Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JohnSolaris
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JohnSolaris Not Banned (Yet)

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Laue (John); @ravenDivinity (Darius); @whist (Grant)

Despite John's regeneration, it appears that violent disembowelment is too severe an injury for him to recover from. If Grant and Darius had put him into one of the healing pods, perhaps he could have recovered, but they did not. As the two talk, John's heart finally stops due to the severe loss of blood.

However, this is not the end for John.

Just like the goddess had promised, it takes but a moment for John to reappear inside one of the healing pods, in a flash of purple light. Or, rather... It looks like a copy of John, while the original's corpse still lies on the ground as its blood continues to soak into the soil. The new John's clothes are even torn at the same places as the old one's, and stained with blood as well. Those who possess better sixth senses can feel that a vital energy of sorts is now absent from the previous John's body, and present in this new body instead. Perhaps this is the "reawakening" that the goddess spoke of, being transferred to a new body constructed by the healing pod.

John begins to return to consciousness. The memories of being gutted are still fresh in his mind, and a terrible exhaustion now suffuses every fiber of his being, even as the healing pod continues to restore his energy at this very moment. At this rate, it would take at least an hour for him to fully recover, if not more.

@helltank (Alison); @akje (Libé); @Eklispe (Rina)

[Since @Grimoire hasn't even made his first post yet, here's what I'm going to do. You three, assume that only your characters are currently in the group right now, and Grimoire's character hasn't arrived yet. If he makes a post before you get too far from the shrine, he'll arrive then. Otherwise, he'll never arrive, and it'll be just you three in your group for now. If he makes a post later, he'll either arrive at the next shrine any of the groups discovers, or be in a group of his own.]

As Alison, Libé, and Rina take their first steps outside the shrine, they soon feel the gentle, cool breeze brushing against their skins. They're at the very edge of a forest, beyond which the wind comes from, and sweeps over the expanses of grassland. At the first glance, the trees here look relatively normal, without any glowing fruits or crystalline barks or any other gratuitously outlandish features. However, the leaves all seem to have a bluish hue, ranging from faint to vivid, laid over the usual green, and a lot of the leaves are strangely shaped, almost resembling clouds and wisps of wind. Some of them even seem to rustle when there's no actual wind.

The grassland gives a rather refreshing visage, with streams of sunlight passing through white clouds from the purple sky, bathing the grass in its gentle brilliance. The cool wind continues to blow there, and large irregular patches of the grass also have faint blue hues, similar to those of the trees. Occasionally, clumps of shrubbery, flowers, and some lone trees can be seen, breaking up the otherwise even landscape.

...and then there is the giant spider hanging in the air.

To be fair, this particular one isn't all that scary, as far as giant spiders go. The size of an adult human, its whole body is a clean, silky white, emitting a faint white sheen. Its eight round eyes glow an ethereal blue, as do the various arcane patterns covering its body. The spider is perched on a large web that appears to be attached to thin air, each individual strand made of shimmering, wispy translucent bluish white light, the same hue as the spider's glowing eyes.

The spider gazes at the humans with curiosity. After a moment of thinking, it makes a swift leap over the humans' heads. Numerous strands of light trail behind the spider, spontaneously forming into webs as the creature passes through the air. It then makes another leap at a different angle, forming another series of webs. The spider appears to be making a web cage of some sort, perhaps to trap these new and unfamiliar creatures so the spider can study them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raptorman
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Banned Seen 8 yrs ago


The man who seemed to be dressed as royalty, down the crown that he wore upon his head and his companion had stood mostly silent throughout the brief exchanges of conversation that were taking place between the others in the room. He was a bit surprised that none of the others had come over to speak to him, though he thought it might be due to his somewhat intimidating appearance with the costume and all. As conflict began to erupt between several of the others in the room though it seemed as if he might have waited too long to make his introductions with them. 'To make our introductions' the mental voice of the woman beside him sounded in his mind. 'Our introductions right.' If she was born from his mind, with her particular appearance complimentary to his... 'Elaine,' his thoughts addressed her and the response was prompt. 'Yes'

This was awesome, though he didn't seem to have any powers himself, one of his creations had come to life, and of all of his creations this was a choice he certainly approved of. 'Did you get the powers?' again the answer came back quickly, 'Yes'. And again he took a brief moment to think as the others continued to squabble or show off their abilities. Then he seemed to reach a conclusion of sorts. 'Shall we play our roles?' He wasn't sure exactly how this worked but if Elaine had his memories or knowledge he figured she would likely share an enjoyment of this. 'Gladly' The voice came back.


As the voice in his mind faded the statuesque woman by his side moved forwards rapidly and spoke loudly as she approached the bickering pair of individuals who seemed to share an appearance. "I command that you cease your senseless conflict." Her voice sounded loudly as Ethan followed behind her, doing his best to project the same aura of confidence that she seemed to effortlessly. And as she drew nearer her body seemed to take on a metallic sheen as a dark silver metal began to visibly flow around her body.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Laue
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When John awoke, he was inside a pod he so recently emerged from. It was closed this time however, doing... something to him. His wound was still there, he could feel it. But it was also was closing extremely rapidly. Weakness was still in his body, but he could actually move his limbs a bit. This machine was restoring him, just like the Goddess said. However, it was still nowhere close near done. The torn clothes remained as well.

Boy did John fuck up. He analyzed everything that went wrong with his rather fatal fight against the... bear thing... He was now far more than mere human, but he didn't consider the fact that this land is nothing like Earth. While his new powers might have made him invincible against bears from Earth, this wasn't Earth. He should consider taking a more careful, even scientific approach to future encounters. He won't avoid that here.

John considered the grand objective - taking the essence of the most powerful beings in this land. John got destroyed by a mere bear, what hope does he currently have against someone, or something that actually knows what they are doing? As advantageous as it is to be with a group of others, they are all competing for the same objective. John needed something on his side, something with unquestionable loyalty. And preferably many of that little something...

YES! Exactly! John remember what he was working on before getting spirited away here. The Preta Project! All of the roadblocks and headaches he hit back on Earth can be circumvented here via this power - magic. Not only that, it could be made work even better. Of course, John had no idea how to start. He worked on Preta several years now, even memorized it's genetic code. But he needs very sophisticated tools to splice the Preta. Could he conjure it somehow? Would it even work here? Why wouldn't it, if basic biological principles apply to creatures here. As long as it has a central nervous system, Preta would work on it... In theory.

The Preta Project - his most ambitious undertaking. Well, not his. It was started by a Nazi scientist back in WW2. He defected to the allies as soon as Germany started loosing the war. Due to the nature of his field, his name never went public. Nobody knows of him and his work but select few. And while the US Military decided that John could potentially continue his work, they've never given the man's name. A shame. That unnamed scientist created an amazing specimen with such primitive tools. Most people in John's field couldn't even do that with the most modern tech available.

Before Preta, John worked on various cures and treatments. It was so dull. Medicine only fixes problems - it does not improve humanity. John wanted to work on something greater. To continue the process that so suddenly stopped - human evolution. Humans are so frail and weak, with only their intelligence to protect them from nature. In the recent century, humanity even turned against nature. It's a big no-no. Humans are a part of nature, it is their duty to coexist with it. And it certainly is possible, especially if human evolution could continue. John will continue it. And while Preta ain't benevolent in any shape or form, some of it's features could be implemented into humanity as a whole.

But all of that is speculation. Pesky things as laws and regulations prevent John from doing any real work. While Preta is pretty much considered a bio-weapon, it's the US Military - if they asked for it and are paying for it, it's legal. John never gave much consideration about what would they actually do with Preta should it be completed. He sort of understood what could potentially happen, but didn't care. People like him will always have a place in any society - he's too valuable to be simply disposed of.

But in this world he is nothing. At least at the moment. Working from the bottom again, making his name through intelligence and rather insane dedication to progress - it excited John. With no laws to tell him what's right or wrong. With no regulations preventing him from doing some real science, he is free to make his ambitions and dreams come true. Should he succeed here, he could go back to Earth with all the knowledge he has gained. He would be humanity's... No... John would be Earth's salvation. And this little playground, this extremely hostile and dangerous playground was his to experiment in. Thank's little Goddess - in time, YOU will be my test subject.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Grimoire
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Grimoire Awesomesauce Since 1623

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


The dark engulfed Emeka, his consciousness a glimmer floating in the nothingness. However there was something else with him in the dark, a impression of power and strength, a last touch from the goddess. He felt ripple of fear disturb the dark as he remembered her unfathomable power.

Slowly the dull repetitive drumbeat of his heart began to fill the emptiness. With this he felt another alien feeling rising within him, a kind of regular pressure across the entirety of his self. It had its own ebbs and flows, as it travelled across his body. However Emeka did not panic, for with this feeling arose a new strength, hot and furious.

The first thoughts past through his mind, I will take this strength, only the weak fear power. I will savor it with joy. By know the dark had begun to fade as his sensations returned one by one, touch, sound, etc. It was then that he had a small surprise, he had a kind of a new awareness of his surroundings, of the heat around him. Without opening his eyes he understood that he was within some kind of machine, alien, unlike anything he knew about.

Beyond that he found there were a few humans, glowing with body heat. He could easily tell that one of them was child . Curiosity taking its toll, Emeka finally opened his eyes, it was a strange container with glowing lines pulsing through the clear parts as well as the opaque. As he stood up the container gave way, allowing him to get of off it without much problem.

Stretching his arms, as he let out a soft yawn, Emeka took in his surroundings. It was a stone structures, like those old colonial forts. Even across the walls he saw the same pattern of crisscrossing pulsing lines he had seen in the pods. He noticed sign of the goddess, seeing the gifts she had seen fit to give her, it only felt right to give a small bow of reverence. One day I will have your strength as mine, but for now I pay respect to the stronger. The entire structure had two doors, one leading outside to what seemed to be some kind of grassland, the other deeper into the structure.

The other people were what he would term tourists he had seen them passing many a time through the congo, but never had much of a chance to speak with them. However from what he had heard from many of his men, they were a weak and soft kind, though rather rich. Now, it seemed that they had same kind of powers he did, different yet sim. Asilar. He decided to follow them for a while, he was uncomfortable approaching them, after all who knew what other surprised the had in store.

He followed them out into the open grassland, on the way he took note of the strange blue vegetation, with their strange leaves. It was then that realization that he was not really on earth struck him. He began to seriously ponder where exactly Emeka actually was.

The group suddenly halted, Emeka thought it was because they had realized they were being followed. If so It was time that he spoke with them, conveyed the fact that he meant no har, his instinct told Emeka that he would have need for them in this new place.

@helltank @akje @Eklispe
“Hello, friends” he said, his speech tinged with a heavy central african accent. “ I was wondering -” and then he spotted the reason why they had stopped. It was large spider, atop a large web. What was surprising was how it all seemed to be floating midair, nothing attached to the web to give it any support whatsoever.

Then the giant bug begins to plunge wildly over Emeka and his soon to be friends, casting its webs overhead almost like a fisherman casting its web. Emeka knew a trap when he saw it, “This tries to trap us!” he said, warning his friends. As he bent down to pick up a pebble on instinct, almost as if he knew what to do. As he goes to grab it his hands light up with a blazing white gold fire, charring the surrounding grass. The rock begins to go red in his hand, then slowly becomes softer and hotter as it is encased in his fiery hands.

Then with a mighty movement of his hands, power surging through his body, Emeka chucks the now almost molten pebble at the spider. Send a speeding flash of red right at the things head...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by helltank
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helltank Imagineer

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Alison smiled, a big wide grin, as she saw the spider hanging in the air, staring back at her. This was it; the Monster that all princesses had to fight. She giggled, and thrust her hand out to the side. "Come on, bad spider," she sang, feeling the magic broiling through her veins, "meet the wrath of my-"

Um. Ummmm..... should I have named it? Quick, what's a cool name... snakey? Raptor, like in Jurassic Park? No, no, WAIT! What about that show Drew used to watch? Alien versus something. Predator? Yeah, that sounds right!


It exploded out of her hand, every spike and needle and slashing fang fully extended and facing forward, whipping around to tear through the webs that surrounded her with brutal force. wisps of shadow trailing forth like smoke as it curved and lunged like a ferocious beast.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 19 days ago

He watched Nathaniel practice with his newly discovered power and it seemed odd that they shared a certain aspect of power but it didn't bother him at the least he was merely interested that they had powers similar to each other and he was a little bit frightened that of his own powers as well.


Vestus nodded in agreement to Nathaniel and then said amusedly.

"That it is Nathaniel!"

He said with a small smile on his face but he frowned in thought for a second then asked Nathaniel.

"Does your body feel extremely warm almost like you're creating heat within your body?"

He said with question in his tone for the matter may be that their powers may be connected that may conclude that they are meant to work as a duo or team which seemed highly logical to Vestus but he wanted to figure if they could do anything else with their powers or if they had more than just one power.

Vestus would never admit it but he was slightly excited as well as Nathaneil sounded he had butterflies in his stomach he was also slightly annoyed that someone had a power like his but he got over it and he began to think what other things he was capable of and he let his imagination run wild in thought.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by whist


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Grant released Darius's hand, noticing a faint tremble. Understandable, considering the situation. Grant would probably be trembling soon too, after the adrenaline wore off. That reminded him of the first time he'd appeared in court. He was second chair on an M&A case, a hostile takeover. He remembered looking across the aisle at the poor sap who'd be losing her business to his firm's client, a huge multinational. He remembered her looking back at him with not anger, but sadness and confusion. He'd trembled then, felt like shit. A few years later he'd have done it without a second thought. Business is business, and a job is a job. That was always the reasoning. Well, maybe he could actually see some justice borne out here. Maybe he could do some good.

"Alright Darius, sure, let's do the walk and talk. It's a maneuver I'm pretty familiar with." Grant started walking over towards John. "Before all of," Grant wove his hand towards their surroundings, "this, I lived in New York and L.A. Seems like everyone is always on the move in the city. You start to take things for granted. Get jaded, cynical even, if you're not careful. You start to think you may even have things figured out. Especially if you're some big shot lawyer who's young and arrogant. Then something like this happens..." Grant trailed off as they reached John. His body looked, well, decimated. Grant knelt down, covering his nose with a sleeve. He'd never been in criminal law, but some of his associates had told him stories about the murder scene investigations.

"Ah, fuck, I think he's dead. I completely agree with what you said but... damn. No one deserves to die like this." Grant stood up and turned his back to the body. "Maybe we should just try to forget about this, you know." As if. The idea of having a normal conversation seemed patently absurd at this point, but he didn't really have anything else to say. "So, ah, what's your story? If you don't want to talk about it, I get it. I'm just used to running my mouth at complete strangers." Grant smiled, aiming for some levity. In hindsight, maybe now wasn't the best time.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ravenDivinity

ravenDivinity many signs and wonders

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Grant's behavior reminded Darius of a large number of people who he'd known in his life, all people who regretted the people they were or became. From the way Grant spoke, Darius figured the young, arrogant lawyer was Grant himself, and all of Darius's questions about minor details in Grant's life were answered. The boy built a profile of Grant in his head. Grant Raskstål. A name, Swedish. He didn't quite know how to spell it, but he knew exactly how to pronounce it. Probably almost 30. Lawyer. Swordsman. Nice. Regrets the man he used to be... And then there was the body on the ground. That's gross. Like, wicked gross. Darius plugged his nose and turned away from John's repulsive, now-decomposing corpse.

"Y...Yeah..." The sight was now burned into his mind. Goodbye, innocence. Darius made a point of leading Grant away from the corpse and deeper into the forest. The sooner they found a significant place the better. While they walked aimlessly away from the shrine, he shyly looked at Grant and gave a tentative smirk. "I'm a Texan, born and raised," the only child of the Sterling family said without even a hint of a Texan accent. Just a plain American accent that showed more of his personal voice than it did of his geographic origin. "My parents divorced when I was 6, and I switched back and forth between them each weekend. But I mainly lived with my dad during the week since I went to school from there." That was the story of his early life. "Obviously I don't have much to talk about... I was kinda looking forward to becoming an adult and being able to be myself without any fear. I don't know. I liked cosplay, art, writing, German." Pfft. All his hopes and dreams for the real world went down the toilet. Now he was stuck here in the Cradle with little else to do other than toil until he could make an escape.

Having a normal chat was difficult against the morbid sight they'd just seen, but at least Darius didn't have to fear approaching the darker aspects of his life. "I admit that I was a little depressed before I came here," Darius said. Perhaps this was everything he wanted. An escape from the real world. In a reality different from his own, however, he really understood what it was like to be left to his own devices. This could either turn into hell or paradise, and he had a bad feeling in his stomach that it wouldn't be the latter. And no, it was not the corpse. "But now I take back what I was feeling before. I wish I could go back there now." He shook his head. There was no use in drowning in his own sorrows and self-hatred. He had to be stronger if he ever wanted to leave. "Sorry." As they walked, Darius made a point of walking extremely close to Grant. Although Grant was a nice man, Darius didn't quite want to make it seem like he was coming onto the lawyer. Especially considering what they'd just seen. Rather, Darius walked close to Grant this time not for a romantic plot but for safety from any sudden danger. It would probably come across differently regardless, given what was considered normal for two men in the society Grant and Darius came from.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JohnSolaris
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JohnSolaris Not Banned (Yet)

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@whist (Grant); @ravenDivinity (Darius)

[Wait, you two are just going to leave poor John behind like that? He still needs another hour or two to recover... Oh well, I'm not going to railroad you.]

As Darius and Grant walk along a trail in the magical forest, they're lucky to not get attacked by any more hostile creatures... for now. After some time, glimpses of cottages can be seen ahead between the trees, their structures a welcoming familiarity compared to the far more outlandish plantlife in the forest.

However, three beings seem to block the path ahead to the village.

All three creatures are roughly humanoid in appearance, if only vaguely speaking. The first resembles an elf from some work of fantasy on Earth, with tanned Caucasian skin tone, a lean build, shoulder-length brown hair, emerald green eyes, and long pointed ears. He is dressed in rather plain-looking green and brown garbs of a forest ranger of some sort, with a bow on his back, and a slender, curved shortsword in each hand; both blades glow with a verdant energy. The second figure is an elf similar to the first, but with pitch black skin, a pale white ponytail, and green eyes considerably darker and murkier in tone, dressed in black leather armor ornately decorated with dark green patterns. He holds a scimitar with serrated edges, made of some dark metal, glistening with venomous green energy. The third creature is far more demonic, a human-sized insectoid creature covered in black spiked carapace, with the head and wings of a fly. It stands on its two thicker hind legs, and possesses two pairs of arms, the lower pair ending in human-like but still shell-covered hands, while the upper pair ending in long, vicious, mantis-like blades. Wispy strands of inky darkness emanate from the creature's body, and its two blades are coated in the same sickly green energies as the dark elf's sword.

"You will not pass, spawn of the Blightmother," the wood elf snarls. Grant and Darius can fully understand his words, even though at the same time they get the feeling that the elf is not speaking English at all; it is a language entirely unknown to either of them.

"So you are this village's strongest warrior?" The dark elf says with a smirk. "You don't have to die here today, child. If you join the army of Darkness, that'll be a much better use of your talents, don't you think?"

"I'd rather die than become a demon like you!" The wood elf spits, and readies his weapons.

"How unfortunate..." The dark elf sighs. "We'll grant your wish then. I suppose your corpse is better than nothing..."

The dark elf and his insectoid demon companion both prepare to strike. Neither of them have spotted the humans, so far...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Rina a small squeak of surprise at the sight of the spider. Her companions as well as someone else who appeared to also come from one of the pods immediately began attacking it. Aron examined it curiously as it began making more webbing, it seemed as though it could simply attach its webbing to thin air. "Do not worry Rina I will protect you." he said confidently. Doubting more attacks would assist in defeating the creature and more interested in testing the strength of the webs he gestured with his hand pulling a chunk of earth about the size of a baseball out of the ground. It morphed into a small spear and he hurled it at one of the webs curious to see its effect. "Whoa how do you do that." Rina asked eager to learn how. Aron gave her a puzzled look, "I do not know, I just did." Rina sighed disappointed, and watched the battle it seemed everybody could use magic their but her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Libé marveled at the graceful beauty with which the spider danced trough the sky.
He was no great fan of the creepy crawlies, and spiders on his skin made his skin crawl.
But he was one to apreciate their beauty from a small distance, and never killed them, picking them up with a piece of paper and moving them out of the house. This spider however, was slightly too big for a tissue.

It's size, color and movements screamed magic to Libé. In it's many eyes, was that gleam a hint of intelligence?
He spread his arms to the side and slowly heightened the half meter diameter pillar he was seated on.
When he was at roughly 10 meters up he could look at the spider from somewhat closer by, at eye level.
"Hello. I am Libé. What mesmerizing patterns are you making."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JohnSolaris
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JohnSolaris Not Banned (Yet)

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@helltank (Alison); @akje (Libé); @Eklispe (Rina); @Grimoire (Emeka)

The spider shows no signs of understanding, upon hearing Libé's words. In fact, it seems to be looking at him as though he's only a particularly interesting inanimate object.

But the spider doesn't stay looking at Libé for long, when it is struck on the head by a red-hot pebble. Thrown by Emeka's magically enhanced strength, the chunk of stone smashes against the spider's head with great force, and makes a sizzling sound as the spider's silky white surface begins to blacken. The spider falls to the grassy ground, now stunned and possibly brain-damaged.

Alison sweeps her tentacle through the webs of light, thinking that she can disperse them with ease. However, the moment the tentacle's shadowy black energy makes contact with the strands of bluish white light, the light simply passes through, as though it is completely intangible. At least, until an instant later, when Alison feels the light slicing through the flowing streams of magic within her tentacle that she didn't know existed. The sensation is highly unpleasant, akin to a mixture of numbness, muscle cramp, and electric shock, though thankfully mild enough to only be uncomfortable. Then she feels emptiness, as the tentacle falls apart and disperses into wisps of darkness. The energy formerly contained in the appendage is lost to her now. Although, the webs themselves do appear somewhat damaged too, some of their parts fraying and blackening due to the dark energy in Alison's tentacle.

Aron's rock spear meets the same fate as it passes harmlessly through the webs. The webs only sway a little, appearing mostly unaffected by physical force, while the magic circuits keeping the stone spear together are disrupted. The spear falls apart a moment later.

The spider is still stunned, giving the humans a few moments to make additional moves.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by gammaflux
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I stared at the girl for a moment, unsure of how to respond, but figured some form of flattery might be nice. "Ang...Angela? That's a rather nice name, you have." I said somewhat shyly. It actually was true though, Angela was quite a nice name, and while I would normally keep this to myself, it was nice that she came up to speak to me. "So, this place, how do..., you feel-"

However before I could finish my question I saw Angela was fixated on something else. Turning my head I saw two of the same girls from before, the one that had mocked me. Why was...

Suddenly two beams of cold shot out from one Elizabeth to the other. I fully expected the other Elizabeth to be hit dead on and die, or at least be injured horribly, but instead the second Elizabeth's face started to mold into a doughnut shape, as the neck stretched outwards moving towards the right. The skin itself also started to change color, back to that of a dark-ish colored green. One of the beams missed completely, but the second one on the other hand hit partially, as the hole didn't have enough time to open up fully. A cracking sound was heard as small chunks of frozen goop fell to the floor. Wait, was that my, my slime? It must have really pissed off the real Elizabeth by transforming into her, but part of me wondered if it had actually said anything else to make her so angry. The slime continued to stand still for a moment before raising one hand and firing out a few jets of slime back towards Elizabeth, only the barrage stopped rather abruptly as the words "I command that you cease your senseless conflict," were yelled at both the slime and Elizabeth from across the room.

The slime then transformed back into it's normal self and quickly moved over towards me, muttering the words "cold, cold..."

Forming a single tentacle it grabbed my arm and started to absorb some of my body heat, in an attempt to warm itself up a little, not that I minded.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Um Aron maybe you should help beat up the spider thing." Rina pointed out somewhat nervously. "Oh of course," Aron said absentmindedly as he turned to face the spider. A brief moment of thought and he put his hands in front of him then pulled them apart in a tearing motion. The ground beneath the spider followed his motions splitting to the side and putting it in a small hole. Then Aron pointed his finger at the beast and attempted to freeze it with a burst of icy energy. "That should do it." Aron said confidently, "From what I remember I believe that spider don't like the cold very much. Rina watched in awe still wishing she could do the same thing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"True.. Given that this spider is anything like our spiders at home, but by it's nature it seems to be magical, evidence being the disintegration or dispel like effects on it's web. It could be something else than blood and sinew that drives this beautiful machine."
The pillar Libé stood on bent in an sideways S shape to lower him to a point where he could comfortably talk to the others.
"So ice might work, and crushing won't work, not at this scale.. a piercing weapon would do. If it bleeds like our spiders, it's doomed die on the first true hit. Spiders don't heal wounds.
I'm not sure if it sees us as food. It may not be a threat to us... And she may be intelligent..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by helltank
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helltank Imagineer

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Hurts. Ow. Owwww.

The little girl stumbles and gasps, her hands on her knees. Her face is screwed up in concentration, trying not to the pain show. After all, princesses never let that happen. Then she saw the rock slam into the spider. Libé curved his pillar sideways to talk to her, even as Aron caught it in a beam of icy energy.

"It may not be a threat to us..."

"Not a threat?" snarled Alison. "Phooey! I'm gonna show this spider who's the real badass here!"

Smoking black energy curled around her, forming into solid, blocky shapes- a helmet with a blank visor, thick spiked armor, heavy boots over her feet. Her fingerless gloves, the left one with a shredded hole in it from Predator's emergence, were torn apart and replaced by black gauntlets that looked like they could punch through a brick wall. Alison grinned behind her helmet. The spider must be absolutely terrified at seeing her full Princess form.

Then she felt something push between her shoulder blades as well. Another Predator? No, they were wings of some sort, papery and whipping and curling around like they were half-liquid. Swirling darkness danced around them in butterfly-like patterns, and Alison could feel the muscles threaded into the wings, control them like she controlled her hands or feet or Predator.

And her Predator burst forth once more, snapping as if enraged at being dispelled earlier. It looped itself around Alison's arm, forming an even thicker layer of protection around it, and sharpening once more into a vicious looking spike protruding from the underside of her palm. "That's what you get for making me use my ultimate form! PRINCESS OF SHADOWS!"

The imposing figure clad in black armor swooped forward at a frightening speed straight towards the spider, and Alison screamed in half-excitement and half-fear as she felt shards of concentrated darkness rocket everywhere from her body; her neck, her head, the arm that Predator wasn't coming out from, even her stomach. As the spider lies stunned, the first shard slams into it. Immediately, she feels a magnetic pull from that shard, as though calling out for its comrades to join it. A casual thought, and every other shard homes in on the spider, turning it into a pincushion even as Alison pierces it with her Predator at full speed.

AHAHAHA! This is what it's like to be magic! I love this place!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Grimoire
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Grimoire Awesomesauce Since 1623

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As the rock hits the spider square in its head, Emeka looks at the lyng twitching heap with an open jawed expression. This new strength in his body was profound in its power, he could feel it coursing through his veins. Like coiled lightning the power strained to be free and Emeka thirsted to free it. However a wise man once told him... A hunter uses his emotion, he is not slave to it. For emotion clouds the mind, and the mind is man’s strongest weapon. Sadly the wise man had forgotten to heed his own advice in the end..

So with a force of will and clenched fists he forced the beast within back into its cave, back to that dark place within his subconscious. Not now friend, there will be time for that soon enough… As his battle lust cooled, he kept his distance from the spider. Instinct told him it would not do well to get too close to the beast, he had seen what its web had done to the magics of the metal man and the shadow thing of the girl. If only he had a weapon of some kind it would make it much better for him to deal with such hindrances.

As he walked toward the rest of the group, he saw the metal man shape the earth and wield ice. He saw the girl in black, wreath herself in darkness to become a nightmare. He felt a frown forming upon his face, their power was great, if not greater than his. He would have to take care around them, for Emeka was not sure of their intent.

“It don’t matter whether it’s a he or a she, no friends lays a web such as this on guests. Still it does not matter, the bug seems to be quite overpowered.” He said as he looked on at girl wreathed in darkness’ overwhelming attack upon the spider

“Ah, I forgot to ask, what may I call you ?” he asked the man who melded earth, and the girl who seemed to command the metal man.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by akje
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The poor creature. To be destroyed without remorse for no other reason than existing too near a human. The bitter fate of spiders held true here too then. Libé looked away, not wanting to see the death of something he thought might be intelligent. The little girl with the vicious looking magic, was that coincidence? Or did those menacing spikes reflect her personality? It seemed hard to imagine, but it did feel logical to see magic work that way.

"It seems so. My name is Libé." He stepped of his pedestal as it lowered into the ground.
"I assume you, like us, are brought here by the goddess?" Libé stuck out his hand.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Grimoire
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Grimoire Awesomesauce Since 1623

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The man watched the spider, with a sadness in his eyes. It was something that Emeka could not understand, all that he saw was the removal of an obstacle. It was yet another small event in the circle of death and life. What did it matter, the spider was weak and hence it had its life taken.

However on the other hand the man seemed to care for it... Although it had clearly attacked him. How curious yet how meaningless. To not be able to take was in the end another kind of weakness...

"It seems so. My name is Libé." He stepped of his pedestal as it lowered into the ground.
"I assume you, like us, are brought here by the goddess?" Libé stuck out his hand.

Emeka took the man's outstretched hand and shook it."I am Emeka, and yes I brought to this place by the goddess." he said
"It is good to meet you, friend. Do you know where we have't go, or where civilization lies?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Rina frowned, Alison was... kinda scary. And maybe a little not entirely sane. She turned at the sound of the newcomer asking for a name, "My name in Rina and this- well he," she said gesturing at her companion, "is Aron." Aron also turned away from the now impaled spider, "We also do not know were we are going. The initial plan was to head through the forest in an attempt to find civilization. I take it your intent is to join us?" Aron inquired of Emeka. He was disappointing that the spider had been killed, he had merely attempted to immobilize it and the darkness girl had finished it off. Though supposedly they did have to kill things to gain more power, curious how that whole process was supposed to work.
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