Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slypheed
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Slypheed Idiotic and Degenerated

Member Seen 13 days ago

Shroedinger spun Zephyr around and flew into the hanger. "Took ya long enough" she said jokingly to Jason. Unaware that he was fighting an enemy. Once she was landed using magnetic landing gear, she got out and ran to the door for hanger control. She'd wait till the hanger pressurized again before opening the door. She wasn't about to risk Jason suddenly getting suffocated. She pressed her ear to the door, and heard fighting, and was confident Jason would win, he had to or else this whole operation would have to take a massive detour.
Sirens began wailing, making Pixie more determined to slow them down before she made her own leave. She realized this ship was lost and no point at stopping them permanently, but slowing them down would help. In case they had planned to use this ship to get attack 'it' next. She didn't even know what 'it' was, command wasn't really open to share details. But she did have an idea on what it did, and wanted to make sure it was able to. She got to a door leading to the hanger control room (A different one from Shroedinger) and heard fighting inside "One of those lizards is fighting them, they're tough bastards, I'll give them that." she clicked on a personal comm "Did the teams make it out?" "Yes, we are heading towards the designated cruiser, will it be safe when the operation hits its next stage?" "Yes, its in the list of ships to retreat to a safe distance" "Roger" "I'll see you on it shortly, I'm going to delay this infiltration group, don't need them attempting to attack it. End" the comms cut, and she waited for the fight to end. Whether or not the lizard won would remain to be seen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The15thSpycrab


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Yelgir pulled away from a skirmish and rushed toward the temporarily opened hanger door. Before he could make it, a large chunk of debris, nearly twice as big as his craft, drifted vertically to cover the hanger entrance. "Crumbs!" he shouted, "Guys, I'm locked out! I'll try to find another way in. Saber 2, can you send me a layout of the destroyer as soon as you find one?"
He flipped Thor back from the blocked entrance and slid up the side of the destroyer. Hiding himself between the shield and the side of the ship, he waited for Schroedinger to find him a map.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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Elodie didn’t know if she should be offended that she wasn’t the top priority, but decided not to take it personally. So, she fingered the trigger on the gun and waited for a target. When a giant lizard came, she decided that whatever-his-face could take care of it whilst she shot at the oncoming reinforcements that were currently struggling through the door. The first one was shot with a beam to the chest and the second’s hand was glazed when she shot at a third.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"No. Weapon. Just. Hand. Fight. With. Honor." The Jitawê told Jason in very broken english. The boy nodded and dropped his weapon, waiting for the lizard to charge him. When it did, the boy simply side stepped, so that now the lizard's back was to the door pixie was outside of. The Jitawê lunged and tried to bite Jason, but was met by a metal fist of Jason's armor. Which had hardened once again. He slammed the Lizard against the wall, using his arm as a method to hold it thete by its neck. Then produced the Lizard's remaining proton Axe. Which Jason had stolen. Then he slammed the weapon into the creature's gut with enough force that ir actually piercied the door. Giving Pixie her answer to who won the fight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slypheed
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Slypheed Idiotic and Degenerated

Member Seen 13 days ago

Pixie sighed, her head in her palm. "Such a useless bunch you all are" she said as she kicked it back in with equal force along with the door. "I'm terribly sorry for the lack of intelligence those things posses. You're skills a rather wasted fighting them, never understood why the masters are allied with them, not even good as brutes." She said as she slowly walked into the room, walking over any dead bodies in her way. "So, tell me. What is it you plan to accomplish when you take this vessel?" her gaze fixated on Jason. She then eyed the red headed girl "Hay there cutie, I had hoped you wouldn't be leaving so soon. We didn't even get to have 'fun'."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The15thSpycrab


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Blast it, guys! I'm comin' in!" Worried that his teammates weren't responding, Yelgir pulled his ship back around to the hole he'd knocked in the aft cargo bay. He positioned it carefully, set an automated course back to their command ship, and then ejected straight into the now empty bay. As the rest of the battle passed out of sight, he hoped that Thor would make it safely. Yelgir didn't think he would ever find something like it again.

The small android drifted softly to the back wall of the cargo hold, and the electro-magnetic grips fastened him to the semi-steel plating. He slowly made his way into the airlock, and re-pressurized the space. After the air finished hissing back into the lock, he opened the faceplate of his helmet, and put his ear to the hatch. He heard a loud bang, and then muffled speech, not a voice he recognized. Pulling back from the door, he used a small laser to cut a hole in the hatch control plate. He always hated the part that comes next. Linking to an unfamiliar craft was like taking a bite out of something you've never tasted before. A big bite. And the Xien were not known for being good cooks.

He attached his conductor to a jury-rigged access port, and shuddered as the taste of the foreign computer buzzed in the back of his mind. Fortunately for him, this wasn't a very strong computer. Some battleships had an anti-virus capable of knocking him 10 feet on his back, but this ship wasn't too worried about cybernetic intrusions, and the resistance was only about as strong as a three-digit lock. He accessed the camera feed, and located his position, Sliding his "view" over to the room next to him, it appeared a fight had recently ended. Several cameras were damaged, giving him only a small view of the other bay. The room was filled with a dark fog that obstructed the camera's optical feed, so Yelgir pulled a few mental strings, and adapted to a semi-infared sensor. The room lit up with heat sources, many of them lizard shape and quickly dimming. The only alive ones seemed to be Jason, who's signature Yelgir would recognize from a mile away, and two unidentified females. One of whom was holding a gun...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Jason resppnded to Pixie's entrance with a simple aiming of his gun straight towards her face. "Surrender with your hands where I can see them and I won't kill you. I'll just turn you over to Commander Cthulhu and let him dissaemble you." The boy growled as he stepped forward with his gun switching to the much more powerful sniper varient. "This will destroy you should you make a move." He said before switching to comms "Saber 2, get in here. Looks like a rouge android."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slypheed
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Slypheed Idiotic and Degenerated

Member Seen 13 days ago

Pixie laughed hysterically, once she calmed down she spoke "You. You're funny. Gave me a good laugh. One I haven't had for about 2 years now." She placed a hand on the barrel of Jason's gun. "But I hope you aren't seriously trying to threaten me." she said as a buzz came from the hall and a mechanical insect, about the size of a basket ball, flew in. It hovered over Pixie "Cthulhu eh? I have to guess he's not shared information regarding me, or did he? Hard to tell as all you've done is point a gun at me, and given me death threats."

Shroedinger entered the room, the door closing behind her. Her sword was drawn and in a readied position. "She's a high threat Saber 1, heavily augmented by the Grüt. Chances are, we aren't going to come out of a fight with her without some damage"

Pixie looked at Shroedinger, keeping Jason in her peripherals. "A female, an android female at that. I can tell because for how pale you are, I see no veins. As well as how rigid a pose you can hold, and the unnatural the color of your eyes. Built to look like one of the ideal female bodies that some men look for. I'd almost say you were made to be some mans trophy and not a soldier."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Jason lost his usual calm and cool composure at the comment about Shroedinger being some man's trophy. His hand balled into a fist as the armor moved to start storing up power. Making what Jason was about to do that much more effective. "Listen closely, Bitch. She is a much better person than anybody else alive and more perfect than even you could hope to be." He growled with a large amount of venom in his voice. "SHE. IS NOT. SOME MAN'S TROPHY. SHUT YOUR WHORE MOUTH BEFORE I SHUT IT FOR YOU!" The boy screams at her and lashes out with a vicious punch. The pent up power in the armor made his fist move faster than one could hope to react, and hit with the force of a truck slamming into somebody. He hit his target square, which happened to be Pixie's face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slypheed
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Slypheed Idiotic and Degenerated

Member Seen 13 days ago

Pixie was sent flying into a wall. After impacting her body seemed to short circuit, spazing for a second then ragdolling. The metal insect however, had two curled up claws that came out, became charged, and sliced at Jason's armor. It then darted around Jason, taking what openings it could find to attack. After some time, the insect started going between Jason and Shroedinger, slicing at both of them, and darting fast enough to dodge attacks.

Pixie however, didn't short circuit. It was merely a ruse to get everyone to focus on the insect. Once she was up, she seized her chance. She picked up her Scythe and ran up to Shroedinger and slashed at her, Shroedinger saw this, but couldn't fully escape the reach of the scythe. It cut deep enough into her leg to where she couldn't stand. Pixie then turned her attention to Jason, slashing the Scythe towards him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The15thSpycrab


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"No!" Yelgir called, as the Scythe sliced through Schroedinger. As the unknown android swung her weapon towards Jason, Yelgir dropped a docking clamp between them. The Scythe stuck in the giant metal claw, as it swung between them, and was pulled out of Pixie's grasp. Sending a quick picture of the current room to his allies, Yelgir quickly mapped out an escape route to the airlock, marking obstacles that he could put in the path of pursuit. He hoped their comms still worked, as neither of them had responded to his reports.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Jason attempted to dodge the attacks of the insect, and failed. While his armor did take most of the damage for him, the boy felt a few of the stings. Damn that thing was annoying. As the boy stood there, Pixie launched herself at Shroedinger and cut deep into her leg with her scythe. Jason watched as his friend went down. Then he watched as the Docking clamp stole the scythe from Pixie's grasp. Jason was stunned for a second before he shook himself out of the shock and ran forward. Shoving Pixie roughly out of his way. "Come on Shroe. I got you." He says quietly to her as he scoops her up. "Saber 3. 2 is currently down. I have no idea whether or not she can still walk. It's a pretty nasty wound. I'm putting her back on board her ship and making it autopilot back to the fleet. Think your ship could give you and me a ride back after we take the ship?" He says over their comms.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slypheed
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Slypheed Idiotic and Degenerated

Member Seen 13 days ago

When the clamp took her Scythe and was pushed to the side by Jason she sighed. Using a remote connection to the ships internal systems she found out where the bug was on the ship, and went into his head briefly, leaving a message "I think you're in the wrong place" As she said that, a smaller mechanical insect appeared in the hall Yelgir was in, and flew after him. She also took control of the docking clamp and made it release her scythe, which she caught and turned to Jason.
The cut was deep, but something she could mend easily. It took out the part of her leg that was the main support, and mending that would allow her to be able to move at the least. But it was Jason's comment that took her attention. "I believe I'm the only one who can fly us out Jason. Because if I can guess correctly, Saber 3 turned on his ship's autopilot and ejected into the hole we made earlier. That's the only other place I can think of that he could get into easily without blowing another hole in the ship himself." She looked down at her leg "Besides, I can mend this to a point that will let me walk again."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The15thSpycrab


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Saber 2 is right on that one," Yelgir replied. "There's a chance that we could hijack one of the Grut ships, but we can't rely on that." A voice inside his head made him cringe, someone had finally noticed his intrusion. The message left by the foreign android confused him slightly, it wasn't a threat, and didn't seem to contribute anything. During the brief contact with the opposing android, a valuable piece of tactical information was collected.. "Saber 1, the opponent you face is the commander of this destroyer. If we can destroy or capture her, our mission would be much easier."

A small sting pulled Yelgir back to the airlock, and he noticed a mechanical insect. The bug stung him again, and Yelgir swatted it into the wall, where it broke into pieces. The hatch connecting the airlock he was in to the main part of the ship was being pounded on; someone strong was trying to manually override the seal he had placed. Yelgir pulled a smallarm from its place at his side, and mentally thanked the bug for alerting him.

A large dent appeared in the hatch, pulling the clamp from the wall, and an unmistakably Grut arm appeared in the opening, pushing it open wider. The hatch kept the force shield from covering the arm, so Yelgir took his chance and squeezed the trigger. The handgun fired a stream of micro-particles at near-sonic speeds, and the invisible dust tore a hole in the Grut's arm. Air streamed in through the opening, the Yelgir covered his head as the soldier became a fireball. Most of the blast was on the other side of the door, but a small part of it came through the opening. Yelgir's ears were ringing, and his arms were covered in light burns. The hatch had taken enough, and fell open with a clatter, revealing the devastation on the other side. Three Jitwae were on the floor, horribly blackened, one of them still alive. It moaned piteously, and Yelgir gave it a mercy shot through the head. Shrapnel from the exploded Grut covered the walls, and the small android picked his way over and around the larger pieces of debris.

The map in his head showed that the airlock he had covered in was the only entrance to the bay where the others were, but also that the ship's armory was nearby. There should be something in it to help.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Jason set down Shroe. "Get mending. I got the full Metal bitch." He said softly as he glared at Pixie. Instead of bringing out a weapon as he usually would, Jason simply got into a fighting stance in front of the girl. Meanwhile the Nanosuit began to assess the situation, giving Jason points on his HUD of where things like explosives were in the room. It also shifted into the power mode, sensing that Jason would need speed and strength for this fight. "So you're going to attempt to kill me, right? Let's see how this ends for you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slypheed
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Slypheed Idiotic and Degenerated

Member Seen 13 days ago

Shroedinger nodded and began mending her leg, she picked up a weapon and used her nano-machines to break it down and rebuild her leg. There was enough material in the weapon to mend the wound, but when they get back to the ship, she'd need time to fully patch it up.

Pixie smiled. "I'd say attempt is an accurate word, killing you wouldn't be fun" She readied her scythe "I will however, give you injuries to remember me by, think of them as my signature." She quickly slashed at Jason's legs. Then brought scythe back to slash at one of his arms. She could move a scythe fast, especially for how heavy her scythe looked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The15thSpycrab


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

It wasn't far to the armory, but it still seemed to take forever. Yelgir was forced twice into hiding to avoid crewmembers on their way past, and was nearly caught by a cleaning droid which had escaped his attention. The machine merely beeped at him, vacuumed some dust off of his pantleg, then continued on its way.

The door to the armory was locked, of course, and this time took longer than the simple airlock hatch to access. Yelgir still made it through without setting off any alarms, and the door slid open with a hiss. It was dark inside, the light levels low to help preserve some of the more delicate weaponry. Rows of plasma rifles lined one rack, ready for the crew to grab in case of an emergency. Several of these weapons were missing, as well as a few proton axes, but the rest seemed undisturbed. Yelgir was feeding the security cameras looped footage of the dim and empty room, so no-one noticed his intrusion.

The small android grinned happily and almost caught himself rubbing his hands. This armory was like a candy store to him. Guns in boxes, guns on racks, cases full of the deadliest ammunition known to civilization. One wall was even lined with bio-tech weapons in air-sealed compartments, just itching to catch some poor sucker in their slimy, rough, some even tentacled grasp. The center area caught his attention the most, however. This section had some of the biggest, baddest, rough-up-some-poor-fool weapons Yelgir had ever seen. Shoulder-fired missile launchers, lasers so big they were practically cannons, plasma grenades that could destroy a house, and mass-accelerators to put his puny pistol to shame.

He didn't dare take these off the racks, much as he longed to hold their power, because the logical side of his brain pointed out the obvious factor of weight. These weapons were definitely not designed for 2/3rd's of a soldier. For the first time in his life, Yelgir wished he were created larger. Yelgir blew a kiss at the weapon rack, promised to come back for them, then grabbed a bandolier of grenades and a snub-barreled laser rifle and slipped back out the door. A maniacal grin covered his face, and he laughed softly. "Here I come, Missy Reaper. I hope you like the taste of my firepower."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slypheed
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Slypheed Idiotic and Degenerated

Member Seen 13 days ago

The halls were empty. Devoid of life except for the occasional cleaning droid. Yet she was still running completely dazed and confused, unable to think to look back and see she wasn't being chased. She just kept running, the only thing she recognized was the direction of the halls, which made her crash into something. The crash made her tumble and probably had an effect on the person/thing she collided with. She slowly started to get up, now everything was a little dizzy and she stumbled a few times once she was standing again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 6 mos ago

As the scythe swung at his legs, Jason jumped backwards to avoid Pixie's violent attack. "You're fast. Not going to help you." The boy commented as he jumped towards the Android, his thrusters on his suit activating to give him a massive speed boost towards the girl. He swung his fist as fast and hard as he could, coming in to deliver one hell of a superman punch to the girl's face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The15thSpycrab


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Yelgir cautiously made his way back along the corridors, then the sound of running footsteps made him stop. The footfalls were uneven, and too light to be one of the Grut. Distracted by the sound, he was suddenly hit in the back by something large, fast, and somewhat cushioned. The force made him topple completely over, but he rolled to a crouch and faced the cause. A brown-haired human female in civilian clothing got to her feet, swaying dizzily. Her expression was dazed; eyes confused and unfocused, probably drugged. Each wrist was ringed in a containment cuff, the power for which was shorted out, and her clothing was stained and tattered. The exposed skin showed signs of beating, and a fresh lump from her fall was already forming on her head.

Yelgir was sure that his "attacker" posed no threat, but still kept his rifle ready. "Don't worry, I'm with the Haven Alliance. Please tell me your name and how you got here, and I'll make sure you get home."
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