Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 1 day ago

The new companion, the one who had helped him get the torch, demonstrated proficiency with healing. Splendid! The process was rather quick, and felt as though he were going through the process of child birth, but when it was finished his hand looked better than it had before he grabbed the torch.

Now, again, Mr. Sunshine noted the foolhardiness of the young boy. The being before had said, just touch the door for it to open. And yet he still insisted on touching the blasted contraption, as though it wasn't designed specifically for opening when touched. These thoughts were kept internal, and he just put a smile on his face. "At least I have the torch!" With a bit of a spin he took the torch from Braud's hands and galavanted over towards the now open door. Mr. Sunshine spoke to Finn. "You, lad, are going to die if you keep that kind of foolish behavior up!" Followed by a deep hearty laughter. It is noteworthy to say that his facial hair bobs up and down with his laughter. Because it is quite thick and bushy. The laughter paused for a moment and he lamented once more. "Why, I might have to kill you myself to keep the rest of the group safe from your childish decisions!"

Again he laughed after the thinly veiled threat.

While he was laughing, he was keeping his eyes closely peeled on the group of four opponents. Armed, the lot of them, that's a very bad start. As it stands, the only person in the group with any sort of tool to defend themselves is him. And it's a beaten up old torch, not going to be very useful for much more than burning things. There was one that had armor on, and that was the one that he would need to target first. The most dangerous of the group. Now, there was an elf here, one of those rotten prideful beasts. It had lunged into battle without thinking about his condition of being both naked, and unarmed against an armored and armed foe.

Mr. Sunshine assumed that the elf would die before even landing a single blow on the knight.

This is where Mr. Sunshine excels, Mr. Sunshine is a great warrior. Combat experience is great, and by the scar that runs from his waist all the way up to his armpit (On the right side of his body. I didn't describe him naked because I thought it wouldn't be an issue. I'll go edit that in.) He's got plenty of experience with how painful it is to have a sword hit bare skin.

Though it isn't his style, and though it pains him so. Mr. Sunshine has opted to wait for them to come to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChibiYuki


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Aaron sighed as he was the last of the group to exit the cell room, as he glanced as his companions who hadn't traveled too far, he quietly walked behind them. From where he was standing he saw a armored humanoid. He sighed as he wondered how hard it would be to take this guy down, considering about the armor the humanoid was wearing.

But, from one corner of his eye, he saw a... Wood Elf? Anyways, it the Wood Elf was flying across the room flying towards the armored humanoid. He sighed as he pondered if all elves would be like this, but in honesty he preferred the refined one over this energetic one. But what the Elf did was Rash and he knew that the Elf wouldn't last too long, even if it was a surprise attack.

The thought of helping the help came here and there but he shrugged them off, as it was the Wood Elf's decision to go crazy and attack the knight with just themselves. So in his opinion they should suffer the consequences. But, if his companions decided to help, he might as well follow along with them, so he leaned against the closest wall and waited. He sighed as he got ready to react to anything that could be thrown at him, cause it was better to be prepared than to be caught out unexpected by the enemies in front of her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by a00000000000
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Finn saw the door go up, and saw that there were four creatures. "I didn't think that it would open that easily." he replied, shrugging. Out of nowhere, an elf rushed forward and attacked the big creature, the strongest of them all. Finally, someone who wanted to fight the creatures! He didn't care wether or not the guy was going to make it, but he knew that the big creature was going to be distracted, so he without thinking, ran forward to the closest creature and kicked upwards into the creature's chin. If he succeeded with this, he would then try and punch the same creature in the face, then jump back away. If his kick was delfected, he'd jump back away, and same goes for the punch.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheBiddz


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Oh, this is going to be great. Travelling with these people is sure to get me not murdered! Especially this bratty kid. He's not the sharpest in the shed, though he certainly does seem like a tool. I hope I don't have to do anything drastic to him." Braud thinks to himself as he sees the door slowly raise up in response to Finn's touch. He makes a mental note to always be ready to act with a party member down in case Finn goes and gets his dumbass killed. Which might not take too long, because Braud has a suspicion that the kid will launch himself at the first enemy he sees, armed or not. Which, seeing that there is a group of enemies right behind said door, his thesis will probably be proved very shortly.

While taking into account his options, he sees some sort of elf launch himself at one of the opponents. Okay he'll probably die, so disregard him. Mr. Sunshine, oddly enough, stands and waits in a poised position. Would have thought he'd charge immediately as well. Didn't really give him enough credit. Braud does the same, not moving towards them at all, but instead raising his hands chest level and thrusting them outward. With a sharp yell, a meaty projectile forms in between his hands and rockets forward, whistling through the air towards the fellow with the hatchet. He seems frail and fragile enough, so the meatball should either: Rocket right through him, or: Cripple him by breaking all of his bones where it hits. Either way seems pretty effective. After firing, Braud takes a couple of deep breaths and backs up slightly. He can fire a lot of those, but its probably best to not get too used to using magic when they havent even really started yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lalliman
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Lalliman A Bird

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The hatchet wielder’s grin widened even further when he saw one of the tributes charging forward by himself. Fighting the newcomers one by one would make their job easy as pie. The feral raised his axe to smite the approaching boy, but before he could do so he was interrupted by some kind of projectile. A ball of hard rubbery material crashed into his chest with a sickening crack, sweeping him off his feet and sending him falling, almost flying, backwards.

Finn’s charge was cut short by his target being swept away, leaving him with the other two ferals standing at his sides, the sword-wielder at his left flank and the dagger-wielder at his right. The former two-handed his shortsword, charged towards Finn and made a savage right-to-left slash at the boy’s chest. The dagger-wielder hung back for now, but if the boy would turn to face his attacker, he too would charge in to stab Finn in the back.

Meanwhile, the hatched wielder was sprawled on the ground, desperately trying to catch his breath as part of his chest was now grotesquely caved in. While the pain was excruciating, spending years inside this dungeon had made him blind to such feelings. Awkwardly, he clambered into a kneeling position and spat a glob of blood onto the ground before him. His axe was still firmly in his grasp, but he was still too short of breath to use it, for now.

Further back, the knight watched his victim jump up into the air inhumanly high. Unexpected, yes, but quite obviously a setup for an attack. He quickly shuffled backwards to where the elf would no longer land on top of him and raised his shield high to protect his chest and the lower half of his face. Once the elf lands, he would dash forward to deliver a shield bash. If successful, he would then go for a quick stab at the elf’s stomach with his longsword.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

A good enough opening was made for Layte when the one with the axe was knocked down and the rest already seemed to have found a target other than her, two of them in particular ganging up on one guy. That wasn't really good sportsmanship on their part, even if the guy did kind of deserve it for rushing out in front. She had wanted to do the same thing as him, but not without making sure that they would have the proper support of everyone else moving forward. As it appeared at the moment there were still members of the group hanging back rather than attacking all at once. That didn't seem like a good idea to her, especially if some of their allies died because of it. Unless, of course, their deaths could be used to the advantage of the group. She didn't believe that to be the case right now, even if the guy she would now attempt to save did appear a little dense.

She rushed out from the group that was hanging back, maneuvering towards the backside of the sword user who was the most immediate threat outside of the other armored enemy a little bit further away. The elf in that battle would just have to make due with his one on one fight until this other battle could conclude. If the swordsman didn't turn his attention to her before she managed to close the distance then she would reach out from behind and tear into his putrid, fragile looking neck with both clawed hands. Judging by the effects of meat boy's attack from earlier these guys could indeed be damaged, and if struggling to breath from just that attack, imagine having his throat ripped out.

If he did turn his attention to her then she would hold back, staying just out of range using her high mobility to keep his attention and perhaps draw him back to the rest of the group while the foolish one she was helping could aid her in fighting that guy or fight the dagger user one on one, at least until the axe guy recovered. She didn't yet know who he would now choose to attack, but she'd have to keep her eye on him as well just in case he went for her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BluetheElf
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BluetheElf An abnormal wood elf

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Gah!" Blue exclaimed in pain as the shield of the corrupted knight was bashed against his body. His attacked had missed, but jumping was not all he could do. Blue expertly leapped backwards to avoid the stap of the sword, giving a 'hup!' at the same time. Once he laned on the ground he thought about his options very quickly. He could try to battle the creature without his fireball magic, ony using the moves he could pull off using his body. This could put him in great risk, allowing him to take damgae and forcing him to use his healing spell, but worse damage would kill him. After his, Blue thought it was a good idea to use his fireballs instead, mainly because they were very hot and could burn and melt weak armor. He gave a shout of effort as he flicked his finger at the knight, and as he did this a 'pluck' noise sounded and a small fireball was shot out of his finger. It landed on the ground and started bouncing along the ground as it headed for the knight. Once 2 seconds passed Blue tossed another fireball at the knight, wantng to deal as much damage he could. If this worked Blue would continue to fire fireballs at the knight until he was weak enough to attack by hand, and once that happened Blue would run up to the knight and try to punch it's head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by a00000000000
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Finn jumped up into the air to avoid getting cut by both the dagger and sword weilders. He landed back, and saw one of his allies rush forward an attempt to distract the sword weilder. He nodded and put all his focus onto the dagger weilder. He kenw if they didend up defeating thes eguys, he would definately want one of their weapons and a set of armor, he was barely doing anything but pushing them back without any weapons, so he decided to try and take the dagger weilder's weapon, in an attempt to level the field a little. He rushed forward and tried to uperkick the dagger weilder in the arm, which he hoped would cause it to drop the dagger. If it did drop the dagger, he would grab the dagger and leap back out of the range of any of them, then charge forward, uperkick it to the chin, and then stab it in the chin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 1 day ago

It was becoming quite evident that he was going to die because of these people, two of them had demonstrated little to no competence at all. A third demonstrated frustrating over zealousy, it's as though they didn't remember that they were naked against armed and dressed foes. Sunshine shook his head and turned to Braud. "You there, I will need your help. As of right now, you're the smartest person I've met in here. I need your help with a plan, and it's going to work. As long as the dimwitted ones persist in their hapless venture."

Sunshine tilted his head over his shoulder to Finn and the strange elf, though he was more than a little certain that Braud would be on the same line of thought as he. "Now you see, we're naked, and they're not. Normally that wouldn't be an issue, I've fought many men while nude. But these prior experiences relied on both of us being unarmed."

"I noticed the spell you cast previously, the ball of what I assume was meat. Would you have the energy to cast another? And at the same target?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChibiYuki


Member Seen 1 yr ago

"You might as well meat mage, I will help empower your spell if you got the energy to preform it once more." Aaron said as he rubbed his throat ready to use his magic when the wizard was ready. He glanced at the meat that was left from the spell and hoped what ever meat that was, he wouldn't want to find out. For all he know it could be intestines mixed with it... He shuddered at the thought of it, but shook his head as he regained focus on that task that was infront of him. First take down the enemies before anything else, that is first priority.

He sighed silently before he began to formulate the possibilities of this encounter, but that will have to wait as he looked at the mage expectantly waiting for him to cast the spell or not.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheBiddz


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"I absolutely can. I can fire as many of those as you need, though it does really start wearing me out after a while. And don't worry, its just ground beef. And its not like its raw meat or anything. That would just kind of splat and not do any damage." Braud says as if its obvious. He's fires overcooked meatballs, not raw ones. He can even fire ones that are ON fire, but in this situation, it seems to be a bit overkill. "I shouldnt need a boost, but I'll take whatever you can give me thank you!" Putting his hands together once more, he draws in a deep breath of air, and a meatball forms again in between his hands, his arms expanding outward to accommodate for the size.

"Alright, Im good to go whenever you are." The meatball continues growing slightly while Braud waits for the magic boost, however thats going to work. Looking over to Mr. Sunshine, Braud nods his head. "Yeah, we're good to go. Just tell me what you have in mind with this and we should be able to take him out fairly easily. It looks like my first one crushed his windpipe or something. Not unexpected really, these things hurt a hell of a lot more than most people would give them credit for." Braud's breathing gets steadily deeper as well to accommodate for the use of magic. As long as he's able to take it slow with the spells like this, deep breathing should be enough to keep him from getting too worn out for a while. He hopes he can get a suitable weapon soon though. Actually, enough of the waiting. Braud fires the meatball with great velocity and expects it to slam into hatchet once more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lalliman
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Lalliman A Bird

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Anger flared in the swordsman’s face when his first slash missed. No matter, he couldn’t dodge for long. The boy was fast, but also surrounded. He raised his sword for a follow-up attack, just as a brown blur passed by the corner of his eye. He paid it no mind, until it was too late and two sets of rodent-like claws reached around from behind to tear at his vulnerable neck. The swordsman shrieked and gurgled out in pain as the claws dug deep into his flesh to send warm blood streaming down the attacker’s hands. The cuts went as deep as his windpipe and would soon cause him humongous trouble breathing, but the feral was too enraged to care. His sword was still raised, so he spontaneously spun around counter-clockwise to make a wild diagonal swing at his attacker.

Meanwhile the dagger-wielder had kept his distance because he hadn’t gotten an easy backstab opportunity. In fact, the boy he meant to backstab was now coming for him. He stood ready to fight the boy when he approached, but wasn’t prepared for his first attack. Finn managed to kick him right in the wrist, which made him involuntarily open his fingers and sent the dagger flying out of his hand to skitter onto the ground a few feet away. But when Finn went for the dagger, the feral wasn’t so slow to react. When the boy ducked down to grab the dagger, he would try to kick him right in the ribs with his right leg. If successful, he would kick again in the same place, trying to shove the boy to the ground.

Further back, the hatchet-wielder was climbing to his feet, ready to attack despite his heavily injured chest, when Braud’s second projectile hit. Just as effective as the first one, there was another crack as the feral was shoved off his feet. The hatchet fell on the ground with a metallic tunk, while its owner was growling angrily on the ground. Despite having taken damage to the chest that should have killed him, he scrambled into a crouching position and turned his eyes towards Braud and Mr. Sunshine. Suddenly he seemed to have forgotten about his weapon as he dashed forward on all fours, with an awkward but surprisingly fast gait. He ran past the other combatants who were occupied with each other and leapt towards Braud like some kind of enraged chimpanzee, planning to tackle him to the ground.

At the same time, the knight grunted as his sword missed its target. He began slowly advancing towards his opponent with his shield up, only to see the elf launching his fireball attack. The fireball bounced across the ground to be caught against the knight’s shield, where it burst apart and set fire to the old dry wood. There was now a patch of fire in the center of his shield, slowly expanding, but he paid it no mind. Instead, he went on the offence by charging straight towards the unarmed elf, trying to interrupt him before he could fire again. If the elf moved to the right, he would try to slash at him with his sword. If he moved to the left, he would attempt a shield bash with his burning shield. If the elf didn’t move, he would simply slam into him with his armored body, hoping to stun the elf or knock him down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 1 day ago

"Tisk tisk." After being struck again by the meaty spell, the madman went postively. . .Well- Mad. Rushing through the group and making a beeline for Braud. Poor thing must not have noticed Mr. Sunshine standing next to him. As he rampaged forward, like some sort of feral beast with a grudge.

Sunshine worried for a scant moment about the mental condition of these fellows, what affect did this place have that drove them to this?

Now, just as the feral ran in front of him, he cocked back his leg and swung it forward with all of his force. Aimed directly for this thing's gut. Now, should it collide, Mr. Sunshine's kicks have more than enough force to send this thing flying straight into the wall. Not enough to break any bones, as they're all shattered anyway, but enough to lift it off of its feet hard enough to hurt. "Stay down, fellow! It will hurt less this way!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by a00000000000
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Finn reached for the dagger, but he felt immediately the wind get kicked out of him. He fell to the ground. Angry, Finn grabbed the foot of the attacker when he tried to attack again, and flip him back. If successful, he would kick it in the crotch and grab the dagger. If unsuccessful, he would roll out of the way and grab the dagger as he rolled, then he would get up and face the creature. If for whatever reason he didn't get the dagger on either attacks, he would just aim to repeatedly punch and kick the guy in the nose and crotch. If he did, he would attempt to stab the creature in the neck.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BluetheElf
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BluetheElf An abnormal wood elf

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Blue stood still with a cocky smile as the kinght charged at him. And then just as the knight was about to hit him the elf jumpped. "Hup!" He exclaimed in effort. He hoped to land right on the knight's head and bounce off it, and if that worked he would fire another fireball at it. Blue had slain dragons before, so fighting a knight while unarmed was nothing for him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

With her attack successful she had no reason to stay so close that his counter attack would be able to hit her. She was already leaping backwards on her powerful rabbit legs the moment of her feeling the flesh tearing satisfactorily underneath her claws. He was indeed quick to resort to violence turned against her, but even so he still had to both react to her attack and spin around to slice at her, causing him to only be fast enough to make a small diagonal graze across her abdomen; a flesh wound that she should would pay no heed too with her adrenaline running.

Seeing his swing leaving him wide open she sprung forward as he feet touched the ground from her previous dodge. She wanted to finish him off quickly so she could get his sword in case she had to fight some of the other guys pretty soon. With the hand closest to where the swing had moved to she slashed at his wrists while the other hand tries to slash at his chest to cause even further damage.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheBiddz


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Braud shakes his head as he watches the man get back up and take an animalistic stance. "You poor creature. Have you truly fallen so low? You are beaten and battered, and if you don't stop, you will die." As the feral begins running at him, his face goes stone. "So be it. I will put you out of your misery and relieve you of this place." Before he sees Mr. Sunshine kick, Braud readies a mother of a haymaker, full with windup and swing. He swings it from the right side of his body just as the feral leaps at him. Now this poor thing is caught between Braud's punch and Sunshine's kick. If it ends up getting hit by both of these, there's no way it should survive.

"I'm sorry for having to do this to you. This dungeon must have been hard on ya."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lalliman
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Lalliman A Bird

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The swordsman landed a glancing blow across the woman’s abdomen, barely drawing any blood. When his swing ended, she attacked, too quickly for him to react to. Her claws tore into the flesh of his wrists and his chest simultaneously, shredding through the weak skin and freeing more blood to be sent dripping to the floor. His grasp on the shortsword involuntarily loosened, sending it falling to the ground. There was no time to reach for it and pick it up. Instead, as a last resort, he widely opened his jaws and dashed forward, aiming to bite Layte at the point where her neck meets her left shoulder.

The former dagger-wielder’s first kick connected to his satisfaction, but the second was suddenly interrupted by Finn’s hand. Before he knew it, a kick in the crotch sent jolts of pain through his body as he was sent stumbling backwards and clumsily fell on his arse, giving Finn enough time to pick up the dagger. Mad as he was, even he knew not to fight unarmed when given another choice. So instead of facing Finn, he turned, scrambled and dove towards the hatchet that his ally left behind, hastily grabbing it. If given the time to, he would rise to his feet, but if Finn came after him right away, he would answer by either swinging the hatchet at his legs if Finn was standing, or at his head if he was still crouched.

Meanwhile, the crazed axe-wielder was in mid-air about to pounce Braud, when he was stopped in his tracks by a combined attack. The taller man with the glorious muttonstache hit him right in the gut with his foot, while the shorter one rammed him in the chest with his meaty fist. When both blows connected, time seemed to stop for just a moment, before the feral was sent flying backwards by the sheer force. He flew for several feet, before fatally hitting the wall and falling to the ground unmoving.

The feral knight was about to crash into Blue when the elf jumped up high, avoiding his charge completely. Perhaps he should have seen that coming, seeing as the elf had demonstrated his jumping ability before, but being half-mad naturally makes it difficult to plan your strategies. The knight halted his charge, just in time for Blue to come down upon him. One of the elf’s feet landed on his helmet and one on his shoulder, forcing him down to one knee under the weight, before the elf bounced off to land behind him. Before the knight could turn around to face his opponent, another fireball hit him in the back, heating the metal of his armor and scorching the skin underneath. He roared out in pain before spinning around, still kneeling on one knee, and making a low swipe at the elf’s thighs. If Blue dodged backwards, he would follow up with a lunge to the elf’s stomach.

Suddenly, everyone’s vision inexplicably went blurry all at once, before returning to normal a fraction of a second later. The ferals didn’t seem to pay it any mind, but suddenly there were only four adventurers where there had previously been six. Adrian and Mr. Sunshine were inexplicably gone, leaving emptiness where they previously stood. Where did they go? Were they abducted by some demonic force? Did they have to go because their planet needed them? Or were they illusions all along? Perhaps the remaining adventurers would never find out. For now there were more imminent things to worry about.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BluetheElf
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BluetheElf An abnormal wood elf

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

To avoid the swing of the knight's sword, Blue preformed a backwards long jump which was long enough to avoid the lunge. He gave a confident slime as he started running around and around the knight, speeding up as he went. At his top speed, which was around 30 MPH, his legs were almost a blur. "Ha ha! You're too slow! Can't catch me!" Blue taunted playfully, wanting to confuse the knight. If his foe got dizzy, he would stop and toss fireballs at his chest and head. As he ran, he ignored the second of blurry vision, as it was already halfway blurry already. And because of this, he did not notice that two people were gone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by a00000000000
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Finn ran crouched at the now hatchet-weilder and almost got his head chopped off, but he just ducked his head even lower to avoid the swing, and then shot back up attempted to stab the hatchet-weilder in the stomach on the way up. If it was successful, he would slide the dagger upwards while the dagger was inside his flesh, all the way up to the chin. If it was blocked or failed, he would jumped backwards out of range of the hatchet-weilder. But then suddenly, his vision went blurry for a moment and Aiden and Mr. Sunshine had dissappeared. This suprised Finn quite a bit, and he stumbled bakc, his attack canceled. He was out of range of the hatchet-weilder, but taken off-guard by the teammate's sudden dissappearance.
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