Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As people started to move around, the P.E.K.K.A. followed them. It was still searching for the butterfly it had seen, and was certain it was near. Walking into the theater, the massive warrior looked about in awe for a moment. After that, it promptly went back on it's search. Having left the hallway, it had no way of knowing that the painting and the wall had repaired themselves already. "Butterfly?" The metal that held the chair down groaned as it was torn apart. The chair had been lifted up by the P.E.K.K.A. as it searched for it's quarry. After finding no insect, the metal giant put the chair back down, although it leaned at an awkward level as it hadn't been reattached yet. With one chair down, it had a lot more to go before it was done with it's complete search.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MrCellophane
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MrCellophane Wandering RPer

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Having resigned herself to the fact that she'd be unable to get a smoke in for now, Hellsing strode through the hallway leading to the theater, her hair and the tail of her long-coat flapping as she ignored the still-burning remnants of one of the now-destroyed paintings. To her annoyance, the door she arrived at had been jammed half-open by the last entrant. Readying her Sig-Sauer, she leaned back a little before repeatedly ramming her left shoulder into the door, eventually forcing it open after a few (painful) blows. Stalking into the auditorium, the first sight she was immediately confronted with was an armoured being who seemed to be either gleefully or urgently tearing through the seats. What the hell is that thing doing?! Without thinking, Hellsing aimed at the metallic construct's 'head', gritted her teeth into a half-snarl and proceeded to discharge the magazine's contents.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

WIZARD POV: Following the P.E.K.K.A. into the entrance of the theater, the Wizard didn't even notice as the hole created by his fireball repaired itself. Striding into the large room, the wizard looked out in awe at the architecture. Back in the village, there had been no buildings like it, and he was totally at a loss. Caught up in his thoughts, he didn't notice the woman firing the gun at the PEKKA until he nearly ran into her. "Excuse me madam, but that may not be the best of idea's. Attacking a P.E.K.K.A. is quite suicidal." He spoke with certainty, as it was most definitely a fact he had relayed to the curiously dressed woman. As powerful as he was, even he couldn't hope to defeat a P.E.K.K.A. by himself. As if to validate his point, the P.E.K.K.A. looked towards them as it's name was spoken, it wore a curious expression. It hadn't paid attention at all to the bullets bouncing off it's metal armor. The only evidence that anything had happened at all was a couple minute scratches on the armor where the bullets hit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cyndyr
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Cyndyr Redeemer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Something told Rhys that this little man could rant angrily. And then again, something told him he was definitely right. "Eden-6 is a planet," he crosses his arms once again, "I'm from Helios, y'know, the base in the sky? Ahh . . nevermind, you've probably heard of it before," or not. He was beginning to think that nobody here had ever heard of Hyperion, Pandora, Vaults or Vault Keys. That might be awful or wonderful: a clean state or a new way to screw-up? He supposed there was only one way to find out. "I'm Rhys," he held his hand out cautiously for a professional and rather "business-like" handshake. However, before this was possible, there was another voice: "BOOM!" it shouted as a fireball hit the wall at the other end of the hallway. There was a nervous twitch in Rhys' eye as the fireball flew by, but even moreso when the wall reconstructed by itself. He felt every urge to duck, cover and hopefully wait for the entire situation to blow over. He retracted his hand, "On second thought, let's uhm," he looked at the other end of the hallway where the wall had reconstructed by an invisible force, "go far, far, far away from....that."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MrCellophane
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MrCellophane Wandering RPer

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

"Excuse me madam, but that may not be the best of idea's. Attacking a P.E.K.K.A. is quite suicidal."
Having burned through her magazine in a failed attempt to down PEKKA, Integra had just managed to swap her expended magazine for a fresh one before a voice piped up from behind her. Startled, she rounded on her heels and took aim, the barrel of her sidearm just managing to come in contact with the speaker's forehead. Integra frowned as she studied the man. He was a somewhat rotund, bearded man, clad in clothing that seemed so out of place that he appeared to have walked off the set of a medieval play or fete. How else could it explain his ridiculous style of clothing choice? Even so, the Baronetess didn't say a word to the Wizard, glaring sternly at him behind her glasses and maintaining her steadied aim.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

One moment, he had been in one of the Imperium's ships. Nice, safe, Jurgen right beside him and feeling quite content at the moment. Especially with the sight of Jurgen coming with a bowl of tanna, his day was looking to be fine and dandy, with quite some time before he would be forced to fight against the xenos; enemies of humanity, or perhaps heretics. Who know what the cultists of chaos could be up to. Then next moment he was here. Taking a look around to get his bearings, he came to several conclusions. First, this was definitely not the safe interior of a transport he had been in moments ago. Second, Jurgen was gone, with nowhere to be found. Third, he had absolutely no idea just where he was. The room looked like there were paintings, but none were in the style of the Imperium's artists that he had seen before, nor was there a single picture of the glorious God-Emperor. Unsheathing his chainsword and stabbing it into the ground as a suitable gesture of confusion, he looked around at the people gathered around him, who all looked strange yet human - for the most part. Was this some sort of warp trick? Did something happen? Impossible - he was right beside Jurgen - he knew from Amberly's information that Jurgen was able to prevent the trickeries of the warp from affecting those nearby. "...Where the frak am I?" he called out to no one in general.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Entropsy
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Entropsy bad post

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The twitch in Rhys' eye didn't go unnoticed. "I've not the slightest idea what a heelioso is, Mr. Reeez, but I am curious as to what's in the next room." The Joxter saw the anxiety in his new companion's eyes, and sniggered. It wasn't even close to him. What a namby-pamby. So, he walked along the taller at his leisure, wanting to make the walk out of the room of many "booms" as painfully long as possible...only to give him some time to admire the paintings on the wall, truly, not to screw with Rhys or anything. Why on earth would he want to do that to such a nice guy? There was a still-life of the Alps, an imagined(?) scene from the Gallic Wars, a impressionist's portrayal of a Tibetan Mastiff, a boy in a blue hat, Snufkin smoking his pipe on a walk through the woods--he averted his eyes. Better to just get out. He didn't want to know. Instead, he stopped get out a knife & slice an apple into eights, and comment on how skilled the artists who painted these were. Not to prolong the walk or screw with Rhys or anything. --- As he walked through the doors, his senses told him there was a problem afoot. He stopped slicing the apple. He turned his head left and there was a door plastered with signs. DO NOT OPEN THIS DOOR. DO NOT OPEN THIS DOOR. DO NOT OPEN THIS DOOR. A door that made him very angry.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gemini
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Gemini FNAF Obsessed

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

River suddenly changed again, and she looked like this.
She was suddenly a young child again, about the age of seven, and confused about where she was and what had happened. "Leo? Where's my friend, Leo? Where am I? Mom? Dad?" she said aloud. She was so confused and scared. "Hello?" she said, her voice wavering. She felt all alone, it was so dark and she couldn't see anything. She'd been like this all her life, but she'd always had Leo to guide her along. She pulled her violin off her back and her violin bow appeared in her hand. She played a few notes and listened to the beautiful sound. That's what she did whenever she was lonely to keep herself from crying. But she couldn't help it, a few tears fell down her cheeks.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stephanie Dola
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Stephanie Dola

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Once Lina recovered from her groggy state, she immediately began to think about what her last memory was. She remembered being in an inn with her friends, but was fighting over the last piece of meat with Gourry. If Lina remembered correctly, the fight got pretty intense, and the poor inn was almost destroyed, but she does remember reigning supreme in the end. Everything past that however. . . is, well, blank. The last thing she remembers is holding up her piece of steak as a sign of victory. She didn't even get to savor the wonderful taste of it, and it didn't seem to be with her now. Whoever did this to her was going to face hell, no, she had already killed the King of Demons twice. Hell was probably too nice of a punishment for the thief who kidnapped her, placed here in this weird place, and most importantly, stole her food. Punishing him would come later, for now, she needed to get out of here and find her friends. Thankfully, this wasn't the first time she has woken up in a strange place she didn't recognize. Thankfully, she wasn't wearing a stupid dress this time, and she could at least have some pride in her appearance. She was cute enough without a dress, right? No man could resist her charm even in a sorcerer's clothing. Lina quickly gazed around the hall she was standing in, taking in every small detail she could. It looked like some kind of art exhibit, and on top of that, it seemed like everybody was confused, at least to an extent. This probably means that they were kidnapped just as well, meaning that there would probably be a reward out there for their return. Lina began to imagine all of the money she could earn by returning all of these people home, and she just couldn't contain her excitement. She was almost drooling just by imagining what she could do with that money. Finally, she could take a nice spa day, eat at the finest restaurants in every kingdom, and maybe even attract the attention of a prince! Well, a good looking prince. She was already good friends with a prince but. . . he was rather special, even for Lina. That was it! She was going to defeat whoever was holding them captive, return everyone back to their homes, and reap in all of the rewards! Lina wouldn't even have to split it with anybody this time! Her friends could wait, they would probably be fine! They still have one the world's strongest swordsman, the greatest shaman sorcerer Lina knew, a little fluff ball who wished he was as good as Lina, and a princess. They would be just fine without her. . . hopefully. . . But for now, she might as well introduce herself to some of these people. The quiet ones were always suspicious, and she really wasn't in the mood to be randomly accused by people she didn't even know. She is also really bad at keeping quiet, but you might not want to tell her that if you care for your health. " I think we're all asking ourselves that question, but from the looks of it, some kind of art exhibit. I also doubt we have a convenient way out of here since it appears that we were kidnapped. Hopefully, we find our way out sooner or later since I don't think exhibits come with catering. "
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Gorrendil was confused at the Mon'keigh's sudden confusion. That was standard Imperial. He had gathered that these Mon'keigh were not of the Imperium. Of course, excluding the obviously confused and irritated Commissar, who just stabbed his Chainsword into the ground. Glancing behind the non-Imperial Mon'keigh, Gorrendil shouted at the irritated Commissar "Imperial! Have a nice sword there! Wanna have a sword fight?" Of course, Gorrendil thought that this was not the best course of action and should turn his attention to the gunshots in the hallway. "Wait a moment, Mon'keigh!" he started "I'll be right back!" Zooming back towards the hallway towards the origins of the gunshots, Gorrendil passed the dress/cloak wearing shortie. He looked at another Mon'keigh pointing a gun at him. Of course, Gorrendil halted immediately and somersaulted back behind the dress wearing man. He drew his laspistol and Shuriken pistol and aimed it at the gun-toting Mon'keigh, each gun hand resting on the two shoulders of the bearded cross dresser and aiming at the woman. "Mon'keigh, I advise you not to shoot this cross dresser. Though funny looking, I presume that Sayaka will not appreciate people killing people. Now be a dear and drop your primitive as dust gun. Please."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Excuse me madam, but that may not be the best of idea's. Attacking a P.E.K.K.A. is quite suicidal."
Having burned through her magazine in a failed attempt to down PEKKA, Integra had just managed to swap her expended magazine for a fresh one before a voice piped up from behind her. Startled, she rounded on her heels and took aim, the barrel of her sidearm just managing to come in contact with the speaker's forehead. Integra frowned as she studied the man. He was a somewhat rotund, bearded man, clad in clothing that seemed so out of place that he appeared to have walked off the set of a medieval play or fete. How else could it explain his ridiculous style of clothing choice? Even so, the Baronetess didn't say a word to the Wizard, glaring sternly at him behind her glasses and maintaining her steadied aim.
The tool the woman was using was very unfamiliar to the wizard. Nevertheless, based on how she was using it, it was probably a weapon. His palms opened as if he was about to pick up something, and a circular ball of flame started to form in each of them. Roughly the size of a baseball, the fireball was bright orange in color. Although he was not interested in fighting, he would defend himself if needed. While when he greeted her with a polite expression, he now had a very serious frown as he contemplated how the fight would go down. It wasn't looking good, seeing as she already had her weapon pointed at his head. ((Presuming that SgtEasy is talking about my character - if not, disregard everything below this)) Suddenly there was a third warrior in the altercation. The wizard cocked an eyebrow as he examined the newcomer. He found it strange that the man was using a similar weapon as the woman that had pointed her weapon at him. Then the stranger spoke, calling him a cross dresser. Wait, cross dresser? How was he a cross dresser?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MrCellophane
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MrCellophane Wandering RPer

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

"Mon'keigh, I advise you not to shoot this cross dresser. Though funny looking, I presume that Sayaka will not appreciate people killing people. Now be a dear and drop your primitive-as dust gun. Please."
With that threat, Integra now found herself on the wrong end of a firearm. It seemed one of the 'unknowns' (for lack of a better term) had intervened and from his tone of voice and the hooded man's fireball, forcing a point via a firearm isn't going to get out her of this place ... if she even could. For all she knew, this museum and the group populating it were just the delusions of a dying woman; her body could still be lying on the Deus Ex Machina's bridge in a pool of her own blood. And if I am dead, then this is probably the worst form of Purgatory that anyone could hear of. That fool Maxwell would have gone insane in this madhouse inside of five minutes. "I've killed people - alive or undead - for less then drawing a weapon on me." she coldly taunted the pointed-ear ... whatever species that man was. "I don't know where I am, if I could trust anyone or even if I am still alive! So until I find answers, a way out or both, you must forgive me if I am in no mood to be tolerant of idle threats or not taken with trusting anyone without any reserve." Her point made, Integra slowly drew her snub-nosed sidearm away from the tensed-up wizard and calmly ejected the full magazine. She continued to glare at the wizard, who still seemed ready to burn her to cinders before, with a mocking smirk twisting the left corner of her lips, she pocketed the Sig-Sauer and reached for her as-of-yet still-unsmoked cigar. "If you are prepared to try and help me escape this place, I'm prepared to let bygones be bygones and to do the same for you." she added, placing the cigar between her lips as she inclined her gaze towards the Eldar outcast. "So do us both a favor and lower the gun ... dear."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gemini
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Gemini FNAF Obsessed

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

River heard voices, but she still didn't know where she was. "Hello?" she said. She put away her violin and started crying. "Please, someone! I don't know where I am!" she yelled, falling to the ground and crying.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by JohnWolff


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Moments after she had departed from Gorrendil, his story lingered on at the back of her mind. Though it was true that Sayaka was suicidal once like him, she had moved past that part of her life and had accepted it. She was happy, surrounded by wonderful friends, unlike Gorrendil. The knight's tale made her appreciate her life all the more, and a grateful smile spread across her face. As she felt the love for her friends burning in her heart, her desire to escape this place was reignited, her determination rekindled. After taking in a breath of confidence, she looked around once again and scouted the place for any clues. She knew it was pointless - if they could be free from here, they would have been by now - but she looked anyway, and saw the few other disturbances that had recently occurred. A fireball was launched out from nowhere upon the newly arrived guest - a bearded man wearing a hoodie from medieval times. It caused a small explosion, but its only victim was the cratered wall the flaming sphere of doom had landed on. On the other side of the hall, the horned Gigantor who had previously smashed himself against the wall was now literally tearing up the theater seats in search of something. Sayaka shook her head at the both of them. The destruction of their kidnapper's residence was not going to earn any tears from her, but she also doubt that the host would take kindly to their actions either, and they might earn themselves more trouble than they knew. But as she began her casual approach towards the two confused beings, more out of her own curiosity than her urge to lecture them, she soon heard the sound of cracking wood. Turning towards the latest commotion, she noticed that the blonde soldier from the exhibition room had burst in from a door she had forced open. A little startled, but nevertheless pleased at by the sight of her beauty, Sayaka approached to greet her... till the soldier started firing her pistol at the Gigantor without reason. She worryingly spun her eyes towards the full-metal titan, but quickly realized that he had not even paid heed to the fact that he was being fired upon. She returned her gaze onto the soldier, but by then, the medieval man out of time had already confronted her. Despite his friendly expression, Sayaka began stepping towards them, her pace picking up in speed, as did her heart-rate. Her gut told her that the situation before her might turn ugly, and moments later, it certainly did. The soldier had turned her aim towards the bearded man's forehead instead, and the man in turn, became agitated by the action and was generating an orange glow within each of his palms. As soon as he did, however, two shimmering blades had also materialized beneath Sayaka's white gloves. She was a mere five feet from them by the time she willed her cutlasses into existence, and she proceeded to raise one of them in Integra's direction. But before she could swing the full arc towards the woman's cranium, the knight whom she had shared a connection with before, Gorrendil, had already pointed his own firearms towards Integra, with the wizard's head in between his twin pistols. Sayaka sighed lightly at the way Gorrendil was adding to the already chaotic mess, though she could understand the motivation behind his actions, as she too was pointing a lethal blade at someone. As the Mexican standoff came to a standstill, with all parties pointing their weapons at one another, the woman with the flaxen hair began to speak. She spoke of her confusion about this place, she mentioned an intriguing thought about her mortality that almost made Sayaka questioned her own, and she also sounded out her mistrust towards the others. All of that, she could relate and understand, as she was sure most people here shared the sentiment - but it was the casual way she talked about killing another that bugged her a little. Those words gave Sayaka a bitter distaste, but she shrugged it off quickly. She was used to putting up with such disregard for life. As Integra civilly withdrew her weapon without another argument, her cool eyes staring down the magic wielder before her without fear, her steady hand inserting a cigar between her lips, Sayaka did the same and lowered her sword, breathing a sigh of relief as this conflict approached a closure. She signaled her eyes towards Gorrendil, and in a way, the wizard as well, hoping both of them would take up an equally peaceful response. When she turned her stern glare back onto Integra, she noticed the group of spectators that had been drawn to the commotion, and she saw an open opportunity for her to speak with these people. "Look, I know all of you are confused and on edge... I am too." Sayaka voiced herself loudly but clearly to ensure the echo of this hall would carry her voice throughout the entire structure. She made sure to look at each of their faces to let them know she was addressing everyone there, not just individual parties. To let them know she was of no threat to them, she also made the swords in her hands disappear, leaving behind a puff of tiny blue spheres that illuminated the air around her hands. "Someone has obviously kidnapped us here, but we can't get anything done on our own... let alone fighting each other. Our enemy is our kidnapper, not each other. So we need to work together, keep our cools, and maybe, just maybe, we can return to our lives. Alright?" As soon as she finished, in hopes that she could at least knock some sense into some of them, a scream suddenly echoed from the hallway and jerked her head around towards the source. It was a child's voice, sobbing. Sayaka gave the group another look, offering a polite nod, before she began making her return back to the hallway.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As things started to settle down, the Wizard deactivated his fireballs. Of course, he'd still keep an eye on the psychotic woman to make sure she didn't try such a foolish act again. However, more pressing was his concern over the P.E.K.K.A.. It was a threat that could destroy them all if it was set off, however so far it seemed focused on finding a butterfly. They needed to show that they were on the same 'team' as the P.E.K.K.A. and that they were not the enemy. Right now, it was a ticking time bomb. Turning towards it, he calmly spoke to the massive metal giant. "Everyone here is considered friendly. I got confirmation from the leader" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P.E.K.K.A. POV: The P.E.K.K.A. had been about to attack the group when the wizard spoke to it. The metal warrior had already considered the wizard friendly, and thus could trust his words. It nodded in response before going back to searching for the butterfly. It was nearly done, and only needed one last push before it's objective was complete. Lifting up it's sword, the P.E.K.K.A. prepared to finish it's search. "Destroy!" It swung the blade, destroying a small row of chairs. Stepping back, the P.E.K.K.A. nodded in confirmation at it's job. A large butterfly shape had been made from the destroyed chairs. The metal warrior was absolutely sure that it would help make the butterfly come back. Oh, it was a brilliant plan. The P.E.K.K.A. was so proud of itself. Now all it had to do was wait for the butterfly to come back, and victory would belong to the P.E.K.K.A.!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cyndyr
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Cyndyr Redeemer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Helios. And it's Rhys. With a "y"," it was a mistake that almost everyone and their dead mother made: calling him "Reese" or "Reece" instead of the actual pronunciation. When he had met August for the deal, the guy made the same mistake. Now, come to think of it, he was probably after Sasha and Fiona's heads for the same reason that he and Vaughn would be if they had any power: the deal was still a con. The walk through the room was painfully slow, or at least it was for Rhys. The Joxter was meandering at an alarmingly slow rate, either to actually look at the art or just to screw with Rhys. Maybe both. Yeah, the third option seemed plausible. He'd go with that. The art itself seemed boring to Rhys -- most of it reminded him of Helios and the planets that surrounded it. Some of it seemed vaguely familiar, but there were so many planets in the galaxy and not enough time to care about all of them. What was so interesting about that to the Joxter anyway? Probably nothing. Rhys probably should've scanned the art when he had the chance, there was something suspicious about it to him. Instead, he paid attention as the Joxter tore apart an apple with a knife -- cutting it into eight slices. Then he commented about how "skilled" the artists were. Well, talent is one word that Rhys wouldn't particularly use, but sure, why not? "Yeah, they...," Rhys looked at the art again, "...were definitely bored." And the duo left it at that.
The Joxter stopped slicing the apple. Rhys noticed it too: the door covered in signs: DO NOT OPEN THIS DOOR. DO NOT OPEN THIS DOOR. DO NOT OPEN THIS DOOR. Well, at least their "host" wasn't very subtle about it. In a way, Rhys appreciated the bluntness. "Well, that makes one less door for us to have to entered," he commented looking at the others doors, now where to?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Inkdrop


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Darkhunter did what came naturally to him and snuggled to Ib's side as she sat. He purred with a long, clawed stretch before he settled down and gazed up at her. He listened intently and was oblivious to the other activities in the room. He didn't say anything throughout the story, just looked up at her with silver eyes, his tail slowly sweeping the floor to the rear of his own rear. His eyes started to wander as she finished, and when she did, he sat up and nosed at her cheek, "I'm sorry, Ib, I can't even imagine what you have to be going through... in that case, we need to get out of here fast so you can save Gary." The jaguar gave a small lick to her cheek, trying to reassure her. "Nothing's come alive yet, so that is good... especially because I could never imagine attacking Nightspirit or Starfall." he gave a little quiver. Darkhunter's ears perked up and his eyes lit up when he heard a louder voice and glanced over his shoulder to see who it was... it was the bare-skin female from earlier. His ears picked up her speech, all of it, and he simply gave a small nod in response. He shifted to face the rows of... chairs... and called to her, "Well said!" The scream of his child painted concern onto his face but he was too busy with Ib... and his thoughts. His heart ached. Not literally, of course, but figuratively. He didn't realize just how much he relied on his packmates to keep him happy until now. Already he longed for Nightspirit; the beautiful black cat, the one with nearly bottomless, silken fur which kept him warm and comfortable through any night. The feline who was true to her name... she gave quiet, understanding, accepting solace, no matter the problem, a relaxing break from the intensity of the day. He yearned for Starfall, with her blue eyes that shone their blue glow into the deepest depths of his soul. She was the joy, the one who could make anyone laugh at any point, with just the right kind and amount of humor. The heated, passionate lovemaking, the quiet moments of cuddling and affection, and the other moments in between those two peaks... it never occurred to him how vital that all was to him. He hoped they weren't in danger as he was stuck here. Besides his females, he wanted his land back. He was wanting the gentle jungle heat and the subtle chaos that ensued day in, day out, in that sea of green and brown. He hated the smell and sight of this despicable area more and more with every second. He blinked a few times and cleared the fog out of his head, heaving himself to his feet before another little nosing was put upon Ib's cheek, "I want out of here just as bad as you... that female was right, we need to work together." the jaguar looked around for another door, an aperture, just anything that would let him get out of here. He was reluctant to leave Ib's side, however, since he had subconsciously taken it upon himself to protect her at all costs.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Nerevarine
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Nerevarine Frá hvem rinnur þú? - ᚠᚱᚬ᛫ᚼᚢᛅᛁᛘ᛫ᚱᛁᚾᛅᛦ᛫ᚦᚢ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Krika's insect like legs clacked against the floor. His body was ustable, his density manipulated only to the point of allowing him to walk across the floor, but not enough to let those around him see the Makuta in his mutated form. Krika was still getting used to this arthropodic body, what were once his weapons now fused with his arms, body twisted into that of a common swamp beast. Lost was his once regal armor, befitting of someone of his high position; Or so they would say. There was no honor in the Brotherhood of Makuta, and even less in covering up an atrocity and mistake that they created; The Skadi of Zakaz, Spiriah's project, his to inherit. He hoped that when he returned that those accursed beasts would have just murdered each other. Nothing would please him more than to know that the Skakdi had been driven to extinction by their own doing. A rat scurried before Krika, oblivious to the makuta's presence in the vicinity of him. Krika felt the hunger that this form left him with, a biological need that he had not missed. Since mutation, the days were gone when needs like eating and sleeping were optional. Krika sprung his arm out, gripping the organic creature with the pincers at the end. The rat struggled a bit, only to become more docile as Krika fed on it's life energies, with the being becoming a limp corpse shortly after. Tossing aside the dead animal, Krika crept around more, looking for any others that were brought here as well. The clacking of the bladelike limbs against the ground That was, until he came across two beings. Purely organic lifeforms, a rarity in his world, but given the numbers of them he had seen, it may be that they are more common than he had estimated were possible. They both appeared to be male, and analyzing a door, plastered with signs. He would make a note not to open that door. The Makuta continued on his way, looking around, sensing for other life forms. Then, he had come across something massive. A group, all of them organic, except for possibally one, who towered over all the others. Among them were two females, one of them with blue hair. Another was male, signficantly shorter than the others. Krika began following them, staying at a low density, to avoid being seen.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by JohnWolff


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sayaka dashed through the hallway with speed, her white cape fluttering behind. As she prayed for the safety of the child, she could not help wondered if there was such a child among the people she saw, for she could only recall Ib as the only one. "She had probably just arrived," she surmised. "She must be so frightened and confused..." With these thoughts clouding her mind, Sayaka picked up her pace. When she finally burst through the archway separating the gallery from the hall, she saw a little blonde girl on the ground bawling her eyes out, and similar to Ib, her hair was adorned with a pink flower. Sayaka noticed how hard the girl was crying, and that her whole tiny body was shaking. Sayaka's face softened up as she patiently trod towards River with light steps. She was reminded of another innocent girl who had also shed painful tears, though with a much softer mewing. She remembered having to fight off the schoolyard boys who were bullying the little pink-haired girl, before meeting dearest friend she would ever have. "Don't bully Madoka!" "Hey... it's okay," Sayaka spoke slowly as she squatted herself down to River's eye level, and with a gentle voice, in hope she would not startle the vulnerable little girl. When her hand reached for her quivering shoulder to comfort her, she noticed a familiar instrument on the child's back, and a deep sense of nostalgia hit the teenager. "Do you play, little girl?" A wide grin spread across Sayaka's cheeks as she awaited an answer, and she could not help tearing her gaze away from River and back onto the violin behind her. A charming boy in a smartly-dressed tuxedo flashed in her memory. Just a brief flash, containing more sweetness than the bitter taste she had once affiliated the boy with. "I would love to hear you play it," she continued, turning her earnest eyes back to her. But right then, she unwittingly rolled her pupils to her side and caught sight of a blurry object standing near the hallway. Combined with the presence she had felt ever since stepping into the room, particularly the same presence she had figured to be one of the many inhabitants in this structure, she realized that she had been secretly followed. Nevertheless, she remained silent for now. "There's a theater not far from here. Do you want to play your violin there, little girl? I'm sure the others would love to hear it as well."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DivineIntervention93
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DivineIntervention93 Happy Coincidence

Member Seen 8 mos ago

A few seconds later, Alfonzo found himself into the next area of the building, but to his surprise, it was another unexpected area. A huge theater came into contact with his vision as Alfonzo gazed at it’s magnificence, beholding a vast numerous amount of seats and a screen big and wide enough to enjoy any theatrical movie. This still may hold as an illusion in his mind, but he kept becoming more and more impressed with what the place kept sharing visually, that he forgot what he was suppose to be doing in the first place. He was stunned, but then quickly came back to his senses when he remembered of what he had came to do in the first place. If he was going to become serious, he needed to think on what the first step should be, so he forced his mind to clear of his ignorant thoughts and proceeded to regain focus on what he had to do. He came from out of the hall and began to walk straight to the stage, looking around the place to see what the others who were in the room were doing. His vision had caught attention to three of the figures that had came in a little later, only to find that a woman in glasses was aiming to shoot an armored looking fellow destroying a row of chairs, and the other fellow with the goatee presumably trying to stop her from shooting the overcoming seat killer. Alfonzo became distracted at first with the issue that was going on, because it didn't make sense to why that armored thing was destroying the seats in the first place. Did it have something against chairs, or did it have some sort of rage from being dragged here, or was it just insane? Al sure didn't want to find out, so he kept walking towards the main stage, trying to avoid the problem. He stopped for a minute due to another issue that had passed his thought. “Hmmm.....I wonder if.......” said Alfonzo quietly to himself, hoping that he had the one most important thing on him in case things go wrong or haywire. While standing still for a moment, he used his right hand to pat the right side of his upper thigh, trying to use his sense of touch to identify an object he hoped that he was still carrying with him. Alas, his senses were to feel of the firearm that the facility had given him, and Alfonzo was relieved that it was still at his side, just in case things go terribly wrong. Then, all of a sudden, he stared at the stage in front of him, only to find the talking animal and the young girl accompanying him, so Al made his way towards them. Once he got to the front of the stage, he stopped in their presence and began to speak. “So…….still trying to find a way out of here, or are you on break or something?”
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