Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Charlie


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It's evening the sun is finally going down, stood a top the Ace chemical is a vigilante, Axle Niebo better known as Bone. As the light of twilight hits hits his face he contemplates everything. A cool fall breeze blows through his hair. 'This place...' He gets interrupted mid thought by screams of help '...sucks so much...' He finishes his thought, stands up and runs toward the sound of the disturbance. Atop a roof he sees a group of thugs beating on some guy. He walks down a fire escape, then drops where it ends. He then walks up to the thugs entranced by there malicious beating. Bone then taps on one of there shoulders, "the fuck do you wan..." The thug gets his face punched by a boney claw. A different thug then hits him with a bat that breaks on impact. Bone then tosses the one that hit him in to a group of trash cans. The others get scared, pickup there now battered friends, and run away. Bone walks up to the injured civilian and puts out a claw to help him up. "OH GOD A METAHUMAN!" The scared my gets up runs off as well. "Oh yeah. You're WELCOME. Asshole." Bone then climbs up a building then heads to a taller building.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 37 min ago

Louis was waiting with a few armed goons waiting for a supply of guns that would be accompany by a few dozen guns with guns,"Look alive children we need to look out for any supers and if you see one kill them..." He said in a clam voice even though he didn't care as long as he gets his revenge by means of working for powerful crime lords for the resources and money for his revenge.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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Port Adams. It was a place that everyone in Gotham knew about, regardless of their background. You could be a cop, you could be a crook, hell, you could be plain ol' Joe from down the way, it didn't matter. Everyone knew that Port Adams was were Falcone imported and exported a good deal of his 'goods', if one could call drugs and weaponry such a thing. It didn't matter what you were in the end, nor how you knew of it, all that mattered is that every sane human being in Gotham knew to stay the hell away unless they either worked for Falcone, or had a serious desire to be found at the bottom of a river. Vincent Bell, was not a sane human being. It was not that he was insane, far from it, rather, he simply was not human. "I'll ask you again, Falcone's lieutenant, Zsasz, where can I find him?", Vincent growled from behind his mask to a balding man chained to a chair inside a storage container. The bounty hunter had been at this ever since he'd gotten the drop on a group of goons Flacone had sent to receive a shipment, and his patience was growing thin.

The fight was relatively easy for Vincent: They may have had guns and numbers, but he had them trumped thanks to experience and ample hiding places. Then again, being strong enough to cause spinal and neck trauma with a casual slap didn't exactly hurt his chances either. "What, you think if you find him he'll give you something on the boss? You're insane, not to mention a dead man.", the chained man hissed, only to freeze as he heard a loud growl from behind the chair. "You misunderstand. I couldn't care less about Falcone, he's worthless to me as a public figure. Zsasz, however, has a particularly nice bounty on his head that I aim to collect.". The man in the chair gawked at Vincent for a few seconds, "Wait, I know you, you're that "Hunter" asshole, aren't you? You ain't no hero, you're just another crook in it for the money.", "Well, you're right about who I am, and what i'm after, but I have to disagree with you about the crook part. But that isn't what we're here to discuss.". The man scowled and looked away from Vincent, eliciting a sigh from the alien, "Fine, we're going to do it this way I take it? I'm ok with that. Alli, would you be so kind as to help loosen our friend's tongue?". Another growl sounded as a sleek feline figure crept from out of the darkness and snapped it's teeth together audibly. Upon first glance, one would assume Alli was just a normal leopard, but upon further inspection, one would easily be able to tell that the creature that was slowly circling the chained up captive like a shark bore an unmistakably reptilian appearance on top of the feline one.

Vicent's captive, realizing that the situation he was in was starting to become much worse as Alli's teeth snapped together dangerously close to his crotch, finally began to spill whatever information he had regarding Zsasz. Vincent listened intently, then, once he felt he'd recieved everything he required, got up and walked out of the container with Alli in tow. "W-wait! What about me? Untie me, dammit!" "Hmm...i'm sure Falcone will send more men in the morning when he realizes that his shipment is late. Just be sure to scream loudly.". Not waiting for another retort, Vincent shut the container door and began to walk away whilst whistling a jaunty tune. The night was still young, and with fresh information ready to be used, Hunter was ready to find and catch his quarry.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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Louis was watching his men surround the area in large groups so that they would havens fighting chance against the mask freaks or rather vigilantes of Gotham,"Do not dilliy dally get moving" He said harshly to one of the goon that was scared after hearing rumours of some dead Falcone men.This did not scare Louis but was a just reason to be scared,"You will be fine...I promise now go" He said gently and quietly like a whisper to the man then lugging his AK47 over his own shoulders walking around because he didn't need protection.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ribcageroses
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ribcageroses Operator for the boogie man

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As the door was pushed open, Aurora tumbled. This man, who ever he was, had saved her a great deal of trouble. All she had to do was listen in, even though it was a little rough, even through a small adjustment on the roof. She was also unsure of his protocall on finding her. But against both negativities, she recieved information she greatly needed.
Spying was never much of her game, but it was needed sometimes. & she really just hated doing all the talking.

Aurora stayed placed in a dark corner, hearing whistling. She almost scoffed aloud, standing in the shadow. His whistles got fainter, and she knew now was her time.
Ever so quietly, she crept out of her tumble corner and around to the door. Slowly but surely, she gets it open enough to squeeze herself inside.
There he sat, some man in a chair, staring at his feet. Aurora stepped close to him, snapping her fingers in front of his eyes.
"Just untie me, would ya?" He says, without even looking up at her.
"I have a question first,"she says, blatantly. "If you give me what I want, I'll let you go."
"What do you want, then?" It seemed he was exhausted, and that was no fun.
"Where was that shipment headed?" His mouth opened to answer her, but she put her hand over his mouth. "And if, if you decide to give me the wrong place..." She leans the chair backward, "I can make your head twist into a pretzel. Your brain would burst out if your fucking eyes and ears." Could she actually do something like that? It was unknown to her. Whether it had been done before was beyond her as well. But now was not the time to be questioning her own threats.
Just to freak him out and prove her own point, she pulled a little figurine from her jacket. It was a stress ball, no more, but when you squeezed it, the eyes and ears swelled with pink brain mush.
A sort of dumb gesture, but he seemed to take it effectively.

He opened his mouth to speak, and she let him.
"Just a little west of here, but thats-" before he was finished, Aurora was running out there.
She knew she told him she would let him go, but she was trying to keep her profile low.
"Sorry," she calls back. It was almost useless, but it counted to her. She squeezes herself back at the door, and off she went, headed west into the city.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 37 min ago

Louis was already making his round around shipment crate carefully watching it like a dog watching a bone,He couldn't trust his men who were not even his own men but Black Mask's men but he didn't want to fail him either he needed to get close to him for he has something Louis needs.He then stopped in front of the shipment taking a deep breath before standing in front of the shipment looking for any problems and that meant supers coming by to stop him.

"None so far..." He muttered to himself as one goon walked by looking at him but frantically walked away looking at the ground.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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As he made his way into the outskirts of Port Adams, Vincent paused and began to rummage through his pockets for something. Alli sat on his haunches and waited patiently as he always did, swishing his tail idly as his partner came away with what he'd been looking for: A small bundle of keys. Vincent jingled the keys in front of Alli, who only yawned in response, "Spoil sport. I liked you better when you were an infant." Vincent said playfully before receiving a light cuff on the thigh for his troubles. The dup crept into a nearby parking lot, whereupon entry, Vincent used his electronic key to unlock a fairly inconspicuous green jeep wrangler. Alli jumped into the back and lied down to make himself comfortable as Vincent slid into the driver's seat, then removed his weapons, mask, and hood, placing them on the floor of the passenger seat side. "Alright partner, assuming that bald bastard didn't like to us, we're heading to Von Gruenwald tower. Should be plenty of places for us to climb and get the drop on Zsasz. I can taste that seventy-two grand now.", he stated with a small chuckle as he started the jeep. Alli stretched out a bit in the back and purred contently at the vibrations of the vehicle as it began to move.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HikikomoriMoxy


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Tara was making her way back home after shopping. She was just picking up the necessities and was now traveling roof to roof, poofing into dust and speeding from one spot to the next. She was listening to music and didn't notice that someone was on the next rooftop. As she fell, instead of hitting concrete, she hit another person. Dropping her groceries on the building. "Ouch..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Charlie


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Bone searching the streets from a roof trying to hear crime, focusing 'Am I the only he..' He was interrupted by a girl running into him, "The hell?" He says startled by the girl and her groceries now on top of him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HikikomoriMoxy


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Tara scuttled back, looking at the man closely to make sure he wasn't police or worse. He seemed like a regular guy for the most part. "My bad." She mumbled awkwardly before grabbing her bag and returned the spilled contents to it. "I wasn't paying attention. I was...free running."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Charlie


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"Free running with groceries?" Axle ask with mild confusion. He sees how she made sure he wasn't authority. "You need help with those?" He says returning an orange that fell in front of him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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Louis was already on edge form the waiting and that was getting him a little worried that a super had gotten to the supply team and that would get him into big trouble with Black Mask,But since he was such a big guy he knew that Mask was a little scared of him since when angry once he crashed a mans head with his bare hands.But Louis was loyal to Black Mask or so it seems of course he was playing Mask like a fiddle wanting his money for himself and was stealing it himself and blaming it on someone else.

When the supply team arrived his heart was lifted and felt relived for a moment but did not show it,"Show my the stuff..." He said to the first gun out of the van that was very young he would assume 20,The kid quickly opened the door for him seeing what he expected guns and money.This is what he wanted enough for his attack on Gaiman and his goons.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ribcageroses
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ribcageroses Operator for the boogie man

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Aurora paced the ground. There were groups, little bundles of weapons. It was obvious their intent, and what they were determined to protect. They almost made it to easy to figure out where the shipment was.
She thought back to some of the offensive skill movies she'd watched and braced herself.

"Hey! Hey! I hear something!" Someone called out as she neared their patch of protection. She stalled a moment. "Go check it out, go!"
Slowly but surely, a head peeped around the corner. Aurora clasped her hands on the side of their face. As they went to speak, she kicked her knee into their mouth. It was forceful enough to shut them up and maybe break a few teeth. Their gun fired off as a reaction for their mouth being silenced, and she kicked him one more time, right along his nose, up into his brain. He fell, dead, and the others began charging up to defend him.
"Bad idea, bad idea," she shook her head. They shot at her, and she crouched down to the ground. Her knee was bleeding from the tear of his teeth, but she hardly seemed to notice.
She moved from shadow to shadow, using street dimness and pitch, tricking them into shooting in other directions. In minutes she was past them, and they were left shooting into the dark.

Eventually she reached a close range of the product, people were pacing. She could spot it, not too far. Someone was staring intently, inspecting it seemed. When she got close enough, Aurora stopped and cleared her throat.
"I'm here to warn you. Warn you about what you're looking at."
She was directing her words to the man who seemed to be in charge, the one who was going over the shipment in front of him. Aurora twirled her hair in her hands, her self awareness hardly present.
"If you shoot me, you'll never get it. So don't try anything. Clear?" Maybe she didn't sound serious enough, but she was. She'd kill everyone in here if she had to. She just needed to get something across, and if no one wanted to listen, that was now their problem.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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"And will we not get?the shipmen I have seen people who can teleport items and things out of the blue but you do not look like such...and don't think you can get out of alive with such empty threats" Louis said calmly as his men surrounded her with their guns and melee weapons.Said men were around her some grinning deity thoughts in this heads of what to do with her after they capture her the most obvious answer would be to gang rape her but they would be stopped by Louis whom they thought was too much of a softy.

"I will only say this once and once only leave now and we will not harm you I not then you will suffer the consequences on your poor action" Louis said looking more threating then her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HikikomoriMoxy


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Tara took the orange and put it back in her bag. "Uh, yeah sure. I mean I avoid traffic. But um..what about you? What're you doing up here?" She asked, handing him a bag of paper and plastic dishes and eating utensils.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Charlie


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"I'm... Well, I'm a hero." Bone says with a some confidence. "But lately... I've been scare folks, apparently." He says noticeably less confident, scratching the back of his head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ribcageroses
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ribcageroses Operator for the boogie man

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Aurora could only scoff.
"Please," she looks to the people surrounding her. "I mean, nice try, but," she pushes past one man who had gotten a little too close. She stepped up closer, her demeanor totally thoughtless.
She places her arms behind her back, clanking her heels with purpose. She was keeping time.
"You do know who this is coming from, right? All this?"
People were getting impatient, she knew that. But that was alright. She knew if he had the no interest, he would have killed her already.
"And you didn't stop to think, maybe, just maybe, something is off..." Looking around, she sighs, "it seems my time is tickimg." She almost wanted to laugh now. She continued to count with her steps, a smug look on her face.
As she taps her foot, she sings, "twenty-five. Twenty-four. Twenty-three."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 37 min ago

"Indeed and it seems my dear your time is up" Louis smiled to her as someone with a baseball bat beside her hit her trying to send her a few feet away form him to distance himself form her so he could escape,"Tear the bitch apart..." He commanded to them knowing fully that they would be killed and didn't care as long as he could escape with the money and guns by himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ZacksQuest


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The night was making to be a busy one. Tame by Gotham standards but still quite an interesting night. And all of the events being transpired were being recorded. All street corners and dockyards were being filmed by unseen eyes- bionic eyes, all connected to one source. All irrelevant information deleted, all relevant information kept in storage. And at the center of it all, hidden from the brunt of the action, was O'Cule. He saw nothing but watched everything. He never kept any eyes near him, even though that made traversing his center of command rather difficult. But it's much less difficult than watching yourself walk around in a clammy metal control room. It was quiet, and he heard no footsteps behind him. One of the camera eyes picked up something. Three things, actually. The normal fare. A lot of meta-humans and magic users nowadays, he thinks to himself, as he disdainfully looks at a scuffle between a Rogue and a Meta. Another eye runs a quick backtrace and he finds their aliases- self-given titles he always preferred, but police codenames also give a good impression of what these heroes and heathens are like. Hm. Soufflé and ORiona. Strange names, he thinks to himself. Can't really tell any possible meaning behind those names. Shame. The eye sends a message asking if he wants to initiate the Divine Judgment Protocol. He declines the offer. Not yet, not yet. He sits back and let's the images flood his enhanced brain. Hands steepled together on his desk, he watches. And waits.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

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As Vincent pulled into the parking lot of the Von Gruenwald tower, he couldn't help but marvel a bit at the size of the thing. The tower was large and immaculate, clearly the result of a master architect's design, and countless weeks of labor. The bounty hunter's marveling was soon cut short by a sickly groan in the back of his jeep as Alli slowly rose on his paws, "Oh, sorry about that Alli. I wanted to make good time.". The reason for Alli's discomfort -and the subsequent apology from Vincent- was due to the fact that Vincent had made it a point of speeding and swerving through traffic whenever an area seemed free of police officers. With the area seemingly clear save for a few parked vehicles that likely belonged to people under Carmine Falcone's payroll Vincent put on his mask and strapped his holstered swords onto his back once more before hopping out and releasing Alli, who vigorously shook to rid himself of the sickly feeling. Vincent grinned beneath his mask as he looked down to his partner, "How should we go about this one? Enter from the back or knock out the power?, he inquired. Alli blinked and began to paw at the trunk of the jeep, eliciting a shrug from Vincent, "Knock out the power it is.". A quick press of a button opened the jeep's trunk to reveal a plethora of gadgets, some, rather mundane in appearance, and others clearly alien in origin.

Vincent reached in and pulled out three circular devices, each the size of a CD but with the thickness of a hockey puck, and clipped them to his belt before shutting the trunk. With a gleam in his eye, Vincent cracked his neck and rolled his shoulders, "Let's go get paid.", he muttered before making for the entrance of the Von Gruenwald tower.
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