Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 5 mos ago

After a while or so of pwning n00bs and taking names in the unforgiving halls of the Undead Burg, Evelyn sat up with a stretch and a yawn shutting off her Xbox and tossing her controller carelessly on the couch. Her stereo had just switched over to some [Slipknot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5T6vdak5Qoo), not really what she was used to hearing from the Nine, but hell, any band had the right to experiment, didn't they. Besides, Corey Taylor's voice was legendary, even if he was singing or screaming. She stumbled over to her dresser, casually running her finger across the knife at her altar and pulled open the drawer, fishing out her spiked collar and her leather wristbands and putting them on. There was also her inverted cross necklace, which she slipped over her head and then fixed her hair, by fix just ruffle out the knots and leave the rest like she just woke up from one hell of a nap. Afterwards, she put on her black and red flannel shirt over her Dethklok tank and threw on a black and grey striped beanie over her head. The clock on her phone said it was 12:30, already time for lunch, and her stomach knew it because it wouldn't stop growling once. Before Ev left though, she made sure to blow out most of her candles, leaving the one at her altar burning still. It wasn't like any regular candle, despite melting like one. It's flame...would never go out no matter how much she blew on it. Finally once she snatched up her sketchbook and her Mp3 player, she was out the door and on her way to the cafeteria. Along the way though, she had to stop, trying not to laugh when she saw some girl faceplant. "Yo, you okay?" She said walking over to her and offering her a hand.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

##Katherine The fact that the floating girl disappeared in the blink of an eye wasn't worrisome, no, not in the elast, maybe Kat would have been more impressed about it hadn't it been for... The fact that she said _'You can see me? You can hear me?'_, which meant that people normally don't see her. She froze in that same place, unable to move a muscle. After the girl was out of sight, she shook her head. **"No... maybe she just doesn't have a precense, yeah, that might be it. She can't be a... a... a ghost!? R-Right!? No, definitely not! I'm positive that isn't the case! No!"** She tried to convince herself otherwise, but she was already terrified at the sole thought of it. Her legs even started shaking a bit with fear. When the girl returned to her and introduced herself, Kat could only nod slowly and hide herself behind her hands, as if to try to make the girl go away. _'No, no, that'd be even more spooky! If she just disappeared when I closed my eyes I'd probably... No! I am just... reading too much into this, I'm sure! I'll just... ask her! And that's that!'_ Kat took a deep breath before introducing herself. **"I'm Kat... Nice to meet you, Lilly.... Say, well, are you, I dunno.... a ghost?"** If the answer was positive, then Kat would turn aroudn and run as fast as she could and hide behind the first man she found. --- ##Drew **"Uwaah... We not only have our share of cute girls, but also our share of weirdos.... This is definitely not a good photo opportunity."** Almost uninterested, Drew was about to turn around and continue on with his photos when he saw the girl from earlier arriving to the assistance of the crazy one. **"All right, here it comeeeees! A girl with an unwavering sense of justice! Ah, what an opportunity!"** He took his camera again and took some photos, then proceeded to make some ad lib of the guys speaking to each other. **"'What do you think you are doing?' Said the little girl with pink hair. 'It is not worth it dirtying your hands on such an impure man', she continued."** A crowd started gathering around him and his little ad lib, all eyes on the pair of a creepy guy and a cute pink girl. **"'I see your point, my fair maiden. This person will be spared, for his blood is not worth spilling.' The guy said, with his sword still in hand. 'But you shouldn't put yourself in such peril, my cute girl. Even if it were to stop me from spilling unworthy blood, or to keep me away from harm's way, I cannot allow you to do such things! If something were to happen to you... I... I...! I would go on a rampage against those who have hurt you, for they do not deserve to live!'"** He finished his ad lib in another dramatic tone, and the people aroudn him started clapping. All freshmen, unaware of who they were talking to. **"Thank you, people, thank you."** He bowed down, thanking the small crowd before him. **"Now, if the girls would make a straight line and let me take some sexy photos of them, it'd make me very happy."** He said, smiling at them with his camera on hand. The crowd that had quickly gatehred dispersed just as quickly. **"Oh, c'mon, what's a photo gonna cost you?!"**
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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Banned Seen 23 days ago

**Eddie** Eddie’s cheeks burned like the fire of the depths of Hell and, to make matters worse, the butterfly from earlier landed on her cheek, seeming to mock her. “I gave you life and this is how you repay me?” Eddie snarls at it and it just twitters its wings before fluttering away. It was only then that she heard the voice of a girl and Eddie struggled to her feet, blowing hot air from her mouth. But, just as quickly, the anger and heat of her face disappeared and her face was impassive again. “I’m fine.” Eddie answered, totally monotone in hopes that she could recover from her depressing beef. “Don’t you have somewhere else to be?” Eddie threw her nose into the air, and crossed her arms. She was better than the floor and this girl, that was for sure. To reiterate this fact, Eddie glanced back at the girl from down her nose.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 5 mos ago

**Evelyn - "Jeez you're a bitch." <.<** Now as many would like to believe, Evelyn wasn't a bitch. She would gladly help those in need and even stand up to a couple of bullies for them, but...when they stepped on her toes like this girl did and blew off her generous offer, then that's when her inner bitch started to come through. "Pfft! Well sorry, Miss Holier than Thou!" Her hands shirked back to the sanctity of her pockets and her eyes narrowed dimming bitterly towards the girl. She was a pretty face, no doubt, and Ev would totally admit that, but her attitude...much to be desired, and Evelyn would totally admit that too. "Just seeing if you needed help, but next time I guess I won't give a fuck or two if you're face down in dog shit." People like that got on her nerves anyway, always thinking they were better than her. It didn't make a damn to Ev what they thought. All people were equal...to shit. "Yeah and now that you mentioned it, you're totally wasting my lunch time. Laters." With a curt wave, Ev passed up the snob and tarried on to the cafeteria. The smell of cooked food was already driving her insane and her stomach was starting to sound like a bad impersonation of Nathan Explosion. "Dude, shut up! I know!" Ev grumbled. It all looked so good, but the drawback.....it was all made of meat. "Ugh...wouldn't kill them to make a salad, would it?" So instead, Ev decided on a tomato and avocado sandwich on white with gouda, some salt and vinegar kettle chips and an iced coffee. After she paid for her lunch, she sat down at a table in the back by herself and stuck in her Skullcandies, bobbing her head softly to some [Hollywood Undead](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYwrRwnfuy8) and scribbling in her sketchbook while she ate in peace.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

**Lilly** "Well, yeah, I think so. Either that or I have superpowers that just happened to show themselves durring a car crash. I mean, I suppose it's possible but I don't... hey where are you going? The caffeteria's this way!" Lilly followed after Kat as the girl ran. "I won't hurt you, I promise!" **Christoph** "You know," a voice below LU said in a nonchalant tone, "Normal people don't float over everybody else aand glow. I'd appreciate it if you came down and turned off the lightshow." A suave looking man in a fine suit looked up at LU, but strangely enough, nobody else seemed to notice the two of them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

**Bride** Bride was nervous, could this really be his first true friend? Then he blushed a bright pink as Rose complimented her name. “UHhh…I think the plant, my m-“ He stopped when Rose seemed to look at something else, he wonder if he said anything stupid for her to do that but realized it was something else. The creep, he was…the blade. Bride stepped back just from seeing that. All in his life never seen something like that it scared him… it did. “Kn-knife…?” He whispered quietly as he covered his mouth in fear. Bride watched as Rose with out nay fear walked to the guy and just grabbed his wrist. Amazed how much courage this girl he wanted to something as well. He slowly walked up to them; he didn’t know what he was doing like a sudden spell told him to help. He couldn’t believe how amazing Rose was; he wished he were cool and strong as her but with his frail life… that’s not possible. The spoke of something weird and he couldn’t understand at all, was it because the blade that freak him out? Or the fact he was going to have a fresh start here and it ended up like this? Too many questions and no answers. Bride then finally spoke; he was a few inches away from the duo. “Uu-umm…. I-it’s the first day o-of school so…um…” He saw the blade again and steeped back but said something again. “W-we should not fight or cause commotion…o-okay?” His voice seemed so small and frail, he wasn’t sure the guy with the sword would listen to him but he wished he did. Bride looked at him blushing , he didn’t know why he was blushing he was.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FantasyDreams
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FantasyDreams Professional Badass

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Rosalyn didn't understand much of what the creepy guy was saying. But he could make out the part where the creep was part of the magical world. Judging from the nonsense he was babbling about, he was part of the insane side. The creep leaned against the wall looking as if nothing had just happened. Bride piped up from the background, obviously frightened. But then, only somebody who was insane wouldn't be. The Battleblood family was just barely in the sane side of the magical world. Rosalyn decided to end this quickly. "I won't keep you long, because I'm going to go eat lunch with my new friend. But know this..." Rosalyn stepped forward so he was incredibly close to the creepy guy, and was very much in his personal space. The next part he said at barely a whisper. "If you attempt to harm anyone on school grounds again, I won't hesitate to use that strength on you." With that Rosalyn put a cute face back on, ignoring the crowd that had gathered to see a fight take place. He turned back to Bride and clapped his hands together. "Well then, why don't we somewhere else and eat lunch. I made enough for two!" Rosalyn always brought extra lunch the first day of school, so that he could share with any new friends he made. And it would be good to get Bride away from this area with sleazes, creeps, and some weird pervert taking pictures of the girls.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Glitch sighed as the cute girl turned away, he supposed he had to do something now. Bringing up the map function of his pipboy he found general directions to the dining hall and began walking their. Then suddenly he remembered Brvr, poor guy must be worried sick... He really hoped thair weren't any inexplicable small animal corpses littering his liveing room. After a second of contemplation he called up the communications network on his pipboy. "Hey, how are you doing their Brvr?" He asked when the call was picked up on the other end. Are you all right? I haven't left you for this long for a while..." Brvr had been worried sick, but he wanted the master to see progress. "I'm fine master." He lied as he got into the camera shot. "But, why haven't you called, I haaaaaaate being cooped up at home when your not here." Dang, he could hear the want in the pikachu's voice. If he couldn't handle this little bit then their was no way he could handle being alone while glitch was at school. "I was at an assembly, but you know what. I'm going to provide you with a bit of leave. Shut down the main access point and give admin duties to Ben. He's kind of a Jack off but I know he wouldn't let the others out. When your done I'll to you herez your going to school." Once Brvr had carried out his orders glitch brought him to the school through a secure secondary access point. During the process he converted the little guy into a human, something he'd been working on for a while. "Ok, I got you a new human model. You've been Hunan before, for splendy. I'm going to have to ask you to go explore on your own though, I agroed a few teachers and I don't want to get you involved." Brvr nodded, moving away from his master. He really hoped he wouldn't have to much trouble, but when the turned around he slammed right into someone and fell right on his tail. "Owe," he said, holding a hand to his head. "I'm sorry..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

### Tony Tony Hart arrived at Orean Cause in his car. He was late, as per usual. The young adult parked in the lot and sat there for a while. He had the music blaring pretty loud, he so did not want to go to school. Even if it was a cool supernatural one where he could meet other people like him. Tony got out of his car and grabbed his belongings so he could move into his dorm room. He heard that the rooms were co-ed, that was bound to be interesting. Hart walked through the crowds of kids all going to lunch, maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Nothing too weird or crazy was happening....
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

**Bride** Bride sighed in relief as the guy with the sword left, he didn’t know what to feel after that. That was something he never experience before and was glad it didn’t get messy. He was amazed how tough and bold Rose was; he almost admired her for being so cool. He blushed though hearing that he was her friend… that was something new but glad that he got a new friend on the first day. “Lunch…” He said softly as he began to follow Rosa, he was actually going to have lunch with someone. He remembered when people just took his money and said they would pay him back later which never happened or when they used him for bribes over people…that wasn’t pleasant…. Bride was happy that he was actually going to eat with his friend. “Oh um Thank you!” He bowed his head showing his gratitude for her. “Um, you were very cool back there…I wish I can be like you…” He spoke again softly, he blushed again saying those words hoping that he didn’t sound so weird. "I didn't mean to say that as well, uuhh....ooh.." He blushed brightly again, this has to get some getting used to... ---------- A random guy knocked on the dorm that belonged to Glitch he then put a letter down and left mysteriously. The letter and said that his....special friend now has a room for him and his new roommate.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

##Katherine At the words of her being a ghost, Kat's mind almost instantly shut down. She wasn't able to think anymore about anything else but the alarm ringing in her head. It was telling her to run, run as fast as she could, and find somewhere she could hide. Some kind of safe heaven that would protect her from this (not at all) horrid appearance. She wouldn't be fooled. A ghost was a ghost, she wouldn't just trust one because she looked cute. **"Where?!"** Kat ran as fast as she could, without looking back. She saw someone, a guy (Tony) who looked quite sturdy and tall... Perfect. She ran behind the guy and hid behind him, hugging him from behind and with her face buried on his back. **"Don't ask anything, please. Just... just, stay like that. Don't let that ghost get to me."** Maybe he saw her too, maybe he didn't. Regardless, she wouldn't let go of him until the ghost went away. She was even shaking, if a little bit. **"Make it go away..."** Half order half request, she asked the guym her face still buried in the guy's back.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 5 mos ago

**Evelyn - Meh... =_=** It had been a while or so as she sat there taking a few momentary bites out of her sandwich in one hand and in the other, her pencil scribbling madly against the vanilla colored paper of her book. Her Mp3 had switched over to [Lacuna Coil](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzjrs04eLRs), and by then most of the students were already done eating lunch. Really, Evelyn hadn't noticed how much time had passed at all as she was zoned out, entranced in two of her loves...art and music. Her pencil kept moving between her two fingers, each stroke either broad or slender creating her masterpiece before her very eyes, a vision pulled from the dark confines of her haunting imagination and spilled out unto the cream white page. Once she was done, she looked down at her [creation](https://img1.etsystatic.com/027/1/5935777/il_340x270.610941845_9hok.jpg), rather pleased with it. Just a few more finishing touches on the shading and whatnot and she closed her book setting it aside and switching off her Mp3, stuffing it in the pocket of her flannel before getting up and gathering up her trash and throwing it away. A free day today, but really she had nothing to do at all. No friends to hang out with and her roommate, who she had yet to discover, hadn't even darkened her door all day while she was busy playing Dark Souls. _Eh...guess I'll just go back then._ She figured shrugging her shoulders. After Evelyn crossed the campus and made it back to the dorm hall again, she climbed the stairs to her room and slammed the door behind her. She collapsed on her bed afterwards and stared up at the ceiling, a brief yawn escaping her lips. Beside her, she grabbed the _Revovler_ magazine off her nightstand and began thumbing through it, reading about Slayer's upcoming tour in Europe and skimming over the free guitar tabs in the back. This month, it was Pantera's _Drag the Waters_, In Flames' _Deliver Us_, and Stone Sour's _Absolute Zero_, most of them she already knew how to play without even looking at tabs.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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### Tony Tony was minding his own business when he felt two small arms wrap around his waist. He felt a head press against his back and stopped. A female voice said quietly, "Don't ask anything, please. Just... just, stay like that. Don't let that ghost get to me." Hart looked around, searching for the said "Ghost." He hoped that there actually was a ghost and that there wasn't an insane girl holding on to him for dear life. Tony was relieved to see that there actually was a ghost and Kat was in fact sane. Hart moved as non-suspiciously as he could with Kat still behind him until they were out of sight. "The ghost can't see you now," Hart said in attempt to sooth the girl. He turned around to see a very short and petite girl. He grinned, "I'm Tony, and you can use me to hide anytime you want," he said jokingly, giving her a thumb's up. "I take it you don't like ghosts?" He asked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Walking down the hallway, Addy watched the scene before her. Several people were making their way to the cafeteria, some falling, some walking in with poise. Shaking her head, she ignored all of this and walked on by, passing a girl hiding behind a taller male. From what, she didn't know. Deciding to stay out of it, she walked on, grabbing a bite to eat before sitting down by herself. It wasn't that she had any qualms with other people, no. She just hated the thought of people not liking her. All it took was a frown to push the poor girl into a crying fit. Her mother always told her she cared too much what people thought but she couldn't help it. It was like some part of her was scared, always scared. She lifted a spoon full of the soup before her to her mouth and tasted it, savoring the warm salty flavor of the chicken noodle soup.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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Banned Seen 23 days ago

**Eddie** With the run in, Eddie lost her appetite and decided to walk to her dorm room. She traveled the stairs, she opened the door, and she scowled. The room was swathed in black and hellish, tasteless posters. Where would Eddie place her beautiful paintings? Where would she set up her easel? Eddie cursed her luck – of course she would be roomed with someone so…goth. And then her eyes found her roommate. It was the girl from before. Eddie’s eyes widened and she almost fell from her surprise. “Y-you!” Eddie called, jabbing a finger at the girl before realizing she blew her cover and steeled her features, regaining her scowl. “I mean, it’s you.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

**Lilly** "You know I was watching where you went right?" Lilly's voice said as she took a shortcut through the wall. "Please don't run away again, I just want a friend. Do you have any idea how lonely it is to spend seven years where nobody can see or hear you, not even your own brother?" Lilly looked to be on the verge of tears, which was justified considering how she was being treated.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 5 mos ago

**Evelyn - WTF?!! YOU?!!!** Evelyn's eyes moved from her magazine over to the door just as she heard it click and open slowly. _And sooo my roommate is here. So much for peace and quiet._ She sighed lowering the magazine from her face before giving a nonchalant greeting of, "About time you showed up. I was thinking...." But then....she just discovered who her new roommate was. It....was...HER?!!! "Y-yo-" She didn't even have to time to react though as the snobby bitch was already on her like a rabid hellbeast and then once more switching back to that bitchy attitude of hers. "I'm sharing a room....with you?" Ev muttered, her eyebrow twitching slightly. It was a joke. It had to be a joke! There was no way at all Ev was sharing a room with the...the...GUH!! "Well then..." She sighed unclenching her fists and falling back on the bed. "Welcome to Casa Del Evelyn, first rules first, no touching the curtains. I like it dark and it'll stay that way. Second, don't touch my shit either, that goes for the altar, the Xbox and mah babeh." Her **babeh** being the Warlock guitar next to her bed, one of her prized possessions no less. "Other than that, enjoy your stay....cause I'll probably be kicking you out in the next few days." Once more she snatched up her magazine and flopped down on her bed. If anything...school just got worse for her...much worse....
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

##Katherine **"Kat. I'll hide behind you from now on then."** Kat listened attentively to both Tony and the ghost behind her safe heaven. **"Also, don't ever talk to me as if I were a child again. I'll punch you."** She said, trying to sound as rude as possible, though her voice was failing on her. **"And if you hadn't noticed it until now, no, I don't like ghosts. I had... a less than grateful encounter when I was young, if you must know."** The ghost's story was almost a tearjerking one. If she hadn't been frightened out of her mind like that. She pondered on it for a while, without letting go of Tony. After a while, she let out a sigh. **"Look, I see where you are coming from. I feel bad for you, yes, I do, but ghosts aren't really my forte. I will talk to you, as long as we have a wall or something between us, all right? It'll take some time for me to get used to you, so... let's just get along like this for now, yeah?"** She took the lollipop off her mouth for a bit and let go of Tony for a while, this time, leaning her back on the boy's back. **"If you are okay with that, then we can be friends."** --- ##Drew After a while, he was finally done in his observations of new arrivals of women. He now had to go back to his room to get the top 10 girls in order, there were some really good prospects this year, after all. And also, he needed to go back and pray to every God in existance to provide him with a cute girl as his roommate. **"Now, what was my room number again?"** He searched for the paper he had noted it down in through his pocket. He finally found it after a while and unfolded it. **"All right... Room 103. No offenses last year, behaved good, in public at least. I think those guys might consider giving me a cute girl as my roommate. Yes!"** He hurried back to his room, with high expectations. His room was a clean slate. A canvas, for him to paint on. **"Oh, this! This is the pain of an artist! What to do with this white canvas presented to me! Fortunately.... I brought my great collection along with me!"** His things were already in the room, and so he started searching through his bag, until he took out a single folder. **"Aha! Here it is! My greatest collection to the day!"** He opened the folder and started taking out photos, however, the photos, instead of women in erotic, sexy positions, were really scenery photos. Beautiful ones at that. Something just a pro would be able to take. His pride and joy. **"Oh yes! Here it is!"** He started pinning them into the wall, with a lot of care. His treasures and his pride. Oh, but of course, knowing Drew, these photos aren't normal. There's hidden side to them. The back of them. He will take great photo opportunities of a girl admiring his work, but he will show his REAL collection to his roommate, if he is a guy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 4 mos ago

**Luminai** Lumiani somersaulted in the air to find the voice speaking to him. It was a compact flip but it was elegant nonetheless, give thanks to his cosmic mother. He fixated his eyes on the tall man, dressed in a suit, and rather flamboyant in his appearance. His words dully clicked in the back of his head; of course he was floating, that would explain the weightlessness, though he rarely felt like he weighed anything anyway. He dropped down to his feet with two soft steps and put back on his humanly colors. His skin turned a cream color while his hair and eyes remained yellow, albeit with a color enhancer. He noticed the ignorance of the other humans, they passed around them as if instinctively avoiding but none even dared to look their way or voice rejection. "How... are you doing this?" he asked with trepidation, though his cheery tone would betray his worry. "Its amazing. You humans surprise me more and more everyday."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FantasyDreams
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FantasyDreams Professional Badass

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Rosalyn began to lead Bride out to the parking lot, where one of the lower ranked members of the Battleblood clan waited with the family car. The car had his bags in it, since the school was a bit of a ways away from their home. But it also held the cooler where Rosalyn was keeping today's lunch perfectly chilled. It was something simple but tasty, a cold pasta salad with caesar dressing, grilled chicken, grape tomatoes cut perfectly in half, and nice thin slices of green onion. There was also paper plates and plastic silverware, some bottles of various sodas, and some homemade brownies for dessert. All of which was lovingly crafted by Rosalyn. When Bride mentioned wanting to be like Rosalyn, he paused for a moment, barely long enough for the other girl to notice. "I wasn't given a choice between being strong and being someone else." He said, a frowning dancing across his features for a brief moment. "But remember it takes all types. I think you're perfect the way you are." As he said that, Rosalyn turned around and began walking backwards so he could look at Bride. "I hope you don't mind eating in the parking lot, lunch is in my family car. Along with bags, I'm dorming here, are you?" He asked, obviously trying to change the subject. He slowed down a little bit and turned back around, keep pace with Bride instead of being in front of her. It was much nicer walking next to friends then in front of or behind them.
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