sagittarius armour would give him a bow and leather armour and some skill with it), and could only summon lesser spirits.

Well Georgie's main magic is similar to Celestial. Exact same concept, only thing different is the name actually :

Yeah I really need to go through the characters right now I've just been looking at them as my character meets them or curiosity.
Do we have many Celestial Mages? I'm thinking of creating a warrior type who summons armour and weapons similar to Lucys star dresses. Good idea? or bad? He'd be able to summon spirits but rarely would.
It is my sincere hope that this little arc with Frenzy Plant in Belka convinces some of you guys that my guild is pretty cool as well, and could use more members.

I'll make another character eventually and we'll see where they go.
Temporary Name: Alistair
Gender: Male
Height: 6f 2in
Weight: 75kg
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Physical Description: Alistair has pale skin, little distinguishing features and fairly average in body. The only peculiar thing is burn scars on his hands and forearms. His eyes seem to have a strange brilliance to them as well.
Visual Description: Wears jumpsuit as if it were a tux and always keeps his hands covered unless working.
Personality: Alistair can come across quite eccentric often muttering to himself or giving long-winded speeches. He always seems to be analyzing things whether people or objects. He also has a flair for the dramatic and always makes a spectacle of himself.
Likes: Alcohol, strategic games, an audience, tinkering.
Dislikes: being ignored, failure, distractions.
Quirks: Alistair is always straightening his clothes making sure they are presentable. Can come off as arrogant.

Class: Mage
Occupation: Tinker
Alistair gives off a charge of electricity, sometimes shocking anyone near him.

Alistairs' pockets are always full of odds and ends sometimes just the thing he needs.

Weapon: None at present.

Magic Tricks: Alistair practices stage magic in his down time. can perform card tricks, or use sleight-of-hand and the like, providing entertainment or perhaps a handy distraction.

Ventriloquism: Alistair is used to public speaking and can project his voice to a whole room or in the midst of a battle.
So hard to write this without giving up the game!!
<Snipped quote by Zran>

No, she was mundane and climbed up the stairs ^.^

Thanks, obvious when I reread but it didn't click. Post up anyway.
Aisling Eisen

Aisling sat upon the roof utterly exhausted as the sun rose ever higher, her attempts at meditation failing due to the hustle and bustle of the city below nothing like the quiet mountain air. Giving up she rummaged through her bag trying to find the last of her food. It was as she found it and unwrapped the package that the door opened behind her unnoticed, she stuffed the travel bread into her mouth as if it were candy.
A moment later a girls' voice spoke. "Excuse me? What are you doing here?"

Aisling stood and turned around to face the girl hands raised defensively nearly sending her bag back down the roof. “Uhm,” She said through a mouthful of dry bread. She stopped to swallow and continued. “Just enjoying the sights of the city... I guess,” at a loss for a way to explain why she was on the roof of a random building.

Looking around nervously she took note of the girls' bright red hair and eyes, she seemed about the same age and harmless enough. Aisling lowered her hands to her sides and relaxed her stance trying not to make her gesture seem obvious. Besides she would only be able to summon a gust of wind right now.
finally time to put pen to paper, I'll write a post for another RP and then cook up my charry.
@Caits Thanks for sending Penny up. Aisling was probably gonna die of heat stroke or something haha. I was gonna get around to having her come down when I had time, been busy until now. I'll likely have a post up in the next few hours.

edit: QQ was Penny using her magic visibly to get up to the roof? it's relevant to whether Aisling hides her magic or not.
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