Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JohnnyBoi

JohnnyBoi ...

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alexander woke up slowly as he got off the bed, then he went to pull back his curtain to look at at the beautiful moon. He was starting to get hungry and wondered if any of the other Blackmoores were doing anything tonight. So he went down to see if anybody else was in the lounge. Until he saw Alistair and Béatrix in the lounge so he went up to them to greet them. He looked at Alistair as he bow downed and said, "My lord what a wonderful night it seems to hunt," then he looked at Béatrix and said, "Hello Béatrix how are you this wonderful night."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The female vampire finished the touchups to her makeup in the mirror. It was nearly time for her first performance of the night. It was a special one too, her favorite number. For it had been this number that had led her sire to gifting her with immortality. She could still remember it if she closed her eyes...
That hot summer's night in Tortuga... the tavern hot and loud... the money and the run flowing freely... the energy and fire of her performance... the stranger that approached her afterwards... the pain that had led to her rebirth...

Maria inhaled deeply and opened her eyes. Whenever she did this song it all came back. She always performed it the same way, the way she had performed it that night. She wondered if anyone from the family would be there to see her tonight. She hoped so. She liked making them smile, especially her sire. Alistair had the most wonderful smile and the female quite enjoyed bringing it to his face, when his eyes were on her as they had been that night.
But if he wasn't there, she supposed she'd get enough enjoyment out of enticing every male, human or vampire, in the audience.


The crowd at Tortuga hushed when the lights dimmed and the curtain rose on the stage. A gorgeous woman appeared. She was around 5'6, had long lush gleaming auburn hair, porcelain skin and sultry brown eyes that sparked fire. Her skin tight top was white and low cut, her vivid red skirt flowing along with her hair. Gold jeweled bracelets on her wrists and sparkling earrings in her ears, blood red lips... she looked like a magical gypsy, a fire enchantress that none could hope to handle without being burned,

"There's a pirate known to fame... Black Macoco was the pirate's name... in his day, tops was he... rooooooound the Caribbean sea..."
the music started slow then suddenly changed in a fast paced song. Maria twirled, her flowing skirt dancing around her knees. "Mack the Black! Round the Caribbean! Mack the Black! The Caribbean sea! Mack the Black! Round the Caribbean! Round the Caribbean, the Caribbean sea!"
She clapped her hands and did a dance that was reminiscent of a salsa as she sang of the famous and ruthless pirate.
"First he'd grab, the ladies fair! Especially those with jewels, those with jewels to spare!"

She twirled around until she came in front of a human male. He moved to grab her hips but she shoved him away. She pushed him back into his chair with her black heeled shoe and spun out of his reach laughing.
"When he'd make his daily rounds, gals would trail him like a pack of hounds. Every night he'd have a date, cuz ladies go to pieces over pieces of eight! Mack the Black! Ladies go to pieces! Mack the Black, over pieces of eight! Mack the Black, ladies go to pieces! Ladies go to pieces over pieces of eight!"

As the music suddenly changed again, becoming slow and soft, Maria twirled and went down onto the floor, her legs curled under her. The spotlight went soft on her face as she saw softly. "Evening star, if you see Mack, stop his wandering and guide him back..." she held out her hand as if reaching for someone while the other was pressed to her chest. "I'll be waiting patiently, by the Caribbean sea... by the Caribbean sea..."

The lights came back up as the music went fast again. Maria leapt to her feet twirling once again. "Mack the Black! Black Macoco! Throughout the Caribbean and the vicinity, Macoco leaves a blazing trail of masculinity! And I am loco for Mack! Mack! Mack the Black, Macocooo!"
She held the last note for the remainder of the song but by then people were clapping so no one really heard the ending note. Maria flashed a sultry smile and bowed. It wouldn't be hard to get a meal tonight. Not with the way some of the males were eyeing her. It was obvious they desired her body, she could all but smell their arousal.

She searched the crowd for any clan members, wanting to see if they would join her in a family dinner. The male human that had grabbed her during the performance was still sitting there but she knew that once she went back to her dressing room she'd find him waiting for her. In all these years she had learned to read humans fairly accurately. And since he had a ring on his finger she felt no guilt whatsoever about feeding from then disposing of him. The cheating rat deserved whatever he got tonight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Praetor smiled at the thought of giving that rambunctious girl the task of waiting for a scribe and delivering the report, he had almost volunteered to do it but he smiled at how sad it would make Theodora. "I believe that would be perfect, miss Mira, can I be the one the one tell her she has the job?"

Praetor had a mischievous smile on his face as he pulled out a 1st copy of his favorite novel, Dracula, having been personal friends with Bram Stoker and been the character Van Helsing was based off of, though he liked the movie portrayal better. This copy was old and warn "Miss Mira, I found my spare copy of Dracula, I thought you might like it as this one is signed by Bram Stoker and me, thought you might want to put it with the other rare texts, it's about the first time someone got Vampires right in a novel."

As he spoke he heard the commotion upstairs, one the knights he had turned back during the crusades had turned up, as brash and violent as ever, he gave Lucian a small smile then rolled his eyes as he entered the room. "Put a shirt on Lucian you like something out of Twilight." Turning back to Mira the smile gone back to straight faced soldier mode.

"Miss Mira I suggest you decide who you will have stay and we be on our way, before I decide to head home and begin grading papers. You have no Idea how hard it is grade these students terrible papers, none of them can write Latin with any skill, they butcher such a perfect language." He seemed sincere, he seemed to fade away for a moment before snapping back to reality, looking her with a slight blush at his own absent mindedness."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Adelisa squealed softly at the adventure and said "I'm in! Who else is coming wi-" She walked back into the kitchen and saw Lucien shirtless. Her face turned bright red and her eyes went wide like a doe. "c-can you p-put on a sh-shirt?" She looked down at her feet and said to Theodora "who else would be joining us?" Adelisa looked over at Theo, but hid her face behind her hair so not to embarrass herself with her reddened face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Mira blinked at the book as it was handed to her and offered a grin. "Thank you, Praetor," she said simply as Lucian entered. "You're welcome to come assuming you dress yourself," Mira said to the other vampire, the Mother's Tone coming back into her voice. Centuries old and they're all bloody children, I swear, she thought to herself as she sighed.

"Theodora, I need to talk to you," she said as she entered the other room, eyes flickering between the three. She explained the duty to come. Her tone was bored enough though she was anxious about the girl's response. "The documents the Elder want are in my office in a folder labeled for him, where you can place this in their place." She handed to the girl Praetor's old Dracula, with raised eyebrows. "Adelisa and Otto are free to keep you company if they wish. But please treat the Elder with respect. And once he leaves, you'll be free to do as you please for the night."

With that, Mira looked to Praetor. "Well, we can't have you grading papers all night, so let's be going." Her instructions to Theodora would have given Lucian enough time to get decent, as well, so she turned to leave the home.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Theodora_21
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Theodora_21 Theo the Koala

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"WHAT?!??!" The young vampire jumped up and marched up to Mira. "Why do I have to wait for the old bag to appear? You have plenty of other lame ass people that don't have plans for the night! Tell Adelisa to stay, she will just end up blushing the entire night anyway!" Theodora was about to continue when she got one look from Mira. She opened her mouth, but shut it tight with a click of her teeth. "Yes Miss Mira." Theodora muttered through gritted teeth. "So? Who wants to spend a few hours with Theo alone waiting for a fossil to arrive?" She slide a silky gaze over to Praetor. "How about you handsome? You know how to deal with these old guys better than I do. No. You have to spend time with Miss Mira." Another glare was passed at Mira, then she turned her attention to Otto and Adelisa. "What about you two? Care to spend a few hours with me? I'll make it worth your time." She winked at them and bounced over to Adelisa and took her hand. "Plllleeeassssee?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Adelisa smirked slightly and said "this is new. You're begging me for my company! When all you do is tease me... interesting..." Her smirk turned into a smile and she said "that sounds fun though. As I said before, I'm in." She took her hand out of Theo's grip and said "but without unnessassary touching." She half smiled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Praetor ground his teeth at the young girls action, if he was back in Rome... Well lets just say he would have taught her to respect her elders, especially those who had killed more vampires than she had ever seen. He shook his head and followed Mira, honestly he would have to set that girl straight, maybe a firing squad wake up call would do the job... Then again that could be over kill. He placed a hand to his chin rubbing it thoughtfully as the cogs in his head turned, trying to think up a suitable punishment for the young vampire trouble maker. Driving the thoughts from his head for the moment he stepped up to walk alongside Mira. "Mira, I have to ask why do you keep that little trouble maker around, if she get's any flirty-er I may just snap and duct tape her mouth shut...Then apply staples for good measure. The silence would be blessing upon us all."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 25 days ago

Béatrix watched as Alexander entered the room, still looking tousled with sleep... but not offensively so. "Just planning a family night out, wouldn't that be fun?" she asked him with a dark flicker in her eyes that hinted at danger. "I'm so very thirsty, but of course... we'll keep track of who we feed off of and make sure all minds are erased. Everyone knows how good I am with tricks of the mind." Trixy said with a wink towards the blood scribe leader.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thantos
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Thantos Grim Reapers Minion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Franklin smiled and shook his head. "No Alistair. Thank you " he turned with the other court members and left. Headed now for the Kingston estate. He was in a limo when they pulled up. The horn honked at the gate to signal them to open it. Then. Once opened the limo pulled up to the door and he and the other court council entered. HHhe young scribe announced that the Elder had arrived

He walked in his suit fine and himself leaning agianst a nice gothic like cane as he looked around for the one he was suppose to talk to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Mira glanced to Praetor as he questioned her about it, adjusting the bag at her shoulder. She was silent for a moment, possibly a moment too long. Then she said, "Give her time. We have plenty of it." It was all she could think to say as she led him down the street toward the city. "Besides," she added, "if she hates me so much, she's free to leave. She's not a child no matter how much she might act like one. But while she is under the Kingston name, it's our responsibility to protect and care for her." Despite herself, she felt the corner of her lips pull up ever so slightly.

She blinked as a limo passed them, her violet eyes following it for a moment. "Looks like they'll be free to leave soon anyway," she noted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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"So let me get this straight, you want me, to stay home with 2 beautiful vampire woman. Well don't mind if I do." Otto said aloud. He really questioned Mira and Praetor's decision making skills, they were willing to leave him alone with them, and they expected him to be mature about it, that really cracked him up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lucian smirked at Preator, "I look nothing like something sparkly." His voice changed to that of a sensual serpent when Adelisa asked him to put on a shirt, "Why's that? don't you like the view?" but when Mira told him to clothe himself he obeyed getting up and walking quite quickly upstairs. Lucian got ready and left he had just barely missed having to talk the council but thankfully he knew a lot of ways out of that house that didn't include the front door. Lucian was now wearing the same black jeans and a tight black shirt and leather jacket over it, he was faster than most vampires but that was just him as he practically flashed to catch up with Mira and Preator, "Leaving a brother behind...I thought we frowned on that?" He smiled and let his hand rest on Fang who, thanks to his longer jacket, was hidden from view.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Emilia waited for the sun to go down, so it would be a great opportunity to go outside and hunt. But first she had to get ready, now applying dark red lipstick, black eyeliner and fixing her hair, as it was long black and straight down to her waist. The girl wore black tight leather pants, combat boots, a white shirt that showed her stomach and a black jacket right ontop of it, unbotten. She got out if wherever she was staying, now heading down the alley.

Emilia had a glass of fresh blood that she took from a human earlier on. The girl sipped on the blood like if it was a glass of wine, throwing the glass on the ground, empty ofcourse, and making her way somewhere. Hopefully she could find a few of her family clan.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thantos
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Thantos Grim Reapers Minion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

the doors to the main hall opened and he looked at Theodora, Adelisa and Otto, in his mind all he could see were children needing much to learn, the other scribes wearing black suits with a necklace around their neck, each representing their ability, one wearing a necklace with a hourglass in the pupil of a eye representing foresight, the other a hand print surrounded by fire representing fire control, the elders had a brain with wavelengths coming off it representing telekinesis, he looked at the three and smiled "Good evening children. Where is Mira?"

one of the other scribes had a couple crates with the blood banks mark on it. the other with a scroll and quill ready to take notes
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alistair took hold of the flask and, after a tentative sniff, raised an eyebrow with false admonishment. "Really, Trixy?" he asked, the effect somewhat ruined by the long swig he took after it. "Well, it's no whisky but it'll have to do." He didn't give her the flask back, passing it to his left hand with a teasing grin.

"Mhm," he said to the boyish Alexander in greeting. "It seems we're going to have an impromptu feast."

At the knock on the door of Skye Manor, he just about sighed. Honestly, what self-respecting vampire used a conventional entrance instead of a window or a chimney or something. Well, if they were leaving anyway... He opened it, rubbing at his chin as he tried to remember the name of the vampire in front of him. Was it Simon? Yes - yes it was. "You look like you've just ate but care to join us, Monsieur Simon?" Alistair asked, purposefully mangling the French to irritate Béatrix. "We're going to Tortuga!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Theodora_21
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Theodora_21 Theo the Koala

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Aw come on Adelisa, you're going to have to get to me sooner or later. And I suggest you choose sooner rather than later. After all, we are sisters." Theodora giggled, showing her fangs. She watched as the others left, "Hm. Lucian doesn't look to bad without a shirt on..." She said half to her self half to the two vampires left in the room. After the other vampires had left, Theodora flopped into a plush chair and sighed dramatically. "So? Who wants to play a round of strip poker before the dinosaurs arrive?" She winked at Otto, but as she stood to go get her playing cards a voice interrupted her.
Good evening children. Where is Mira?
"She went out, so lucky for you, you get us." She flashed a sweet smile in his direction. I will be right back." The girl used her vampire speed to grab the file and replace it with the book. Then she came back down the stairs and handed the man that had spoken the file. "Mira says it should all be there. Is that all you need?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Praetor turned to Lucian and with a mentors voice he spoke. "You will always be left behind if you do not learn to keep up, so Mira what's on the agenda tonight, anything exciting? Like perhaps dealing with those detestable Blackmoores, or just shopping? He said hoping he would get a shot at those human murdering idiots, they were monstrous dogs and if he had his way would be put down like dogs. However a thought donned upon him, where was the Greek? He knew the man and himself had many a disputes but still he rather enjoyed the conversation they had. "Mira, have you noticed our lack of a certain Greek, is he busy or just worried I will try to put him in irons?" Chuckling at his own joke he picked up the pace walking alongside Mira as to better hear her response.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Mira greeted Lucian with a quiet smile, allowing Praetor to respond and then turn his attention back on her. Her grin faded at the subjects, her lips pursed, and a flicker of worry or anxiety or fear or something flashed over her eyes. "I rather not clash directly with the Blackmoores," she said. "Most of them are older than most of us--you an exception." She shared Praetor's feelings about the rival clan; however, she was afraid of spilling too much blood, cautious. She opened her mouth to voice that maybe they could arrange a meeting and speak with the clan, but Praetor was already changing subjects. Probably for the best, she thought, unsure how the idea would be taken.

She remained unsmiling. Although she didn't agree on many things with "the Greek," she still respected him as her sire and was always hesitant to join in Praetor's quips about him. That isn't to say she never joins in on them, however... "He has business somewhere south," she explained, not too sure herself of the specifics. "I'm not sure when he'll be back."
Speak of the Devil and he shall appear.

Klaus strode up to the Kingston estate, a smug smile resting on his face as he entered, eyes flickering between the Blood Scribes and then to the Elder who stood before the "children." Unlike Mira who seemed stuck in the Gothic period what with her lacy skirts and tight corsets, his clothes didn't warrant any extra looks from pedestrians. Except for maybe how handsome he looked in them: dress shirt, dark pants. Probably described as business casual.

"Frankie, hello," Klaus greeted in a bitter, teasing way as a corner of his lip pulled up to show off a fang. He never addressed the Elder as such, usually to emphasize that he was the eldest in the room. "What brings you here?" He looked to Theodora as she passed on the paperwork; he could see what brought the wrinkly vampire to the Kingston home, but he admitted to himself being a little curious about the details.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Upon hearing the name Blackmoore a rather agitated look crossed over Lucian's lips and eyes, "Ah yes the human massacring imbeciles. When it comes straight down to it i share about as much love for them as i did the Turks." Lucian wrapped his fingers around Fang's hanndle, "Of course I'm against an all out fight with them...my days as the horseman of war are over...I'd much prefer to talk as well." Preator knew of what Lucian spoke, The animal Lucian had become when given vampiricy, the thousands hed slaughtered by throwing himself into every war that would take him. And of course he remembered the turning point for Lucian, All those children...All that blood...Lucian shook his head wiping the images away once more. Lucian walked on the opposite of Mira, "The Greek...I dread seeing him...I've looked into the eyes of kinder demons."
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