Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BurningCold
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BurningCold Magical Bastard

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Dawn HQ
Astrid grimaced, inspecting several monitors, all displaying various bits and pieces of information about this outbreak. "Well, shit's really fucked up out there." She couldn't stop her thoughts from drifting to Kane, and she began growing increasingly more worried. The redhead sighed.

Victor studied Adam dubiously. He didn't like this one much.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

What Erick had found, was something that could change the fate of humanity and vampire kind alike. He froze momentarily, taking in the information that he had found. "I-I'll be going now..thank you for the lovely conversation." He told Kami. He slowly stepped backwards, orders to kill him were shouted, and the Paladins descended upon him. North might have abandoned him, but he still had his ways. He cloaked and ran while the running was getting good. He ran as fast as his legs and suit could take him, he couldn't die, or this information would be lost. It was for the sake of everything that he lived. The Paladins were fast, he was faster if only slightly. They were tracking him as best they could, 15 seconds left on his cloak. He kept running. Thankfully the behemoths behind him were restricted to melee, he had that much of an advantage. Kami and Ved were thankfully trapped in a shield, if only for a little while longer.

He had to act fast, he didn't want to do it, REALLY DIDN'T WANT TO DO IT, but he spotted a manhole. He looked back over his shoulder at the charging hulks of metal, and then to manhole. "Fuck it." He shouted, he lifted up the cover and tossed it like a Frisbee at the two. He dove in and continued his sprint. He hoped they couldn't follow him down the small hole, or that they didn't have any explosive charges. "Thank you ever so much for abandoning me. Now, if you could be a friend and find a location to pick me up from, that'd be great. I-I have something that will interest you greatly." He spoke into comms, hoping his was still tapped into Freelances.@thewizardguy@Kurai Assassin
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Legion-114
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Adam looked up at Mithias, he knew that he was being watched, how could he blame them?

"Mithias, you brought me a present. You shouldn't have. Such a precious thing." Adam spoke each word in a cruel flow of seduction. "Now what's you name?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

North heard what Eric had to say but it was too late. He heard rumbling in the air as though it was thunder. A few seconds later a squadron of jets flew over head "four kill the engines and enable cloaking" he switched his comms back to Eric "We're pinned at the minute. I'll send a message to your HUD. We can't risk anyone intercepting these transmissions so radio silence ok." A few moments later a message would appear on Ericks HUD reading *Seattle Sea hawks stadium. Make sure your not followed *
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 32 min ago

Insolent Boy.
A child without,
either knowledge or wisdom.
How dare he offend me?

"There is a fine line between flattery and stooping down to lick my arse boy. But I doubt you will know the difference from your current position and limited view." The old knight's voice was firm, yet surprisingly fatherly. "I can see why now your Business retains barely over three quarters of the industry market. Your business acumen attempts to sell what is already mine to me, make no mistake O'Neal, while you have managed to build yourself an empire, it shall not last longer than the scant years countable against the inexorable downfall marked by the weakness I find in you.

As such, I have not failed to remember your little escapade with the Count's Son, but it was hardly worth recalling as one wonders if you had failed to end him in the first place. Yes see, we would like to think that you have, done your best job and, were competent enough to ensure Alucard does not return until the council was ready to deal with his failures. In asking for the keys, well you suggest you were not at all competent. But never mind that, perhaps it did slip my mind in my old age that you were worthy to do the task. If you open the sepulcher and find him still capable, then you have brought upon more shame and dishonor upon yourself and your bloodline. If not, then your little quest is all but moot is it not? So think carefully O'Neal if you have something to prove, under the belt maybe? In the meantime, I would suggest dealing with the Old C-"

Well, speak of the devil. Metaphorically of course, Gabriel was about as much a devil as Bedivere was a sock-puppet. It was odd to see the old Coder on the Tele, which had been all but buzzing away in the background about the daily trades or whatever humans find important. But to call gather once again by the coward was strange, he had once mocked the council, but it too appears that a cornered rat will bite. There was certainly a bit what resembled a spine in him after, maybe even a notochord. Although it was all to convenient that he was here as well. Perhaps Merlin was right.

"Once you secure his key, then return to me, as I fear his call to council shall be met with, remorsefully only a handful of us elder left. Lady Natasha from what I have gathered has been missing from Transylvania. She had inquired yearly of returning Carfax abbey to the Draculian line, however she had yet to send me her formal request as of the last three years. I fear that she may have been hunted and her key lost..."

Of course there were no three keys. Only one, or rather two keys were a lie and the third a reality. Possession of the Key was indeed with Bedivere, as decided by the council to give the old knight the key as he held within his collection an item to ensure that no vampire could take the key without incurring death. A human would be required to fetch the key, as for slid right under the door to Camelot's chapel, any vampire setting foot within such the holy sanctum would be reduced to ash by the Grail. So was the keeper of the key named Bedivere. The lie however was the descion to announce the creation of not one but three keys though the last two were never finished. There was little need to inform Adam of this small lie however, he would figure it out on his own.

But who was this now who descend upon them like an owl in the night? With silent wings, stalking prey, while his sire in the background laid down his heavy rap? Armed with another man at his side, the grandson if such a term could befit someone like Gabriel. Someone from a decade ago, lost in the bath of blood and fratricide of those nightly escapades. Someone who he spared affiliation with for should they find Bedivere guilty of his massacures against the council and charge him with the grounds of treason. Someone who he distanced away from for the sake of keeping the boy in the darkest darkness in the coming tide. Someone who, had their own child to raise and baptize in the blood of the weak. Someone who he had unfortunately left alone to soar as Bedivere sank deeper into the font of treachery.

"Well, I should have expected to see you here with the Old Coot running around. Brother Mithias. Fledgling Hank. It has been too long, far too long, dear boy. Come, sit for a natter if you would, and catch up on the state of affairs before this horrid tea gets cold? O'Neal here has a proposition for me, and I could use your council on such matters. And do come to Camelot every now and then, although you know you have to leave the kid behind Brother, he's not sworn in yet."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BurningCold
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BurningCold Magical Bastard

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Legion-114 Victor remained silent, trying to fight against the urge to speak to this vampire. He amped up the power of his Shadow Walk spell so he could put even more distance between himself and this crowd in case trouble ensued. Unfortunately, this meant having to wait even longer for the spell to be ready.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lady Athena
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Lady Athena Chaotic good with a hint of insanity

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

She sat upon a buildings roof, her cloak's hood covering her face leaving only her blue eyes visible. Her cloak blowing in the wind as she watched a robbery in the tower in front of her. "They return again, 3 nights in a row"

One of the robbers step too far as they pull a mother and a child from inside a cupboard and put a gun to their faces. She sighs jumping off the roof of the building into a pile of trash in the alleyway. She mildly sprained her ankle as adrenaline rushed through her body. She sprinted towards the tower and up to the robbery in progress. The elevator doors open and she steps out. The robbers stared at her in confusion and the hostages stared in confusion. She put her hand to her back as she pulled her scythe off and rushed towards the robbers. "Get her!" ordered one of the robbers.

She pushed the robber to the ground trying not to frighten the child that was in the room. The robbers turn to face her and begin to fire there pistols at her. A few shots hit her but they don't hit anything major. She turns to face them giving a kick the robber's balls. She got up and pushed the other three to the wall "Get out! Take the child with you"

The mother and child got to there feet and made a break for the elevator. As soon as they left, she turns to the robbers and sighs. She swings her scythe and cuts the three on the wall in almost half..... She falls to the ground as blood seeped from her leg staining her pants. She turns to notice the guy she had kicked in the balls with a gun aimed at her. He smirks and prepares for another shot and takes another shot this time hitting her in her right arm. She glares at him "You shouldn't of done that!"

She unsteadily gets to her feet and leaps at him swinging her scythe with her left arm. The guy falls to the ground headless... Followed by her collapsing from blood loss. The room was filled with blood. She later awoke to a damp cloth on her face and the couch below her. The mother and child had returned the next morning and found her unconscious in a puddle of blood. They had treated her for the past few days. "Thank you.... If it wasnt for you appearing I would of lost my daughter" Tears begin to roll down the mother's face.

Few hours later, she leaves the mother and child. She wanders into the darkness of the night still healing from that battle
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 2b3heart

2b3heart Keyblade Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Silver was lost and confused. She shuffled her wings in a more comfortable position, sitting down. She was starting to feel the nagging of hunger again, but the dreaded feeling of loneliness was stronger. Maybe she could find a place to live by herself. Silver couldn't go back to O'neal. She had failed him. She didn't feel like she belonged with Blood. She was a monster that couldn't be controlled.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@BurningCold@The Grey Dust@Legion-114@remipa awesome

As the vampire stood, shocked by the scene before him, he didn't even notice the sleek possession of his shadow by another force, another sinister being, because there HE was, after so much time, time that was probably nothing to the white-haired old fiend that dared address him. The sight of the grey knight, that sorely missed, long-winded and steady voice that revealed so much with the slightest inflection, sitting across from the flamingly handsome Adam O'Neal, triggered a switch deep down inside the heart. Mithias' hair visibly bristled as he felt it, inexplicable hatred.

"You..." He trembled, about to break like a dam. His once innocent and sparkling eyes took on a red light. Clawed hands reached for his swords. "You LIAR!" He shouted harshly. Like a shadow of black, Mithias charged without warning. Although he seemed to be aiming right for Adam, the oldblood could see that that golden gaze was trained strictly on Bedivere. Mithias flew past Adam in a ruffle of cloth and wind with a first slash at the old knight. The furniture did not survive.

Nothing short of a swordfight ensued with no explanation. Mithias attacked Bedivere with an unbridled fervor that surely had a profound reason to it. Bedivere had no choice but to be driven back, out of his seat, losing his horrid cup of tea, forced to focus on two titamnium blades that heeded no parry. In his anger, Mithias just kept the pressure on, continuously attacking. Like fangs, his swords sought blood like a starved fledgling just released from its cage. Indeed, he had himself been starving all this time.

He compelled Bedivere to move, dodge, bend, parry, flip a table over only for it to be promptly sliced in half, yet Bedivere did all this with a tired expression. The sound of the air being cut by those blades was crisp and beautiful. In his emotion, Mithias was completely without hesitation and his swings carried real intent. The moves he used were clearly expert and deadly serious and would have found flesh on anyone less than godlike in their defense. Bedivere had sparred with him before, but had never seem him so serious. Of course, his defense was flawless as usual, but the battle was one-sided without him attacking in return.

To Mithias, not Adam, nor Victor, Hank, the flashing monitor screen, nor anything existed outside of cutting into Bedivere in that moment.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BurningCold
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BurningCold Magical Bastard

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@Wraithblade6 Victor was feeling delighted. Not only was there some amazing entertainment to be found, Mithias' quickly moving form was also taking Victor further away from Adam. He guessed that there was definitely some bad blood between these two vampires. This is certainly taking an interesting turn....
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Shikaru The front Paladin batted the metal frisbee out of the air with it's blade, launching it into the distance. However, it had bought Erick the moment he had needed to make his escape. The Paladins were nearly unmatched fighting machines in close combat, but their bulky frames limited their mobility in tight spaces. For a moment, they considered attempting to break their way into the tunnel below. However even if they did, it would be impossible to maneouver in such a tight space.

[/We should cover the entrances, and smoke him out like a rat. Within the cramped tunnels it would be impossible to avoid Crusader patrols we sent down./]

[No, we no longer have the manpower for a mission of such scale.] Kami steps forward, as he addressed them through the comms. The sound could already be heard. They were near the city of Santa Anna, and the Ghoul outbreak was in full force. There was a relatively strong Purge presence in Santa Anna, but it had not undergone the conversion process. As such, they would need to fight in the streets in order to deal with the Ghoul threat. [A Country-wide outbreak of lesser vampiric creatures of an unknown strain has occurred. Similar to the outbreak seen before, but far more widespread. They are highly infectious, and cannot be allowed to spread. Help containing the infection and establish a perimiter around the city. I want full lockdown. We will deal with this figure once the Ghouls are dealt with.]

Kami had regained his senses. The abomination's influence had left him disoriented, and he had temporarily been lost in emotion. It was a worrying prospect, like the walls of his sanity were coming down. But Kami had no room for worry, in the same way he had no room for mercy in his head. The Purge faced it's greatest threat yet, but they were equipped for the job. They would lose many men, but anything they lost would be regained instantly. They would become the most funded military organization on the planet, gaining the backing of the entirety of America. This turn of events was certainly unexpected, but it fell perfectly into the grand plan.

Soon, the world would be wiped clean of the vampire scum.

Kami nodded at the two Paladins, as they moved into the city. There were hundreds attempting to escape from the city through the main roads, and yet already a Battallion of Crusaders had taken it upon themselves to seal off the city. Kami stood on top of a car, as he faced the civilians attempting to panic. No words were necessary as a sudden silence swept through the crowds.

[The enemy has revealed themselves, and struck at our hearts. But do not despair. We will bring the Wrath of God to them, and we will eliminate all who stand in our way.] Kami raised his fist into the air, as the two Paladins stood beside him. [This land is the Land of the Free, the Land of God. And we will not relinquish it to this foul demonspawn! We stand before you, and we will protect this land from the encroaching darkness. Do not fear, but rejoice! For today, we beat back the storm once more!]

And so, the world's greatest game of cat and mouse began. The playing field was a city consumed by war, the players the Purge and the abomination. And the stakes would be the world itself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Director

As The Directors Pelican approached the Island of Hawaii, he looked out at the Beautiful sights that the island held. The Beautiful Clear blue water which probably held many species of Tropical fish. In the Directors current state he would not normally be able to behold such a sight but on the pelican above the water it felt so surreal, how could a place like this be able to look this beautiful with the world in its current state. as the Pelican got lower a dolphin surfaced and jumped out of the water and land gracefully back in the ocean. A sight not many get to see, it was a once in a life time opportunity. In the Distance the Dormant Volcano that stood in the middle of Hawaii looked Gigantic but Peaceful it was truly a sight to behold. The palm trees on the island completed the package, the way they swayed as though they were dancing in the cool salty breeze.

The Director had an Idea. if he could show the world this small plot of Perfection then maybe they would rally and join their cause, he pulled up his Data pads Camera. He took snapshots of different Tranquil parts of the island. Later he would use them to make propaganda against the Purge, show the world that this is what they wanted, that this is what they were fighting for.

As the Directors Pelican Finally came to a halt in the Parking lot of the Resort where he was to meet the man who could change the tide of the war, The man who most feared. He wheeled himself down the ramp of the pelicans loading hatch an looked at the iWatch on his wrist. "F.I.L.L.S Find a place hide then cloak and cut the engines. we dont want to be tracked here" the pelican took off into the distance where it would cloak and hide until the director gave the word to uncloak and pick him up. He pulled up HackerZ.exe on his Data pad and hacked into the Resorts guest list to check to make sure the guest he needed was there. "Bingo. hes here, good" he said enlarging the picture of him. "Ok better make a reservation for a room im gonna be here a while." he said tapping where it said '+Add Guest' the wrote his name and age and added a picture till it read 'Name of Guest: Dr Leonard Church. Age: 46'

The Director put away his data pad and wheeled into the reception and up to the Receptionist. "Ah excuse me good sir. Do you have my Reservation on the System" the man looked down at church the man was wearing a red and Yellow Hawaiian shirt with a pair of Cargo shorts and sandles on. he was wearing a shark tooth on a string around his neck. *Let me check. Name Sir* the Director lowered his tinted black shades as he answered "Doctor Leonard Church. should be a Premium suite". *Ah yep got you right here sir. Your on the top floor. The Elevator is over there and your room is the last on the Corridor* "thank you my good man" he said taking the keys from the man.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by hagroden
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hagroden Atomic Angel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

He knew a Purge tactic was to manipulate the emotions of those around them, God had given them that capability as people for the sake of communication, and he knew better than any how to get a crowd emotional. He had stood silently between the dual Paladins, listening to his Master's short speech. Murmuring silently into the cons, he prepared himself seeing that Kami's speech was nearing it's end. Upon Kami's final words, him an an Elite squad mobalized, all equipped in state of the art Exo-Armor, the leaped over Kami, sprinting directly into an approaching crowd of Ghouls, and in the sight of God and man, began a rightoues slaughter of the Undead. Each equipped with personalized weapons and impenetrable hermetically sealed armor, the ghouls stood no chance.

His blade flew at lightning speeds, and his powers were burning with a passion, sending a dozen ghouls into pieces with each shot of light. After firing a few dozen shot's he turned to see several purge armored ghouls approaching him, running in a limp sort of stumble towards him. He readied himself, drawing out a second blade and leaped, spinning with his arms outstretched, the sound of metal clashing echoed throughout the streets. Upon landing he crouched down, jabbing the calf of one ghoul and the knee of another, forcing them to drop to the ground. He brought his blades up, high above his head, then back down with a ferocious snarl, severing the heads of them both.

After making quick work of the remaining ghouls, armored or not, he switched on his private Comm with Kami, breathing heavily he asked. "Permission to have a few dozen ghouls make it near the civilians master, any news casters would be able to record the Purge slaughtering the beasts, which would do wonders for international support." He knew it was a slight risk, but the civilians were surrounded by armored Purge military, and 40-50 ghouls wouldn't be a problem for them, it would only improve the Relations between Civilians and Purge. It would make Purge appear as even greater hero's than they already were, and there was never such thing as too much good publicity.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 6 hrs ago


His rifle was damaged, the shotgun was still working and loaded. But the Paladin was coming in to fast to do anything effective. Ford drew his blades and got ready to take on the Tank being. "Bring it on!" The Paladin charged at Ford ready to crush him. Ford charged, if he was going to die he was going to leave his mark.

The two collided, Ford was sent into the remains of one of the buildings nearby. The Paladin charged Ford, though Ford was smaller and faster in this fight, he was able to keep dodging for a while, though it was getting faster, smarter as the fight went on. Ford made it back to his rifle and trained it on the paladin. With out armor piercing he couldn't do much, or a working rifle. But he still had the dragons breath loads in the shotgun attachment. He fired, the Paladin took the hit, though it wasn't use to being in flames, this bought Ford time. Though not enough, the Paladin picked up Ford and held him by his neck.

Then the paladin stopped, it dropped Ford and ran off. "The fuck?" Ford didn't have time to question the situation, instead he ran over to where the Humvee was, though he was too slow. It was long gone by the time he got close, understandable. He hesitated and now things moved on. He grabbed the shotgun attachment off his rifle and grabbed the spare grip for it from his bag, he wasn't planning on getting out of this with a .45 and a couple knives.

He started running his way to the stadium, he could tell something was still wrong. The pelican left in a hurry, faster then it would have in a normal situation. He could still make it into the stadium though. He got onto his radio and started talking. "North! North ya read me?" Though he didn't even hear static, his radio was trashed beyond repair.

(I will post for other characters in a bit, still busy.)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

North Dakota

North looked around the remains of the squads. he counted the Agents that had made it. Carolina, Washington, Texas, South Dakota, himself North Dakota. Alaska was making his own way home that left 2 Agents still out in the field "OH shit. York and Florida are still out there." he turned on his radio to the Freelancer Channel "York, Florida if either of you are reading me get your asses to the Rendezvous point ASAP our Pelican is landed but were gonna be here for some time. Oh and guys try to stay of the streets heard some screaming coming from the West end of Seattle." he turned of his radio and walked over to south. "Your not gonna believe who picked us up. infact go look for yourself" He said laughing a little as he said it. he then walked over to Wash and the Unconscious Carolina. "Wash. go find the Food bar at this place were all feeling a bit beaten might cheer us up." he knelt down and took off Carolina's helmet "Theta can you run a medical check on her. you know make sure her Vitals are all good and such?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 32 min ago

A familiar friend, and foe.
Each stroke and thrust,
all too well known.
Predictable in fury,
and they both knew the outcome.

Blade being drawn, and a body moving forward. Within the darkness another rose, as they faded with Adam in the backdrop of this scene. Calmly, without a suggestion of surprise was the teacup set on the table, and then the table kicked forward as Bedivere slid back in his chair across the marble floors. With such a slash was the wood so easily parted, designer decorum, but not quite a solid construct, kids these days have no sense of art being immortal, but perhaps fleeting. No such canvas could withhold the beauty of art, or so they say, although Bedivere painted several lovely portraits in the past, all in red. Flashing Mithias a grin in return, saying nothing quite yet as he rose up from his seat, unfolding himself and dusted off his shoulders. His inconspicuous umbrella hanging by its hook between the crook of where is left arm met forarm, as he adjusted his cuffs unreasonably dodging the attacks sent his way in an almost comedic contrast. Wherein Mithias was, a sight to behold as his fury was laid down, Bedivere was the foiling jester who wove his way through the atrium with a quick step every bit faster than Mithias' blades. Defensive footwork, not quite a retreat, but certainly enough to make Mithias look foolish in attempting to strike that which he could not touch, merely inches away but for an inch Mithias would beg Bedivere for that last inch. And this brought a curiosity to Bedivere's face which had not appeared in the last decade: A Smile.

"Concierge, I request some music to accompany me in demonstrating the error in my brother's judgment whilst we engage in our duel. Verdi's Requiem: Dies Irae should be fitting per this situation." The poor concierge just gave Bedivere a confused look, pitiful indeed but not enough to make Bedivere consider retracting his demand. "Did I not make my request clear? Do hurry, before I draw my own bow and be my own minstrel and your screams as I cut your body apart, my tune." At which, the man quickly decided to find such a piece on an popular music and video uploading website online and proceed to feed the music into the hotel lobby. "Perfect."

But enough of this. While he enjoyed watching Mithias attempt with all his heart to kill him, a response so human in nature perhaps to seek the vengeance long withheld, it was almost disappointing all the same that Mithias was indeed acting too human. One of the weaknesses humans had, their frail concept of eternity, attributed to their own mortality, ten years was but a week in the centuries to come. All this concern over the time lost? Certainly not, a vampire as old as he should understand that those who bear the gift would not crumble like the fragile humans beneath them. Now then, it was time to get serious and remind Mithias who it was between them which held the sword. A seeping darkness flowed as the forte of the hidden blade was exposed, barely an inch, but enough to deal with parrying the emotionally-attached attacks. Kept barely open from its umbrella scabbard, Caliburn the Darkest Blade unsheathed to counter the twin blades of Mithias. Casting off the swordstrokes with a dispelling parry, a strong force to glance off the twins to the sides as Bedivere's began his counter assault, moving forward to meet Mithias' dancing blades. Parting the pair of edges like the seas one to each side to keep his advance steady as they came in from his sides. Horizontal met vertical, and vertical met horizontal, the first blade blocked by the second, manipulated in its path by the third. It was not the number of swords one carried, but how effective one was at using them. To which in a sense, using the leverage he had with one of Mithas' weapon allowed him to defer the second blade with the first. A tap with the tip of the umbrella against the flat of the blade, enough to disrupt the path and jerk the tip to just miss: Beautiful.

And he finished it, the show was to be over when Bedivere determined Mithias had given the spectators enough of a show. With an flick of his wrist, taking the angle upon the fulcrum did the elder disarm the younger, the first blade flying from its cradle into a vase of flowers serving as a centerpiece which shattered as the result. Fragile, as Bedivere noted earlier. The second was retained but now brought down upon Bedivere as the old knight stepped to the side and took the boy's wrist by the hook of his umbrella-blade's handle. The sudden tug pulled Mithias back, by his arm, all the way down as Bedivere impaled the marble floor with his ancient blade, cracking the solid rock itself as the swiftness of his actions fueled by the void of darkness gave it a strobe-light effect.

"Into stone, Caliburn I sheathe." Bedivere rose as Mithias fell, tethered by his wrist with a mere umbrella hook. Enough of a moment to give pause and find the tip of a familiar umbrella touching Mithias' chest. A wooden=tipped umbrella, capped in pointed metal, effectively a stake. Though it met something hard, not flesh nor bone as it lightly applied pressure upon the boy. "I see you still keep the silver Crucifix I gave you. Ten years, at your side." Kept close to the heart, Bedivere had never left him. He chuckled as he reached to pull the sword out from the stone, and sheathe his blade back into its umbrella disguise. "Good to see you again brother."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 6 hrs ago


Hank wasn't sure what to think of Mithias and Bedivere going at each other, Or more of Mithias attacking and Bedivere doing... his thing. Hank figured that the matter was personal so he would let Mithias duke it out. If for some reason Mithias started to have trouble Hank could always go over to the guy across the room who decided to carry himself a fifty caliber pistol on vacation. Wasn't loaded with anything special but the stopping power should still get peoples attention if it came to it.


North was acting strange, happy strange. "Okay who picked us up? I'm so interested." North asked her to go check for herself. "You love to mess with my head don't you?" She walked up to the cockpit to find Niner. "You.. you're alive..." Before the pilot could speak she was met with a hug from south. One of the few people south gave a damn for.


Theta started checking vitals across Carolina. "Vitals are stable, though medical attention is requested ASAP. I am scattering a few cracked ribs and fractures, should be easy fixes but not in the field." Theta was looking around the ship. "Where's John?"

Oklahoma Police headquarters

Tony sat handcuffed to a chair in the police station. He was arrested after not only robbing a Hospital security guard, but also resisting arrest for hundreds of miles. The officer walked up to him. "So, our first word of you starts a few days ago back here in Oklahoma city? and then half way across the country, then back here. You want to explain that?" Tony had to improvise, explaining that he was trying to save his vary dangerous vampire friend in Oklahoma city was not going to work out well for him. "Well you see..." He was cut off. "Could you also explain Hank Miller? Who was thought to have died ten years ago in Brittan? You both were in the same unit in the Marine Corpse right? And if I remember you had a decent conversation with a vampire who matches Hanks description." Tony was silent for a moment. "Well... it's hard to explain." The officer got close up to Tony's face. "Explain."

Tony sighed. "I am an undercover agent for the United states Navy. Hank Miller was a member of my old unit, and he didn't die ten years, he was turned." The officer was about to speak. "Let me finish, you wanted me to talk let me." The officer went silent. "Navel intelligence knew that Hank was turned by a powerful vampire known as Mithias, who was believed to have contact with other vampires of interest. Though several have died during the war several didn't. My job was to get close to Hank again and get the location of some of these vampires so that they could be wiped out. Any questions? No? Well good, now I have to hope my C.O. wont have both our heads for this." Tony raised his hands to show the cuffs. "Now do you mind? I have work to do."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

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@Remipa Awesome


"He's on his way. he got...lost. can you do me a favour and make sure the Epsilon AI is ok. i know Carolina's Armour took a beating but without the AI her armour will be usless" north said to theta. he looked around the group. they needed to get back to base quick. at least South was happy, that brought a lot of weight off his shoulders.


York was still looking around when the transmission from north came in "North, North its York. things are pretty bad here ill take the sewers and try to meet you at the stadium"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lady Athena
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Lady Athena Chaotic good with a hint of insanity

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Silvia was walking back into an alleyway after spending the past few days within a house truing to recover from the fight she had. Her clothes had been cleaned and her scythe as well. She had made sure the corpses of the criminals were disposed of. She sighs as she goes into the alleyway to where she had sprained her ankle. She climbs onto the roof via the ladder on the side of the building. She sat upon the roof staring at the sky.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lady Athena
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Lady Athena Chaotic good with a hint of insanity

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

//Ignore me sorry, I accidentally posted here
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