Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shiinen
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Shiinen The Grand Imagineer

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Such nice little words...having a part in the natural balance, things like that.

She didn't feel jealous.

Watching the higher being speak to the others around her, Mai looked up within the stars of her parasol's ceiling to gaze at the cloaked moon. Without taking to time to think on it, several Moon Wisps -- small, dancing orbs of light -- had formed on their own and begun a gentle revolution around her. ...Hum...There was only the hole that she could make him proud of having her as his Shrine Maiden. Once Utu had dismissed them -- more or less -- to begin making their way through the school with great hopes that they would succeed in their designated reasons being here, Mai could only speak up in hopes of having her main sort of concern answered for Tsukuyomi's sake.

"Sir...Is there a way for me to set up an appropriate shrine for Lord Tsukuyomi before the night falls? I would so humbly request, if it is not too much to ask for...if there is a free room where the moon can be seen clearly?...I would not like to let my Lord think that I've forgotten of him. Forgive me if I have spoken out of tone."

Rather than be worried of the other shenanigans concurring with the godly people, she would rather get right to work to ensure a permanent place to begin her duties. Nothing else mattered quite as much as that, and it wouldn't until her (admittedly) one-track mind had what it needed done.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Esayo


Member Offline since relaunch

Ashil wasted no time in hurrying to his room once the formalities had been taken care of. He was, to put it plainly, sick of how the day was going, and really all he wanted to do was change. His clothes. They'd seen defeat for the day and that was enough for him to want to don something else, something fresh and perhaps a little showy. Didn't want to give off the impression he was going to just go quietly. So, once he was in his room, he quickly shut and locked the door before shedding the outfit he wore. It was nice, and he'd probably wear it again, but the vest and tie did little to boast confidence in the face of defeat, so he'd save it for a better day. Instead, he slipped into something more comfortable. The pants he put on were snug, and a deep but unimposing blue, and over that and a loose-stitched shirt he threw on a shining-bright cyan robe, embroidered with flowing lines that splintered around the curves of his shoulders and hips. He bound it tight around his waist, and rolled the sleeves up enough to throw some simple but elegant arm-warmers that ran up to his elbows. Moving to the mirror, he preened for a bit, fluffing his hair one such way, and then another, tying it up and then dropping it down. He liked the natural bounce it had, made things like this much easier.

It was then he felt a darker presence, and despite seeing nothing in the mirror, he turned around. Apep always demanded an attentive audience. The room was empty save for himself, but the old god was there all the same, as he always was.

"It was a long day," Ashil said in a huff.

The emptiness was not sympathetic, and all at once he stood up straight, like ice had shot up his spine.

"I know. I saw him. I'm not gonna be able to do anything about it now. Just give me the rest of the day. Please?"

After a moment, he let out a sigh, and adjusted the robe around him. A shudder crept its way up his shoulders, but he paid it no mind; encounters with the serpent left him harrowed in the best cases. Recomposing himself, he looked back to the mirror and traced a finger down his eye. This was good -the school-, it was a good opportunity for him. He needed the getaway, he needed the new ground. Most of all, he needed to learn to win.

Snatching a small box from his largest suitcase, he left his room and strode through the halls of the dormitory, scouring the space for tables of some kind. His search led him outside, which was no trouble to him; he took a seat upon a bench an set the small box beside him. Inside, he found an orange, and a few wrapped sweets for later. He was indeed hungry after such a day, and having skipped breakfast to make it to the airport on time, he wasted no time in getting started. He always ate oranges the same way, each time; he buried his teeth into them, and then dragged the juice from it, drinking the fruit dry before peeling and eating what remained inside. He never required much to fill him up, and that would hold him for now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Evera watched as everyone began wandering off to their own rooms, leaving her hesitating but then just shrugging and heading towards one of the unoccupied dorms. She opened it up and took in her surroundings. Boring but nothing bad. She was honestly just exhausted and wanted to sleep, so she set her things to the side, laying on the bare mattress and curling up to sleep.

As Evera drifted off, she began twitching, dreaming. She began drifting off and as her mind swirled, she dreamed herself getting up off the mattress and rubbing her eyes. She looked around the room as a glow was about the place. She squinted for a moment before she realized she was looking at a man. Or, well maybe not a man? He was tall, with golden skin and curly dark hair to his shoulders. He was wearing a tunic about his waist, his upper body muscles exposed. He had large wings protruding from his back, and horns curling against his head. She frowned for a moment before he spoke.

“I’m Mephistopheles,” he spoke to her, holding out a hand.

”Oh…” Evera spoke, her eyes widened. So, this was her father. There was something familiar about him, as if she’d seen him in dreams or night wakings but never knew who he was. She took his hand and got up off the bed.

“I just wanted to let you know that I’m proud of you. And that I’ll be around,” he said. Evera nodded simply, smiling a bit.

”I’ll do my best, I promise,” she reassured him. The deity nodded, embracing his daughter with his arm. He lingered for a moment before letting her go.

“It’s a hard job. Warning souls century after century of the promises of rewards in heaven, just to watch them corrupt themselves. I hope you’ll be better suited for the task than I. And do not neglect to learn how to fight demons. Nasty things,” he said with a look of distaste. He let her go and took a few steps back. “Good luck, daughter,” he said quietly. Then things started to get blurry.

Evera woke up from her nap and yawned, frowning and looking about her room. Gah, she had to learn the difference between when she was on the spiritual plane or just dreaming.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Though reveling in his new territory was fun, Phobetor quickly grew bored. Laying down upon his shadow-soaked sheets, the God of Nightmares relaxed, allowing himself to slide into sleep. As the darkness closed in, he could feel his powers waxing. This time, he did not enter the dream of another, for nobody was nearby -that he knew about, at least- to torment. Instead, Phobetor delved into his own psyche, with a specific activity in mind.

His avatar appeared in the dream world. Unlike the dreams of the others he infested, his was blank. No images graced his sleep unless he willed it. Stretching out his inky-black arms, Phobetor conjured an arena. Dreary blue stone appeared in chunks, floating through the void and smashing together to form a floor. Wall literally rose, huge tentacles erected side by side, creating a colosseum. He alighted in the center, an removed Aliter from around his neck.

For a few moments he fiddled with the hidden side of the device, cycling through various images. After finding one that suited him, he held the locket outward, and a whiff of magic projected from it to spatter against the floor. As Phobetor put Aliter back on, swirling purple smoke spiraled up from the ground, taking the size of a pickup truck with a flatbed in tow. Phobetor pulled Relief from his belt and assumed a fencing stance, waiting for his opponent to be revealed.

The smoke cleared, and a huge, five-headed serpent stood in his way. Like all the creatures whose souls were absorbed into Aliter, this hydra's skin was a murky yellow-brown interspersed with black, and its eyes radiated magenta. Phobetor eyed the beast, barely flinching at its shrill cry. “Let's see if I can't get you better this time, eh?”

In response, the creature lunged. Phobetor leaped up, springing off shadows emanating from his feet, and surveyed the creature a moment as he hung in the air. While the urge to slice off the hydra's ugly, bladed heads was only compounded by the weak scales around there necks offering a weak point, he knew better. As he fell, Phobetor thrusted at the nearest head, trying to impale it through the eye. The head shifted as the thin blade approached, avoiding the weapon and biting at its wielder instead. Phobetor screamed as its teeth took a chunk out of his arm, but immediately the wound faded as he subconsciously suppressed the pain with his powers.

Phobetor pushed off the beast's hide and sailed into the air again. The hydra intelligently changed course and attacked upward with all five of its heads. The God of Nightmares created a two-dimensional surface beneath his feet for a split second to allow him to jump again and avoid the brutal jaws. A flurry of dark blurs shot from his open hand, and each one smacked into a hydra head with a wet squelch. Covered in sticky, smothering ink, the heads could only struggle as Phobetor fell past and landed with all his weight on Relief, driving the weapon through its heart.

Instantly the beast exploded into purple mist and sucked back into Aliter. Phobetor flung Relief to the ground with force, snapping the blade's tip off. He felt nothing but disgust. How could he terrify mortals if he couldn't even kill a beast he'd already slain? For once, he had almost gotten it without magic, too.

The dream world dissolved, and Phobetor's eyes closed, then opened again in the real world. In his mind's absence, the room had pretty much returned to normal, other than a few lingering shadows and patches of supernatural darkness. He huffed and turned over, debating what to do next.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Asmodeus watched as the other students parted and made their ways to their respective rooms. Removing his sunglasses and slipping them into his inner coat pocket, he decided that he should probably do the same and get comfortable. Maybe at least unpack Andrew's things for him. Stuffing his hands into his pockets, he waited until the other students picked their rooms before deciding on his own. It looked as though like they were to have rooms to themselves. "Oh, goodie..." he thought to himself, licking his lips. Normally, Asmodeus would immediately take his pick for a room, but he knew how Andrew was. He would pick the room the furthest from everyone else and isolate himself. Not wanting to be scolded by Andrew, he figured he should do the same for him while he was...incapacitated for whatever reason. Once he saw the other students' picks, keeping a mental note on the females' rooms, he nonchalantly walked to the furthest room. Whistling a jaunty tune as he walked, he dragged out a note as he slipped a hand out of his pocket to open the door of his chosen room and looked it over. "Not bad...I guess.".

Gently shutting the door behind him, he took a few steps until he stood in the center of the room and continued to examine and critique his new abode. Fully and comfortably furnished, it even had a connected bathroom. Much like the room of a luxury 5-star hotel, not bad at all. Asmodeus wondered who was the interior decorator of this school. Shrugging, he reached out towards an empty spot on the ground. Immediately, two of his Marks burned into the floor of the ground as he opened a portal into Hell to summon two of his minions. The first was the same Lesser Daemon from earlier. The second was... well, to put it simply a Daemon Goat Butler, dressed in a butler's uniform and all. As they rose from the ground, Asmodeus couldn't help but smile and be pleased with himself. With the energy flowing through this peculiar realm, it allowed him to easily use some of his smaller powers to some extent. Something that he couldn't do in the Human realm, mostly because of Andrew's constant refusal to accept Asmodeus suppressed his abilities. The two Daemons bowed their head low to Asmodeus with him returning the gesture.

Addressing the first Lesser Daemon, he motioned towards the bed in the bedroom.
"Leave it in the bedroom, your job is done." his forked tail swayed behind as he spoke.
The Lesser Daemon bowed his head again.
"Yes, sir." with that, he lifted the luggage and carried it in his arms towards the bedroom, leaving it on the edge of the bed.
Afterwards, he returned to the Mark that was used to summon him and slowly sank into it. Vanishing seconds later along with the Mark.
Turning to the 'Butler', he decided to task him out with making his new living quarters comfortable for them.
"Unpack our bags and put everything into their proper place. Once you've done so, return. I'll be taking a stroll."
The Goat Butler silently bowed his head and walked into bedroom, getting right to work.

Turning on his heel, Asmodeus decided to have a look around some more. Opening the door to his room and closing it behind him, he whistled as he casually strolled the halls of the building. He wondered when Andrew would wake up and talk to him again. He was beginning to feel a bit lonely and extra bored. Smirking, he might go pick on the other deities. Stir up some trouble and have some fun. Sighing, he decided against doing that. For now, anyways. Raising one eyebrow, he wondered when classes would start and what their schedule would be like. Shrugging, he continued his leisurely stroll. Whistling a bright and cheery tune as he did.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Roxanne picked a room nearby Evara's, thinking it would be nice to have another girl to chat to. She had a feeling the other girl - Mai - would be a little to occupied with her Shrine stuff to think about movie marathons and such.
"Woah." Was her only reaction as she opened her door. It was so BIG. The biggest room she'd ever have, and it was all to herself! "This is awesome!" she squealed in delight, throwing herself on the bed, barely noticing the glowing aura around her pulsated slightly as she got happier. The bed was queen-sized and plush, there was bathroom en suite, and everything else a girl could want in a room. Mirrors, wardrobes, a desk... and a computer, which was intriguing, to say the least. Curling up on the large wheely chair in front of the desk - she was totally going to have hallway races with this chair - she turned it on, then laughed in surprise.
"Wi-Fi." She cooed. Why did she ever have qualms about this place?
After checking out the rest of her room - and tearing herself away from the wondrous internet - she decided to leave her packing for later and changed her clothes. Now wearing a white sundress that ended just above the knees, Roxy skipped back out of her room, closed the door, and continued on her merry way down the halls, wondering idly what time dinner was, and what they'd be served.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As Asmodeus whistled and walked the halls, he noticed Roxanne coming out of her room now wearing a white dress. Smiling slyly, he adjusted his pace and direction so that he walked near her side. Whistling a final, drawn out note he removed a hand from his pockets and gave a slight wave to greet her.

"Hello there. Roxanne, was it? I do apologize for earlier, I don't believe I've properly introduced myself."
He placed a hand on his chest.
"My name is Asmodeus. One of the Seven Kings of Hell and the incarnation of Lust. It's a pleasure to meet you."
Removing his hand from his chest, he extended it to Roxanne to shake.

As he waited for her to return the greeting, his eyes slowly looked over her facial features and body. Surely, she was young. Not that Asmodeus cared. Only poor Andrew would have issues with such a young girl, though Asmodeus saw how he looked at her earlier when they spoke at the well's entrance. For him, as long as the girl was old enough to bear a child, that was all that was required. Andrew would be ashamed at him if he were conscious. He never enjoyed how Asmodeus immediately targeted any nearby female, regardless of who or what they were. The Lecher Prince's excuse was that he was always 'hungry'. His powers were weak and it was Andrew's fault for rejecting that part of him. Eighteen years of age and not even a single girlfriend. Asmodeus didn't know how he did it. I mean, the boy wasn't a bad looking human if not a bit thin and physically frail. He was a growing boy after all. His desire for a female's touch should've been out of control. Alas, he still managed to suppress his desire and emotions. Such a troublesome host body.

Shaking his head slightly and eyes staring into Roxanne's, he wondered if she had finished packing already. He wondered the reason why she was wandering the halls all alone for..
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Evera sat up on her bed and moved to stand , when she felt a creepy feeling up her spine. She frowned, walking past her closet which happened to have mirrored doors, only to see a black shadow behind her out of the corner of her eye. Alarmed, she looked fully at the mirror, but there was nothing there… anymore. She… she couldn’t have been wrong, right? She hesitated before shaking her head and clearing her throat, rubbing her chilled arms and moving quickly out of her room. She spun and slammed her door, as if whatever icky feeling she had would remain inside if she did so. She started to head down the hall, only to jump when she almost ran into Roxanne.

”Oh! Hi,” Evera said, looking sheepish with a light blush and tucking her hair behind her ears. She knew she appeared jumpy but she was hoping the other girl didn’t notice or didn’t ask. ”Um… so what are you up to? I took a nap so I haven’t explored much,” she said rapidly to keep from hearing any questions, eyes glancing to the side.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Roxanne smiled brightly at Asmodeus' introduction - God of Lust? Woah boy.
"You can call me Roxy. Less of a mouthful. And I'm Goddess of... well. I'm not entirely sure of what yet. I get visions though." She said as she shook his hand, and couldn't help thinking that he had looked differently on the bus. Had he had horns then? He certainly hadn't appeared this confident, even from just a glance. She was about to ask about this when Evara came out of her room, looking a wee bit skittish.
"Well, I was just going to look for the food hall, or wherever it is we eat. I kinda skipped breakfast today to get my flight." She said with an abashed grin. "Would you both like to come? It's a pretty big place, after all."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 1 hr ago

In a very decisive turn, Phobetor barged out from his room into the hallway, barely turning the handle to allow it to be pushed back beneath his force. Of course, such wanton aggression was seldom without consequence, and it seemed that the gods of fortune had decided that now was a perfect time for one. As such, when the God of Nightmares slammed open his door, it unfortunately smacked right into the head of a fellow student and bowled him over.

It was a second before Phobetor, temporarily blinded by his temper, noticed what he had done. Upon the floor was sprawled the young man he had hit, his books scattered around him. To say that this shirtless, overweight Indian was heavily tattooed was an understatement; his swarthy skin was blanketed in decorative depictions of lotuses, wheels, gears, and other circular designs arrayed in geometric patterns. Though he couldn't have been more than eighteen years old, this guy already wore thick black sideburns and a bristling mustache, and -unusually- tiny sabre-like fangs. More worryingly, his face also hosted a look of wrath, which managed to be intimidating despite the ridiculousness of his appearance.

Phobetor pushed his fears aside—trepidation was for others to feel and him to inspire. He also didn't even pause to consider that he had been the one in the wrong. “Watch where you're going, tons of fun. Coulda put a dent in my door with that giant head.” Though the guy still looked furious, he said nothing as he pushed himself to his feet. Taking this for cowardice, Phobetor crossed his arms and pressed his assault. “Guess the standards at Natural Order must be lower than I thought, to get someone like y...!”

A simple backhand to Phobetor's face flipped him onto his back. He landed with a thump and a weedy “Augh!” By the time he stopped seeing stars, the other boy had already gathered his dropped books and was on his way. A pressure built up in the corner of Phobetor's eyes as hatred overwhelmed him. How []dare[/i] this fat sack of scum treat him so impudently! The indignant God of Nightmares decided that he couldn't take this lying down.

He hurried down the hallway after the other guy, shouting, “Hey hey hey, I'm not done with you!” When his enemy ignored him, Phobetor raised a hand from the shadows nearby and grabbed his ankle, causing the guy to trip and fall to the floor once more. That proved to be the last straw, for as Phobetor approached his fallen foe, he turned over and released a thunderous yawn. For a second, Phobetor was struck dumb, wondering what and why. The second second he collapsed onto the floor, sound asleep, unresponsive to the other's relieved sigh. “I am sorry, bitter friend,” he said, “But Bobakharna can only take so much. Sleep well, and rise with less resentment in your heart.” With that, Bobakharna gave a short bow and strode away, leaving Phobetor senselessly snoring on the ground.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Esayo


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It didn't take too terribly long for Ashil to finish his food, and he left no scraps to waste. He'd enjoyed the little time of silence to himself, which was rare -he often liked to be surrounded by his peers, something about the crowd was soothing, and he spent far too much time alone. The little snack had brought his spirits back up, put the pomp back in his saunter as he walked. He strolled back through one of the halls, singing quietly to himself; his voice was perhaps one of his only notable, natural qualities. It had served him well in schooling years before, garnered him attention, and was perhaps responsible for his thespian side.

However, his singing cut short when he came upon the sight of the creep, Phobetor, lying in a heap on the ground. For a moment, he was confused, for a sliver of one, concerned, but after the useless thoughts had faded a mischievous grin split his face. Really, what sort of evil god-to-be would pass an opportunity like this?

He unfastened one of he superfluous sashes from his robe and scampered over to the limp god's form. One poke, then a nudge on Phobetor's shoulder before Ashil crouched down and moved to his feet. He wrapped the piece of silk around Phobetor's ankles until they were close together, and then tied the sash tight. Would it hold for long? No, the knot was sloppy, and would only resist the faintest or most absent of tugs, but Ashil wasn't worried about incapacitating the other boy. something had caused Phobetor to collapse in the hall, and the chances were good that when he awoke he wouldn't be too happy with who or whatever had done it. So, fuel to the fire, as it were. Chaos for the sake of chaos, Apep would be proud, later.

Once he finished tying, Ashil hopped back up to his feet, admiring his handy work. Better to do that now, since things like this never took long to come back and bite him, but maybe this time was different. Regardless, he didn't stick around long; he jogged back to his room and ditched his robe. The colors would give away who the sash belonged to, and he didn't want to be the reason he was found out. He looked a bit under-dressed for his own tastes, but keeping his clothing schedule in tact was worth walking around in his remaining ensemble. He did swap out his arm-warmers for a brighter pair, however, those could be used another time.

If his mood had been better before, he was practically glowing now. He made his way back out through the hall and, in a stroke of inspiration, decided to explore. Perhaps there was a lounge, or a courtyard, who knew?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Evera glanced to her other side and almost jumped when she saw Andrew, clearing her throat and smiling a bit. ”Oh, hi, sorry I didn’t notice you at first,” she said, looking apologetic. He certainly did look different than he had on the bus. But then again, most of them did. Evera looked back to Roxanne who said she was going to get something to eat, and hesitated, trying to determine if she was hungry or not. ”Sure, I actually don’t remember if I had breakfast or not,” she frowned, thinking to herself. ”Hopefully we can get an idea of the place without getting lost since we’ll all be together,” she said more matter of factly, seeming more herself as the seconds ticked by and the chill in her spine dissipated.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

He pushed his thoughts aside as Roxanne accepted his hand and shook it. He relished in the momentary physical contact, though buffered by the gloves that Andrew insisted on wearing half the time. Andrew had such odd fears and so many too.

"You can call me Roxy. Less of a mouthful. And I'm a Goddess of...Well. I'm not entire sure of what yet. I get visions though." she said as she shook his hand.
Lips curling into an even wider smile, he couldn't help the thoughts that followed after.
"Roxy...how adorable. I wouldn't mind giving her a mouthful..."
Ah, he had to control himself. He was getting too excited. Inhaling deep and silently, he sighed pleasantly to himself as he took in her scent.
"Very well then, Roxy. I hope you come to discover your Godly lineage."

It was then that one of the ladies had violently exited her room, slamming the door behind her. It was the Ferryman. Asmodeus believed her name to be...Evera? She seemed flustered by something. Was her room not to her liking? She headed towards their direction without noticing them at first, nearly running into 'Roxy'.

"Oh! Hi," she said as she tucked a bit of her hair behind her ears, her face slightly red.
Ah, she was a blusher. How delicious. He wondered how red her face could get...
She seemed jumpy, Asmodeus noticed. He wondered why?
"Um... so what are you up to? I took a nap so I haven't explored much," her eyes glanced around nervously.
Did she have a bad dream? He wouldn't mind comforting her in bed...
No. Keep it together. Bad, Lecher Prince, bad! He mentally smacked his own hand. He was practically giddy. Andrew was nowhere to be found and now here he was, with two lovely ladies. He was having too much fun, he hoped it didn't show on his face.
"Well, I was just going to look for the food hall, or wherever it is we eat. I kinda skipped breakfast today to get my flight." Roxy grinned.
"Would you both like to come? It's a pretty big place, after all." she offered the both of them.

Ah, so that was the reason for her wandering the halls. She was hungry. Thinking about it, was he hungry? He couldn't tell. At least, for food anyways. Normally whenever he was in control of Andrew's body, most of his human needs were suppressed such as sleep, food, and et cetera. This suppression rebounded on poor Andrew afterwards, being the source of much of his fatigue. His frail body and spirit at odds with Asmodeus' didn't help with this either.

It was then that Evera seemed to take notice of Asmodeus' presence, jumping. Did he startle her somehow? Perhaps it was his 'Truer' appearance. He did suppose he seemed rather frightening to a normal human. "Ah, no need to be alarmed miss. I don't bite. Much." Hells, he was starved...

"Oh, hi, sorry I didn't notice you at first,"
Asmodeus was almost insulted, but seeing the lovely apologetic look on Evera's face prevented any offense from being taken.
"Sure, I actually don't remember if I had breakfast or not," she frowned.
"Hopefully we can get an idea of the place without getting lost since we'll all be together," she seemed to relax more as she spoke to them.
More than likely taking comfort in the company. What had disturbed her so much?..

He wouldn't mind 'getting lost' with the two ladies, however. Though, it probably wouldn't end very well. Being in their presence alone seemed to empower him ever so slightly as he could feel his Aura building. This was bad, he would probably have to tear himself away from the ladies soon as painful as that would be for his heart. Clearing his throat, he extended his hand towards Evera. Giving her the same proper introduction he gave to 'Roxy'.

"Ah, I don't think we've had a proper introduction miss. Excuse my manners, but I am Asmodeus. One of the Seven Kings of Hell and the incarnation of Lust." his greeting was almost textbook sounding. He frowned slightly, maybe he should change his introduction up a little more to keep things from getting stale. Looking back to Evera he gave her a warm smile, "And you are...?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ah, I don’t think we’ve had the proper introduction miss. Excuse my manners, but I am Asmodeus. One of the Seven Kings of Hell and the incarnation of Lust. And you are…? Evera blinked a few times, wheels turning in her mind as she realized this wasn’t another form of Andrew, but that he was possessed. Possessed by this thing that was now showing itself and walking around. A demon huh? Her father had just warned her about them, and she had to admit she didn’t get a great vibe coming off him, but Evera didn’t have it in her to be rude. So, she gave a smile in return. ”Evera,” she said simply. Then, she thought of how formal and affected his introduction was, and hesitated. ”Daughter of… Mephistopheles I guess,” she said with a sheepish shrug and shaking Asmodeus’ hand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Overwatch
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Overwatch The Lord of Black Flames

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Taiyo watched the group scatter after he led them to the rooms. Everybody seemed to find their rooms all-right. Mai came up to him, and asked about setting up a shrine. "Oh yes, I'll lead you to the special arrangements we've made for you, Mai. You know you have a room here, right? Well, follow me." He waved at the passing deities preparing their rooms, and led her back out the front. He walked to the side, and around the huge school. At the back, was a small courtyard with four pagodas. He led her to the blue one facing the horizon. "Here, is your shrine to Tsukuyomi." He led her inside, and gestured around with his hand. The place was a bit dimmer, with candles about, and a starry ceiling. Pale white statues of the moon god himself were spaced out in the inside. The floor was hard wood, and had carpets over a few areas, such as an altar with a large mirror. "The mirror can be used to contact him, or to pass back into and out of the shrine to your room, or other places with such a mirror. You might have noticed a mirror in your room... I hope you find the shrine to your liking. If not, we can always arrange different plans." He took her hand, and stepped up onto the altar and through the mirror.

They ended up in her room. "I was told to keep an extra careful watch over you, Miss Tsugami. You know as well as I do, there are some deities here that might like to use you, or hurt you. It's my job as a keeper of order to make sure nothing bad happens to any of you. You as a human deserve more respect for the job you are doing, and I'll see to it that swift justice is laid upon anybody who dares take advantage of your position." He reached into his pocket, and pulled out a ring. "Wear this. As long as you do, you can speak to me even if you aren't close, and I've been told that it was enchanted to keep anybody from tampering with your mind. It will also alert me if somebody does. These strict measures have been taken to ensure your safety. Do not take advantage of the school's kindness. It is your choice to accept this." He said, in a serious tone, almost as if he were reciting rules. "That's all I have to say about the security for now..." The tense air cleared, and he smiled. "Anyway, It's a pleasure to accommodate you, Mai. I'd love to be friends with you, and the other students. Even the ones that are supposed to hate me. I hope that can be a possibility." He bowed once, and left, shutting the door behind him.

On to the others. He raised his hand in the air, and called forth a ball of light "EEY! ATTENTION!" He called, and reached into the bag beside him, pulling out sheets of paper. "Line up by alphabetical order, please!" He handed schedules to everybody. They'd find that they had four classes. Three of which they'd share together. The three were:

Natural Law

The last class was one specifically applying to each god's purpose Taiyo, and Evera Shared a class, but everyone else's classes were separate.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Evera,” she said simply.
There was a pause and moment of silence as she hesitated.
Daughter of… Mephistopheles I guess,” she said with a sheepish shrug, shaking Asmodeus’ hand.
With a sly smile, he repeated her name softly.
"Evera...Well, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."
Peering into her heart, he could tell that he made her a little uncomfortable.
His smile growing wider, he decided to play with that discomfort a little.
"Mephistopheles...Ah, yes. I've worked with him before in the past." he said rather cryptically.
"How is your father these days?" he asked as an afterthought.

It was then that their conversation was abruptly disturbed by the Ghost Boy, Taiyo.
"EEY! ATTENTION!" he yelled as he summoned a bright ball of light.
As if his annoying voice wasn't enough to draw their attention, he had to go and blind them all.
Irritated, Asmodeus reached into his inner coat pocket and slipped his sunglasses on.
The Ghost boy then reached into the bag beside him, pulling out sheets of paper.
"Line up by alphabetical order, please!" He then began to hand schedules to everybody.
Paying no mind to the alphabetical order, Asmodeus looked over the schedule he was given.

Four classes in total. Three of them shared between them all, with the last class specific to each God/Deity/Demon/Et cetera.
Natural Law? "Completely pointless. I already know the order of things."
Physical Education? "Now, that will be interesting. Poor Andrew needs to get into better shape anyways. I wonder what the female uniforms will be like..."
History? "Ugh, again pointless. With my age being as old as it is, I've witnessed enough of human history to know enough. Anything I don't know I could always research and learn on my own..."

Looking over the schedule, he couldn't quite figure out what the last specially-tailored class would be for him. Oh, well. Folding the schedule up neatly, he slipped the paper into a pocket and peered at the Sunshine Boy through his sunglasses. Waiting for either a dismissal or further instructions. As he waited, he wondered what the other deities' special classes would be. Ah well, no point in being rude and nosy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 1 hr ago

This time, waking up was like clawing a way out of a warm, comfortable mass of feathers. As much as Phobetor wanted to leave this enveloping sublimity behind, it was terribly hard for him to rouse himself. Gradually, though, the soft whiteness came under the influence of his dark aura, gradually blackening until the soothing trance was nothing more than a bad dream and one under Phobetor's control. He kicked the inkstained blankets and pillows away and the dream receded.

He opened his eyes blearily. While every muscle in his body begged for him to stay on the ground and fall asleep again, he pushed himself to his feet and made to walk away. No sooner had he tried this than he tumbled, grunting confusedly, to the unkind floor. Head swimming, Phobetor struggled until he found his knotted shoelaces. When his clumsy fingers proved unable to set his feet free, he pointed a finger at the threads and drew a line through he air. A tiny wave of darkness pulsed from his fingertip and severed the shoelace cleanly. It took a few moments for him to discern that it had also cleaved in two a paper that had been left beside him on the ground. Sitting up, he did his best to read it, but the words danced around the page thanks to his groggy peepers. For the moment, his encounter with Bobakharna escaped him.

“Classes?” He finally made out. “What...ever.” Putting the two pieces of paper into a pocket, he rose to his full height on unsteady feet. The world was beginning to return to focus, and with it came a new goal for the God of Nightmares: nourishment. Phobetor dimly recalled a cafeteria or some such room being pointed out to him on the way in, so he started walking in the way he felt was best. In the interest of not tripping on his longcoat and stumbling, he banished it with a wave of his hand.
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