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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BlueAjah
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BlueAjah Dance The Night Away

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Guinevere's intended peaceful morning had been whisked away alone with yesterday's. I really have no luck during the beginning of the day... First a dream killing flower had magically appeared on her pillow and now one of her close friends had disappeared. Thanks to being the daughter of the mayor, Guinevere was first to hear all the details. It wasn't long before she had established a plan. Sitting around waiting for search parties would drive her insane. No, of course she'd search for Alixanna herself.

Due to Guinevere constantly visiting the clinic because of various wounds, the two had established a close friendship. She was actually the only female friend Guinevere had. Guinevere couldn't stay long around other girls her age with their talks of romance and marriage, she would go faint before long! Alixanna was not only extremely intelligent but kind as well, something Guinevere admired of her. After packing a bag of clothes, food, and other random supplies needed, Guinevere dressed in her armor and attached her sword at her hip. Just in case, Guinevere also wrote a note explaining her plan and not to worry for her father. If the man thought she had been kidnapped too, Guinevere didn't even want to think about it. It was just best to tell him she was fine. Signing it, Guinevere began the first part of her plan.

Step one. Find Varric.
What adventure wasn't complete without your best friend? Plus, Varric's magic, while annoying at times, was powerful and would be a great asset to the mission. Thankfully, Marion Dawnleaf had happily told Guinevere where Varric could be found, in fact, she had been a little too excited to tell her.

Making her way to the tavern, Guinevere made sure to look like she belonged. Sneaking around town would only cause suspicious and it wouldn't be long before her father found out. She knew he'd eventually figure his daughter was missing but she just wanted that time to be after she had been long gone. Thanks to the current town meeting, the tavern was fairly and empty and not even Varric's mother was here. Extremely grateful, Guinevere walked up to Varric's room.

"Varric?" She called out knocking on the door, "Your mom told me you were still sleeping, I'm coming in, okay?" She called out before swinging open the door and stepping into his room. Huge mistake. Instead of one man snoozing away, there were two. Neither wearing their nightclothes.

"Oh my. Oh my. I didn't see anything, I... Oh god, I saw everything!" A red blush covered her entire face as she shut her eyes tight. Turning around, she raced straight to the door, hoping to escape this nightmare. Instead, she smashed her against the door and fell backwards, crashing to the floor. A spur of curses escaped her mouth. It wasn't surprsing to find Ezra with Varric, Marion had already hinted at them the night before but she hadn't expected to see them this close together-literally. This seriously wasn't happening. Please tell me this isn't real. Pinch me someone. Guinevere opened her eyes only to leave Varric's wretched bedroom, scarred for the rest of her live. New plan! New plan!

Step one. Find Varric. Find Aldric.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarl
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Snarl Pls fight me

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Angar

They had been walking for the better part of an hour- with each step the forest around them grew more gnarled within itself. The trees grew to monstrous heights in this part of the Angar- the roots jutted out of the ground to obscure the carts passage at times. Sunlight was scarce on the forest floor- splotlights of it scattered here and there- but the distances in between could make any traveller weary of what takes refuge in the dark. For the most part- their passage was met with little threat.

The woman walked alongside the mule and scarcely paid any mind to her burden in the cart. She spoke to the mule every now and then- scolding it for being so careless with a rock or stopping to eat something. The cloak was obviously enchanted with illusion magic to obscure her features- one could see that she was beautiful- but could not remember the color of her eyes or the curve of her mouth. In fact- if one were to look away entirely- they would begin to forget her face altogether. Her voice was odd, also, for its accent changed often. She spoke like a royal of the north, then a peasant of the valley, only to then settle into the thick drawl of the coast. This, too, was due to the magic of her cloak to protect her identity. No doubt this was the reason for her companions departure- for his cloak did not carry the same benefits.

Soon enough they were bathed in sunlight as they breached a clearing in the forest. It was small, merely the size of the cart itself, and was home to a thick blanket of flowers. The mule gorged itself on these as the woman turned toward the cart for the first time since departing.

"Wake up, child." She commanded in the voice of courtly maiden in waiting. After a moment she snapped the blanket off of her and placed her hand on the girls face, the black bile reacted to her touch and slithered up her arm. The woman looked Alixanna over for any bruises. When she was satisified that the damage was minimum she spoke thus,

"We are at the edge of the woodland. Beyond this point we will be entering the bog. It is here that my master sleeps. I will present you to him and he will judge you. Speak to him and he will bestow revelation upon you. But exercise caution- for his moods are tempestuous in nature."

At this she walked back to her mule and draped his back with the blanket. They continued on for a few minutes until the forest began to fall away and the ground became soggier. Pools of water, stagnant and green, popped up here and there.

"We have arrived." she announced before returning to Alixanna and guiding her off of the cart, to the edge of the water. With a finger her captor pointed off toward the center of the pool of water,

"Look. He awaits us."

Upon looking, one would have been unable to see whatever the woman saw, but then it moved. What had earlier been assumed to be a massive rock covered in moss- opened its eyes. The moss creature stood on all fours. Water dripped off of its fur and mane. The swamp lion parted its jaws as it looked hungrily at the women,


The monsters voice was that of a demon. Deep and dry, with predatorial undertones. It was part snarl and part curse. The scylera of its eyes were black- the irises shined a flame umber.

"My lord. My dread king." She called out to him, "I've brought another child. I believe this time- she is the one that you seek."

The lion said nothing. It simply edged closed until its black nose was inches from Alixanna's face and its face filled her view,

"Does my witch... speak the truth, child? Will your soul cleanse mine?"

The woman beside Alixanna was in awe,

"See for yourself. She is a healer. A pure child who works only to aid others."

At this point the lion opened its eyes wide as it locked on to Alixanna's. They meant to hypnotize her as he spoke,

"Yes. Yes I believe you are right. I can see her soul. I want it." He turned his gaze on the captor, who avoided his gaze,

"Take her away and prepare her. Return her when she is ready."

The cloaked woman bowed her head low,

"Yes, dread king. In 3 days time, we shall return."

And with that the lion returned to the depths of the bog, the water swallowing it up whole.

The woman stood beside Alixanna now and looked at her,

"I will give you a five minute headstart." She said,

"My job here is done. Once you leave the bog then you are Ogars problem. He will be expecting you in my cart- but fear does a body good. And he's always been one for the chase."

She turned away and climbed on to her mule, who begrudgingly began to trot on out of the bog. Leaving Alixanna amongst the weeping willows and croaking toads.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Narcotic Dollie
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Narcotic Dollie Weasel Wrangler

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alixanna flinched when the blanket was pulled off, trying to shy away from the other presence. Before the medic could completely recoil, a hand covered her face and the toxic sludge retreated. The process left her gasping greedily as her lungs were finally able to draw in unobstructed breaths once more. When her pupils had contracted enough for Alixanna to be able to focus, the brunette tried to take in her captor. 'Gorgeous,' her mind supplied, unhelpfully. She couldn't quite pin down the details of her face. 'Must be magic,' the doctor's daughter thought as her captor looked her over. Alixanna swallowed hard as the other told her that they are going to see her master.

Then the wagon began to move again and the healer was left to stare up at the tree tops. They continue like this for a while, until they stopped and the woman returned. She untied Alixanna’s feet, but left her hands bound before leading her out of the back of the cart, her grip surprisingly gentle. “Look. He awaits us,” her captor said, voice changing timbre as she gestured to the center of the bog.

Alixanna shifted her gaze to the middle of swamp and didn't see anything at first. “Wha--,” the teen started to ask, her voice still scratchy, but then she saw it, a beast that stood as tall as a man, covered in the marshland’s foliage and its jowls parted, revealing yellowed and impossibly sharp teeth. ’God’s have mercy,’ she thought, transfixed by the monster. It spoke to the other woman, but the only words that registered were ‘dread king’.

The lion drew closer, his snout almost pressed against her face as he asked, "Does my witch... speak the truth, child? Will your soul cleanse mine?"

Alixanna stared into the creature’s eyes and reflected in the evil orbs were only death and misery. The medic trembled. The witch said something else and the dread king’s eyes widened, pinning Alixanna where she stood. A wave of nausea fell over her and Alixanna’s mind was filled with images of the lion feasting on young maidens and crushing the skulls of children in his hideous jaws, all while they were still crying for their mothers. The beast looked away and Alixanna bit her lip so hard to keep from screaming that she could taste blood.

The dread king disappeared into the bog’s depths and the cloaked woman said, "I will give you a five minute headstart."

Alixanna waited until the woman and her cart are almost out of sight, trying to even out her breathing so she didn't pass out. ’I’ll never out run anybody like this,’ she thought, her toes flexing in the damp clay. ’Barefoot, hands tied, and this nightdress is like a gods damn beacon,’ Alixanna sneered down at the nightgown as if it were to blame for this situation.

Disoriented, Alixanna picked a direction and started walking, struggling to be brisk and keep her balance at the same time. A broken tree branch scratched her bicep and she hissed, glancing down at the torn material of her sleeve and the blood that flowed from the small wound. She felt the warm buzz of her magic as her skin glowed a pale gold and started to knit together, but the blood was still vibrant against the white of her nightdress.

It gave her an idea.

Alixanna rammed her shoulder as hard as she could against the sharp point of the broken branch, forcing it to pierce her flesh and create a deep gorge. “Hurhg,” she hummed through the pain, concentrating on stopping the magic that naturally bubbled forth to stop the bleeding. “The rangers can’t miss this,” she murmured as she ran the injured shoulder over the trunk of a willow tree, leaving behind a smear of blood. This Ogar person would surely see it too, but they were going to catch her anyways.

Alixanna continued walking; smearing her blood over every tree and bush she passed by.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Adorabadass


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

When Varric entered the main floor of the tavern, there was drama bubbling.

He yawned and stretched. He had just spent about five minutes listening to a story by Ezra. A rather silly story about a contessa street fighter who apparently gained the love of two minor nobles by drop kicking a shark.

Varric wondered about Ezra, then. For a little while they had kinda...skirted the line.

I mean, of course they fucked. Varric was pretty sure he'd made Ezra's lips bleed, Varric STILL wasn't walking straight, and Varric's whole neck was just one giant hickey, as did Ezra.

But actual emotion?

Varric liked Ezra. The man was his friend. He genuinely cared about him. But...it was the same issue with the flowers.

Varric didn't WANT to settle down. Maybe someday, but he had years till that would be okay.

From the chaos, Varric learned that Alixanna was missing. Varric quickly thought back. After a moment, he frowned.

This wasn't one of his pranks. He wasn't going to turn Alixanna invisible until tomorrow.

Oh Sweet Petal Princes. He formed a plan.

Step One, Find Guinevere
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Narcotic Dollie
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Narcotic Dollie Weasel Wrangler

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Ezra chuckled as Guinevere flushed prettily, waggling his eyebrows to make the whole situation seem more lewd. "Oh my. Oh my. I didn't see anything, I... Oh god, I saw everything," the mayor's daughter squeaked before attempting a hasty retreat. Naturally, she ran straight into the door and fell flat on her lovely ass. Guinevere righted herself and fled again, successfully this time, her face redder than ever. Ezra cackled madly in her wake. It really was too easy to fuck with that girl.

Ezra stomped his way down the stairs a little after Varric left, only to find the tavern in complete pandemonium. "Hey," the youth says, reaching a hand out to grip the arm of a passing tavern wench. "What's happening here?"

"You haven't heard!?" The redhead, a girl he'd screwed last week, asked excitedly, reveling in telling him the latest bit of juicy gossip. "The doctor's daughter went missing last night. The fog took her, just like all them other folk."

"The fog?" Ezra asked, which made the tavern girl shoot him an incredulous look.

"You know, that fog that rolls in whenever someone else is 'bout to get snatched? It's been showing up on and off for at least five months now. People are startin' to blame black magic."

'Why didn't I know about that?' Ezra wondered as he released his grip on the girl's arm. "Thanks, Emelda."

"It's Esperanza," the redhead huffed, glaring at the curly haired boy as he retreated. Ezra threw her a nonchalant wave as he exited the tavern in search of some food. 'I'll have to see what Gada knows about the fog when I get home,' the boy mused. Ezra started to pass by the clinic, but stopped when he glanced at the front door. It is a bright white and a cross has been painted neatly in red on its center. A strange prickly feeling wells up behind his eyes. "What the shit?" He curses to himself, rubbing his face violently as the feeling intensifies. In a matter of moments, Ezra is doubled over on the ground, clutching his face in his hands.

"This one had magic, too," Ezra says, staring down at Alixanna's sleeping form. The fog has put the healer in a deep slumber, completely defenseless against the on coming attack. Somewhere outside of the room, there is another person who is urging him to be quiet and hurry up.

Ezra grips Alixanna's face harshly, the black bile crawling down his arm and into her mouth and nose. The medic makes a gasping sound and spasms, her eyes wide as she begins to choke--

Ezra retched and spewed forth some of the toxic black bile. "Fuckshitgodsdamn," he wheezed, trying to stand up on wobbly legs. The youth knew somehow that the vision was not a fever dream, but his missing memory of last night before he had crawled into bed with Varric. "What have I done?" He groaned, pulling at his curls so hard that it hurt. "What is happening to me?"

The twenty one year old takes a deep breath and clamped his eyes shut, trying to get a hold of himself. "Varric will help me," he whispered to himself when he could think clearly again. The nature magician was the closet thing he had to a best friend, he had to know what to do.

Ezra wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and set out to find Varric.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 3 days ago

-Laciel Lenssed-

Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. Laciel had awoken from a tranquil slumber fraught with heavenly dreams and delightful ideas before waking up. This left him in a rather satisfied mood as he popped his neck, allowing the gas withithey ligaments to escape. He let out a soft yawn as he stared out the window, a new day was about to be born as the crack on the horizon danced with magnificent little red flames. It was rather early for most, but to him he was a tinge bit late on performing his daily duties. The boy went to work, preparing himself for the new day, throwing on his clothes after cleaning up, all with creating breakfast. After creating his share and eating it, he sought to make his own mother a warm meal once she woke up as it would be rather pleasant for her to fill her belly.

With that said and done, the boy set to work on his usual endeavors, hammering away to meld the mettle metal into a new form stromg enough to either slice or smash. Laciel stared down the glowing form as he whistled the song that Varric had sung yesterday after the rather awkward encounter. He did enjoy the legends and ballads though as it quelled his thirst and left his mind saturated. As the boy worked at the glowing forge in the early recesses, he wiped some of the sweat off of his face with a familiar rag that appeared gray in tint and worn out. With a solemn sigh, he continued to hammer away at the dangerous new creation.

As he forged new weapons, giving life to unliving things from the earth, the boy could only ponder on the possibilities of the path Guinevere and Varric were going down. As he silently worked in wonder, he was unaware of a tragedy that befell the village and in due time he would come to know of it. Before he knew it, his ignorance became apparent but dispersed into the remaining mist in a stroke of time as he found himself in the midst of people within the tavern, his mother occupying the same space.

Normally he would either be reading up on tales of old or nonfiction books, maybe doing a bit of shopping or lurking around but this was a rather serial moment. His eyes darted around the tavern with a morbid curiosity as he studied the area inconspicuously. The air around seemed tense and invoked a sense of peculiar mystification of some mysterious unwelcomed wonder. The Doctor didn't fair too well either as he appeared to be a horrid mess and seemed to tremble with anguish. The mayor didn't speak a lick and people were at it, chattering away at the myriads of possibilities, ranging from realistic ideas to otherworldly rumors that friends would speak of.

"This whole crowd seems excitable and on the brink of almost going haywire on trying to find Ali. If I can recall, I've seen a few men here whole pledged their love to the young woman all while I was testing a bulk of her concoctions... I think I threw up on one of them in the process of testing one of them. All in all, not the point - she is my friend and... and I can't just leave her to rot. She has performed so much for the town and has earned a lot of love from many. I know my mother may deem it dangerous, but I need to assist in finding her some how."

As the boy let the buds of determination sprout as he listened to the mayors everlasting words, beseaching the whole village about the search for a lost girl. The man lacked any sort of clue or idea to where she was stolen away to, he began organizing search parties in preperation for searching for her. The store would be most likely busy after this as the mass of people appeared even more frantic after the end of a rousing speech. All in all, it would be a nightmare to leave the forge for a second, but thankfully they locked up before heading there... well, he did since bandits would probably become opportunists in the next couple of minutes if ever learning of the group of people amassing in one area, leaving a few places vurnerable. In short, they all became open to any sort of a bus in due part to the organized panic. In short, if someone didn't calm the place down it might turn into an organized lynching of sorts with a destructive mob mentality until Alixiannas return.

"Uhm, I know it's going to possibly be a busy day mother, but i'm going to take off from working at the forge for tbe day and assist in searching for any lingering clues that the perpatrators could of left. The quicker we can find Alixianna, the quicker chance that she will come back to her parents arms... Apologies, but I can't just abandon her..."

As the boy timidly spoke to his mother, he didn't seem to lack determination in his voice. If anything, he had an idea of who might of seen something out of the ordinary last night, but he needed to ready up for this grueling task he would discretely task part in before seeing Illya. The boy pivoted around as he looked downwards at the wooden bellow as he strode out of the general area. In short, he hoped his mother would understand why he was going to take such drastic actions on the off chance he was discovered by her after his plotting. In the next few seconds, he broke into a dash for the forge, passing the many people who were in a sense of panic.

Upon reaching the forge, he unlocked the door and made a mad dash upstairs into his room, the cogs in his head still spinning. Lying in wait in a corner was his attire for going into battle, or so he would of done if his mother didn't stop him consistently. Thankfully, the manniquen didn't need to use if for the worth while and now it just wpuldn't be consigned to a life of decor or sparring. The same went for his personalized greatsword which hung on a rack above his collection of books. Being as careful as he could, the boy stood on the tips of his toes as he carefully slipped his hand onto the hilt of the blade before bringing it to his level. With everything gathered into one place, he began to suit up as quick as he could.

"Hopefully Illya doesn't mind me coming on in dressed like this... even more so her mother."

As the boy finished his preparations, he slid the huge sword into the sheath located on the back of his armor before stepping out of his home. With a few coins, a key to his home, and everything else, he closed the place off and began his journey to the Thieves Landing, in search of information his friend might of had from last night if she was out on one of her heists... heck, maybe he could coax her an recruit her to help, even though he further feared for her safety if he was to include her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Illya Vance

The mist rolled over the forest floor, mottled shades of grey and green, heavy and dense though the young woman sat in a tree above the deep grey fog that terrified the village she couldn’t see. Earlier that night Illya had left for the manse not far from the village where a young lord was staying and having sent for her though it wasn’t for what she had been expecting. He’d wanted sex, which she wasn’t opposed to giving, but not a death for his gold. He’d seen her and asked if she would go to the capital with him and her response, as it always was with men, was a laugh and snide remark. She had been there and won, learned and killed what could easily have mounted to thousands of innocents and guilty alike without as much as batting an eye. It wasn’t what she’d expected; the young lord was stronger than he looked and it was the early reaches of dawn that she had been able to leave, having snuck out while he was sleeping with his gold in her pocket and a note on his bedside table. He really would have to try harder if he wanted her all to himself.

After an hour or so of walking she had come closer to the village, dressed not in her armor but a black and violet silk and velvet dress that she had been gifted a year before, since it had been a meeting and not a mission tonight though it didn’t last long as she saw the fog beginning to roll in and knew the tales the villagers told about the green mist. She climbed above the bank in one of the many trees of the Angar, leafy and easily hiding the small rogue from sight while she crouched in one of the many branches. Too bad it ruined the hem of her dress and scratched up her bare legs and arms; the outfit wasn’t exactly appropriate for the townsfolk though her clientele seemed to like it.

The fog rolled in below her and rolled out just the same without her having seen a single thing inside it though she heard the sound of a carriage and a muffled cry though it could easily have been anyone from the village. Little did she know it was poor little Alixianna that they had been kidnapping while the young woman crouched in the bows of the tree branches. When the fog finally rolled away and burned off in the morning light, Illya dropped down onto the dry leaves and twigs to find a pair of carriage tracks driving away from her though, unlike most other people in the town, she did not follow them – she was being paid. With a huff she stepped away from the tree and headed off toward her home again though, like the day before, there was someone waiting for her. This time though, it was a friendly face instead of one who continued to try to sleep with her.

“Laciel? What are you doing at my house?”

Illya stood not too far from where he was walking, her arms crossed beneath her chest and an eyebrow raised in question as she looked at the blacksmith’s son. He was taller than her normally, even though he was relatively small for a male around here but given the greatsword on his back and her experience with him she knew that he was stronger than he looked. It was strange because he may have been one of the few boys she’d met that didn’t try to seduce her or buy her; instead he cared enough to try to sway her from her current path of life even though it was all she cared enough to know. The hem of her dress was torn and hung around her knees, swishing lightly as her hips slipped to the side teasingly while her pale arms were cut in a few places though there was one nasty gash on her left calf that she hadn’t bothered to try to cover up at all.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlueAjah
Avatar of BlueAjah

BlueAjah Dance The Night Away

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Guinevere rushed from the tavern, heading in any random direction. Anywhere was better than there. A cold sweat soon broke out on her face as she raced through the town. It wasn't until she was long gone from Varric's bedroom did she finally stop to catch her breath. Bloody hell....What did I just witness? Guinevere shook her head violently, hoping the image of Ezra and Varric would escape her mind forever. There wasn't time to dwell on such indecent thoughts though. She had a rescue mission to pull off and that started with finding Aldric.

Where to find him? Aldric would've heard the news of Alixanna's disappearance by now and there was no doubt in her mind he was already searching for her. While the ranger liked to keep to himself, Aldric was noble, honorable, and was good friends with Alixanna as well. Like Guinevere, he probably wouldn't rest until she was found. It was obvious the only way to find him was to start looking for the clues behind Alixanna's mysterious kidnapping. Thanks to her father, Guinevere knew there was only one place someone searching for Alixanna would go-the starting point of a strange cart that had left at the time of Alixanna's disappearance. Heading toward it, Guinevere couldn't help but notice a feeling of despair in the air. People walked around gloomily with frowns covering their usual upbeat and cheerful faces. It wasn't just the doctor's daughter that had been stolen. I promise you all that I shall find Alixanna and return the happiness to this town. Guinevere silently vowed to the town. Arriving, she of course found Aldric examining the area for clues.

"Aldric, I've been looking for you! I'm sure you've heard of Alixanna's disappearance as I can see you're already searching for clues. I believe teaming together is the fastest and most efficient way to bring her back safe and sound. I've already packed the necessary supplies," She said, gesturing to the bag strapped to her back. "There's enough food for a week's journey as well as a medic kit for emergencies. I know you prefer to be alone, but together we'd be the ultimate team and Alixanna will be home safe and sound before the next sunrise."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lionheart
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Lionheart Singer of Songs

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Aldric was examining the road, the tacks of the cart were easy enough to find. He was about to start following them when he heard a voice call out to him. It was Guinevere, the Mayor's daughter, and his sparring partner. In all the years he's known her she's been a kind and responsible person. The only thing about Guinevere that Aldric found perplexing was her incredibly desperate need to get away from the Vale. She wanted to go out and risk her life adventuring.

That desire was something Aldric could no comprehend. What was the purpose behind running around and risking your life like that? No, that kind of life held no appeal to the young ranger. His purpose was here, helping the village grow and thrive. Making life better for it's inhabitants. That's why he enjoyed delivering herbs to Doctor Ashgrave's clinic, because he knew he was helping people. And that's probably why he found Varric so irritating. Because the young bard felt compelled to make people's lives harder. Following that train of thought perhaps that's why he felt such a strong bond to Alixanna?

Aldric broke himself out of his thoughts as soon as the young physician entered his mind. Thinking of her only filled him with worry and some amount of despair. What if he couldn't find her? What if he never finds her? The young ranger felt the dread at that thought deep in his gut, like a huge gaping hole that absorbs any good feeling.

Finally his thoughts were brought back to the task at hand by Guinevere.

"There's enough food for a week's journey as well as a medic kit for emergencies. I know you prefer to be alone, but together we'd be the ultimate team and Alixanna will be home safe and sound before the next sunrise."

Aldric couldn't help but chuckle at that. "You've come prepared, very well. It's not that I prefer to be alone you know, it just always seems to end up that way." It was an image everyone had about him that he just couldn't shake. Aldric Eleros the lone wolf, never needing, or wanting for that matter, the company of others. Which put Aldric in a very lonely place, the only two people who weren't his family he considered friends were Guinevere and Alixanna..... "We WILL find her."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Adorabadass


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Varric looked around for what felt like forever. He went to many of Guinevere's usual haunts, amazed that she wasn't at any of them. He even went to her house and asked about her, but her mom has no clue.

It was only when he returned to the in. That he found out what happened that very morning.

"She walked out, white as a sheet then red as a beet. I feel as if she may have been a little bit surprised to see you and Ezra in such a state." his mother hd said, snickering at the hilarity of it.

"Huh. Well, I knew my body could inspire people to emotion. I just didn't know that terror was one of them," Varric had responded.

If Gwen was looking for him, then realized he was indisposed, then there could only be a few other options.

Aldric, her dad, and Aldric's dad. Varric didn't think she would properly trust anyone else to go adventure with her. Maybe Alixanna, but she was the very one missing.

So, Varric thought to himself. Where could Aldric be?

No doubt he would have struck out on his own to find Alix as soon as possible. He was a good man and often worked alone. So all Varric had to do was follow the trail.

After some class A sleuthing and a lot of dumb luck, Varric managed to come upon Gwen and Aldric.

He stayed away for a moment, listening, melding into the wind. He felt at peace as he did so. There were few things he enjoyed more than working his magic. It wasn't something he learned so much as something he did. The natural world felt more like home than the inn did, sometimes.

He listened to Gwen, smiling despite himself. She was already packed for adventure. All Varric had brought was his lute and a back up healing potion. He was glad she was so much more responsible than him. She'd saved his ass plenty of times before. Especially in the bandit incident.

He smiled and appeared when Aldric declares that they would find her. Varric loves the passion in his voice. He'd always admired the ranger. He got the feeling that it wasn't exactly mutual, however.

Flower petals flew off of Varric as he detached from the wind, appearing in full view of the others.

"Indeed, we must find her. I do not know Alixanna very well, but she is well beloved by the village, and I have seen many a dour face as I searched for beautiful Guinevere earlier."

For once, serious, Varric spoke again. His voice was free of its usual loquaciousness.

"It was...disturbing, to see so many sad and scared people. I want to help fix it."

He paused a moment, before smirking and returning to his usual self.

"Also, Gwen. You should learn to knock before entering my room in the morning. I'm not exactly a prude, and many travelers have caught an interest in the Bard's mystique. I'm amazed it took this long for you to accidentally pop in. No doubt Mom's already writing an epic ballad about the encounter."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BlueAjah
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BlueAjah Dance The Night Away

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"You've come prepared, very well. It's not that I prefer to be alone you know, it just always seems to end up that way. We WILL find her," Aldric said determined. Guinevere couldn't help but smile. Picking Aldric to be apart of Alixanna's rescue team was a great choice. Originally, she had planned for Varric, Aldric and herself to all work together but just the two of them would work fine.

Guinevere was about to suggest they follow the tracks when flower petals magically fluttered around, taking shape of the last person she wanted to see at the moment. Varric. What is he doing here?

"Indeed, we must find her. I do not know Alixanna very well, but she is well beloved by the village, and I have seen many a dour face as I searched for beautiful Guinevere earlier. It was...disturbing, to see so many sad and scared people. I want to help fix it," Varric said, showing a rare side of himself. Most people of the village thought of him as a prankster, rude and uncaring. Yet somewhere deep, deep, deep down was a selfless version of himself, someone who cared, and was compassionate. It was the reason why Guinevere was his best friend.

"Also, Gwen. You should learn to knock before entering my room in the morning. I'm not exactly a prude, and many travelers have caught an interest in the Bard's mystique. I'm amazed it took this long for you to accidentally pop in. No doubt Mom's already writing an epic ballad about the encounter." Guinevere felt her face flame at the mention of her embarrassing moment this morning. Rather than running away, Guinevere grabbed her sword before Varric could even blink and gracefully swung in it front of his throat.

"You were saying, Varric?" She asked daring him to reply, although she was almost positive he would.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Adorabadass


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Varric looked down at the sword, and grinned.

Varric seemed especially arrogant in front of Gwen, sometimes. It wasn't that Guinevere wasn't an amazing warrior, which she was, and it wasn't that she couldn't be scary, which she definitely could be. Guinevere was who Varric went to when he had an unwanted suitor that didn't get the picture. Guinevere was the person Varric trusted most. Guinevere was strong, dangerous, and amazing with her sword.

Only thing was, she was a complete dork.

Varric grinned even wider, before looking Guinevere in the eye. A mischievous glint entered his eye, and he spoke in a low, sexy tone.

"So, who was cuter. Me or Ezra?"

His body exploded with flower petals. Varric dropped his illusion and showed his actual body.

"I can show you a second time if you didn't get a good look before," Varric said, before winking dramatically.

In truth, Guinevere could easily beat Varric in a fight. He had a lot of magical power, yes, but he was only good at dodging and disabling. Best he could do would be to knock her down with wind or stun her with a burst of sound. She could kick his ass easily. But she would never do that without good reason, because she was a damn good person. In truth, Guinevere, the easily embarrassed sexy awesome war goddess, was the one person Varric admired as much as his mother.


Varric figured he'd stop trolling her in a moment though. After all, as fun as it was, they had to look for Alix. He didn't forget her.

He HATED seeing people so sad.

It just wasn't right.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lionheart
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Lionheart Singer of Songs

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Aldric was bringing his attention back to the tracks the cart left behind when he heard the voice of the absolute last person he wanted to see. Varric appeared in a whirlwind of flower petals, declaring his intention to assist in the rescue effort. Aldric really didn't want to take the bard, his magic might prove useful but would it be worth the exercise in irritation?

The young ranger felt something out of place as Guinevere and Varric verbally sparred with one another, leading to Guin's sword at the bard's throat. Judging from what they were saying Aldric got the feeling he deserved it, so he wasn't going to interfere. By this point Aldric stopped paying attention, instead looking at the tracks of the cart. Time was of the essence and the last thing Aldric or Guinevere needed was Varric distracting them. Not with Alixanna's life on the line. No, the young ranger could not afford to take that chance.

"He's not coming with us." The young ranger called behind him, his tone made it perfectly clear the matter wasn't up for debate as he began following the tracks. As he followed the tracks he really wished he had his father's dog Dagny, she would've proved invaluable in this venture. But Aldric was sure the old dog was still at home with her pups, he doubted his father could've coaxed her away from her pups even for something as important as this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlueAjah
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BlueAjah Dance The Night Away

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"So, who was cuter. Me or Ezra? I can show you a second time if you didn't get a good look before," Varric said, before winking dramatically. Damn. Why is it so easy to mess with me? Guinevere hated that petty things like this bothered her. Anyone could just strip naked on the battlefield and Guinevere would be dead or seriously injured within seconds. The more she thought about it, the more it ticked her off. Everyone had their weaknesses, she knew that, but why was hers so foolish? Sighing, she decided to drop it. Besides, there was a little bard needed a good kick in the head.

"Varric, you're so dead," She warned, half serious, half joking. Guinevere would never hurt Varric, they both knew that. Now, did that mean she wouldn't jab him in the stomach later? Of course it didn't. She couldn't help but grin at the thought.

"He's not coming with us." Aldric called out, snapping Guinevere back to reality. She had been so focused on Varric, she hadn't even noticed Aldric was beginning to follow the tracks. Alixanna was missing. There was no time for child's play, they had a mission to carry out. The original plan had both Aldric and Varric a part of it. While she didn't exactly want to spend an entire journey with Varric poking fun at her, Alixanna was more important.

"Hold up," She called after Aldric. Guinevere knew ahead of time that getting them to work together would be difficult. "Aldric, Whether you choose to believe it or not, Varric will be a huge help on this mission. For Alixanna's sake, I hope both of you learn to work together," She proclaimed before heading up toward Aldric, not even glancing back to see if Varric followed. There wasn't any more time to argue, and if Varric didn't want to attend, well there was no forcing him to do anything. Guinevere could only hope.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 3 days ago

-Laciel Lenssed-

With a spring in his step, he began traversing the town towards the Vances mansion lying in wake on the very edge of the town. Most people he passed were still hysterical and seemed awed at the whole situation. As much as he would love to gawk, time was of the essence and procuring clues was the way to go. Most males looked to be organizing for the mission lying in wait. Hastily, he moved through the bundles of people in his endeavors. Fears were made into realities, and people dropped the cool act once that glass was completely shattered after a loved one was stolen away.

Navigating through people wasn't that hard, however averting his mothers gaze was another task as she could be out and about the town trying to help. If the woman dared to find him suited up, she may just end up delaying him.

"Please don't find me, please don't see me, please just don't drag me back home. Alixianna needs help now and being confined won't do wonders for me, her, or the towns people! Please be home Illya..."

Thankfully, he averted her gaze as he didn't spot his mother even for a second as the crunching of the leaves understand his feet and the tapping of his armor were the only sounds he bothered to listen to as he began to sprint even faster. Before he knew it, Laciel was standing face first in front of her manor, clad in armor that would make one assume that he was going to storm the place for riches... however he wasn't the type of guy to steal from his closest friend, even if she was a thief with a certain type of streak. As he stared upwards, he was immediately greeted by a familiar and lovely voice eminating from behind him.

The boy swiftly pivoted around to find Illya standing there, staring at the boy in her torn garments. The boys eyes widened and his mouth dropped as he studied Illya closely, along with noticing a few outstanding things. As his eyes darted around he began to walk towards her slowly, his pace picking up before coming to an abrupt stop in front of the pale girl. Laciel dropped to one of his knees, staring at the girls visible leg for a couple of moments before returning his gaze upwards.

There was only one thing he could say that would relieve him... well, sort of.

"Illya... What the heck happened?! Your dress is torn, you have cuts all 'round the light can see, and a nasty looking gash! Jeez, what place did you raid this time?! Ugh, you could of been killed if anything worse happened! I'm happy your ok, but this is why I warned you against this job. May start out small, but next you may lose a limb, or, or you could end up jailed and consigned to a fate where people you care about never see you again! Geez, I may take more time off from the forge to secure your safety if things start to descend into a more darker shade!"

... maybe not. The boys face was in pure awe and panic as he swiftly worded out his fears about Illya and her job. Sure, he felt she could hold herself, but he couldn't just let her alone, lest tempting fate with ironic cruelty. So it was only natural for him to be in this frantic state as he erratically searched for a few specific items. As he performed so he kept his eye on the grizzly crimson gash which only further impaired his progress as he continued looking for specific items to treat her.

"Sorry if i'm acting a little volatile Illya, but you know i'm only afraid for your sake!... Gr, where the hell are some calendulas when you need them?! Anyways, can you please explain yourself Illya? How did you manage to catch such a horrid wound anyways?!"

As he continued his search for the roll, he asked her the question as calmly as he could, acknowledging that he didn't even hear her side of the story and went on a worried rant, possibly annoying her a tinge bit. Even though the situation at hand with Alixianna was crucial, he also felt obligated to make sure his friend was safe and sound. Maybe he could try to make some tea for her, having a short chat, and then cutting to the chase...

... then again she may just cut in with her tongue, quizzing why he was suited up and looked prepared to take on the whole world.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Adorabadass


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Varric laughed, though he noticed that Guin was getting a bit more embarrassed than he'd hoped. He decided it was time to stop messing around, for hers and Alixanna's sake. He HAD to help his warrior friend get over her ridiculous embarrassment some time. He wasn't sure how to do that though.

I'd just get her laid, but I'm not sure if she'd even want to have sex with anyone. Which is almost a shame, considering how beautiful she is.

Oh well. He'd think of something. Or not. After all, it was damn amusing how she reacted to sex. She was like an innocent 6 year old. Varric was sure if he kissed her she'd probably die of severe brain hemorrhaging.

"Varric, you're so dead."

Varric grinned. She'd never actually hurt him. She was too damn nice and heroic and she loved him too much(a fact he abused). She would damn well get him back later, though. He wouldn't even be mad.

"Is it because I'm prettier than you?" Varric said, pouting, before flower petals fluttered about him and he returned to his real form.

Varric then saw Aldric begin walking away, following the tracks.

"He's not coming with us."

Varric's facial expression became a mix of shock and 'kicked puppy'. He blinked, then smiled a bit as Guin rushed to defend him.

"Now Aldric, aren't you supposed to be a professional?" Varric teased, "Through our skills combined, we stand the best chance of finding Alixanna. And I am worried about her, even if I can still spin a joke and laugh a bit with a good friend. Would you put her at greater risk simply because you don't like me?"

Varric followed, putting forth a convincing case.

"If it would help you, I'll be quiet, and simply use my magic to help you track. You'll note my affinity is with nature, especially the wind. I learned long ago how to use the wind to follow scent trails. I'm as good as one of your father's hounds, and slightly more adorable," Varric bargained.

Of course, he didn't plan on actually shutting up. That would be madness. It was a wonder he hadn't yet burst into song.

In fact, he was damn near about to.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lionheart
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Lionheart Singer of Songs

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Aldric stopped at Guinevere's command. He already knew what she was going to say, and he knew exactly what he was going to say back.

"Aldric, Whether you choose to believe it or not, Varric will be a huge help on this mission. For Alixanna's sake, I hope both of you learn to work together,"
Just as he thought, she wanted to bring Varric along. The bard had his uses to be sure, but the potential risk was far, far too great. If they failed it would be nearly impossible for Aldric to forgive himself, how would he ever face Varric?

"No. He's a risk and a liability. And we can't afford to take risks, Alixanna can't afford for us to take risks." With that he began walking again, following the tracks of the cart. And then Varric decided to speak.

"Now Aldric, aren't you supposed to be a professional? Through our skills combined, we stand the best chance of finding Alixanna. And I am worried about her, even if I can still spin a joke and laugh a bit with a good friend. Would you put her at greater risk simply because you don't like me? If it would help you, I'll be quiet, and simply use my magic to help you track. You'll note my affinity is with nature, especially the wind. I learned long ago how to use the wind to follow scent trails. I'm as good as one of your father's hounds, and slightly more adorable,

Now Aldric was getting irritated. Why couldn't they see? Why couldn't they understand what was going on here? It was exasperating. Aldric took a deep breath and thought very carefully before responding, taking great measure to ensure his voice sounded as cold and calculating as it possibly could. "You're right, I'm a professional. You're not. And that's why you can't come regardless of what you or I may think of one another." He was facing Varric at this point, the young ranger's face a mask of stone. "Our best chance, of finding and rescuing Alixanna, is if we are cold, calculating, and efficient. We must be a machine with the focus of an eagle. No deviations, no distractions. Your abilities are useful, yes. But not required. The world goes on whether magic is used or not." He took another deep breath before turning away, once again following the tracks. "The greater risk, Varric. Is your mischievous, irresponsible nature getting us or Alixanna killed. That is a bargain I am not willing to take."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Adorabadass


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Varric wasted no time in responding. Petals swirled around his head, and he suddenly had Aldric's face and voice.

"Guys, quick, look at how dark and brooding I am. Now, I'm gonna let my personal feelings possibly kill Alixanna, then walk off feeling all superior," Varric said, before dispelling the illusion and speaking with his own voice, "Regardless, we don't know what's in the woods, and he shouldn't go alone. Guinevere, my sweet," Varric winked, before giving her puppy dog eyes, "Protect the deep and brooding ranger while he goes in the woods to be all deep and brooding. I'll see if I can find some other back up. Good luck finding Alix, guys. And stay safe!"

Varric forced a grin, before walking away.

He took a deep breath, face red with anger and embarrassment. He was honestly hurt. He'd always had a feeling Aldric didn't like him much, which he'd been okay with! It was impossible to have everyone love you, after all. But he hadn't thought Aldric's opinion of him was so low that the ranger thought he'd be a liability!

Varric took a brief moment to wonder how he could have given the ranger the impression that he was dangerous even as an ally. He quickly thought of the bandit scenario a few years back, when Varric had almost died seeking out bandits alone. He'd gotten captured by bandits, but managed to outsmart them and convince them he was the mayor's daughter, and that if they contacted him he'd give them a ransom. Instead, the mayor arrived with Guinevere and Varric's mum, and, well...

The mayor didn't give them money.

Varric decided that must be it. Aldric probably thought Varric was still a loose cannon. Which, Varric honestly understood, even though he was hurt.

"Well, whatever," Varric muttered.

Step One: Aldric's a stupid face Find Guinevere Ezra!
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