Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 5 hrs ago


The year is 2031. It has been, roughly, one-hundred seventy-two years since magic was fully revealed to the world at large. It has, in this time, become a well-known facet of life. Many are capable of it, but some are not. Regardless, it exists. Controlled by spells or rituals, or in some cases simply mental focus, magic is a well-known fact throughout the world. However, it is not the only power. Technology has grown throughout the years, and while the world itself has not gained a futuristic sheen like some have predicted, progress has created amazing technological feats. Magic and technology are both forces in this world, paving a way into the future. In some cases they are even combined into a form that allows for the usage of magic to bolster technology, or vice versa.

No-where in the world is this more evident then Tengoku City. Fitted with its own space elevator, and filled with the latest advancements in technology, Tengoku City is also home to a vast amount of magic users. This combined nature, the most integrated of all cities in the world, leads to it gaining a great deal of attention from all across the planet.

Perhaps it is for this reason that the entire matter began. It started with posters no-one claimed to have seen been placed, appearing across the city and advertising an unusual event. A tournament, a battle between all those who wished to participate for one, single prize. It was no simple thing that could be gained in the world normally, or even through advanced magic or technology. No, the prize this tournament promised was something... more.

A wish.

Many dismissed this as some sort of strange publicity stunt or prank, at least until stalls promising registry for the tournament appeared all across Tengoku City. All those who registered were promised a place in the tournament... and the most skeptic of this existence were proven wrong when an entire stadium was suddenly being constructed near the center of the city. Baffled officials discovered that it had apparently been scheduled for months.

Regardless of the bizarre circumstances surrounding the tournament and the stadium, it became a draw for people even outside the city. Many wished to simply spectate, but others truly intended to participate and win their wish.

There can only be one victor.

Today, the tournament begins.

Just what is the truth behind it?


So... this is a bit of a tournament RP, only the tournament is pretty strange and mysterious and it's in a world filled with advanced magic and technology. I'm on the lookout for a willing Co-GM, but for now here's some basic stuff.


Humans: Can be a whole lot of things! Can use magic, technology, or both!
Ridiculously Human Robots: Robots replicating humans are rare, but they exist. Some are tuned to use magic as well.
Magical Creatures: I'm willing to allow a fair amount of these, from vampires to youkai. However, I ask that they're all human-like, at least.



Brief History:
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Most certainly interested in this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

I could be up for this. I'll stick around and see where this goes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

Member Seen 1 mo ago

  • Name: Kotegawa Himeko
  • Age: 115
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: Though probably with smaller ears
  • Personality: Cocky and arrogant about her ability, and initially dismissive of most others, Himeko is someone that's hard to like, but if you can get over her prickly exterior, can be a surprisingly thoughtful and intimate friend - even if her nicer side is hidden behind a wall of excuses.
    Obviously, Himeko has a love of combat, and feels the need to prove her might to the world. To this end, she will refuse no challenge, no matter how much stronger or weaker the opponent seems to be... and is weak to offers from others to become her pupil, even if she has no real teaching capability.
    Himeko has a love for extremely cute things, which she is not shy about displaying. If someone or something strikes her fancy, they/it are on a fast track to her collection of cute things. Refusals will not be accepted!
  • Skills:
    Compared to humans, her sense of hearing and smell are slightly better. Although rarely utilised, Himeko can be a convincing liar, as well. And she can eat even the most vile of foods!
  • Abilities:
    Foxfire - Standard kitsune magic attack, used mostly for mid-range opponents. Or making her punches look more awesome.
    Illusions - Still extremely weak; all she can manage to do is alter the appearance of her clothes. Which she can't even maintain during anything more strenuous than a casual walk.
    Martial Arts - Fist-fights are her speciality, after all.
  • Brief History: Himeko was just your average, everyday fox that just happened to live slightly longer than most other foxes. As the 100-year mark grew closer, Himeko spent more of her time in the vicinity of towns and cities, absorbing whatever knowledge she could about their way of life. And she just so happened to spend most of her time in a village that revolved around settling all disputes with martial arts. She found the near-limitless styles of combat and philosophy quite intriguing, to say the least.
    Now that she's gained a human body and all the knowledge she could possibly need, Himeko caught wind of the tournament and figured she could test the strength she's gained in the last fifteen years.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

  • Name: Elizabeth Stoker, Vampire Duellist Extraordinaire
  • Age: 599
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: Consider the colours accurate.
  • Personality: Fitting the vampire stereotype, Elizabeth is a well-heeled, elegant lady with an abundance of charm and ease in social situations, as well as a tendency to seduce anybody that catches her fancy. She also has a much goofier, distractible side, that shows up only around people she trusts; too many attempted stakings are unpleasant.
  • Skills: Due to her advanced age and lack of senility, Elizabeth has picked up many skills to fit in with all the eras she's lived through. The useful ones tend to all be involved with preparation of food and looking after a house; Elizabeth is an excellent cook (even if she doesn't need to eat anything). Moreover, however, it has given her an extraordinarily long time to practise wielding a blade, as well as dealing with people using only her bare hands. Given her interest in such arts and varying attitudes throughout time, she's also adept at posing for a young man--not that she regularly bothers, now.
  • Abilities: As an undead monstrosity of the night, Elizabeth is both functionally immortal and reliant on human blood to sustain said immortality and its various benefits. She is not, however, vulnerable to sunlight--at least, not any more, with advanced age giving a lot of time to understand this curse and how it works (given time, only a rudimentary understanding of magic is needed). By this point, she could reasonably be described as the perfect predator for humanity: in all ways physically superior, capable of surviving almost any mortal wound short of both decapitation and impalement and swiftly healing, and quite capable of blending in. Should things go wrong? The old standby of turning into some faster and less easily targeted animal is a useful bonus, as is talking to them.
  • Equipment: Elizabeth has her sword. Whilst lacking in fancy special abilities, a two handed blade that will survive all but the most extreme forces, and is sized such that a sufficiently inhuman wielder can wield it with one hand if necessary, is extremely handy for a vampire duellist.
  • Brief History: Whilst originally a quite boring, down-to-earth sort of person, being a vampire put a stop to all that. It certainly gave time to learn what really interested her (the fine art of stabbing people that didn't want to be stabbed), practise it, and generally develop an appreciation for all sorts of blades. Having to intermittently drop out of the public eye after doing well enough from fighting and gambling to build up a substantial cache was always a pain, especially towards modern times where her skills paid less.
    This new tournament is the perfect ability to show off and, more importantly, deal with getting a comfortable living environment for the rest of her theoretically infinite life. And have fun.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

@RolePlayerRoxas: Fine so far. The backstory can be something simple if you're stuck on it.

@Raineh Daze: Accepted.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Name: Daniel Day Dalton
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Appearance: One certified badass. Ok, not certified, but a badass. Oh, and minus the cigarette.
Personality: He's got a cool demeanor, but a fiery spirit. He won't hesitate to get into a fight for the fun of punching someone's face in. However, he tends to look down on people, and often underestimates his opponents. There are times when he just walks away from an opponent because he/she looks weak. He's also not good with girls, despite his looks.
Skills: He's surprisingly good at cooking.
Fire manipulation: In short bursts, he can summon flames to propel him in different directions. Often used under his feet for extra mobility, or behind his elbows for extra punch in his punch. The only places where he can keep up a sustained flame is on his hands, but all that really does is make his attacks look cooler, and possibly burn his opponent with each hit. He also cannot shoot any flames, although not for lack of trying. However, he is at least fireproof, so that's something at least.
Fist Fighting: his answer to just about anything. Guy bothering him? Punch in the face. A challenge from some unfortunate punk? Punch in the face. Getting asked out by a girl? Awkward silence followed by running away.
Equipment: Does "Fists" count as equipment? :P
Brief History: A delinquent through and through. He's the type that'd rather fight his way out rather than talk things through, which he usually did. Surprisingly, though, he's been able to stay out of trouble long enough to pass through school, if only to please his parents. Then the day when his eye caught the posters of the tournament. Like a lot of people, he was skeptical of it, but the stadium caught his interest. He couldn't care less about the wish; he wanted to find some good fighters to fight against. And hey, if he somehow managed to win the wish thing, even better.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 5 hrs ago


My own character will be up somewhat soon, as well as a pretty crucial NPC.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Whitepulse


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Ursgan
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Appearance:" Gods Smile to me Today"
Personality: Battle Loving warrior who stakes his honor on each battle.Taking pride in his skills in battle. Get's nervous when a fan is trying to approach him.
Skills: Tracking and survivalist skills to set camp outdoors and cook on campfire.

Werebear Form
Partial transformation
Heavy melee weapon handling
Ice Coat: Chanting Viking spell he can cast a coat of ice that protects from most blows and causing very slow freezing on objects that impact on it.
Viking Roar: Releasing roaring blast after chant that expels or redirects anything close to it. The range of blast is 3 m area of effect.
Honoring blessing: Performing the chants Ursgan can boost his physical strenght for duration, without needing to rely on partial transformations.
God's Flames: Using chant, Ursgan enchant his battleaxe's blade with flames for short amount of time.

Two-handed Viking Battleaxe.
Rune(merely a good luck charm).
Protective coat.

Brief History: Wandering as Varangi offering his services while seeking grand battle grounds. during one of his adventures he caught a Lycantroph, which made him lust more blood in battle than before and giving him episodes that left him in middle of nowhere without a memory how he got there. after hearing about the tournament his interest of battle hooked him in. With information of Wish he became even more determined to win and maybe get rid of his condition.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

@Whitepulse: Accepted.

Name: Yomikawa Haruko
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance: "Hey, I DO know how to use this..."
Personality: Haruko is a fairly casual and friendly girl, who is the type of person to try and be nice to everyone. At least so long as they don't push her too far. A girl born in Tengoku City, she finds the unusual commonplace, and is quite used to the presence of magi, youkai, cyborgs, onmyouji... just about anything is of no surprise to Yomikawa Haruko. However, she was certain that, until recently, she was just a normal girl with no special traits or abilities at all. Even surrounded by the uncommon, she felt that she was very much in the common category, which made the discovery and reaction of her katana all the more surprising. Haruko believes very firmly that if you can manage it, you should help out anyone, and that someone who truly wishes to be heroic should strive to do such a thing. She can't even deny that she wishes to be a hero like that, deep down.
Skills: Haruko is a decent sprinter. She knows how to cook well enough, and in her opinion makes a pretty awesome tonkotsu ramen. Haruko has had some experience in kendo, but never in real swordplay, and therefore her surprise at her abilities in using the katana was quite justified. However, it is mostly instinctive, and she will have to work harder to match true masters of swordplay.
Abilities: As of now, nothing beyond what one would expect from a teenaged girl.
Equipment: Haruko carries very little equipment(unless you count a cell phone), save for a nameless katana. This nameless blade is crafted with the finest techniques, but no sign of its creator is left upon the weapon. It has exceptional cutting capability and seems impossible to mar, but other then that Haruko has been unable to discern if it has any other abilities. It can only be unsheathed by her, however, and she has no idea why.
Brief History: Haruko was only a few years old when her father vanished. She remembers, vaguely, his words. That to make a brighter world for his daughter, he needed to help people. To be a hero. She never saw him again, but those words stayed with her.
With the exception of her father's disappearance, Haruko has lead a relatively normal life, for a given value of normal in Tengoku City. She attended kindergarten with youkai, played with the children of mage families in elementary school, made friends with a girl composed entirely of slime in middle school, and now has moved on to her high school life. Throughout all of this, nothing at all indicated to her that she was anything other then a normal girl...
Not far from her home, there lay the burned out ruins of what had once, many years before her birth, been the Yomikawa residence. The tragic fire that had claimed it had destroyed an incredibly old building with a great deal of history. Haruko felt as if it was her duty to pay the ruins a visit, given it had been her family's home for so long. Even if she had never lived in it. And yet she felt drawn to the ruins. Find herself standing the the wreckage, she wondered why it had never been cleared before finding something strange. Digging it out of the lingering ash, she discovered a sheathed katana. Feeling as if she had found something deeply important to her, Haruko brought it home and was told she must have found an heirloom that had survived the fire. And yet... something made her feel as if there was more to it then that. Finally she unsheathed the blade, and found herself with an instinctive ability to wield it.
Her mind was set when she heard about the Tournament. A wish was a dangerous thing to just give to anyone, and if she won that meant she got it... and so she entered, determined to win.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

Member Seen 1 mo ago

And bio finished.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

And she's fully accepted.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Still need to get that NPC written, eh-heh.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 1 hr ago


  • Name: Mio Honda
  • Age: 18
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: "Need a hand? ...Or six?"
  • Personality: Mio is rather cheerful and friendly, and always happy to help someone in need. She doesn't really sweat the small stuff, and generally just tries her best to enjoy life. She can be a bit of a tease at times, and something of a flirt, but it's always well meaning.
  • Skills: Due to having six arms, Mio rather quickly learned how to multitask and coordinate herself as best she can; she is anything but clumsy. She has an almost naturally aptitude for weaving and construction, and is currently studying medicine; she has in fact developed an antivenom for her bite in case of accidents.
  • Abilities: For whatever reason, Mio was born with six arms and spider-like abilities. Her physical strength is far greater than her frame would suggest, and whilst she would be straining a bit she could potentially lift a small car above her head. She is also able to stick to surfaces and easily climb sheer walls, although she has trouble sticking to damp surfaces. From her fingertips she can shoot out a sticky, silk-like thread which she can use for weaving webs and tying up enemies, amongst other uses. Finally, her bite is venomous; whilst it is not lethal, it will cause temporary paralysis in most humans.
  • Brief History: Mio never knew her real parents. When she was still a newborn, she was abandoned in a field, and were it not for a kindly young couple passing by close enough to hear her cries she would likely have died whilst still a baby. As such, she has no idea why she has her particular... Condition, but she's never let her differences keep her down for too long. Sure, she was initially bullied due to her freakish nature, but that soon stopped when her superhuman strength became apparent, and after that the worst she ever got was quiet scorn from a minority of her classmates. It never really bothered her, though, since most of the other kids thought that her spider-like abilities were pretty cool, and it was really neat to know one of those monster people that mostly lived in the city. And when she grew up, well, she decided to attend college in Tengoku, partially because it was the nearest city to her hometown but mostly because it meant she could meet more people like her and potentially find out just where she came from.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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