Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GodOfChaos
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CS will be up later if that is okay.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jules_Watts
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Real Name: Ken Hygal

Alias: Deatho

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Place of Birth: Champion City

Thief / Vigilante


Wall-jumping, lock-picking, slightly heightened awareness, evasive maneuvering

Blinding Gas Pellets

Isn't the best hand-to-hand combatant.

Base of Operation:
Junkyard Shed

Raised in his uncles junkyard, Ken had a rough upbriging in his younger days. Late at night- he'd always be kept awake by the warring gang factions and strangely enough found himself fascinated. By 17 he dropped out of highchool and began to thieve off old people for recreation. On one of his nights out, a gang of hoodlums broke into the junkyard and shot his uncle down- robbing the yard of its highest paying parts. Devastated from the loss, Ken vowed to clean the streets in honor of his fallen uncle and quickly adopted the alias of Deatho.
If needed I can expand on the bio but that's what I got for now
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wilson Wilson

Wilson Wilson

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@Bweoti. I love Ninja, he is definitely in :)

@GodOfChaos. No worries mate, take your time.

@Jules_Watts. Deatho seems pretty interesting, though I'm not sure how the other team members would take to a mask that steals from pensioners for fun. I'll provisionally accept the CS, though I'd like to see more for his bio please.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dwarfdude194
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My goodness... I go to bed and wake up to this. Gotta get my character down, I guess.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GodOfChaos
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Real Name: Mikhail Boris

Alias: The Ghost

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Place of Birth: Moscow, Russia

Occupation: Factory worker

Note that the mask is worn with a black zip up leather jacket along with black leather pants and black combat boots.

- Amazing at hand to hand combat.
- Knows how to handle a knife in combat, well.
- Knows how to use the environment around him as an advantage.

-A tough metal in parts of his leather gloves.
-Two 7 inch knives with a gut hook.

Weaknesses: Ranged weaponry is not his thing. He also tends to have flashbacks of his past.

Base of Operation: A storage container in a storage lot.

Biography: Mikhail was born and somewhat raised on the outskirts of Moscow, Russia. His life was decent, but it didn't stay like that for long. His father was part of the Spetsnaz and his mother was just a nurse. Whenever Mikhail's father was home, he would teach him techniques used in the Spetsnaz for hand to hand combat. This would be done from age 7 to age 9. Then, a mission his father was on would go wrong and his father would be lost forever. Mikhail decided that he would join the Spetsnaz when he was old enough. However, his mother did not want him to suffer the same fate his father did. With that being said, his mother decided that they would move to the US when he was 10. Mikhail tried to put up an argument as to why they shouldn't leave. Of course this failed and they were on the boat over to the US within the next month. Mikhail would start learning English on the boat over to the US.

As soon as they arrived to the US, Mikhail's mother landed a job as a nurse in the local hospital. Most nights she would be unable to come home, and Mikhail was left home alone to do school work and make his own dinner. Mikhail knew that this wouldn't last long and that he wouldn't have to worry about his mother anymore. What he didn't know, was that his mother would end up in a head-on collision with a drunk driver. At age 11, Mikhail had no family and was placed in foster care. His life seemed to start heading downhill because of this. The kids at his school would make fun of him for his accent or for being in foster care. This ultimately led to Mikhail getting suspended for a few days because he, as he put it, "committed an act of violence" or something similar to this. His foster parents were rude to him as well, which also put pressure on him from home life.

At age 18, Mikhail quickly moved in to an apartment and began working in a factory just outside of the city. He never got his drivers license so public transportation was often the only way to get to his job. He has been working here for a while and the recent crime has really got him on edge. He wants to get out of the city and go to college to have a normal life. He then realized that this crime was probably his calling. He immediately got to work on a costume after hearing of Green Skull and figured out the perfect mask. He came up with an outfit and a small armory of his. The difference between him and many other of these vigilantes was the name. Mikhail didn't give himself a name, instead, the people gave a name to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dwarfdude194
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Real Name: Edward Montag

Alias: Salamander

Age: 39

Gender: Male

Place of Birth: Norfolk, VA

Occupation: Ex-Fireman, now a janitor at an elementary school.

Physical Appearance: Edward, or "Big Ed" as he was known at work, is a monster of a man, towering above most of his team at 6'3". He's bulky, with door-filling shoulders and a bit of a belly, easily weighing 250 lbs. Though he's not the fastest, he was the first one called to a heavy job, and usually the last one out. He dislikes shaving, and as a result often has a bit of dark black stubble on his face and neck. His face, slightly uneven from the occasional barfight, has a strong, jutting chin and a flat, bent nose. His eyes are blue and watery and his skin is surprisingly pale.

Skills: Taking enormous amounts of punishment, muscling through a situation with brute force, difficult to phase. He is less of a trained, artful worker and more of a blunt instrument, though he knows his way around doors, basic architectural knowledge (i.e., the stairs are probably this way, there might be a maintenance shaft over there...) and, of course, knowledge of how to both beat and use fire.

Equipment/Resources: He hefts around a 15 pound sledgehammer for close encounters, but it is normally hung, somewhat awkwardly, from a loop inside the coat. Rather than carry a gun, he has found his old hunting slingshot to be more than capable of downing most foes without grabbing so much attention, and ammo is much easier to come by in a pinch. Finally, he carries a zippo lighter and a few homemade explosives, though they have little more than shock effect.

Weaknesses: Edward is not particularly quick witted or creative, and he also has very little concern for himself: He has already had several close calls, putting himself in harm's way to attempt to protect idiotic bystanders. He can be fairly easily led along, because he has difficulty seeing much further than one or two steps ahead.

Base of Operation: The Salamander has taken up shelter in a long-forgotten drainage complex beneath a derelict factory that has been officially declared, "Condemned, Demolition Imminent" for the entire time he's lived in the apartments a few blocks over:

Biography: Edward never set out to be a masked defender of the public. He'd had an average upbringing in the suburbs outside of Norfolk, made it through school with average grades before going into training and becoming a firefighter, moving to Champion fresh out of high school. He got his own place, made friends, and settled down for what looked like an average healthy life. The job met the bills and paid for his comfortable house in the satellite communities outside of Champion.

Years went by. He met his wife-to-be at church, fell head over heels and had what she described as "a textbook courtship." Whether it was his dogged determination or something charming in his inability to see when he was out of his league, she fell for him too. They got married, had several years to themselves, and finally decided to have a kid. He would have had a son, Edward found out from the police. His wife's car had broken down in the city on her way home, and she had been robbed, presumably raped, and beaten to death. His entire world came to a halt.

Desperation replaced all of his previous hobbies and thought. Never a drinker before, he hit the bottle, hard and with a vengeance; anything to forget what he'd lost. Eventually, his friends from work tried to stage an intervention, causing a brawl that ended up with hospitalized firemen and Edward being cut from the force. He served a bit of time, but it left no impression. When he got out, he sold his old place, packed up a few keepsakes of his previous life, and settled for an apartment in the inner city. He found work as a janitor, but time had not washed over his injury, as his friends and family hoped.

It had hardened his sorrow into rage. Hearing reports of a supposed "Green Skull," he decided that it was high time someone took it to the scum who had robbed him of everything. Over the course of several months, he pieced together an arsenal and started a reign of terror in the blocks surrounding his apartment. Gangs found their men, legs smashed to jelly, weeping and bloody, tied to light-poles in plain sight. The occasional thug would turn up with severe internal trauma from dart-wounds. Once police bothered to turn up at the scene of a reported rape. The rapist was found, burnt to a crisp in the middle of what must have been a gasoline spill. The woman, when questioned, said that the rapist had "Tripped" and accidentally burnt himself to death. Residents of the neighborhood banded around the mysterious figure, and the few sightings that the police managed to gather all led nowhere, though the counter-thuggery shows no signs of slowing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Squiddoodle
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I'm super interested if there's still room :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Squiddoodle
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Squiddoodle huge nerd

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

whoops posted twice
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wilson Wilson

Wilson Wilson

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Yeah there is still room. Just whip up a CS.

And Salamander is looking good so far & The Ghost is in :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Squiddoodle
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Squiddoodle huge nerd

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Real Name: Finley Harper
Alias: Clockwork
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Place of Birth: Rochester, NY
Occupation: Librarian

Physical Appearance: About 5’ 5” with short brown hair (currently dyed blue) and brown eyes. Slim and slightly muscular. Fairly androgynous looking. Tends to wear button down shirts and slacks to keep a sort of professional appearance. Always wears running shoes.

Costume: Goggles and a mask that covers her nose and mouth. A hooded leather jacket over a knife-proof vest and a gym tee. Gloves and elbow pads. Dark jeans and knee pads. Running shoes. Keeps knives in pockets and in jacket. Wears a backpack if she needs to carry spray paint. Baseball bat/whatever weapon attached to the back of her jacket.

Skills: Decent with melee, decent with stealth, decent artist, decent free runner, good strategist, good memorization, excellent gymnast

Equipment/Resources: Usually has a baseball bat or a metal pipe, some pepper spray, spray paint in an assortment of colors, and a knife or two. Has access to all sorts of reading material.

Weaknesses: Not much in ways of protection, kind of a coward, will choose to run away more often than not, not well trained in fighting

Base of Operation: Library

Biography: Finley took gymnastics most of her life and even won a few medals in between studying for school and holing herself up in the library. After she graduated high school, she moved away from her parents and went to study Literature at a university. She found herself interested in historical and political writings among other things and dabbled a bit in art. She joined a free running club in hopes of keeping gymnastics in her life. She ended up going with a few of her fellow club members who used their abilities to try and get messages out to the general public via grafitti. She was hesistant at first, afraid she'd get in trouble, but found it a good way to make a point. After graduating, she took a job as Champion City's librarian, and continued to spread awareness of political/social/any type of corruption as Clockwork.

Ugh, not the best. Let me know if something doesn't seem right or if something reads weird.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by OscarioTheGuy
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OscarioTheGuy Silly Dumpass

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Real Name: Francis Gray

Alias: The Friend

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Place of Birth: Champion City

Occupation: Modern Arts Student in Local University

Costume: His costume is a complete 360 from his everyday glum appearance, however. First of all, his mask is a simple yellow smiley face. You know the one. It has a back part covering his hair, and is also in yellow. Additionally, he wears a yellow tracksuit, not unlike Bruce Lee, but on the front of the tracksuit top is yet another smiley face, as if the one covering his face is not enough. His gloves are actually just SWAT gloves spray-painted yellow, while his boots are thick black construction boots, perfect for rib-cracking, ass-kicking action! He has a pistol holstered on his left side for emergencies only, holsters for two cans of spray paint on his right, and a clip on his back that he can attach his spear to whenever he doesn't need it.

Skills: Really agile, and as such is quite good at parkour, and dodging attacks. He can use his spear quite well, but is no stranger to improvised weapon fighting either, and is able to utilise his environment effectively. He can also pick locks if need be, but prefers to kick doors down when he can.

Equipment/Resources: The Friend uses a glossy black metal spear as his weapon of choice, which has secret compartments in the end to hold smoke pellets and tiny canisters of mace. He also carries two cans of spray paint (Yellow and Black) to paint his calling card all over the city, just so the bad guys know who to fear.

Weaknesses: Really terrible with a gun. Like REALLY terrible. It should be stressed that the gun holstered to his side is to be used for emergencies ONLY, and even then, he'd much rather have someone else use the gun than him. In addition, while he may have been bullied a lot when he was younger, he can't really take much of a beating due to his small frame.

Base of Operation: The rooftop of his dormitory, since people hardly go up there. He keeps an inconspicuous crate up there in which his equipment is kept.

Biography: Francis was born in the suburbs of Champion City, to a loving family, in a lovely home in a lovely neighborhood, and all was well. Of course, that is not really the case, because why would that make an interesting backstory for a vigilante? His path to vigilantism began when his parents divorced when he was 12 years old. His mother won custody of him, but she had to move into the city, since his dad was indeed the breadwinner in the family, and as such, was the one who could afford to live in a lovely neighborhood. Francis's life from then on was a struggle, as his mom resorted to heavy drinking, trying to cope with the stress of living in the city, working for minimum wage in order to support herself, her impending drinking problem, and of course, her son who she now had to take care of. Francis himself ended up in an inner city middle school and eventually high school, where he had to learn to defend himself against the cesspool where future gang members were raised in an inadequate educational setting. It was at the age of fifteen when Francis decided that he would dedicate his life to making Champion City into something other than a shithole, something reminiscent of the lovely suburbs where he was raised. He decided he would rid the city of scum like goddamn Steven Trimble stop shoving my face into the dirt my face isnt supposed to go there you fucking asshole.
He began to create an introverted secret identity, which was quite easy as he never really made friends in school anyway, and put up barriers around himself so that people would begin to ignore him. Most people would stop trying right there, but for Francis, this was the beginning. He spent all of his free time training himself on the rooftop of his apartment building, and he knew his mother wouldn't care because by then, booze became her life; yet another reason for Francis to hate the scum of the city. At the age of 18, he enrolled in University to "study" modern arts, when he was really just there because the assignments were just as simple as "Find a bunch of crap, call it art, and submit it." ((Apologies to any modern arts students out there)). He moved out of the house to make it easier on his mom since she wouldn't need to work to support him anymore, and thus, Francis accepted the burden of STUDENT DEBT (Although he would be able to pay it back with money stolen from criminals).
Modern Art School actually became quite useful to him as one of his first assignments happened to involve metalwork. He fashioned a spear for himself, submitted it, and that very evening decided that he would begin his crusade, by stealing his own spear from the university's art room. Stealing is not a great start to a life of fighting crime, but I digress.
His first few outings as a vigilante were quite confusing to him, as he believed he looked exactly like the criminals he was fighting, since he wore a hoodie with a bandana over his mouth. He began to feel like he was no different to the scum of the city, and was almost ready to give up, until he heard about the Green Skull, who gave him hope, and an idea as to how he could make himself not look like a dirtbag criminal. He purchased a blank metal mask on the internet (With eyeholes, obviously), and he painted it with a smiley face, just to make sure people would NEVER guess that glum, brooding, Francis Gray was actually The Friend. This was also a persona that expressed his true desire, friendship, and how he must sacrifice such a burden for the sake of the city. Hopefully The Friend would meet other like-minded individuals, and Francis Gray would finally be able to have friends and a life in a newly reformed Champion City, free of crime.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BrownBear


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I'm still in for this, character sheet will be up later tonight
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dwarfdude194
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Finished my post. Let me know if I have to change something. (And sorry, Bweoti. I didn't read your post carefully until I had nearly finished his bio. It's not even close to identical, but I didn't want you to think I was leeching.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 11 days ago

Man I wanna join!
You guys got room for another vigilante in your merry group of crime fighters?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 11 days ago

Real Name: Greg Baldling

Alias: L33T

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Place of Birth: Champion city

Occupation: cashier at Burger King

Physical Appearance: He has whiskers that are fairly short but obviously noticeable with a soft looking face and brown eyes. His hair is dark brown and usually un-kept along with being greasy a lot of the time. He is a little over weight but not by a whole lot.

Costume: His costume is bright crimson red vest that's over a bullet proof vest. Underneath he wears a dark red striped shirt with long sleeves with stripes also going down the arms to a pair of dark red gloves. He wears pants similar in design to his shirt along with black sneakers. For a mask he wears a bright crimson red ski mask with one eye hold for both eyes, a mouth hole and a cut out nose hole. On the back of his vest he has a red three painted on it.

Building is his forte. He is an amazing builder and can build a whole array of gadgets and nick knacks.
He is also skilled in the way of hacking and programming in quite a few programming languages.
He doesn't have any fighting experience but he has a lot of pent up rage which makes him a force to be reckoned with.

Equipment/Resources: At his L33T cave Greg has a high power computer allowing him discreet access into the governments servers and allowing him to remotely use government equipment such as cameras or traffic lights. He has a few bulky watch looking things that allow him to communicate with whomever is wearing one via speaker and also allows him to assess an array of gadgets in the watch such as hidden cameras, Short range EMP pulses, USB port and drive for data storage and transference and a load of other things.
Lastly he has a crimson red motorcycle.

-Social skills are not his forte. He is either going to be very shy or to mood swingy for anyone to be able to talk to him for long.
-He doesn't have a whole lot in the way of actual self defence. He'd likely be taken down by higher up goons.
-He isn't in top physical condition by any means of the word. He would probably run out of breath by running a block.

Base of Operation: His apartment in champion city that he called the 'leet cave'

Biography: Greg had a fairly normal upbringing, no psyche damaging family murder or trained from birth to be an assassin none of that stuff but at the same time he isn't an unlikely hero in his own accord. Greg grew up reading comic books and wishing with all his might to be one himself with super powers and the type. Since super powers weren't very practical Greg went for the next best thing and began studying books and such so that he could essentially construct his own iron man armour but he was no rich guy so the process was going pain staking and slow. After the emerge of the original super heroes Greg couldn't wait any longer and decided to become a even more practical hero and began using his learnt programming and tinkering skills to turn his apartment (that his parent bought for him when he was young to ensure he always had a place to stay) into his very own bat cave of sorts. He then made a costume for when he did have to leave his apartment to go out bringing the pain to the villains which didn't happen often mind you. Now that he's a hero he's been trying to get into better shape and is saving up more money to work on his iron man like suit that he started a while back.
Couldn't wait to see if there was room left :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bweoti


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Dwarfdude194 said
Finished my post. Let me know if I have to change something. (And sorry, Bweoti. I didn't read your post carefully until I had nearly finished his bio. It's not even close to identical, but I didn't want you to think I was leeching.)

No worries. Even if we were closely matched with skills and abilities, personalities are going to be different. No way we could really be identical, so I'm not bothered :) Oh, and I'm gonna tweak my CS slightly to include known languages.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dwarfdude194
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Bweoti said
No worries. Even if we were closely matched with skills and abilities, personalities are going to be different. No way we could really be identical, so I'm not bothered :) Oh, and I'm gonna tweak my CS slightly to include known languages.

Glad that it doesn't bother you. I'm relieved.

Also, Rocketrobie, for the record, I really like your character. Interesting direction to go with it, for sure.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SayZun
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SayZun A massive typo

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Is this still accepting people?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by OscarioTheGuy
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OscarioTheGuy Silly Dumpass

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I'd assume so.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SayZun
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SayZun A massive typo

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Real Name: Alexander Nightly

Alias: Bo

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Place of Birth: Texas

Occupation: School/Student

Physical Appearance: Alex is a brown skinned boy small (5' 6"). With an average build. He is skinny but makes up for it with his muscular tone. He has a rather slim physique to the rest of his body. He has curly hair that slightly curls over his eyes and also a smooth face and still appears to have not started growing much facial hair.


Along with that he wears a dark red track jacket with a black undershirt. He also wears black cargo pants with dark athletic red boots. He also wears weighted (6lbs.) red wristbands and tape around his hand and fingers.

-Advanced Martial arts and Staff training
-Skilled in scaling buildings and basic parkour.
-Quick and agile
-A drive to improve and learn from others

-A hard metal black staff which is light weighted but still hard enough to hurt can split into two half halves which can be used to take on several enemies.
-Special goggles that can sense heat signatures around a 20 feet distance.
-A utility belt equipped with four throwing knives, and one prototype smoke grenade

-He is easily offended and gets carried away sometimes
-He does not think plan through and usually trusts in his own skill
-Is lightweight and can be easily picked up by any wrestler types
-Cannot stand being in small spaces

Base of Operation: Garage

Biography: Alexander lived a normal nerdy life most of his childhood. Unlike others who played outside he spent most of his times reading comics and training. Sometimes he'd spend hours in his garage lifting and training to be a superhero one day. Although Alex was helpful and kind his brother was the opposite. His brother was a member of the masked gang that would go around causing havoc in the neighborhood. After being arrested his brother made a call to his family in jail to tell everyone what had happened. Before leaving he left one last message to his younger brother "Don't be like me..." Those word echoed as Alex spent endlessly hanging upside down from a pull up bar doing sit-up.

At the age of fourteen, Alex finally built the courage to go and finally be like the superheroes he always read about. He mostly settled with busting petty hoodlums. A year later Alex's persona spread throughout the neighborhood and schools and he finally felt like a real hero.
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