Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurai
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Chev said
Still accepting? And if you are, do you accept Character appearances from the Old Republic?

Yep, I'll be accepting for at least a couple more days. You mean using a screenshot from the Old Republic as your character appearance? If so, I'd be fine with that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dawnon Aeris

Dawnon Aeris

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its sci fi..just roll with it, im not thinking permafrost as soil but as everlasting ice, and as for the planet name i just pulled that out of my ass..ill relocate
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurai
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Dawnon Aeris said
its sci fi..just roll with it, im not thinking permafrost as soil but as everlasting ice, and as for the planet name i just pulled that out of my ass..ill relocate

Okay... I guess the idea of everlasting ice isn't too far-flung in the Star Wars universe, since it's Science Fantasy after all. Would you mind changing the word "permafrost" to "everlasting ice" in your profile?

No need to relocate, but if you wouldn't mind renaming the planet, that would be great. Thank you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amalvi


Member Seen 10 mos ago

Kurai said
Okay, so as I understand, he's going with the Empire and is planning to help them but doesn't really have any sort of allegiance to them. He's just looking to get paid. Is that correct?

Yep that was the idea, but it would me more correct to say that I didn't know really what to put in "affiliation" and I want to change it to neutral now
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurai
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Amalvi said
Yep that was the idea, but it would me more correct to say that I didn't know really what to put in "affiliation" and I want to change it to neutral now

Gotcha, I can understand how that would be confusing. I'll change it now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dawnon Aeris

Dawnon Aeris

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i changed my char sheet significantly, hope its more acceptable now
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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Assallya said
*grins* Hey. It's Sith. Sith are the ultimate in such matters. Heterosexual, homosexual, omnisexual, incestual, black, white, zebra striped. Sith are the ultimate libertarians. Now the Jedi, the Jedi would never allow for any such freedoms. They're all about laws and reputations after all.

Now that I thought about it, I wouldn't call them Libertarians. The Sith are essentially an Oligarchy. The Republic is technically a Democracy, with a few Republic influences, kind of like the US. The closest thing to Libertarians in the SW universe is the Mandolorians, though they don't follow the NAP except where it concerns the government, they have an extremely limited government with few rules.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IInflex


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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Only when it's not your political party being compared to the Sith. It's the Star Wars equivalent of calling a party Nazis or Communists, though some people actually do that pretty often.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amalvi


Member Seen 10 mos ago

TheUnknowable said
Now that I thought about it, I wouldn't call them Libertarians. The Sith are essentially an Oligarchy. The Republic is technically a Democracy, with a few Republic influences, kind of like the US. The closest thing to Libertarians in the SW universe is the Mandolorians, though they don't follow the NAP except where it concerns the government, they have an extremely limited government with few rules.

I agree with him, a sith that would allow him or herself to fall for carnal temptations instead of controlling such emotions would be a shameful one. A sith must strive for achieving power by being in control of his own feelings, not letting those take control, and things such as sex imply pleasure, pleasure leads to contempt, contempt to appreciation and appreciation to love, which is a weakness

but this is a pg-13 rp, so no sex at all
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Blue Sylph

The Blue Sylph

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alright, finally finished my sheet! Took me surprisingly long to hammer it all down... so most probably I think I'll just stay with one character unless I get great inspiration to write that tanky dark sider.

Character Sheet:

Basic Information

Name: Jayneth Orlearis
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Species: Echani
Homeworld: Eshan, Inner Rim
Current Residence: Corruscant
Current Occupation: Jedi Knight serving in the Republic Army
Affiliation: Republic

Physical Info

Appearance: Jayneth's appearance is greatly marked by her Echani heritage, as are all in her species. As such, her long hair is a silver color, as are her eyes and she has pale skin. Her build is lithe and athletic, packed with compact but effective muscles and stands at a height of 1,68 meters.

Casual Attire: Jayneth's casual attire consists of mostly long, sturdy military style pants, in either brown, forest green or other subdued colors, a simple white top for really relaxed occasions with a jacket on top otherwise. She wears sturdy leather boots as a norm and her hair in a high ponytail or loose depending on the circumstances.

Battle Attire: For Jayneth's combat attire, she wears a mix and match of light Echani armor and Republic Scout armor, prioritizing mobility while adding as much protection as possible without sacrificing this all important attribute. Her armor has blue details to it and a black half cape hanging from the back of the belt. She avoids wearing her Jedi robe over her armor in most circumstances, but when she steps out of her soldier role, she does find it comforting.

Personal Info

Personality: Jayneth is a hands-on-the-issue kind of problem solver, direct and getting straight to the point. While she much prefers action to reaction, this does not mean she lacks in patience. Indeed, she can spend hours on a single spot waiting for the right moment to move so long as the wait has a clear purpose and she gets to keep watch. While practising the teachings of the Jedi Order, she knows she fails in a few aspects due to her love of combat and somewhat passionate nature which seeps into putting great enthusiasm into what she does. Still, despite this unconventional trait for a Jedi, the words compassion, loyalty and duty resonate strongly within her and thus she remains a fierce warrior for the defenceless and protector of the Galaxy.

Connections: 124th Special Division Squad of the Republic Army who may or many not, be assigned to the mission with her. This is a twelve member of team of republic troopers specialized in small scale, high precision missions around the galaxy. Also Lairin Orlearis, Jayneth's mother and an Echani matriarch in charge of a small province in Eshan. She and her sisters have shown willingness to support their family. Finally, the Jedi Temple in Corruscant where she was trained, specially her original Master, another Echani woman by the name of Brielle Mornth, as well as some links to the Republic Army.

History: Jayneth was born third daughter to Lairin Orlearis and her husband, a pair who ruled over a small province of the Eshan planet. However, as is the case with many Force Sensitive children in the Galaxy, she was discovered by a Jedi recruiter at her third year of age and the temple requested to raise the girl to be a Jedi Knight. After some discussion, the mother agreed, however she requested that eventually she be trained by Brielle Mornth so that she may not neglect her Echani heritage. Given the value of such teachings in combat, specially in such a dark time for the galaxy, this compromise was accepted. Then Jayneth's training started like that of all disciples. She took to her life with great enthusiasm, with her trainers finding her ever eager to try her best in her lessons, even if she struggled with the more esoteric elements of the Jedi life... and had a bit of a propensity to get into fights. Still, she managed to progress into becoming a Padawan to Master Brielle... who took time of their training to teach the young woman the ways of combat and culture of the Echani... helping her focus her warrior instincts and cool her temper and anxiousness for battle. The two went on many missions and adventures together until the moment where Jayneth was finally seen as fit to become a Jedi Knight. From there, she opted to continue engaging in battle for the safety of the Galaxy, joining up with the Republic Army. That is where she met the 124th Special Division Squad. As a Jedi Knight she was a valuable asset on the battlefront and assigned many special missions and the 124th was assigned to protect and assist her in battle. For nearly a whole year of fighting together, Jayneth mostly kept her distance from the soldiers fighting around her... taking pride in her Jedi teachings and Echani training to fight on her own. It was during this time that upon visiting a city for some downtime, she was attacked by mysterious assailants... who in truth, revealed themselves to be her mother, two sisters and a small guard of Echani warriors. Her family wished to meet her and see for themselves what the Jedi training had to done for Jayneth. After a couple of days of getting to know each other, they departed, giving Jayneth a way to reach them and telling the youg woman that they are family despite anything and will try to support her if needed. A bit shaken by the encounter, Jayneth returned to her military life and back to the troopers and battlefield. However, as time passed and she looked at the warriors of the 124th through the eyes of an Echani fighter, she came to understand and appreciate them and their methods. To respect the way they fought and see how her flashy Jedi style often put the more methodical and cautious soldiers in trouble. She became curious and wished to learn more of this third path... that of the Republic Trooper. With great humility, she came to them and eventually requested that they teach her some of their ways. How to shoot, use explosives, take point, fight as they do. Though initially surprised by the request, their Squad Leader eventually accepted... and for the last four years, Jayneth has fought first as a member of the 124th. She learned to use their precision and abilities while better complimenting them with her own gifts as a Jedi. Now, learning of this new mission, Jayneth was quick to volunteer her blend of skills.

Combat Info


Two DC-17 Hand Blasters
One DC-15A Blaster Rifle
Two dual phase, blue colored lightsabers , which allow her to shift with the press of a bottom from normal length lightsaber to a shorter one, similar to a shoto.
Two Physical Concussion Grenades: Good for blowing up enemies.
Two Flashbang Grenades: Good for stunning and incapacitating enemies.

Non-Weapon Technology:

A portable holo proyector.
A portable comm-link.
A rations pack.
A credit chip.

Armor: A mix and match of light Echani armor and Republic Scout armor, prioritizing mobility while adding as much protection as possible without sacrificing this all important attribute. Her armor has blue details to it and a black half cape hanging from the back of the belt.

Standard Abilities:

Lightsaber Form III, Soresu: Jayneth focused on two different styles of ligthsaber fighting, the first of which is the fully defensive form of Soresu which allows her to prolong fights, defend herself and allies from concentrated attacks and tire out her opponent.

Lightsaber Form IV, Ataru: Jayneth's second specialization, the highly mobile Ataru meshes well with her warrior nature and high mobility. Using strong and acrobatic attacks, this style is for when Jayneth wants to end a fight quickly.

Echani Combat Training and Senses: As a trained Echani warrior, Jayneth is an expert in hand to hand combat and has the uncanny ability to infer a lot of information from an opponent simply by the way they fight.

Trooper Training: After a few years of fighting at their side, Jayneth has learned how to wield blasters, rifles and grenades with proficiency as well as the way these commandos move and fight. She also has a rudimentary knowledge of piloting, though this is more akin to a normal person learning to drive instead of being a focused pilot.

Physical Aptitude: By her Echani heritage and constant physical training, Jayneth is in prime condition, strong, agile, fast and healthy.

Force Abilities:

Force Speed: The ability to use the Force to improve reflexes and general movement.

Force Jump: The ability to use the Force to jump great distances and heights.

Force Enhancement: Part of the last two, this is the ability to use the Force to improve the physical abilities of its user and aid in their movements.

Force Telekinesis: The ability to push, pull and lift objects by the use of the Force. Jayneth is rather average in this area.

Force Sense: The ability to sense disturbances in the Force and sense other Force users and powers in the area. Furthermore, it improves Jayneth's senses when focused on this power.

Hide Presence: An ability she has cultivated since joining up with the 124th, stopping all her other Force Powers from having effect, she can hide her presence as Jedi from other Force Sensitives.

Special Abilities: None

Other Info

Notes: None.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

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Libertarianism isn't a form of government. You can't compare Libertarianism to a democracy, republic or any other form of government. That's like comparing the taste of an orange with the taste of fulfillment. They aren't even in the same realm.

Also, passion is at the heart of the force. Love, desire, gratification, courage, shame, fear and countless other emotions are how you connect to the force. The Jedi, however are responsible. They embrace the emotions but control them, ensuring that they never run out of control. The quick and easy path, is to let the emotions rule you, to do everything you want, to experience it all and damn the repercussions. You want that lollipop in the baby's mouth, take the damn thing. If the baby wails... so what? The lust for power is just another lust, and with power one can slake yet more lusts and never again feel the pain of unfulfilled desire.

This is the true nature of the Dark Side.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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Assallya said
Libertarianism isn't a form of government. You can't compare Libertarianism to a democracy, republic or any other form of government. That's like comparing the taste of an orange with the taste of fulfillment. They aren't even in the same realm.Also, passion is at the heart of the force. Love, desire, gratification, courage, shame, fear and countless other emotions are how you connect to the force. The Jedi, however are responsible. They embrace the emotions but control them, ensuring that they never run out of control. The quick and easy path, is to let the emotions rule you, to do everything you want, to experience it all and damn the repercussions. You want that lollipop in the baby's mouth, take the damn thing. If the baby wails... so what? The lust for power is just another lust, and with power one can slake yet more lusts and never again feel the pain of unfulfilled desire.This is the true nature of the Dark Side.

More like comparing atheism to various religions, or soda to various fruit juices. The frame of reference isn't there, but they are similar enough that it appears there is one. I get what you are saying though.

Blue Sylph, I like your character. You obviously put a lot of thought into it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurai
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TheUnknowable said
More like comparing atheism to various religions, or soda to various fruit juices. The frame of reference isn't there, but they are similar enough that it appears there is one. I get what you are saying though.Blue Sylph, I like your character. You obviously put a lot of thought into it.

Okay, guys, please don't overload the thread with political arguments. I'm not trying to stifle you or anything but politics is a topic that can get really heated really quick (especially namedropping people like the Nazis) so please just refrain. If you'd like to have these arguments take them out of this thread.
Dawnon and Blue Sylph I will be looking over your characters shortly, sorry for the wait. Today has been very hectic.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurai
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Amalvi said
I agree with him, a sith that would allow him or herself to fall for carnal temptations instead of controlling such emotions would be a shameful one. A sith must strive for achieving power by being in control of his own feelings, not letting those take control, and things such as sex imply pleasure, pleasure leads to contempt, contempt to appreciation and appreciation to love, which is a weaknessbut this is a pg-13 rp, so no sex at all

Also I like this haha, a nice, in-universe explanation for me not wanting sex in the RP. I would really prefer there to be as little sexuality as possible, as that just isn't the kind of RP I'm interested in running, but an RP is more than it's GM. If you all want to do that kind of stuff just make sure it's not too overt and actual acts are in PMs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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Kurai said
Okay, guys, please don't overload the thread with political arguments. I'm not trying to stifle you or anything but politics is a topic that can get really heated really quick (especially namedropping people like the Nazis) so please just refrain. If you'd like to have these arguments take them out of this thread.Dawnon and Blue Sylph I will be looking over your characters shortly, sorry for the wait. Today has been very hectic.

Ok, maybe I'll start a non-rp thread about the politic of Star Wars or something if I want to discuss it further.

Amalvi said
I agree with him, a sith that would allow him or herself to fall for carnal temptations instead of controlling such emotions would be a shameful one. A sith must strive for achieving power by being in control of his own feelings, not letting those take control, and things such as sex imply pleasure, pleasure leads to contempt, contempt to appreciation and appreciation to love, which is a weaknessbut this is a pg-13 rp, so no sex at all

Kind of the opposite of what master Yoda says in Episode one (Love leads to fear) Fear leads to anger, Anger leads to hate, Hate leads to suffering. Interesting look at SIth Philosophy. I'd be interested in how you view the code of the Sith and and the code of the Jedi (personally, prefer the ancient Jedi code to the more modern one in KOTOR.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurai
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Dawnon, your revised character is accepted.

The Blue Sylph, your character is accepted as well, and might I add how impressive the sheet is. I like your thought out history, interesting character traits (not human! Yay!) and mix of trooper and jedi. Well done.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

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TheUnknowable said
Ok, maybe I'll start a non-rp thread about the politic of Star Wars or something if I want to discuss it further.Kind of the opposite of what master Yoda says in Episode one (Love leads to fear) Fear leads to anger, Anger leads to hate, Hate leads to suffering.

When it comes to the Force I always harken back to Obi Wan and Yoda in the original trilogy. The prequels and the original series conflict. I mean, throughout the original trilogy Yoda and Obi Wan are constantly telling Luke to stretch out with his feelings. Even Vader told him to do so. Then, in the prequels Yoda says not to feel when the key to using the force is to stretch out with one's feelings? Bah. A pox on the prequels and upon midiclorians too!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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Assallya said
When it comes to the Force I always harken back to Obi Wan and Yoda in the original trilogy. The prequels and the original series conflict. I mean, throughout the original trilogy Yoda and Obi Wan are constantly telling Luke to stretch out with his feelings. Even Vader told him to do so. Then, in the prequels Yoda says not to feel when the key to using the force is to stretch out with one's feelings? Bah. A pox on the prequels and upon midiclorians too!

I took "reach out with your feelings" to be related to "a Jedi can feel the Force flowing through him." In that sense, "feelings" aren't emotions, but perceptions. When Obi-wan first tells Luke "reach out with your feelings", Luke is trying to learn to sense the remote droid so he can deflect its attack. Soon after that he tells Kenobi "I could almost see it.", relating the "feelings" he was reaching out with to one of the basic five senses, or ways of perceiving the world.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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Kurai said
Dawnon, your revised character is accepted.The Blue Sylph, your character is accepted as well, and might I add how impressive the sheet is. I like your thought out history, interesting character traits (not human! Yay!) and mix of trooper and jedi. Well done.

Technically, aren't the Echani a subspecies of human, about as far from us as we are from Neanderthals? I guess it depends on how you define "human".
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