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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by josephb
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Lord Theo Connington, The Lord of Griffin's Roost As Theo walked into the dining hall, for breakfast, were all the Stormland Lords had gathered. He seemed to notice that the Lords had split into two groups, the first group followed the Baratheon’s and the others followed the Conningtons. Since the War of the Five Kings ended the Baratheon’s had started to loose influence over the Stormlands and the power slowly started to build up for Theo and his family. Theo took a look around and then sauntered over to the table where his brother and captain sat eating, he took a seat next to his brother and slapped him on the shoulder, “Ready for your first ever tourney today little brother.” Jon looked up from the table with his mouth filled with all sorts of food barked, “Not even sweating, will be a piece of cake.” Food flying out of his mouth and landing all over the table. “Gods Jon finish your food before you speak, I swear you have the manners of a pig.” Jamie Storm, the bastard of Evenfall Hall told Jon shaking his head. Theo started to chuckle as people overheard the conversation and started to laugh among themselves at Jon. The boy’s face went as red as his hair. Taking a big gulp of wine from a flagon next to him, washing down the food he quietly replied, “You don’t have to announce it to the room.” Shrinking into his seat. “And yes I’m ready, I think I’ll do rather well to be honest, I only had five drinks last night so my heads not pounding as much as it could of.” Theo sighed at him. “Yes you’re the regular God of restraint Jon, how did you ever manage to drink so little?” He stared at his brother for a second as he carried on to eat and then continued, “And don’t eat too much as well, you don’t want to end up throwing up if you get hit in the belly today, you’ll never get that smell out of your helmet.” Jon trying to bargain with his brother said, “Just let me finish this loaf please.” “Jon that’s your third loaf!” Jamie looked at him in shock. “Alright come on Jon lets go or Jamie can drag you kicking and screaming but I don’t think all of these beautiful woman here will find that very manly of you.” Theo stood back up grabbing a glass of wine and walked to the end of the table. His brother and captain walking behind, knowing his brother would not start complaining. As he reached the end he announced to everyone in the room, “Lords and Ladies I’m off to get ready for the tourney now. We will all have a drink together tonight when the tourney as finished. Anyone who is competing today good luck and let the warrior bring you courage.” He smiled and lifted his glass into the air then took a sip, everyone did the same, with a few shouting good luck. “I’ll see you all tonight.” After this he turned around and headed for the door to get ready.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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Lord John Stark of Winterfell John stood, grinning at Daeron. The king had been dressed in an appropriate manner for the tourney, though it had taken some time. He had to convince Daeron that he couldn't participate, a fact that the king loathed. "What's the fun in being king if I can't join a god damned tourney," the young dragon had said. John then told him that being king wasn't fun, and that he should just put on his clothes. With Daeron ready, John marched him out the door, towards the tourney which was to begin soon. "Thank you Cullen for watching that door he said. I'll be seeing you at the tourney," the young lord said to his faithful vassal. As he and the king strode through the courtyard and towards the grounds, John finally felt that he might have a shot at this Hand business. The two took their seats at the top of the bleachers. While Daeron commented on who would be competing today, John was paying more attention to who was here. His mother had always told him that every Stark before him had trusted to much and looked too little. He was determined not to do that. He looked out over the crowd, looking for anyone who he thought was suspicious. He failed to realize that the vipers in King's Landing were far harder to spot. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lady Gemma Baraetheon of Storm's End Gemma had finished her walk through the palace and was soon found by her handmaiden, Jeyne. "The tourney is about to begin m'lady," said the girl. Jeyne was young, 17 at most, and very pretty, a trait rarely found in those of lesser blood. Gemma had met Jeyne during the last civil war in the Stormlands, a silly dispute in which a group of mercenaries rallied some lesser lords and attempted to take power from her family. Gemma had been wounded in a battle and been carried to a nearby farm by her men. There, Jeyne and her family had restored her to full health. As a gesture of thanks, Gemma had taken the girl in. As Gemma and Jeyne walked with the crowd, Gemma's blue dress flowing behind her, Gemma thought about the events of last night. The Freys and the Lannisters both wanted the king gone. She wanted her house restored to it's former glory. They had a common enemy, yet they had no right to wage war. Finding enemies of the king would be hard, at least enemies with any power. But the Martells may yet to be persuaded. She and Jeyne took their seats as the tourney began to start.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheDarkTemplar
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TheDarkTemplar Knight-Captain

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Vaz Varrako The smell of sex and wine perforated the air of Vaz's tavern room. He awoke from his much needed slumber after last night to find his voluptuous friends still there. The three lovely ladies lay still asleep on him and on another. The jewels from the party last night were very much worth it, despite the fact he spent more of the money on whores than on food. "Excuse me ladies but I need to be getting ready for work", said as he gestured for the girls to leave. They scurried out leaving Vaz to acquire his effects and head out the door. Today was the day of the tourney, and since he couldn't take part in the melee Vaz figured now was as good a time as any to finally reveal himself to his future employer. That night in the Great Hall he had been listening very closely to the multitude of conversations within. Nobles wanting to kiss the ass of the king, others pouting over the king's choice of The Hand, but the conversation that interested him most was a plan to usurp the throne. Indeed Vaz knew that this was an endeavor not taken up by any random enemy of the throne. This was held by those with much power and with great power comes vast sums of gold. Gold that they would use to enploy individuals with skills capable of making their dreams of the throne reality. Fortunately for them Vaz was that sort of man and for a price he would make their dreams a reality...or not and simply run with the gold when things went south but he'd wait and see first. Arriving at the tourney he waited and watched for the conspirators he heard from the night before. At first he could see no one, too many faces in the crowd but then he spotted her. The Baraetheon girl, the one who was talking who Vaz believed to be Jakob Frey. Oh yes she had no love for the King, not after what his house did to the Baraetheons. Practically turned them into another House Frey and now the Baraetheons are another shit house after how far they've come. T'was a reality of this dangerous game they played and in truth the only winners were the ones who becomes king and the killers they hired who survived long enough. Vaz took a seat beside her and prepared to give the little speech he'd been practicing on hos way here. "I never liked the tourney. Well not ones like these, they never include freeriders. I bet if I was in there I'd win come out on top without a single scratch on me. That is after all what I'm best at, fighting and coming out on top. And for a woman of your...conspiring interests I could be a great asset to you...for a price. Vaz Varrako: sellsword, bodyguard, assassin, spy, and drinking partner at your service", Vaz was quite proud of himself. He didn't mess up at any point during that. If the girl was smart she'd hire him. Anyone who knew this information about her was dangerous, especially if the king were to overhear it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by josephb
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Lord Theo Connington of Griffin's Roost

Sun rays pierced through the gaps in the tent were Theo stood in the centre getting ready for the upcoming tourney. Jon and Jamie sat off to the side. Theo’s armour was basically on with his squire, Richard Kellington a skinny boy of twelve who was given to Theo to foster when he first became Lord, tying up the last strap. It was full plate armour with the main colour being a dark red and the joints and the laces being white, the two colours of his family. The helmet in the shape of a griffin was lying dormant on the table next to his gauntlets. “When can I have armour that looks like yours and when can I have my own squire? I can’t be bothered to wait for you to get ready before I can get ready.” Jon complained letting out a sigh and shuffling impatiently on his seat.

“Seven hells Jon what is wrong with you today, stop acting like a child. Richards more mature that you and your twelve years his senior. Besides you’ve not even been knighted yet, I’ll make you squire for Jamie if you don’t stop complaining, you’re lucky you’re even competing today.” Jamie burst out laughing at Theo’s response, just from the shocked look of Jon. Richard let out a little giggle.

“Please don’t make me a squire, I want to compete.” Jon shouted to Theo close to getting on his knees and begging.

“Then shut up.” Theo replied, as he let out a little laugh shaking his head at his brother, looking like he was close to breaking down. He turned back around moving his body about, testing his armour to see if it was fitted properly and that nothing was loose. “Good job Richard. Anyway if you do well today, I might find a smith in King’s Landing who would be willing to make you a new suit of armour.”

“Really?” Jon stood up shouting the question, his eyes wide open with joy and a massive smile on his face.

“Yes.” Theo said smiling at his brother. “Only if you do well… and only if you start acting chivalrous, you’re representing our house. I don’t want people getting the wrong opinion of us if you’re acting like a spoiled brat. You understand?” Theo told his brother with a firm look on his face.

“Yes I understand.” Jon said, trying to act serious but not being able to contain his excitement kept letting out a little smile.

“Good. Now get ready. I'm going for a walk and having a look at the grounds.” Theo told everyone in the room as he headed for the exit.

“Do you need me to come with you my Lord?” Jamie asked before he left.

“No I’ll be fine on my own, look after him and make sure he doesn't get into trouble.” Theo pointing at Jon. He nodded his head at everyone then left the tent. When he walked outside he realized how warm the day had gotten. He looked around to see his horse tied up to the side, Theo walked over to the massive war horse and started to stroke his ear. “You okay fella. Ready for today?” The horse let out a little whinny as Theo continued to scratch him behind the ear. His coat was a light grey with the odd patches of white. Theo then gave one final scratch and left. The ground keepers were doing their final preparations as Theo arrived at the tourney grounds. He walked over to a plank fence and rested his arms on it and started to think of the day to come, it’s going to be a long day.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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King Daeron Targaryen of Westeros

Daeron sat, bored, next to John. He was waiting for the okay to begin the tourney. He'd been king for only one day and yet, he was sure that this was some kind of joke. John had run his whores out of the castle, brought him to wait in this heat, and then given him a speech about conduct. He was not very happy. Finally, John nodded to him, signalling that the tourney could begin. Daeron gave a wave and a horn sounded. "Let the King's Tourney begin!" shouted a knight. Daeron knew the young Lord Frey would be competing first, and Lord Connington after him. He knew the two were experienced warriors, and was excited to see what would happen if they both got to the end.

Lady Gemma Baraetheon of Storm's End

Gemma was shocked when a man, obviously of some Dothraki blood, sat down next to her. She listened to his speech, looking ahead the whole time. She couldn't be seen conspiring. With a sellsword. Once he was done she spoke quietly out of the side of her mouth. "Tell me Vaz, when was the last time a single sellsword won a war. What else will you bring to our cause?" The tourney began which was good. The chances of their conversation being overheard when swords were clashing and hooves were stomping was unlikely.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheDarkTemplar
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TheDarkTemplar Knight-Captain

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Vaz Varrako
Vaz smirked at the Baraetheon girl's response, of course he alone wouldn't guarantee her the throne. "See that's just it, you aren't just getting me you will have access to my friends all over Westeros and some even in Essos. You'll need men right? I can't provide an army but I can provide sellswords, spies, and even some assassins. You'll need a bodyguard too once you go public with this and that's where I come in. All this for...you know what let's make it free for now. All you have to do is provide housing and food. So m'lady, do we have a deal?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by josephb
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Lord Theo Connington of Griffin's Roost

Theo leaned against the fence watching his young squire triple checking the horse’s saddle. His opponent, some knight distantly related to the Rowan family, still hadn’t turned up.

The crowd were starting to get restless until Davos Rowan barged into the ground trotting up to his position with his squire running after him with three lances in hand. He was an overweight middle aged man with a scruffy appearance. The knight roared to his squire "Keep up you blundering idiot!" The squire was easily older than Theo with a dopey look about him, it was hard to tell whether he was just out of breath from chasing the knight or close to crying or even both. The knight was swaying about on his horse.

"Well this should be easy." Theo said with a smile on his face before jumping up onto his horse. He grabbed his hair and put it into a pony tail. "Helmet... thank you... gauntlets... good man."

As he finished putting on his gauntlets a man shouted. "Knights to your positions."

"Pass me the lance Richard." Theo with the lance in hand waited for the flag to drop, it took another couple of minutes for the other knight to get into position, who was blaming his troubles on the squire. “Be glad I’m not like him lad.” Richard a few yards to the side of him looked up and smiled. The crowd was starting to get louder with anticipation. As soon as the flag dropped Theo nudged his horse into a fast gallop. He was aiming for the Knights head hoping to knock the old man off his horse in the first round. Theo had a good speed coming down the lane and his lance was steady unlike the other man whose lance was waving everywhere. The connection was exactly what Theo wanted, smashing the man in his face, a massive ringing sound was heard all over the grounds as the knight flew back off his horse and crashed into the floor with the helmet flying even further than him. The crowds started to scream with excitement.

“Lord Theo Connington wins and advances to the next round!” This was heard all around the grounds as Theo slowed his horse down to a trot and took his helmet off. He turned his horse around to see if the knight was fine. He was rolling around on the floor with his squire panicking next to him. Well at least he’s not dead, Theo thought. He moved on a bit and stopped the horse close to where the king sat and bowed. Then turned his horse around and celebrated with the fans.
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