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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

... Though, I suppose there are times in the series where people claim "It is too late for me" despite the presence of staffs, so I suppose wounds to particular internal organs are unhealable or something. Don't really know about that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nightmare Bunny
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Nightmare Bunny An Organized Magical Girl

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I just realized that you asked me to resize my image a while back... and I have no idea how to do that. I don't think I have Paint on my computer?!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Harbringer
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Harbringer Death to Asgard!

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Happen to have space for one more?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nightmare Bunny
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Nightmare Bunny An Organized Magical Girl

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'm not the GM, but we have exactly one accepted character, so I think Platinum would agree with me when I say that there is definitely room for you to join.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Draconfound
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Draconfound Bringer of Pun

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Habit

Like this, but wearing a white, period-appropriate suit
Gender: Male
Nation: Originally from Jehanna, but does not feel attached to any nation.
Class: Thief
Weapon Mastery: C
Level: 5
Background: Habit spent most of his early life in the shadow of his younger brother. His brother was an extremely talented musician, and in a family of musical genius this earned him all of his parents' attention. Habit, on the other hand, could never keep a rhythm or hold a tune with any instrument. He could whistle like no other, but of course his parents didn't care about that. Even after his father was killed by monsters and he had to care for his mother, ill with a wasting disease, she still showed no compassion toward him. In fact, her last words to Habit before she passed away were "watch over your brother". And so he did. He watched quietly from the shadows as his brother achieved fame and fortune. He protected his brother from the consequences of his drunken escapades. And when his brother's career entered a downward spiral, causing him to amass great dept to a clan of bandits, Habit took the fall for him, offering ten years of his life in service to the bandits in exchange for his brother's safety.
He started out as an "accountant" of sorts, counting the loot and parceling it out to those who had earned it, but the leader of the bandits soon learned that Habit was completely incapable of saying no, especially to women such as herself, and she soon had Habit performing more and more incorrigible tasks. It was because of this that she discovered Habit's amazing natural talent as a Thief. His dexterous fingers, trained in the handling of even the most complex instruments, handled both lockpick and blade with ease. He became her go-to for any task of a difficult nature, and soon found himself as her second-in-command. It was, however, inevitable that someday she would push him too far. The one thing Habit would never do is harm a woman- physically, at least- and after having been asked, and failing, to do this, he fled the clan, becoming a refugee from these terrible bandits. He first tried to return to his brother, now extremely wealthy and living in a large manor. His brother refused to see him, claiming that now he was a dirty thief. The man for whom he had been forced into this lifestyle now despised him because of it. The man he had cared for and protected for years had rejected him.
Habit was extremely disheartened, but knew that he had to move on. He couldn't stop moving, or the bandits would find him and seek to reclaim him. He traversed the continent, never staying in one place for too long. He still had quite the reputation of a thief, and was never short on offers for work of that kind wherever he went, so he managed to get by. He has promised his services to hundreds of clients, and allegiance to multiple rulers, even when their desires have conflicted with each other. But he works on his own schedule now, and he decides which jobs get done and when. This makes him the perfect opportunist. Anywhere he goes, he has a multitude of potential jobs already accepted, ripe for the picking. One job, though, offers him far more than any other. Enough money to finally settle his debt to the bandits, to finally stop running, to finally settle down and make good on one of the offers of marriage he has made to the many women he has courted. And this job is to steal the Fire Emblem.
Plot-Susceptive: Yes
Equipment and Items: Iron Sword, Bullion
Personality: Snarky, sarcastic, but calm and calculating. Is very submissive, especially around members of the opposite gender.
-A potent womanizer
-Hates hearing music, because it reminds him of his family life.
-Whistles very skillfully whenever he is concentrating on a task, without realizing it
-Very fickle when it comes to his true allegiances, and secretive about his past and his intentions, not afraid to lie about either
R-button Summarization: A Thief hailing from Jehanna who seems unable to refuse any task.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

I just realized that you asked me to resize my image a while back... and I have no idea how to do that. I don't think I have Paint on my computer?!

*snicker* Alright, leave that to me, then.

Happen to have space for one more?

Alright, I'll admit, if ALL that had expressed interest were to join at this point, it would become somewhat many. But, yeah, I'll go ahead and say yes. Welcome~


Nice suit for a fantasy-land. Or perhaps that's not the kind of suit you're referring to. ... And white is an absolutely awesome color for a thief. XD ... Yikes, the sprite for the thief class doesn't look like it suits this classy thief. XD

Wow. Pretty skilled and high level compared to what is expected of thief just joining at the start, but you did mention him being a genius and he does appear to have experience. Considering the nature of thieves in combat, I do believe it is acceptable.

That giant paragraph of your backstory was a bit heavy, think you can split it up into two? With like, two enter presses or such?

... Heh. I can see what you're planning here. Fortunately, we know for sure we have at least one female. Yeah, that is acceptable~

Yepp, I see no problems. I'm disappointed Habit's Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other field didn't mention the word "habit" but suppose the whistling is exactly that. Habit is accepted~
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Draconfound
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Draconfound Bringer of Pun

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Habit is accepted~

So I should re-post his info under the Characters tab?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

So I should re-post his info under the Characters tab?

Go for it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

I will make a character soonish. I'm just lazy and busy
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

I will make a character soonish. I'm just lazy and busy

Alright, then.

@Nightmare Bunnyhttp://i.imgur.com/RjUSZd1.png

I put the link to the larger image on clicking on the smaller one, here. Clicking "View Raw" should get you how I did it if you're unsure.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nightmare Bunny
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Nightmare Bunny An Organized Magical Girl

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


What-- but how? Could this be… witchcraft? I've never seen such terrifying magic...

Habit was completely incapable of saying no, especially to women

Oh, I get it. So basically a woman has to recruit him?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Penultimate_Pi


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Damn it. I want to join, but I'm torn between trying to take up the Lord class or just being a starting Knight with a greater purpose.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Damn it. I want to join, but I'm torn between trying to take up the Lord class or just being a starting Knight with a greater purpose.

Completely up to you. Of course, if any of those who are intending something but haven't posted their intentions yet want to lay claim to such a thing, they should probably say so we don't get any inconsistencies. Well, that can always happen, anyways. Having characters that are somehow connected to one another is also amusing, just sometimes difficult to arrange. Oh, well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

What-- but how? Could this be… witchcraft? I've never seen such terrifying magic...

Thanks for changing it~ ... Heh-heh, the magical power of Paint... It can rule entire worlds if used correctly...

Edit: Note to self, make sure to actually be in the edit-mode when intending to edit a post so you don't post another accidentally.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nightmare Bunny
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Nightmare Bunny An Organized Magical Girl

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Wow... I'm excited about this! I can't wait until we have enough characters to start :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Harbringer
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Harbringer Death to Asgard!

Member Seen 8 yrs ago



Standing at 6' 0" with emerald gentle eyes and sandy brown hair framing a handsome face, Archibald's is seemingly locked into a relaxed smile at all times. His long hair cascades over his right eye, and indeed, the majority of the right side of his face, giving him a mysterious, if somewhat unkept air about him, almost as if he's hiding something... Wearing a mix of form fitting linen underclothing, leather straps and pads and animal furs under a forest green cloak, it takes little wonder to guess what his home environment is. A tattered black and red bracer over his left arm protects it from his own bowstring while weathered brown leather boots afford him comfortable movement.

Apparent Age:
Early twenties teenager


Lawless, but Grado.


Weapon Mastery:
Bows: C


Most people would call Archibald a bandit, a thief, a scoundrel, an urchin, and all other manner of unsavoury names, and yet others would call him a saint, a saviour and a hero. He himself considers himself none of these, simply a person going through life trying to make it better for others...by redistributing the wealth of other people. Among Grado's officials and investigation force, his name is a byword for poaching, and yet he is low on the priority list. This is most likely due to the fact that compared to the other roaming bands of bandits out there, Archibald and his merry misfits are relatively peaceful, having caused extremely few human casualties in their operations. While it may seem that he simply does this out of the kindness of his heart, he actually does this as a form of petty spite.

Years ago, Grado underwent a famine which hit specific areas harder than others. With each county ruled by a lord or an equivalent, they were meant to send relief supplies out to sustain the outlying villages as they attempted to resow the failed harvest. Only, it didn't happen. For days Archibald's village waited for the telltale clacking of a horsedrawn cart but the roads remained clear and silent. People starved in the streets and in their homes, resorting to eating rodents and poisonous weeds. Finally, having had enough, Archibald's father took him to the big city to ask for aid, his father confident in the better side of mankind. What they saw in the Lord's castle instantly crushed all hope. A corpulent blob was seated on the velvet throne, mocking all those who appealed to him, throwing half chewed bones at him and his father as they pleaded. The area around the castle was lush and filled with pheasants and the like. And yet he refused to send supplies. Disheartened, he and his father left for the village once more to deliver the news.

Headstrong and unwilling to accept this, Archibald snuck out one night with his father's bow and entered the lord's forest during the darkest time. Avoiding the torchlight of the guards, he proceeded to poach not one, not two but three pheasants, shooting them out of their roosts in the treetops. Growing greedy, he approached his fourth only to have a hand reach out and grab his back firmly. In less than a second he felt a searing brand slap him across the face, searing hsi flesh and melting it like wax. Though he screamed, the pain didn't stop. The guard drew a dagger to finish the poacher off but as he slashed Archibald pivoted, the blade running through his cheek and scoring his eyelids before slicing off a portion of his face, leaving him permanently disfigured. Leaving with two pheasants in hand, he stumbled away into the forest, blood dripping down his mutilated head.

When he returned home he came upon the realisation that he would most likely be hunted and, knowing the personality of their lord, would most likely have his entire village be executed for his actions. Leaving the two pheasants at his parent's door, he stole some bandages and proceeded to steal his way into the night. Come morning, he inspected the damage to his face. The right cheek was almost entirely missing, revealing a disturbing rictus grin and the white of bone. His eye bore a vertical scar that almost bisected both of his eyelids, with his sclera turning red from damage. In short, he looked like a terrifying daemon out of his village's storybooks. Committing himself to exile, Archibald accepted that he would never look normal again...but he could make the ones who made him like this pay. Gathering a group of like-minded people, they began to raid forests and farms owned by selfish lords, redistributing the food to those less fortunate. Covering the mutilated side of his face, he began to become something of a folk hero to the local villages who were just starting to recover from the famine, and a pain in the arse to the local garrisons.

Fast forward to current time and Archibald has become a giant prick in the side of Grado's aristocrats who regularly have caravans raided at bowpoint. Half of the wealth is removed and given to the less fortunate. Unable to ignore the plight of the downtrodden, Archibald bears a distinct hatred of nobility and the like, even more so when they are unable to defend themselves.


Equipment and Items:
Iron Bow X 1
Vulnerary X 1
Door Key X 1

Archibald can best be described as a lazy free spirit. Carefree and easy going, he would rather nap in the bough of a tree than chase a caravan...and yet he chases it for the benefit of others. He does whatever he likes to do whenever he wants to regardless of social conformity, whether it be patting a fair maiden on the head as he passes or kneeing a particularly annoying lordling in the groin as he berates the 'bandit' for taking his dowry. And then, of course, his personality shifts if he parts his hair the opposite way. Becoming a demonic force with the fury of a snake pit, his arrows seem to grow barbs as he fires, leaving his enemies squirming in agony. Thankfully he tends not to do this for fear of ruining his image and seems to be a voluntary shift more than anything else.

Ability Assessment:
As a skilled archer, Archibald has high skill with his bow, allowing him to pick out, hit and eliminate targets with precision. Factor in his speed and you have an efficient long range assassin capable of felling any foe not wearing a suit of plate armor. Of course, Archibald is not a jack of all trades. With low defense and resistance, Archibald is something of a glass cannon, and with his right eye covered he actually has a very narrow field of vision, but anything within that field is very likely about to be peppered with arrows. This means taht Archibald usually enjoys company to watch his back.

- He's a boy in his early teens...he's quite interested in the opposite gender, but most usually run away when they push his hair aside. However, he must admit that he does enjoy terrifying his friends and new recruits alike. (Note: Actually quite shy when interacting with the opposite gender)
- Has voluntary bipolar
- Enjoys chewing a sweet, sticky resin that hardens into a gum that is found in trees native to Grado. Has a jar of this resin in his pouch
- Dislikes authorities and authoritarian characters, particularly nobility.
- Speaks with a lazy drawl
- A little scared of the occult. By a little I mean he's terrified of ghosts and the like

R-button Summarization:
A friendly poacher who wanders around Grado with his merry band of bandits. Has a hidden dark side.

Accept now and get a free Archibald trading card!

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Draconfound
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Draconfound Bringer of Pun

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Oh, I get it. So basically a woman has to recruit him?

Either that or he'd have to find out you guys have the Fire Emblem and join with the intent to steal it
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Harbringer
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Harbringer Death to Asgard!

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Draconfound
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Draconfound Bringer of Pun

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Also, question- will we be fighting the monsters you mentioned, or just enemy humans?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nightmare Bunny
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Nightmare Bunny An Organized Magical Girl

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Holy crap, those trading cards are cool!

Everyone's characters are so much stronger than mine... At this rate, Calico's going to end up being left in the dust T-T
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