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gowia Buried in a Book

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 9 mos ago

As the summer sun set for a final time across Edoniras, the people of this great continent begun the usual yearly tradition of preparing for the winter in the autumn. Hay, firewood and furs were all restocked as stocks of warming items were refilled. However during this dank and dreary time of year there was extreme excitement for one, lonely man sitting behind his desk. Spectacles sat on his noise at the lowest possible point, dangerously close to falling off however he did not care. What he had in his hands was worth a million times over the number of spectacles he had ever owned in his life. He drew in the last brush stroke and sat back looking down at the ordinary looking piece of paper that now adorned his desk. It was clean but by no means was the fanciest piece of paper there was around, the cartographers had been on hard time recently however this surely would see them back in the money and on the lips of every one again. Rolling up the scroll he sealed the scroll with a large blob of wax and using his ring pressed the sigil of the Cartographers into it before standing slowly. He would now make the short journey to the nearest capital to him to present this map to its ruler. Meanwhile all across Edoniras similar men were carrying out the same task in all the nations. A map of the New World was being delivered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 4 mos ago

((Ignore this, forums like to act weird sometimes.))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iluvatar
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Iluvatar The British

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kythian, Duchy of Lydiah

Duke Elvahn sighed as he sifted through yet another sheaf of paperwork. Never before had the Duchy of Lydiah experienced such a period of growth and development - new technologies, particularly in shipping, were being discovered all the time. Tariffs, embargo threats, alliance offers, and trade agreements constantly flooded into the nation, and then inevitably into the Duke's hands. Even his vast army of advisors and secretaries couldn't stem the flow by much.

Casting the pile aside, he rose from his desk and stumbled towards the wall. He had been sitting in the same position for several hours, and his legs were well aware of it. Stretching out a hand to steady himself, his gaze fell upon a large-size map of Edoniras. Lydiah lay to the west, a thin golden-yellow band stretched along the coastline. Further inland was a vast uninhabited plain, and to the north, the mighty Lance Empire.

Greatest of all the risks to Lydiah's independence, the Empire was also one of the trading hub's largest markets - the nation was so large and varied that there was a market for the vast majority of Lydiah's goods. The Duchy had always been wary of their more powerful northern neighbour, but neither had they wasted the opportunity to sell products obtained from the southerly regions of the continent, nations like Numberg and Azor, to the subjects of the Lance emperor.

Suddenly, the large double doors flew open, jerking the Duke from his contemplation. He drew himself quickly upright, ready to defend himself. His two guards, clad in armour and blue cloaks, rushed into the room from outside and levelled their spears at the intruder.

"What is the meaning of this?" demanded Elvahn.

"My lord," answered the man, "I am from the Ministry of Cartography. We have recently made a breakthrough, and I rushed here at once to share with your Grace the good news. Pray, take a look at this." The man produced a large sheet of rolled up parchment from somewhere, rapidly winding the paper into a wide, flat page. He turned it round and showed it to the Duke.

Now that he took the time to look at the 'stranger', he did begin to recognise him. But the thought was flushed instantly from his mind as his eyes fell upon the map stretched out before him.

"What... what is this?" he gasped.

"A new world, your Grace. A chance for all to find wealth and riches. This land is open to us for the taking."

"But the other nations - do they know of this too?"

"Regrettably so, your Grace. You must act quickly to claim what is rightfully yours. But I am not a Thane, nor an advisor. Your plans are not for me to make." And depositing the map into the dazed monarch's arms, he abruptly bowed, turned, and strode out through the door.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Lancus, Lance Empire
Gabriel Wilhelm, or as he was known to a majority of the Lance Empire, Emperor Gabriel the Third, held the yellowing parchment in his hand. It revealed to him the answer to a question that people had been asking for many years, the question of another landmass, a new world so to speak. Gabriel reacted to the map as little child might react to be handed a bag load of candy. He seem pleased.

He was quite handsome. He stood tall, having the figure of a man who lead a Empire. His blue eyes stared into the parchment, having the look about them that would make it seem like he could stare into the very souls of men. His hair was blonde, and rather long. Resting atop his head was a crown. It was made of pure gold, and in rested a single gem. That gem was a brilliant ruby, said to be one of the finest in all of Edoniras. He wore a outfit that you would expect of a Emperor. A robe of deep purple lined with fine white wool, with black pants and a brilliant golden shirt.

The throne room he stood in was probably the biggest in all of Edoniras. Although it also acted as the meeting chambers for the Upper House, with a vast amount of wooden chairs that now sat empty. The walls were a dull grey stone, and illuminated by a few torches or gas lamps scattered about. The Throne it self was made of red velvet and gold.

"I want a new ministry formed, the Ministry of Colonization. I want two colonist fleets sent to the new world immediately, each with 12,000 colonist back by 6000 regulars each. One to the Northern bit of the continent, the other straight across to the new lands. Send envoys to Numburg, The Empire of Corustaria , and United Vanjanan Empire to see if they will be willing to help us ferry supplies, colonist, and soldiers to the new lands." said a loud Gabriel. His voice was backed by a tone of authority, probably why he had led the Empire so long.

Various people rushed about after Gabriel's little speech, apparently knowing that it was there jobs to do what he said. The Minister of Foreign Relations, David, stepped into the throne room.

"Such good news isn't my Emperor?" asked David.

"Yes, with these new lands we can expand the Empire, grow stronger then ever before. David, I also have a task for you. " replied Gabriel.

"Yes my Emperor?" said David.

"Establish more formal trade deals with Lydiah, in exchange for protecting them. We will need the money to help fund our colonies. Also open up the special economic zones to foreign investors, they shall help grow our economy." said Gabriel

"I shall do as you say." replied David stepping out of the Throne Room.

It was the dawn of a new age. A age of Empire.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago

The Empress stood alongside the Prime Minister, watching the docks. In the prime ministers hands was grasped the map of the new world
"So Simmons was right, there are more land masses." The Prime Minister commented as he read the map, the Empress nodded
"I trust you dispatched the message to our allies? And do you know how the Grand Admirals negotiations fare?" The Empress asked
"I did, and he's in the midst of it all from his last letter." The Empress looked to the map in the prime ministers hand. It hadn't been 40 minutes since it arrived, and already parliament had launched into a frenzy about it. Ships were being loaded with supplies... Colonists were another matter. Obviously one could not simply gather people to go as one might gather corn. It took time and progress, but they were confident they could gather them by the end of the week.
The Prime minister had dispatched letters to its allies in the Lance, Vanjanan and Numburg. It would be wiser for them to work together than for them all to risk the continents wealth. They may have lacked alone, but together they could take the new world, he was sure of it! The ships would have to be dispatched quickly, or they would not reach the new world before the potential competition, so they had decided to send an advanced group to plant a claim before their potential enemies could.
The race was on, who could get their faster? And from then, who would dominate? Would their alliance dominant, or would they be outdone. Unacceptable, they must succeed

An open letter to our allies

To whomever it may concern

It has come to our attention that there is a new land mass to the east. By the time this letter reaches you, we will probably have already sent some colonists to sail. Regardless, I believe it would be best for some of us to meet and discuss potential collaboration on the issue. I propose we meet on the capital of the Vanjanan Empire, ensuring no one has to travel too far a distance
Empress Burrows of Corustaria
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toaw


Member Offline since relaunch

Antionette, New Republic of Ostlandet

Doge Joesph Alexander sat at the table with a stern, and unforgiving look, even at his own feast. He was old, already in his late sixties, and he knew that every last person who was at that party wished him dead, so that they might once again fight over the right to rule the Republic. His hair was filled with gray, and lack of enthusiasm, his heart slow, withering, and useless, and he had nothing to show for his time ruling the Republic. Suddenly a few armed guards stormed in, with a scrawney man well dressed, but not well enough to be considered of importance. "Doge, we found this man lurking outside the house searching for you, he is as he claims a well known cartographer, and sailor." He then dropped the cartographer, and his fingers slipped revealing a fairly large map of Edoniras and its natural borders, but along side it was the most magnificent thing Joseph had ever laid his eyes upon.

The Doge remained still, and even though the look on his face had not changed, you could tell it was obviously filled with glee. "Welcome to my party young cartographer, may I ask of your name?"

"M'lord m-my name is Goffry Hollard, I am a sailor of the boat Julia, and a cartographer in my free time" his voice was both quiet, and frightened due to his current situation.

"No need to be affraid boy, but please I'm sure we are all curious why is there another landmass drawn on the map, I too am a fanatic when it comes to cartography, and that certainly has never been on any map I have seen." He tried to contain his joy in front of the other merchants, by keeping his usual dreary, and overpowering tone.

"That's because we have recently discovered it m'lord, it is best if we hurry, and claim what we can though, there are others who know about it as well, and who knows how many nations have already found out."

"In that case, Leonardo" he shouted turning his towards his son. "You are now officially in charge of colonizing any and all territory on this new continent. I will give you four of our best Frigates, eight hundred colonist, and two thousand of our best men, bring both glory, honor, and riches to house Alexander." His face then turned back towards the cartographer. "As for this man, have two soldiers watching him at all times, if he tries to sell the map, or give it to anyone execute him, and the other perpetrator. This decision is final, and now let us get back to the feast."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sovi3t

Sovi3t Obamacare

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Azor Throne Room
Joseph the Magnificent II

Joseph nodded to his son, Tim has he preeced to the war room, a huge map of the province layed out with the huge imprint of the new province

"What's this, young cartographer? " asked Joseph, his hands now laying on the table

"Sire, a new landmas has been found .. it holds great promise ... we should investigate at once!" exclaimed the young cartographer

"Yes.. yes... very well , hm true,,, alright set up two small towns ... at the entrance of the cove.. yes and one at the end of the cove "

Joseph drew two stars on the new landmass, to two docking locations

" Order Micheal of Icesliver to get boats ready , with 500 Citzens on the boat, 150 of our farmers also with Roughly 1,000 Regualrs and 500 Recruits , once that is done we shall begin the colonization of the southern points" Joseph commanded

"Also, while you are at it, get Duncan of Frostsworth to talk trade with Nunberg, Lydia , the Lance Empire and the new republic of Ostlandet , and The Empire of Corustaria tell them Azor shall trade with them " Joseph stated

A few messangers nodded, has they hurried off to there respective tasks

" At last, we must find a way to gain a edge on technology, tell Boris of Hollwocastle to begin researching more advances into weapons for the military, and tell Steven of Bullsworth to begin training more troops, lastly tell Duncan of Frostwoth to being building more ships... like those ships of the line "
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MrFoxNews
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MrFoxNews The Boss

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

LexBurg, Capital of Numburg.

A man sat gazing absently at a new contract sent to him by his administration.

The man was an older fellow nearing his 50's. His hair beginning to gray. The tall man coughed and wheezed several times. Although it was not entirely apartment he was rather sick, his skin an unnatural pale. His hair jet black. A pair of spectacles adorned his face. A loose and rumpled military jacket clung to the man.

The door flew open as a small courier hurried inside. Lord Markus Finch looked up from his work a frown forming in his face. His mustache twitched as he addressed the young man "What is it?" Finch asked with a hint of annoyance in his tone. The courier passed a few crumpled papers on the messy desk. "A message from the Emperor Gabriel of the Lance Empire Herr Finch."

Finch picked up the crumpled papers, om it was a crudely drawn map of something that had only existed in children's stories. Another body of land. A smile formed on the lips of the sickly man. Along with the map was a letter detailing an offer from the Lance Empire. Finch looked up. "You courier, send for my Administration immediately, I want the fleet assembled immediately. A new business venture is rising for the people of Numburg."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago

The ships left the harbour to the cheers of the gathered crowd. Even the Empress had attended, with her heirs, in order to turn over a Corustarian flag.
The Empresses Colours, touched by her own hand. Given rarely, if ever, these colours were a great pride... And great burden. For to lose these colours was to lose the Empresses favour, to fall from grace and leave no trace, a black mark upon a regiments record, an indelible stain upon the honour and dignity of its soldiers. Even the most cowardly of officers was willing to fight to protect these colours.
And the standard bearer flew the colours proudly from the ship as the soldiers lined behind him, singing their hearts out... The marines grudgingly joined in, clearly not enthused that the colours had been given to the army as a formality instead of to the marines for skill.
"...So fall in lads behind the drum/ with colours blazing like the sun/ along the road to come-what may/ over the hills and far away/ Here's o'er the sea's and o'er the land/ 'cross oceans, mountains, plains and swamps/ Our Empress commands and we obey/ Over the hills and far away..."

Colony fleet size
800 Colonists
1000 Soldiers (650 recruits, 350 regulars)
Two Barques
Two Brigs
20 Cows, Twelve Pigs, Nine Chickens, ploughs, a hundred horses, a years supply of food (Rationed, preserved (Known for its horrid taste due to the preservatives)) Axes, farming equipment, seeds for various fruit and vegetables, Coin, Cloth, essentials, personal belongings, tents for temporary accommodation.

Four letters are sent out, proposing trade routes with the Vanjanan Empire, the Lance Empire, Numburg and Lydiah
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Port City, Lance Empire
The boy looked back at Port City, his old home, before turning towards the open sea. Word had spread quickly of the new landmass to the east. While most people in the Lance Empire were unsporting of Naval ventures, he didn't mind, nor did his family. After all the Emperor had said that anyone willing to go setup a colony would receive a halved taxes for a year and 10 acres of land in the new world. Plus there was rumors of the new lands having vast riches and fertile fields, something that had attracted the boy's family.

He took one final look at his old home. He would be the first of the colonists to see the new world. There was another expedition being prepared, but it had not been sent out yet. The other expedition was planning to land on the Northern most bit of the continent, and take a diagonal path across the ocean to get there. The other one, the one which the boy was on, was heading straight across the ocean. There were a total of 1,000 Colonists, with 1000 Regulars to back them. There was enough food for a year, various animals with feeding supplies, and seeds to grow crops. Along with tools, clothes, and other essentials.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sovi3t

Sovi3t Obamacare

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Michael Transworth

The ships departed, with a huge crowd cheering and people hollering, the ships began to wave the flag of Azor proudly. has they left to an unknown new world.

" Jolly good of you " stated Sir Fredrick, the adivisor of Transworth

"These ships are bound, to the command of Azor " smirked Michael

" Then let us hope that they give us fortune and fame " shouted Sir Fredirck has the males walked away

Colony Fleet Size

600 Colonists
250 Farmers
1500 Soldiers (1,000 Recruits , 500 Regulars )
One Frigate
2 Brigs
10 Cows , 5 Pigs , 10 Chickens , 200 Horses , Year Supply of Food (Mostly Rationed, bad taste) , a bunch of farming equipment , seeds for crops , Coins , Colth , Tents and anything the colonists have/brought
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago

A message to the Lance Empires envoy, to be delivered back to their Emperor post-haste

We will gladly assist in sending your supplies across the ocean in return for a guarantee of military assistance should it be required, and a single fee of 100 million to help cover the expenses of the ships voyage
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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Keyguyperson Welcome to Cyberhell

Member Seen 1 day ago

Kwedolobhakalle, United Vanjanan Empire. (One month ago)
Sigfrid Halvar was not one you would expect to be leader of the richest known nation on the planet. He busied himself with things such as mathematics and the sciences, the closest thing to kingly he studied was military tactics, and then for enjoyment. He didn't think he would ever have to fight anyone, just pay them off. However, that area of study wouldn't ever make him appear like a king to anyone outside of Vanjana, the cultures were simply too different. Sitting upon the Jade Throne (which he had personally modified to include a much-needed cushion), he felt like nothing more than a figurehead, with the Representative House doing everything important. All he did was say yes or no, and sometimes suggest something to them. In fact, some of the richer individuals in Vanjana had more power than he did. While he didn't see himself as power hungry, everyone knew that he loved power. It was unlikely that he would kill for it, but if he could get it without harming anyone too far down the cultural totem pole he would jump on the opportunity.

His throne room was a sight to behold, while not as large as others, it had been known to intimidate diplomats purely as a result of how expensive it must have been to build. The throne was solid Jade, with a purple cushion made using the most expensive feathers despite them having no actual affect on how comfortable it was. The walls were decorated with various commissioned paintings and the Vanjanan flag was displayed above his throne. The entire ceiling was one huge mural, depicting the port of Kwedolobhakalle bustling with activity. It was painted using the most expensive materials on the market, again just to show off the great wealth of Vanjana. There was a red carpet leading up to the throne, embedded in the marble floor. The edges of it were covered in pure gold, which was cleaned daily to prevent it being anything but perfectly clean. At the very end of the room were the doors, two huge slabs of jade clad in two thick gold stripes that left a strip of jade visible in the middle. Those doors opened slowly- being cracked open by a team of men standing by purely for that reason-to reveal a man wearing ornate robes that identified him as a member of the Exploration Guild. He was carrying a scroll with him, its contents hidden.

"Why have you come to me, good sir?" Asked Sigfrid, getting up out of the throne and walking towards the man.
"My Jade, our explorers have made a great breakthrough! While attempting to find a shorter sea trade route with Lydiah, my exploration fleet stumbled upon an unknown continent. We immediately returned, and began to search for other groups that had found it as well. I managed to acquire a full map of this 'New World', and it is just as large as Edoniras! I have taken the liberty of searching the map for habitable colony sites, and I have found many in an inland bay that is directly in the center of the continent. It is in the perfect location to trade with natives-if there are any-and other colonies. I have come to report this and ask for permission to form a colonization fleet."

Sigfrid's eyes lit up at the thought of a new continent, and he snatched the scroll right out of the man's hands. He unrolled it, revealing a map of the new world.
"Prepare a colonization force! I want it launched as soon as possible, just uproot the filthiest towns near the port cities. They'll be happy to leave." He scrawled a quick decree onto the map scroll, giving the explorer permission from the Jade to recruit colonists. "I shall prepare the navy."
He hurried out of the room, his royal robes flapping in the air behind him as he nearly ran through the doorway.

Kwedolobhakalle Port, Present Day
Citizens of the capital waved at the leaving colonists, knowing that they could face untold dangers in the new world. However, that was simply at the back of everyone's minds. What was at the front was the fact that those colonists would be the first Vanjanans to venture forth into the New World. Sigfrid stood on the docks, honoring the colonists with a traditional Vanjanan salute; the left hand held at chest height with the palm facing up, and the first two fingers on the right hand (barring the thumb) extended in a salute reminiscent of those used by other nations. The Navy and Army bands played the Vanjanan Imperial March, but over their noise came the voice of Jade Sigfrid Halvar, screaming at the top of his lungs to project his voice sufficiently.
"Today, we begin a new age for the great nation of Vanjana! The age of colonization! May the brave few on these departing vessels be immortalized through their actions from this day forward, blazing the trail for the colonists to follow! FOR VANJANA!"
The ships dropped their sails and turned in the direction of the wind, carrying them on towards the new continent.

Colony fleet:
900 Colonists
1,500 Soldiers, all Regulars
One Frigate
Two Barques
Three Brigs
Twenty Cows, fifteen Pigs, ten Chickens, ploughs, fifty horses, a years supply of food (Rationed, preserved) Axes, farming equipment, seeds for various fruit and vegetables, Fryas, Cloth, essentials, personal belongings, tents for temporary accommodation. Five large Vanjanan flags. One reproduced portrait of Jade Sigfrid Halvar. Multiple bars of gold for trading.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toaw


Member Offline since relaunch

Antoinette Harbor
The ships were huge, and a large, young, and fat merchant named Leonardo Alexander, heir to the family name, and current temporary head of house Alexander, stood looking at them, and shouting orders at the sailors passing by. "I want these boats ready within the next five hours, or my father will have your head." The Sailors would often ignore him, and for problems they would go to Leonardo's father who was also watching over the operation. Eventually the ships were finally ready to set sail after a full three hours of waiting. Hundreds of sailors, and citizens, both merchants and workers loaded onto the boats, as well as Leonarado.

Joseph stood on a small platform so all could see him. "Today our brave sailors will set sail," he shouted and gave pause, "They shall find glory," the crowd started to roar, "They shall find honor," the crowd continued to cheer as hundreds more gathered around the boats, "and most of all they shall find wealth!" The crowd whistled, cried, and cheered all at the same time. Words went mute, and thousands of peoples voices drowned out by the next. The Ships started off on their adventure, and people still waved good bye, and wished them luck even as the soldiers started to disperse them.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MrFoxNews
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MrFoxNews The Boss

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Lord Finch sat puzzling. His master Navigator had just proposed something rather lucrative and dangerous. Science had proven the world was almost certainly round, only the uneducated would fight that point. The issue was no one knew how big. What Numburgs master navigator had proposed was a plan to sail the other way and arrive there first allowing for the fastest capitalization.

Finch thought for a few moments. The risk was great, but the reward of success would be far greater.

Finch glances up to make sure his steward was present. "It is time to honor our agreements. Dispatch 1 Frigate,
2 Barques, and
3 Brigs plus 1000 Regulars 2000 Recruits to the Lance Empire immediately."

"Send any envoy to the Empire of Corustaria to negotiate fair trade."

"I want the colonization fleet ready in 1 month. Now get to work!" Finch yells at the servants standing wide eyed. Finch reclined and smiled at the thought of being the first nation to circumnavigate the world.

Colonization fleet

1 Frigate
2 Barques
3 Brigs

1000 Regulars
3 Administration Members
Numburg Master Navigator
Numburg Master Cartographer
2000 Colonists

Supplies for 2 years abroad
Building Supplies
Extra Defensive Supplies
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Empire of Corustaria
The envoy spoke up
"The price was within the range the Emperor set. Send your ships to Romus where the next colonization fleet shall be launched. You will receive the payment once the ships have arrived."

Numburgian Ships and Soldiers
A officer approached the soldiers that had just arrived
"You will be coming with me. It is time for some rigorous training that you have not seen before. As for you sailors, stay docked in this harbor. You shall be sent to assist with the next colonization fleet soon. "
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iluvatar
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Iluvatar The British

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kythian, Duchy of Lydiah

Duke Elvahn surveyed the mighty port of Kythian from his balcony, absorbing its greatness and wealth. One of the finest dockyards in the known world, there were few other nations that could compare with Lydiah's naval power. Readjusting his grip on his trident, his primary weapon and symbol of the Duchy, he prepared to relax for a few minutes before the bustle of state affairs overtook him again.

"Your Grace," squeaked a small, nervous voice. Elvahn's servants were well aware of his dislike of being interrupted or bothered while resting.

"What is it, Geoffrey." sighed the Duke wearily. "This had better be important."

"Your Grace, the ambassador from the Lance Empire has sent me with a message from Emperor Gabriel. He seeks to negotiate further trade agreements with Lydiah."

Elvahn stopped and pondered this for a moment. Turning his head towards the Thane of Kythian, his chief advisor and High Admiral of the Lydiahn fleet, he spoke thus: "The Emperor has an interest in the New World, is that not so?"

"It is, your Grace." replied the Thane.

"Hmm... perhaps... perhaps we could use this to our advantage. The other nations will have set out to colonise the new land, that is almost certain. It is unlikely that Lydiah could establish a foothold alone... this negotiation does not necessarily have to be purely trade orientated, does it?"

"I think I begin to understand, your Grace." said the Thane, a slow smile breaking on his face.

"Very well," announced the Duke, turning once more to the messenger. "Bid the ambassador come hither to the palace, and we will discuss matters at once. And you," he said, swivelling his gaze to the Thane. "Ready the fleets. I want at least four frigates, five barques, and some passenger ships. There is little doubt that the Emperor will refuse our help - his navy is weak, our ships could be a vital help to him."

Elvahn smiled as he watched the men scuttle away to do his bidding. Though they would likely never conquer the New World, its opportunities could definitely be exploited.

(The negotiations will be done through PMs)

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago

A second fleet has been launched from Corustaria, but it appears to be heading south to Drakran rather than to the new world. Unbeknownst to the other nations, save Drakran, these ships contained a large amount of money. On top of this they also contained some colonist and soldiers, as well as resources and an excess of sailors as passengers


1 Frigate
1 Barque
1 Brig
2 Galleys

300 Colonists, 400 soldiers (200 Recruits, 200 Regulars), 800 extra sailors, 3.9 Billion in coin (Concealed in sand bags aboard one of the Galleys) Six Cows, Nine pigs, Eight chickens, Twenty horses, a supply of consumables that would last 900 people for 1.5 years (Rationed, preserved... Yes, you guessed it, horrid taste) £1,000,000 In coin (inside a chest in the cargo hold of the Frigate, thus if the fleet is raided the raiders might be tricked into thinking this is the prize and not the greater sum of 3.9 billion), farming equipment, seeds and other such resources

A third fleet, three frigates and six Barques travel to Romus in order to help transport the Lance... They have made it clear that if the ship or its crew is compromised as a result of the Lance (Say the start of a fight or if one of the citizens is stealing) then the offending individuals will be set in a longboat to row themselves home. They have, however, stated that should the Lance supply of food or water run out for whatever reason, the crews rations will be shared with them. On top of this, they have mentioned that more ships will becoming from the south shortly to help carry the colonists. The ships are also carrying a total of 300 Colonists and two hundred soldiers, as well as the resources to sustain them for two years (This group if only 500 strong after all) along with various animals, equipment and resources and seeds. These 'extra's' are rumoured to be there to start another colony near the Lance Colony for ease of trade

Awaiting Numburg Envoy
Awaiting responses from various nations over trade proposals.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

The Republic of New Drakran

Much had taken place within the last hour.

The Admiral of the New Drakran naval forces had resigned and a replacement had been named within forty minutes, resulting in the very much surprised newly named Admiral Draco sitting in front of President Kiue's desk, sweating slightly under the man's penetrating gaze. After a few moments of silence and just as he was opening his mouth to speak, the President started to talk. "It would appear that congratulations for your recent promotion are in order Admiral. I'm sure that you will serve our nation better then your predecessor did during his career... Considering how low he set the bar, I would have to have you executed for treason if you somehow did a worse job then he did. Tell me Draco, do you believe me to have a sense of humor?"

Draco blinked a little as he looked at the leader of his country, clearly caught off balance by the out of left field question. After a moment of trying to figure out how to word his response, Draco settled with "Yes?"

Kiue nodded his head a little, a thin, tiny smile appearing on his face for a moment. "You are correct Admiral. I am known to have a slight chuckle every now and then. In fact, two hours ago I just received news that a new land mass had been discovered that was right for the taking. With that in mind, when I took the time to look at the current status of our naval forces, I had one of the best laughs I've had in years." The smiled dropped as his gaze turned cold and harsh enough that Draco was sure that it could have been used to pave a path of ice to this newly discovered land mass. "I'm sure you agree that our navy shouldn't be the punchline of such a funny joke."

Draco nodded his head, not daring himself to say anything. President Kiue's gaze thawed as his expression became more neutral. "Then you are already more qualified for the task then the former admiral. I am planning on starting a series of reforms to our navy since at this time attempting a journey to the new world would be little more then mass murder. Before we can begin, it is clear that will have three goals that need to meet; New ships for your sailors to use, training those same sailors and improving the public opinion on ocean travel. To help pay for these new reforms, I am selling our poorly maintained Galleys to a trading partner. While we await for the ships to be paid for and taken away, you are to have the crews of those ships to aid our shipbuilders in designing new, better and more advanced ships that we will start producing to replace the ones we've sold. As each ship becomes sea worthy, its crew will start training on it properly. The remaining ships of our fleet will undergo much needed repairs and its crew will start training on those until they are also sea worthy."

"We are announcing these reforms to the public as the 'Naval Phoenix Reforms', making it quite clear that the failures of the former regime when it came to our navy were so great that we've completely dumped the old naval system so that we can replace it with a greater one, starting with a fresh slate and erasing the mistakes of the past. As I am sure you must have figured out by now Admiral, this will be a sizable investment on my part. I hope for your sake that you don't let my generous offer go to waste. Do not let me detain you."

Completely speechless, Draco nodded his head in understanding before walking out of the office in somewhat of a daze. That... had not been what he was expecting.
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