Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Wynn shrugged and did as he was told following Thomas, quickly grabbing one last slice of pizza. "Thanks man, so what is there to know?" he questioned unsure of why he was being caught up. After all all he heard heard the afternoon lecture like everyone else right?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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remembering that there was pizza.jack ran back to get a slice then caught up with the two others"i wouldnt mind knowing the same thing"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ninkitty
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"huh? sure I don't mind." Ayaka whispered back. Mystique seemed to be the helpful type which suited Ayaka just fine. She didn't mind at all just as long as she wasn't already preoccupied with something else.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PhoebeCarlisle


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Desirae of course was listening into the whole lecture,as it was going to be an important part of her life. She definitely thought that she would go all the way through and even do level 5. She didn't know what career she was going to do. She was also very interested in the camps and where she would be going for them. She was also very nervous on how she would do in the classes, she was never the lowest student and she didn't want to be here either.

"Where are we going next miss?", she asked Lady Violetta. She took her last bite of pizza as she was waiting for the answer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ZB1996


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

From what Lady Violetta had said, she would need to take every independent course, along with the regular courses, and excel in it. Elizabeth had always excelled in grades in the human world. Not even her adventures and detours were enough to affect her grades in any meaningful ways. In order to excel here, however, Elizabeth would have to get started right away. She would likely be buried in her books from now on. It was unlikely she would be making any friendships here, with how busy she would be now.

Elizabeth wondered when she could get started. Likely it would be tomorrow, or perhaps even today, if the Academy curriculum was particularly tenacious. What intrigued Elizabeth the most was this language. It was all but said out loud that it was recommended that you make your own language, but such tasks were easier said than done. The other classes would probably be fine for Elizabeth, and she expected to pass them with flying colors as long as she kept her mind sharp and her mind attentive. However, to create a language, especially a proper one, would require quite a bit of work. Elizabeth decided that she would have to think through everything after the lecture. She would retire to her room and map out her machinations and her plans for herself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RavenTLark
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Skotadi followed obeyed Lady Violetta and followed Thomas even though she wasn't happy with the fact that her question still hadn't been answered but she figured that she would ask Thomas instead," Excuse me, Thomas, isn't it? Well, I'm just wondering where exactly in the universe we are and also how that portal inside of the painting works, does it choose people randomly or only certain people?" She hoped that he knew something or that someone gave her some answers soon, she liked to know what exactly was going on at all times, everyone generally called her a control freak but she just thought that it was intelligent to want to know what was happening all of the time so that she could be prepared for anything.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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Lady Violetta smiled and nodded at Jack for she was about to speak once more.
"I would like to have each person to fill out a form which is on the PLTs. I will send it to each of you. If you have any questions, then I will be sitting at the head of the table."

Lady Violetta sat down and opened her PLTs. She uploaded and proofread it before sending to all of the students.
1) Do you want one long table {like it is now] or smaller tables? If smaller tables, please place a number of how many people at one table.

2) There are five extra credit courses being offered this semester. Which one are you participating in?
A) Archaic Language- Learn a new language that is not used any longer or make one of your own. All Students must find a secret way of their own to write their Spells in a Grimoire. You will need to know this Language by Level 3. You will need to know it inside and out before then. Auto Robots will teach this class. 5 credits for a language or if you make up one- 10 credits. NOTE: Excellent class for someone who wants to be an Archives Specialist or a Spell Caster.
B) Auras-Lady Violetta will tell you about the Aura around your body. One day class. 1 credit
C) Basketry- Learn how to make a basket which you can use. Lady Violetta will lead this class. 2 credits. Will be applied to Survival Skills.
D) Calligraphy 1 –Learn how to write elegantly. Auto Robots will teach this class. 3 credits. NOTE: Excellent class for someone who wants to be an Archives Specialist or a Spell Caster.
E) Musical Instrument 1-Learn how to play one instrument of your choice. Auto Robots will teach this class. 3 credits
3) What Independent Classes would you like to take in the future?
4) Do you have an idea of what you want to do after graduating? If so, what?

With a quick push of her finger, the Note was sent to all students and staff.

"Desirae, we are staying here until everything is done then you have the rest of the day off. How many of my levels are you thinking of taking?" she asked as she waited.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ninkitty
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Ayaka had no idea what happened to Violetta needing someone volunteering to catch Jack up, but it was one of those 'whatever' moments. Really she didn't mind so much except for the fact she thought him annoying at the present moment. She didn't know whether or not Mystique was confused about it as well. She looked for the form the headmistress mentioned though and read through the questions when she found it, but didn't fill it out quite yet.

"Do you think she still wants a volunteer?" she whispered to Mystique
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by PhoebeCarlisle


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


"All five miss", she smiled opening her laptop and looking through the questions. This is what it looked like:
1. Do you want one long table {like it is now} or smaller tables? If smaller tables, please place a number of how many people at one table?
Answer: one long table
2. There are five extra credit courses being offered this semester. Which one are you participating in?
A) Archaic Language- Learn a new language that is not used any longer or make one of your own. All Students must find a secret way of their own to write their Spells in a Grimoire. You will need to know this Language by Level 3. You will need to know it inside and out before then. Auto Robots will teach this class. 5 credits for a language or if you make up one- 10 credits. NOTE: Excellent class for someone who wants to be an Archives Specialist or a Spell Caster.
B) Auras-Lady Violetta will tell you about the Aura around your body. One day class. 1 credit
C) Basketry- Learn how to make a basket which you can use. Lady Violetta will lead this class. 2 credits. Will be applied to Survival Skills.
D) Calligraphy 1 –Learn how to write elegantly. Auto Robots will teach this class. 3 credits. NOTE: Excellent class for someone who wants to be an Archives Specialist or a Spell Caster.
E) Musical Instrument 1-Learn how to play one instrument of your choice. Auto Robots will teach this class. 3 credits

Answer: Archaic Language
3. What Independent Classes would you like to take in the future?
Answer: What are the independent classes miss?
4. Do you have an idea of what you want to do after graduating? If so, what?
Answer: I'm not quite sure yet, but I will later on :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RavenTLark
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Skotadi read the sheet thoroughly to make sure that there were no tricks and then started to answer the questions:

Name: Skotadi Lark
1) I would prefer smaller tables with 4 people on each.
2) I will choose option D (Calligraphy)
3) I think that I might like to do Musical Instrument (E) or Auras (B) in future years.
4) I don't know of anything in particular but I would like to do everything that I can after I graduate.

After Skotadi finished she gave a sigh of relief.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Lady Violetta smiled as spoke
"I have the first 7 Levels. Ranger Druid Zane has the 6 Summer Camps. Brother Thomas has 3 Levels. Then there are Exiting Test and Survival Skills before you can leave the Academy Island. If you want to take Draconic Arts as well, there are more courses here for you to do. Magic is not so easy and fast to learn. It takes a lot of time and energy."

@RavenTLark @Blizz
Thomas asked the two students which courses they wanted to be in-Traditional Magic or Draconic Arts so that he knew what boxes they needed. Once he gave them their boxes, Thomas went over the information.

"I guess that Thomas guy is doing the Orientation. But did you hear how many classes there are?" Mystique spoke to Ayaku.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RavenTLark
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RavenTLark Potterhead Alert!

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After Skotadi had told Thomas that she had wanted to be in Draconic Arts and he had given her the box, she looked through the boxes as instructed, she liked the idea of sentient, that way they were hers and hers alone which worked for her. As she hadn't even known that magic even existed and was still having a hard time with out all this talk about it was making her really confused and annoyed. She badly wanted to see the rooms, she didn't mind the fact that they started off light blue but she was going to change hers to either back or midnight blue if she could. Skotadi also wondered about the pet that she would choose and when and how she was going to get her wand, she thought about what it might look like. She doubted that she would need the phone or to get her equipment fixed as she was especially careful with anything that she was told or she thought that she would need. "Are we going to get our wands later then?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PhoebeCarlisle


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


She quickly sent back that she would like to do calligraphy and a musical instrument in future years. She replied to Lady Violetta smiling "I have plenty of time, and a lot of energy, I'll try my hardest to do everything thats thrown at me". "Also I don't think I ever want to leave", she laughed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ninkitty
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"I only heard about the independent courses for this semester. Not sure how many classes there are besides that...." Ayaka said. "I guess I'll just fill out this form as best I can." She started filling out the form as she spoke. Or at least tried to. Thinking about what Lady Violetta's answer to her question about joining the Exploration Team, Ayaka thought that taking every Independent course would be worth it. The problem was how many classes would be on top of those 5.

Then there was the question asking what Independent courses that they'd like to take. It was great that Violetta was trying to give them options in all, but Ayaka really had no ideas on not only courses she'd like to take, but courses this school already teaches as core curriculum. "I'm guessing we just ask Lady Violetta, I can't fully complete this form without saying something stupid..."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ZB1996


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Elizabeth as well opened her laptop, in order to answer the message she received. She read through the message with a small smile, slightly mischievous. She would answer the questions by number, in order to keep things simple.

Thank you, Lady Violetta, for taking the time to craft us this message.

1. I would prefer one long table.

2. Per my desired profession, it is necessary to take all five of these independent courses, so I would like to take all five.

3. I would like to take all available independent courses in the future.

4. I would like to begin running my own country after I graduate.

Satisfied, Elizabeth pushed send.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Thomas smiled as he did his best to explain everything.
"Your wands are in your room. Any other questions?" Thomas asked.

Lady Violetta typed back to Desirae
-You might want to start your Independent Classes now because each Semester more will be added.-
@ZB1996 Lady Violetta responded to next Note.
-Elizabeth, will you be in Traditional or Draconic or Both? Running will be included in Physical Training.-

"If I heard right... There are seven levels here, independent courses- I'd assume five because then you would have one Monday through Friday- and then there are summers courses and more!" Mystique spoke in awe.
"It will take a lot of years so I am going to take everything as it is offered. Lets ask Lady Violetta together since I might be able to use her answer as well."
Mystique began working on her PLTs assignment.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RavenTLark
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Skotadi was thankful that her questions were finally getting answered and decided that she might as well ask everything else that she had wanted to," Yes actually, firstly, where in the universe is this place? Secondly, how does the portal in the painting work? Thirdly, what happens if you haven't had any experience in magic or is that okay? Lastly, how does the sentient work? Okay, I think that's all." She wasn't sure that Thomas could answer all of her questions but she was extremely curious.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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“You are not in the Milky Way Galaxy. This is a new galaxy called The Bridge Mix Galaxy.
Most people have a Magical Core but can’t activate it. The Painting is Spelled in such a way that it seeks out Magical Talent or untapped Magical Core in people who sees the Painting then does its best to pull you through the picture.

You will be taught all that you need to know and no one has done magic before coming here.
Everything has been Spelled and given a bit of life as well as a set of rules." Lady Violetta spoke to Skotadi.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PhoebeCarlisle


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Okay and can I change my independent classes in the future to all of them please?, she replied to Lady Violetta.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RavenTLark
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Skotadi listened carefully to what Lady Violetta said but still didn't understand very well," Thanks but I'm still not too sure about it, I'll understand more as I go along though," she then thought for a moment while she tried to figure out how she had heard her question from that distance but then she figured that she would probably find out soon enough. The more Skotadi found out the more comfortable she became.
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