Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pasta Sentient

Pasta Sentient

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The United Republic of Great Britain and Ireland has heard the words of the Confederacy and while we applaud their movement towards freedom...we wish to declare that unless every state within the Confederate States of America abolishes slavery we will not recognize the Confederacy as a legitimate cause. Though we are against the aggression of the Union and the senseless need for violence between the brethren of the land, Britain will not fall to insanity once more. We are a United Republic who seek freedom for all who wish it. We are also a United Republic who desire peace between all nations. As such, we humbly ask once again that the Confederacy and Union will seek to find a peaceful solution. We ask that both sides lay down their arms and come to a resolution that will allow the United States to unify with both sides happy. We ask for those of North America to follow the example of South American and find peace.

Turning our attention to Europe, we find a war in which peace must be bought at the cost of numerous lives. The Coalition of Tyranny musters their soldiers and seeks to topple the peace of Europe for their own gains. They speak of Liberty when in fact they are nothing more than Despots attempting to achieve their goals no matter the cost to the stability of Europe or to their own Peoples.

However, we can proudly state that one member of this Coalition has seen these despots for what they truly are. And as such we present to the world this treaty,

Allied Forces - Greece Treaty

Article 1. Hostilities between Greece and the Allied Forces are to cease upon the signing of this treaty. Greece is to make no movements of hostility towards any Nation within the Allied Nations.
Article 2. Greece will enter into the War upon the side of the Allies against the 8th Coalition. Greece agrees to divulge all information about the 8th Coalition to the Allied Forces and will follow the demands of the Allied Forces in regards to the War.
Article 3. Upon the surrender of the 8th Coalition Forces and the completions of War Reparations, Treaties, and firm peace, the island of Crete, the Ottoman Province of Janina and the Ottoman Province of Southern Monastir will be ceded to the nation of Greece.
Article 3.1; Firm peace is defined as two years with no hostilities between members of the 8th Coalition and the Ottoman Empire with the 8th Coalition defined as the aggressors. If this peace is broken within these 2 years by members of the 8th Coalition, the Ottomans will hold onto this land for the duration of the hostilities. Upon cessation of further hostilities, another two years with peace must pass before the land is ceded to Greece.
Article 3.2: This cycle may only be allowed for ten years. Upon the end of ten years, this land must be ceded to Greece regardless of World Status.
Article 3.3: If Greece in anyway moves against the Spirit or law of Articles 1 and 2, Article 3 in its entirety is voided.

[X] Sultan Abdülmecid I,Ottoman Empire
[X]Otto, Greece
[X] Albert Edward, British Prime Minister and Arbitrator of the AF-G Treaty.

We thank the Nation of Greece for seeing the error of their ways and approaching us with this. We would humbly offer peace to the other Nations of the Coalition as well. We wish to remind these nations of their precarious situations. Enemies gather round you...and we will not be mericiful should this War continue.

May God bless the Allied Forces! And may God stand against the Coalition of Tyranny!

-Albert Edward, British Prime Minister
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Βασίλειο της Ελλάδα(Kingdom of Greece)

"In accordance with the recently signed treaty, Greece hereby declares war on the Kingdom of Italy, the Kingdom of Prussia, Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Russian Empire, and Spain."
-King Otto
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 12 days ago

The Scandinavian Commonwealth

The sovereign nations of the Scandinavian Commonwealth wish to address a few recent events.

Toward the so called "Confederate States of America". While we do wish bloodshed to end on the American continent, we nevertheless shall uphold our previous statement, that we consider the states of the American continent to be one entity. Furthermore, even if we did wish to aid your rebel forces, we could not do so because of Article I of the Swedish-Italian, Swedish-Austrian, and Swedish-Ottoman Non-Aggression Acts, that clearly states that we vow not to interfere in the conflict on the American continent.

Toward all nations that have treaties with the Scandinavian Commonwealth. We have provided a compact list that shows every treaty we have on our records. The treaties are formatted in the following manner:

[Treaty Name] - [Term of Treaty] - [Beginning Year] - [Ending Year] - [A copy of the treaty itself]

We are providing this list for your convenience.

God Bless Scandinavia!

Charles XV, King of Sweden and Norway.
Christian IX, King of Denmark

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Outcast


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The Soft Underbelly of the Enemy

With most nations of Europe well committed to the fighting, it was only France and the Netherlands that attempted to recruit more soldiers. Outside of Europe, the Great Qing also built up an army, but there were some fears as to how they would pay for such a force. Mexico also built up its forces, although short of what they were hoping for.
(+200,000 conscripts to France, +70,000 conscripts to the Netherlands, +1,800,000 conscripts to Qing, +100,000 conscripts to Mexico)

Spain also took the opportunity to build a number of ships for their fleet, although the order was too much for their industry to cope with.
(-£8,700, +1 ironclads, +2 ships-of-the-line, +4 screw frigates, +4 sail frigates, +5 transport ships to Spain)

Now with a significant army, Britain finally moved its forces off the home isles. Most went to northern France to join the French army in waiting for a Prussian attack they believed was soon to come. They would be waiting for a while.

Part of the British force, an army of 40,000 conscripts, moved to attack the enemy. Using transport vessels from many different members of the Allied Powers, the army landed on the southern coast of Sicily. It didn't take long for the army to run into some difficulties. Expecting the majority of the Italian army to be busy fighting in the north, the British were shocked to come under heavy fire. Turns out, the Italian High Command had anticipated this attack, and lying in wait for the British was the 130,000 strong Army of Syracuse. The British held their ground bravely, and managed to survive on the beaches for a time with assistance from naval artillery, but eventually the British officers deemed that success was impossible, and withdrew the army. In their haste to withdraw, they left behind plenty of military supplies, to be captured by the Italians.
(-11,200 conscripts to Britain, -23,600 conscripts to Italy, -3% equipment to Britain, +3% equipment to Italy)

Also making use of Allied transport vessels, a Greek force of 30,000 landed in southern Italy near the city of Taranto. An Italian army of a similar size was based in Napoli, and they responded quickly to the news. The Italians hit their former allies hard, and sent the Greek soldiers reeling. As they did not enjoy considerable naval support like the British, the Greek forces withdrew much earlier, leaving behind many casualties.
(-9,000 conscripts to Greece, -7,400 conscripts to Italy)

While the fighting in the south of Italy was fierce, it was nothing compared to the bloodshed that took place in Austria in 1865. Thankfully, the southwestern front stabilised, as the Italian army withdrew back to a more favourable defensive line. However, Austria was still facing an attack from both Russia and Prussia. Leaving the western front with only a minimal force protecting it, almost the entire force marched east to prepare to invade Austria. Joining them was 450,000 Russian conscripts, who recieved permission to march through Prussia. This brought the total invasion force to over 1 million men,a quarter of them well trained regulars. Facing them was a little over 400,000 Austrian forces, spread out through the Carpathians. An army the size of the Coalition force was an easy thing to notice, however, and the Austrians managed to reposition their forces north in time for the attack. However, although the dug-in Austrians fought with all their might, the sheer numbers facing them were too heavy to bear, and the Austrian army was slowly forced south. The Coalition army drove a wedge deeper into the Austrian Empire, but Austrian resolve remained strong, and the going was slow. However, it was still enough, after a fierce defence, to take the city of Prague. The loss of Prague was a huge blow to the morale of the Austrians, but Russian supply lines were stretched to almost breaking point, and the Prussian lines weren't much better. The attack ground to a halt in Prague, while outside the city, the beleaguered Austrian forces dug in, waiting for a chance to take the city back.
(-11,300 regulars to Prussia, -30,000 conscripts to Prussia, -55,700 conscripts to Russia, -42,800 conscripts to Austria)

Outside of Europe, things went better for the Allied Powers. An Ottoman army drove into the Caucuses, pushing hard to catch any Russian defenders by surprise. There was little resistance, and the Ottomans took huge swathes of Russian land.

With the Baltic and the Black Sea closed off, the only remaining outpost of the Russian Navy was the far east. Determined to destroy it, a combined Anglo-French fleet moved against the city of Vladivostok. The Russian navy put up a strong resistance, but was unable to compete against the Allies. Most of it was destroyed, with a few escaping. With the Russion fleet put out of action, the Allies moved to finally blockade Russia fully.
(-2 Ships-of-the-Line, -3 Screw Frigates, -4 Sail Frigates to Britain, -3 Ships-of-the-Line, -6 Sail Frigates to France, -8 Ships-of-the-Line, -5 Screw Frigates, -12 Sail Frigates to Russia, Russia fully blockaded)

Qing Imperial soldiers moved to attack Russia. Russia's far east was sparsely populated, and although every man who could hold a rifle had been handed one, it wasn't enough to prevent the invasion. The city of Vladivostok was cut off and, after a brief siege, was captured. At the same time, Japanese soldiers landed on the island of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands, facing little resistance. Ships from the Japanese Navy began hunting down ship carrying gold from Alaska to Russia, effectively cutting off the route.
(-31,800 conscripts to Qing, -500 regulars to Japan, -11,100 conscripts to Russia, -1 resource sublevel to Russia)

With assistance from the British navy, a Mexican army landed in curaçao. Although there were few Dutch soldiers in the region, the ones that were put up heavy resistance. However, after three days of intense fighting, the defenders surrendered and the island was taken.
(-1,400 conscripts to Mexico, -300 regulars to the Netherlands)

As the fighting for the year subsided, many nations took the opportunities to improve the quality of their militaries.
(-£640, +10% equipment to Prussia, -£500, +1 army sublevel to Austria, -£490, +1 army sublevel to Spain, -£510, +1 army sublevel to Greece in 1 turn)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dannaroo


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Republica Argentina

His Excellency President Bartolome Mitre addresses supporters at a rally in central Buenos Aires:

"Fellow Argentineans! I have recently returned from Rio De Janeiro and I can announce that a groundbreaking treaty has been signed. Our friends in the Empire of Brazil were magnanimous hosts of the treaty talks. And our friends from the gracious Granadine Confederation also attended and were the first to offer a draft treaty which was then debated on before being adopted. With the signing of the Treaty of Rio de Janeiro I can declare that a new era has begun. It is an era of cooperation and friendship amongst all South American nations! While the rest of the world resorts to war, the independent states of South America have realised that the best way to resolve disputes is through dialogue and compromise. It is this notion that appears to be lacking in the rest of the world, but South America is not timid- we are proud to be the first group of nations to make way for peace and prosperity in our lands. The Treaty of Rio de Janeiro will pave the way for stronger economic and military ties between the Independent Nations of South America. Yes, it is true that we have banded together for the sake of mutual security. With the United States embroiled in a civil war, and certain European powers making belligerent statements against South America, it was necessary for us to enter into this formal agreement of mutual defence for the protection of every soul that resides on this magnificent continent.

I would like to take this opportunity to comment on certain recent events that have occurred in the wider region. I would like to express an opinion on the efforts of a certain European power to draw the United States of Mexico into what is decidedly a European conflict. I find it regrettable that the United States of Mexico entered into such a one-sided treaty with the FFGB Alliance. I know, as President of the great nation of Argentina, I would never relinquish our sovereignty and independence to any foreign power- let alone a European belligerent. Indeed, it is a sad fact that the Mexican people have in effect become subjects of yet another European power- first the Kingdom of Spain and now the United Republic. One thing is for sure, the spirit of independence runs deeply through the veins of every Argentine, and I'm sure every last man, woman and child of this Republic would gladly give their lives before they would see another European power dictate to our people!

For many years our great nation has lay dormant on the international stage. We have been concentrating inwardly on our own problems. The most pressing of which was the Argentine Civil War. It had lasted since independence but for the most part has now been resolved. Under my Presidency the Argentine people have come together under one banner and finally we can begin to face our problems together as one, rather than by being divided by petty political disputes. It is time we turned our gaze outwardly to tackle the problems that face our region and the world. As you already know, the first act my government took in this regard was to begin the colonisation of the vast and untamed Patagonia region to our nation's south. I can announce that our settlers have managed to expand the borders of the Argentine Republic further south than ever before, and in this following year they will continue to do so. The settlers have encountered native savages in this wild land, but I am pleased to say most have embraced a new life of civility and respectability that comes with living as an Argentine citizen. It is this government's position that all of Patagonia east of the Andes is Argentine sovereign territory. And we will continue to expand south to pursue the goal of developing this untouched land and bringing civilisation to all the native folk who live there.

I would also like to make a few remarks on a situation within our region that is beginning to become unbearable for our Republic. Our northern neighbour, the Republic of Paraguay, is being run by an authoritarian regime headed by President Solano Lopez. The Paraguayan regime refuses to allow our trade ships free navigation along the Parana and Paraguay rivers. They impose heavy and unfair tariffs on any ship that wishes to navigate their rivers and this causes undue expense on all economies of the region and is a key factor in restricting our economic and trade growth. In addition, we have received information that the Lopez regime is intending to exert its corrupt influence over one of our other neighbours, the Eastern Republic of Uruguay. My sources suggest Lopez sympathisers are attempting to manipulate the internal political situation in the Eastern Republic, in what we can only presume is an effort to radicalise and overthrow the democratically elected Uruguayan government. Indeed, I have no hesitation in saying that President Lopez is a tyrant with an insatiable lust for power. When he rose to prominence in 1862 there is evidence he seized the Presidency by having anyone who would speak out against him either imprisoned or executed. Truly, this is a man unfit to rule the dutiful Paraguayan people.

The Argentine Republic will be bringing our concerns to the next council meeting in Rio de Janeiro, so that as a region we might discuss what is to be done about the authoritarian regime currently in power in Paraguay. I can announce today that until our concerns are addressed, any attempt by the government of Paraguay to join the council of Independent South American States will be vetoed by the government of Argentina.

The Argentine Republic has a long memory and would like to make it publically known that since independence the territorial boundaries between Argentina and Paraguay have not been formalised. With the support of other councilors of the Treaty of Rio de Janeiro we will seek to enforce- through diplomatic means- Argentine sovereign territorial integrity with respect to the Republic of Paraguay. The Paraguayan people deserve considerate and accountable leadership. We will not let them down."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by So Boerd

So Boerd

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

April 16th, the morning of our Lord's resurrection, the year of our Lord 1865

"WE, the governments of the Kingdom of Prussia, Empire of France, and Kingdom of Italy, do hereby declare at an end all hostilities between our nations and declare the following resolutions.
Article 1: The Empire of France acknowledges as legitimate both Dutch rule over the land of Belgium (pending negotiations regarding the status of Wallonia) and Prussian rule over Elsass-Lothringen.
Article 2: The Kingdoms of Prussia and Italy call upon their allies to ratify this treaty.
Article 3: The Kingdom of Prussia shall garrison no soldiers in Elsass-Lothringen and immediately withdraw soldiers there.
Article 4: For a period until the cessation of hostilities between the non-French signatories and the United Republic of Britain and Ireland, Empire of Austria, and Ottoman Empire, effective immediately after the final signatory called for shall sign, under no circumstances shall the signatories take hostile action towards one another, defined as but not limited materially supporting insurrection, funding or allowing military access to nations engaged in war, or violating borders with soldiers of any signatory. Article 5: The Kingdom of Spain shall withdraw all soldiers from Andorra and affirm its sovereignty.

[X]His Majesty King Wilhelm I
[X]His Majesty Emperor Napoleon III
[X]His Majesty King Vittorio Emanuel III
[X]His Majesty King Willem III
[]Her Majesty Queen Isabella II
[X]His Majesty Tsar Alexander II
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NarcolepticSailor


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Regno d'Italia

A major step forward in returning Europe to a state of peace once more has been made today with the signing of this treaty of peace and friendship. The Kingdom and people of Italy have always held the French in high regard due to the bonds that have tied us together in friendship in the past. It both moves and warms my heart that the French Empire has decided peace between themselves and the Coalition is the best course of action for the future of Europe. At the conclusion of this horrible war which has engulfed our fair Europe, I look forward to strengthening the bond that already exists between our two glorious nations.

- King Vittorio Emanuele Maria Alberto Eugenio Ferdinando Tommaso of Italy

[X] Vittorio Emanuele Maria Alberto Eugenio Ferdinando Tommaso
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Império do Brasil (Empire of Brazil)
Independência ou Morte!

We are proud that the two major nations in South America have team up and formed an treaty with us. This shall be a great era for South America while Europe is in the mess, caused by the war. I feel bad for Mexico as well, as they're going to become a new colony for those British and French in Europe. We'll never give our sovereignty and independence to any foreign power, as they already have tons of colonies in the Americas. I agree with Argentina's statement about the Republic of Paraguay and our Southern neighbour, the Republic of Uruguay. They both are authoritarian regimes and they want to hurt the rest of the nations within South America. The reason why that Uruguay is around is because, they rebelled against us! That's why that I'm going to say that if the Republic of Uruguay and the Republic of Paraguay tries to join the the council of Independent South American States, they will be vetoed by the Empire of Brazil. We'll also seek to enforce- through diplomatic means- Brazilian sovereign territorial integrity with respect to the Republic of Uruguay.

~ Emperor Pedro II, King of Brazil.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by aladdin_sane
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Reino de España (Kingdom of Spain)

Plus Ultra

Andorra is an antique relic of a bygone era where Europe proper felt the need to create a buffer between themselves and the Moorish barbarians; in this modern age it is clear that the so-called Marca Hispanica has served its purpose and Spain as a sovereign Christian nation wishes only to be able to share in the glory of European brotherhood. The existence of Andorra as a sovereign state is frankly degrading and neither the Spanish Crown nor the Spanish people recognize it as independent of Spain We therefore do not recognize the provisions stipulated in the Treaty of the Brandenburg Gate and adamantly refuse to sign it; a state of war still exists between the Kingdoms of France and Spain until the French government recognizes Spanish hegemony over the region in question. That our so-called
“allies” would covertly endorse this nonsense without first consulting us is an affront to honor itself; for shame. In light of the aforementioned indignity Her Majesty’s government is considering adjusting its priorities when it comes to the larger conflict that plagues the European continent; thusly we extend an olive branch to the Allied Forces in the hopes of coming to a mutual peace as outside of protecting the rights of Spanish nationals in Andorra we have no reason to involve ourselves in any further conflict.

- Por la gracia de Dios y la Constitución de la Monarquía española, Reina de las Españas

- Prime Minister Leopoldo O'Donnell, 1st Duke of Tetuan
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NarcolepticSailor


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Peace of Venice

Signed at Venice, April 21, 1865

Article I: The Austrian Empire acknowledges as legitimate both Dutch rule over the land of Belgium (pending negotiations regarding the status of Wallonia) and Prussian rule over Elsass-Lothringen.

Article II: The Austrian Empire will cede land in accordance with the map provided in this treaty, the transfer of which will be immediate upon the signing of this treaty by each nation involved in said transfers.

Article III: The Austrian Empire will renounce its claims to all land ceded to the Kingdom of Italy, and the Kingdom of Prussia in perpetuity.

Article IV: The Austrian Empire will cede all of their votes and position as President within the German Confederation to the Kingdom of Prussia.

Article V: All hostilities between the members of the Eighth Coalition and the Austrian Empire shall come to an end upon signing of this treaty.

Article VI: All signatory nations hereby signing a non-aggression pact with the Austrian Empire lasting a period no longer than five years time. Upon the end of each non-aggression pact, each respective nation may be free to either renew the non-aggression pact or not.

Article VII: Relations between the signatory nations and the Austrian Empire shall return to normal once more, allowing trade and commerce to resume.

[X]His Majesty King Vittorio Emanuel III
[X]His Majesty King Wilhelm I
[X]His Majesty Emperor Franz Joseph I
[X]His Majesty King Willem III
[X]His Majesty Tsar Alexander II
[X]Her Majesty Queen Isabella II
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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The Nexerus Sui generis

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Treaty of Brussels

I. The region of Flanders, in full, including the city of Brussels, is hereby recognized by all signatories to be a constituent territory of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

II. All signatories hereby denounce the neutrality of the former territory of Neutral Moresnet, which is recognized by all signatories to be integral territory of the Kingdom of Prussia.

III. All signatories hereby recognize William I, King of Prussia, as the Grand Duke of Luxembourg.

IV. The Duchy of Limburg is hereby recognized by all signatories to be an integral territory of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, which is not a part of any German confederation or in any way politically united with any political entity but the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

V. The region of Wallonia, in full, is hereby recognized by all signatories to be a constituent, demilitarized territory of the French Empire.

VI. To assist the Netherlands in a fiscal recovery following the negative economic effects of war, the French Empire will offer a yearly sum of £800 for three years to the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

[X] King William III, King of the Netherlands.
[X] King William I, King of Prussia.
[X] Emperor Napoleon III, Emperor of France.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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The Nexerus Sui generis

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

So Boerd said

[X]His Majesty King William III
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pasta Sentient

Pasta Sentient

Member Offline since relaunch

The Treaty of Amsterdam

I. Active hostilities and/or blockades enacted between all signatories will immediately cease, and this treaty will be recognized as the document ending the state of war existing between any and all signatories as of its signing.

II. Malta and the Ionian Islands will be transferred to Italian administration, and a policy of mutual non-aggression will be instituted between the United Republic and the Kingdom of Italy, lasting for a total of ten years. All signatories will consider the previous agreement concerning the Ionian Islands, between the United Republic and the Kingdom of Greece, to be null and void.

III. The island of Heligoland will be purchased by the Kingdom of Prussia from the United Republic for a sum of £25.

[X ] King Vittorio Emanuele II, King of Italy.
[X] King William III, King of the Netherlands.
[X ] King William I, King of Prussia.
[ X] Tsar Alexander II, Tsar of Russia.
[ ] Albert Edward, Prime Minister of the United Republic of Great Britain and Ireland.

This, my brethren, was the Treaty that passed before my desk late last evening. With the withdrawal of the French and Austrians from the War, ambassadors between the United Republic and members of the 8th Coalition discussed many details. This was the final resolution. As I mulled over this Treaty, it seemed...not a bad deal. We would be at peace with these Nations for only a small cost. We would be free to pursue our efforts in the rest of the World. Yet still, I was conflicted. So I went to bed that night with a great turmoil in my soul. Though for what reason I could not fathom why. A fitful rest took me...and I dreamed.

In my dream, I stood upon shifting sands. A beating sun bore down upon me and I walked treacherous miles. Until the form of a man came into view. Darkened skin of the Turks covered his form and a scraggly, brown beard flowed from his face. A helmet with a pointed tip rested upon his head. He appeared to be a middle-aged man and I asked him,

"Who are you?"

The man merely smiled wanly and waved out his hand in a simple command to look. I walked to stand beside the man and before me I saw a the strangest creature reminiscent of a devil. It's hind legs were that of a bear and it's upper form was that of a man. Fermented grapes rested round the devil's neck like a garland. And it's face was the most hideous of grotesqueness. I could not bare to look at it. The only countenance I could recall was that of a flowing white mustache.

And this devil was in combat with numerous other creatures. From the ground, numerous lions nipped at the devil's legs. Millions of ant's crawled along the creatures arms in search of the fruited grapes. A falcon soared through the air and scratched in it's passes. Upon the ground lay a large bird and the wounded form of a wimpering wolf. In the distance, I could see a powerful phoenix observing the fight. The devil spoke honeyed words to the phoenix and so the majestic creature left the devil to it's battle. The devil crushed the ants and slew the lions. The Falcon was shot from the air. And the Devil went in search of the Phoenix to slay it. In it's nest, the Phoenix and all her eggs were destroyed.

I turned to the old man and asked,

"What does this mean?"

He simple smiled and stated,

"Stay the course."

And I awoke with a knowledge of what to do. My brethren, I do not know if this dream was a vision of God or merely the result of indigestion; however, if it be from God I give Him thanks. And if it be inidigestion, I thank my cooks. For this dream has shown me that we are that Phoenix. We were born from the ashes of the United Kingdom's insanity, and now we have the responsibility to take what was good from our former government and make it right. This is not a war over Belgium or the Treaty of Constantinople, rather it is a war over who will hold the Sovereinty of Europe. We must not...we cannot...let the Eighth Coalition command this.

And so, despite the loss of France and Austria. We must not give in. I have, myself, full confidence that if all do their duty, if nothing is neglected, and if the best arrangements are made, as they are being made, we shall prove ourselves once again able to defend our Sovereignty, to ride out the storm of war, and to outlive the Coalition of Tyranny, if necessary for years, if necessary alone. At any rate, that is what we are going to do. That is the resolve of the Republic's Government-every man of them. That is the will of Parliament and the nation. The British Republic will defend to the death our strength. Even though Austria and France have fallen, we shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in Europe, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this Island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God's good time, the Colonies, with all their power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old.

We shall never, never give up.

To our Allies we stand with you. To the Ottoman Falcons we will soar with you. Alongside the Romanian Lions we will roar. With the Orient too numerous to count we will swarm over the Coalition of Tyranny. To the Spaniards of Courage we will sing great Victory. To our allies in Mexico let the drums of War sound.

To our brothers in France, we simply ask this plea...don't give up. Never give in. Let not the words of the Eighth Coalition sway your mind. Let not the struggle seem too great. We ask our brothers in France to think of their legacy. Let generations from now not think of the French as cowards of capitulation, but rather as Dragons of might and courage. Let your power and bravery sing, my French Brethren. We ask that you remember our Alliance. That you remember the call to battle alongside the FFGB. Do not forsake us. You dreamed of a day when every Englishmen knew French. I dream of a day when the courage of France makes knowing such a language an honor. Do not forget us.

To the Eighth Coalition I merely have this to say...you can take your Treaty and burn it in Hell. Rest Uneasy.

We shall fight.

-Albert Edward, British Prime Minister.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Império do Brasil (Empire of Brazil)
Independência ou Morte!

Albert Edward's refuse to sign The Treaty of Amsterdam proves something. It proves that indeed, he has gone crazy with power. Just like his dear mother, I guess that the Royal Family has a gene or something, which turns them crazy. We wish that they just sign the treaty as we don't want the death troll to increase due to Edward's greedy ways. How long will he realize that this war is pointless? When hundreds of fathers and sons' bodies are sent to him? Or the crying wives and kids, begging to Edward to stop the war? He has indeed lost his mind and another rebellion is going to happen and this time, Edward's head will be on a stick.

To Edward and his 'allies', stop the war before it gets even more bloody or the people will be at your doorstep with guns and knives. To France and Austria, we are thankful that you realize that the war was going to be bloodier and be peace to your people. I hope to God that Edward gets his mind fix before he kills millions of British father and sons.

~ Emperor Pedro II, King of Brazil.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by So Boerd

So Boerd

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Greek-Coalition Peace Treaty

1. Peace is to be established between the Kingdom of Greece and all members of the Eighth Coalition.

2.The Coalition shall not take land from Greece nor enforce reparations

3.Greece agrees to assist with a war against Britain, China, Japan, and the Ottoman Empire if they continue the on-going war.

[X] King Otto of Greece.
[X] King Wilhelm I, on behalf of the whole Coalition.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Outcast


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Stonewall Jackson

With the aim of ending the war as soon as possible, the Union implemented its biggest recruitment push yet. Thousands were called into service.
(+400,000 conscripts to the USA)

Bolstered with reinforcements, Grant once again took his army south into North Carolina. The Army of the Potomac crossed over the border and attempted to slip past the Army of Northern Virginia, but Confederate cavalry alerted Thomas. Thomas had also received new recruits, although not nearly as many as Grant. Indeed, the Army of the Potomac now numbered more than double the Army of Northern Virginia. The battle began when Grant sent his force against the left flank of the Confederate force. Thomas, wise to that trick, pushed back and forced the Union soldiers to the right. Trapping them between the two flanks, Thomas forced the Army of the Potomac to attack his front lines head on. Taking control of the right flank himself, he gave command of the main force to General Jackson. It was a sound strategy; the center was well dug in, and the flanks would hit the Union lines like hammers. However, what he hadn't counted on was the sheer number of Union soldiers. Grant threw wave after wave of troops into the battle, and the Confederates bravely attempted to hold their ground. A Confederate captain, upon seeing that his men were on the brink of breaking, called out to his men to observe Jackson standing atop the hill, shouting "There is Jackson standing like a stone wall. Let us determine to die here, and we will conquer". The Confederacy held for an impressive time, but the weight of numbers and superior weapons of the Union eventually forced a gap in the Confederate lines. Ordering the retreat, Thomas withdrew his men south, giving up large portions of North Carolina. Forced to abandon Raleigh and Greensboro, Thomas regrouped at Fayetteville. Meanwhile, a Union cavalry force under the command of Philip Sheridan flanked Thomas and captured Charlotte.
(-72,400 conscripts to the USA, -36,100 conscripts to the CSA)

Sherman began to push east, heading for the town of Augusta. Lee moved north from Macon to try and slow down Sherman as much as possible, through harrying raids and by cutting off supply lines. A major breakthrough came when a Union wagon train carrying brand new rifles was captured, and Sherman found the journey east difficult, as poor food rations, exhaustion, and fear of night raids wrecked the quality and efficiency of his army. However, with no direct attempt to stop his army, he managed to capture Augusta, cutting a bloody trail through the heart of the Confederacy. Sherman was poised to saw the Confederacy in half - but not until he could reopen supply lines again.
(-13,300 conscripts to the USA, -4,600 conscripts to the CSA, -5% equipment to the USA, +5% equipment to the CSA, -1 army sublevel to the USA)

General Edward Porter Alexander and the Army of East Tennessee once again attempted to march west through Tennessee to capture Nashville. However, he was soon bogged down in fighting against a Union army, and made little headway. Although he managed to push into the Union, he was unable to reach Nashville, stopping short north of Chattanooga.
(-2,300 conscripts to the USA, -1,200 conscripts to the CSA)

During the battle in North Carolina, Confederate General Thomas Jonathan Jackson was hit by two shots in the left arm. He was evacuated from the battlefield and had his left arm amputated. However, he contracted pneumonia and, after lingering for eight days after the battle, he died. His last words were recorded to have been "Let us cross over the river, and rest under the shade of the trees", whispered with a smile on his face. The Confederate nation mourned the loss, as his action had saved the Confederacy from destruction on a number of occasions, and he had been instrumental in training the troops early in the war. His death was a severe blow to the morale of his friends Thomas and Lee.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

Member Seen 3 mos ago

A Message to Rebel High Command

I am hereby authorized by the President of the United States to offer terms of surrender to the Southern Rebels occupying the city of Charleston. The Federal Government's terms of surrender are thus:

1. All Rebel forces will lay down their arms, all soldiers being granted free pass back to their homes after Federal forces have taken their weapons, ammunition, and artillery. Any Rebel owning a horse will be allowed to keep it.

2. All Rebel states will allow for readmission back into the United States of America and vow to uphold the nation's laws and constitution, as well as any and all constitutional amendments that have passed since their attempted rebellion.

In addition, I have warrants of arrest signed by the Attorney General of the United States for the following individuals, all wanted for High Treason and Crimes Against the United States:

Sen. Jefferson Davis (MS),
Mr. Alexander H. Stephens (GA),
Mr. Judah P. Benjamin (LA),
Mr. Stephen R. Mallory (FL)
Col. Robert E. Lee (VA)
Maj. George Henry Thomas (VA)
Maj. PGT Beauregard (LA)
Brig. General Albert S. Johnston (TX)
Mr. Nathan Bedford Forrest (TN)

Two massive Union armies are on the outskirts of South Carolina, slavery has been abolished in the Union. We have blockaded your coasts and cut off your lifelines to the outside world. You have nothing left to fight for. Prolonged resistance will only mean the suffering of more men on both sides of this bloody conflict. We do not wish to harm any more Southern men, but your actions in the following twenty-four hours will make the choice for us. Surrender with honor, or fight without honor until your bitter end. The choice is yours.

Lt. General Ulysses S. Grant
Commanding General, US Army
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pasta Sentient

Pasta Sentient

Member Offline since relaunch

The terms offered by the United States of American are reasonable for the most part. They have acted on the side of righteousness in their decision to abolish slavery throughout the whole of their land. While the United Republic does not condone the aggressive violence used by the Union, we recognize their victory in this war and would call for the Confederacy to surrender. There is no point in this senseless loss of life.

And it is the senseless loss of life that brings me to my next point. We would humbly ask that the Union renege on the punishment of death for the leaders of the Confederacy. Though I might disagree with their sentiments on slavery, these are men who fought for their beliefs with wisdom and courage. Therefore, we would ask that the Union would merely exile these men from the continent of North America where they might be free to pursue other interests in other parts of the World. Furthermore, we..the United Republic would like to offer the citizens and soldiers of those not wishing to return to the Union (considering their aggressive tactics towards your lands) the opportunity to immigrate to the United Republic with the chance to make a life away from the horrors of the war you have just faced. We would firmly state that no American joining our Nation would be forced to serve in our armies unless they so wished. This is a humanitarian act, not one of aggression. We ask that the Union respect this request in regards to the people of the South.

We pray for the souls of the men who died during this war and it is our prayer that peace shall reign on the American Continents.

-Albert Edward, British Prime Minister
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thorgili


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I must applaud the men who fought and died as they marched to prague, a campagin which effectivly broke the moral of the Austrians and secured us our current victory. As I look over the long lists of casualities I cannot help but shed a tear as i look at the sheer amount of young men french, german and Russians alike who valiantly fought for their countries and have paid the ultimate price for it. I thank the Austrians and the French at their wise descsion to cease this bloody war and spare the lives of the people on both sides for wars may be planed by royalty and nobles but it is in the end fought by the common man.Yet I fear several times more shall see the same fate as these brave men for the crazed Albert and the warmongering Sultan continue this damnable conflict as they send their people off to a war which they do not support nor wish to continue but yet they still send the bodies of butchered sons and fathers back to their famlies with nothing more but a pension and a letter the value of which is minisculic compared to the value of their lives. I implore Albert and the Sultan to cease this crazed war and spare the lives of hundred of good men who wish nothing more than to return home to their families once more.
But alas while we have achieved victory this day yet more enemies stand at our walls. the chinese and the japanese have refuse our offerings of peace and prosperity between our nations and it decides war is the only option. So they assault our towns and harass our towns in hopes of striking a blow to us. these actions do not surprise me as the asians have long thirsted for the lands and gold which our grand empire holds. They believe that by attacking us while we are already facing the horrors of a war in the west they might gain victory in the east. Well I ask them would one walk into the cave of a bear when they know full well he inside is awake and ready for the intrusion? of course not and as such they have dared to reckon with the Grand Russian Bear and as such they shall see the fruits of their folly.The Grand armies of Rus shall crush their primitive and inexperianced armies as one would swat at a fly.
-Tsar Alexander II, Autocrat of all the Russias, King of Poland, Grand Prince of Finland in a article from the Sankt-Peterburgskie Vedomosti
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

Member Seen 3 mos ago

To the people of the South:

The deadline for your surrender has come and gone. From here on out the United States government will accept nothing but unconditional surrender and the arrests of the nine men wanted for treason. Remember, people of the South, this moment when your sons are bleeding out in fields not far from their home, homes that have been set ablaze by a vengeful Union Army that seeks retribution for four years of misery and suffering delivered at the hands of Rebel armies. Remember that it was the pig-headed decision of the nine wanted men who decided their lives were worth more than your sons. The people of the South will do well to remember this moment when all they have ever known or loved is taken from them by the dreaded Yankee invaders. Remember that you had a chance to end it, but you chose to be foolish and fight. May God have mercy on your souls, because we will not.

Lt. General Ulysses S. Grant
Commanding General, United States Army
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