Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kenny1
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Ash winced with sympathetic pain at Eric's miserable state. He could tell the pain was pretty bad, but Eric's face didn't show a single sign of it. He couldn't help but wonder if Eric had been like that the whole time, in pain but hiding it behind a mask. The thought pained him even more and he held Eric tighter.

"If things get hostile you need to leave, the man taught me everything he knows about fighting so I can only hold him off so long and don't come out no matter what. He can only kill me by getting to you."

Ash looked up at Eric, surprised by the stern tone we was using, it was very uncharacteristic. He knew Eric was right of course. Mrs. Mabel had told them that a guardian was basically indestructible, but had the great weakness of their partner. The thought pained Ash greatly, as it slowly sunk in that he was Eric's weakness. Eric could die simply because he did something stupid, and he might be to weak to protect himself. Eric was so big and strong he could easily beat a bear in a wrestling match. He on the other hand was lean and pathetically light. There was almost no way that he could stand up to anyone of real power, and that put his lover in danger. Just by existing he was a risk to Eric's life.

"Yes.... Of course" Ash said fighting back tears. Hoping to distract himself he went back to the living room and brought the cart of food back to the bedroom. Serving up a huge helping he set a plate in front of Eric and made one for himself, never once looking Eric in the eyes. Ash sat quietly on the edge of the bed, eating his now lukewarm breakfast quietly, as he silently beat himself up over being Eric's weakness.

'Maybe Eric should have bonded with someone stronger. He shouldn't be shackled to someone as weak and fragile as me.' He said to himself, fighting back tears that threatened to flood out.

Sad, useless, mournful at being Eric's weakness.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Brodie
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Brodie Sage

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'Maybe Eric should have bonded with someone stronger. He shouldn't be shackled to someone as weak and fragile as me.'

Eric was hit with a feeling of uselessness, and he did not like it. He looked at Ash and frowned. Eric had caused this to come about and he was not helping make the situation they were in any better. He felt the need to do something to make Ash feel better.

Eric got up and grabbed Ash by the hips. He then moved him so that he was behind Ash and Ash was in between his legs. He hugged Ash from behind while he ate. He kissed his neck and took in his scent.

Loving, grateful for Ash

"Don't say things like that. I don't want anyone else I want you. We are not shackled together we are just one. Your not weak your strong, stronger than me at least. I think that's why guardians have mates because they need someone to be stringer than them, and for me that's you, so stop beating your self up, I really just need to calm down and not over react. The worst thing that happens is me and my dad end up fighting and you get away to someplace safe until I find you. I love you Ash and don't forget it."

Pride in Ash, love for him, never wants to let go
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kenny1
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Time Jump- 4 days


The past view days had passed in relative peace for Ashburn. He had developed four horns that curved around his head, sitting just at the end of his vision. He'd managed to skewer two pillows before finally figuring out how to sleep with them, much to his chagrin.

He'd mostly passed the time just relaxing with Eric, and it was like a pleasant dream. Playing cards (from a massive deck so that Eric's big hands could hold the cards), watching tv, cuddling on the couch and even a few board games that Ash found in his bedroom. Though it could hardly be called "his" bedroom any more since Ash had practically moved into Eric's room, without invitation but somehow it just felt right. The worries about Eric's dad seemed distant and foreign, set aside from the time since they had first learned of the threat

Mr. VonDurham

The sun had already been long set when a cloaked shadow made its way up the steps of the hotel, sneering at the doorman as if looking at a worm. Soundlessly VonDurham seemed to glide across the floor and through the courtyard. He had been here before, it was a popular rest stop for demons of all stripes, and was owned by some very respectable vampires. The latter was the most important feature of the lavish hotel. The gentleman working the desk, obviously another vampire from his scent who sported a fire red haircut, did not even blink at the sight of a cloaked man.

"I am looking for Eric VonDurham" He said in a cool voice, devoid of emotion. The desk clerk hit the keyboard a few times and provided the room number. Wordlessly he turned and left moving to the elevators, and then up to the proper floor.

Once on the floor reserved for demons, brightly and cheerfully lit by abundant chandeliers and sconces, he pulled back the hood of his cloak to reveal his very human looking face. It was obvious he was a vampire to anyone who knew anything about demons. His chiseled face and beautiful curls strongly resembled those of his son, but unlike his kin he bore eyes of ice.

His face bore the hard expression of a man suppressing rage and revile just below the surface. Reaching the room he stopped at the door, entering the code he had stolen from the mind of the man downstairs. There were advantages to being telepathic, and VonDurham had no moral issue with using his powers to his advantage. Though when he cast his mind to try and read those of the suite's occupants he found a firm wall of resistance.

Taken aback he stood in the hall pondering this development. Even if his son was a telepathic demon there was no way his defenses could be so strong so early. It took less than a minute for the vampire to realize what it meant, as he uttered a hushed profanity in German. It meant Eric was a guardian, their minds were like fortresses except to those who had bonded with them. This is because their minds and their whole being revolved around protection, of themselves and their partner. A guardian's mind is like a two way radio with a private frequency, and hacking into the mind could take a great deal of time.

Resigned to a fair fight VonDurham opened the door with a heave, slamming it into the wall, sending plaster and paint to the tiled entry floor.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Brodie
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Brodie Sage

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Eric was sitting with Ash on his bed while they watched TV. The whole father situation had faded into the past and now he was just focused on pleasing Ash. They had been spending a great deal of time together and grew even closer than before. Ash was the light in Eric's dark world (literally) and he could fine no replacement.

Something in Eric's stomach told him today was going to go left, simply because there is always a quiet before a storm. He could feel a certain pressure come down on him and it stayed for a while, only getting worse as the minutes go by. Soon That weight was right on top of him and he wanted to choke. The the door slammed in the next room and Eric jumped to his feet, adrenalin flooding his veins, sense on high, he could feel only danger in the main living room and he knew why.

He entered the room and a very annoyed looking version of his father stood there. He had created a mess but the fact that e got the door open was amazing. Eric was thunder struck for a moment but soon regained his composure. He had to realize that he was not weak anymore and His father could not harm him only Ash. Eric crossed his arms over his chest and glared at his father with burning red eyes.

Something inside of Eric wanted to hug the man but at the same time, he wanted to beat him t a pulp in the same retrospect. The temperature int he room dropped to a freezing cold and it only got worse.

"Father" Eric said lowly in his demonic voice.

"What do you want, I have nothing for you."


Mr. VonDurham

I looked at my son. He had grown quiet a bit since the last time I saw him. All tall and dark and those eyes so threatening. I might have been scared of this new born Guardian but he is my son and I have quiet the experience with his kind, but it has been a few millennium since the last time I fought one. He was still transforming but I knew that I could still hurt him.

He crossed his arms at me like some child and glared at me too. He has grown quiet the pair in my absence. The boy gets it from his mother, I swear she was the love of my eternal life, but hated my guts. She is probably the only reason I did not and still have not killed this insolent brat. I glared right back at him even harder and soon it was a heated eye battle to see who could look away first.

"Father" Eric said lowly in his demonic voice.

"What do you want, I have nothing for you."

His voice even sent shivers down my body and I smiled with excitement. If I did not think that this boy was a bane of my existence I might have been proud to be called his father. But I was not proud only disgusted that he could have at least been a vampire. I came here to test the boy see if he deserves the right to be called a demon of the VonDurham line, and if he was not I would enjoy feasting on him and his mate in the next room.

I closed the door and walked over to the comfy looking sofa. When I sat I looked at him and gestured for him to sit down.

"Well they surely have given you a nice set up. When I went through my transformation, it was in the shit cellar of our families barn." I said with a air of nostalgia.

"I am not here for anything that you can willingly give me son, only for something you can prove to me." I said condescendingly.

"Oh and tell you mate to come out here it is rude to eavesdrop. Now I am going to give you some history of our family name. We have been around since the times of medieval Europe, along with the Habsburgs. We have been a power vampire clan since the medieval times and that has not changed. We do allow the occasional non-vampire member to stay alive but usually we kill them once they show signs of what they are. Now it is time for your judgement to see if you are worthy, and if you are not I will kill you and him here and now and go on about my business." I said with out a hint of emotion.

I plan to test him in the same way my brother was tested before he died at the hand of our father. The test of Power. My brother was a ghoul and our father gave him the exact same test to see if he had any power, or something to give to the family. My brother was given three days to pass and he failed. My father had him tortured and quartered, his remains spread across the world never to be brought back together. I laughed and had a glint in my eye, a glint of excitement. If he failed I could do what I want to kill him and this fallen angle.

"You and your mate will have to prove your worth to me in the VonDurham way, by right of power. Show me your gift, show me your power and I will let you live. But fail you will be kill at my hand never to be remember by any." I said with a menacing smile.

"Are you ready son! I give you one day to prepare and if by the next day and midnight you have not proven your worth to me and your ancestors I will happily kill you both." I said with a smile and dark chuckle.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kenny1
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Ash jumped as the door slammed into the wall, literally taking flight and hitting his head on the ceiling. It took him a few seconds to process what was going on, just long enough for him to get back down to the ground, he'd not had the chance to learn how to do more than hover within the confines of the room.

His first reaction was to try and put himself between the man (obviously Eric's dad) and Eric, his pacifistic tenancies being strong. But one look at Eric and he remembered his promise, and bit his tongue as he locked himself in Eric's bedroom since it was the furthest from the door. Though not without sending a strong 'Be careful moin amoure. I love you.' across their link.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kenny1
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Shivers climbed up Ash's spine as he listened to this maniac through the wall. He clutched himself with his hands and his wings wrapped themselves around him, as if by instinct. Within him a fire was burning, as his fury grew. 'How dare he threaten Eric! What gives him the right to judge our worth?!'

Across their connection Ash could feel power flowing into him from Eric. The power of Eric's soul was massive, and his body shook as it took in what Eric would freely give. It was as if Eric's soul knew where to look to find his power deep within, as if Ash's soul was Eric's too. The love for Eric, and the hate for this man threatening him brought his blood to a boil. He could feel his body temperature rising as instinct took over. His rational mind was being locked away, safe from the raw emotions of his own soul paired with Eric's. Ash embarrassed his demonic nature as it embraced him, finally melting away the last remnants of his former humanity. Ash's heart gave one final thump, before falling silent, forever.

'I surrender myself to my fate.' Ash said through their connection 'I refuse to hide from myself anymore. My name is Ishay! He of the divided soul! I am both heaven and hell! The day and the night! I love you Eric, but you are still in transition. This man is the most evil of creatures and I must protect you. It is my duty and my honor as your lover'

The words came from his subconscious they came without thought. They flowed before even he knew what he was saying. He was running solely on instinct, and his instinct was to protect Eric from his father. His eyes glowed brightly as the fire within him was let out, flames pouring from within him. His hair was the first to be consumed by the red flames enveloping him, which trailed down his body, even covering his wings.

With a single massive heave Ash picked up the dresser and sent it flying through the wall. An avalanche of drywall and steel framing flew into the room. Ash stepped through the hole and emerged into the living room. He spread his wings wide, stretching them to reveal the fire that coated his whole body, except for his glowing eyes and mouth.

Ash spoke in a deep demonic voice, one which conjured images of hell and torture and addressed the man that had dared to threaten Eric.

"Tu. Vous monstre qui ose appeler vous-même un juge digne . Seulement une créature vraiment ignoble et le mal se trouverait adaptent pour juger de la vie d'autrui par la force .

"Si vous avez l'audace de juger mon bien-aimé Eric je me vous juger . Je ne vais pas rester les bras croisés que vous menacez la raison même de mon bonheur dans ce monde , ou moi-même .

"Vous voulez voir ma puissance, vous pouvez porter témoignage à ce que les dons ne fournit notre lien . Pour les pouvoirs de l'âme d'Eric vient juste lui , mais moi. Même maintenant, je peux le sentir chaque souffle comme si elle était ma propre . Son âme, son Essense très remplit mon esprit et la puissance .

"Tel est le pouvoir que nous partageons. Maintenant vous souffrez qui ose menacer mon amant . Puissiez-vous regarder dans la crainte de la puissance Eric fournit à moi!

(OOC: You. You monster who dares to call yourself a worthy judge. Only a truely vile and evil creature would find himself fit to judge another's life by power.

If you have the audacity to judge my beloved Eric I shall myself judge you. I will not stand idle as you threaten the very reason for my happiness in this world, or myself.

You wish to see my power you may bare witness to what gifts our bond does provide. For Eric's soul powers just just him but me. Even now I can feel his every breath as if it were my own. His soul, his very essense is filling my mind and power.

This is the power we share. Now suffer you who dares to threaten my lover. May you gaze in awe of the power Eric provides to me!)"

As Ash spoke in his demonic voice the fire had begun to spread from his body to the surrounding room. Smoke rising as the carpets and furniture were engulfed in flames so hot they made a bread oven feel cold. But the flames moved around Eric, completely avoiding him. Doing the bidding of their master. Ash was in full control of the flames, every single part doing was he commanded.

With a powerful flap of his wings Ash sent a volley of fire balls to the chair of Eric's father. The man smiled a little as he dodged the flames, moving to fast to be caught.

"Nice speech. But you're still a baby you pathetic angel. I'll be back tomorrow to judge, and you'd better be ready." the man said calmly

Ash sent a wave of flames after the man, a tidal wave of fire sent to destroy him. But he was simply to slow, mostly. As Eric's father ran out of range he got stuck at the door, having to manually open it. In this brief second Ash managed to send the flames jumping, badly burning the vampire's right hand just before he made his escape into the hall.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Brodie
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Brodie Sage

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Eric sat there and listened to his father speak. He could feel the bumps on his forehead aching even more as his anger grew. He then felt something tug on his soul. It did not feel wrong or bad in the slightest it only felt normal. Then it clicked and he could feel Ash pulling on him. It felt like a soaring fire was going through him, like a phoenix just being born. He felt a swell of pride come from himself, Eric did not know even why but he still felt good.

Then a dresser came flying in through the room and a very sexy looking fiery angle was standing there looking pissed off. When Ash spoke it sent chills of arousal straight to Eric's groin and he was only getting turned on by every word. As the fire surrounded him he watched as it followed his father and even managed to hit him on the way out and that made Eric chuckle.

When his dad was gone Eric looked at ash and his eyes turned bright pink. He smiled and was swelling with pride, and other things. Eric wiggled his finger at Ash to come here and patted his lap to sign he wanted Ash to sit in his lap.

"Come here angle and let me show you how thankful I am that you would stick up for me to my dad." Eric's voice was not mad or threatening but warm and base-full. It was deep and demonic but full of love and gratitude.

Prideful, loving, happy, aroused
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kenny1
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As the hydrolic system closed the suite door Ash slowly turned back to his partner to confirm he was alright. To preserve energy Ash let the fire around the room die down, but left the fire engulfing him intact. Not for him, but for a very aroused Eric who was eagerly requesting his presence.

The arousal through their mutual link made Ashburn smile, and turned him on. His clothes has burned off, so Ash's excitement was abundantly evident. The energy in Eric's soul powered him so he didn't even feel tired after that impressive display of power.

Ash glided to Eric with a warm smile on his face and evidence of his attraction to Eric blatantly visible. Ash narrowed the fire to his wings as he stood on Eric's lap, revealing his body as he gently kissed Eric's beautiful lips and Ash pressed his body against the giant's torso, bare feet resting on Eric's legs like a step stool.

Deep in love, turned on, protective and very happy
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Brodie
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Brodie Sage

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Eric kissed Ash back with a fiery passion. He enjoyed the warmth that was coming off of him in waves and he wrapped hisnarms around Ash's waist. He pulled hik in close and began to mark him with a hickey in his collar bone.

"I think we known whats going to happen next." Eric said huskly as he stood up taking Ash with him in his arms and carrying him into their room. He threw Ash on the bed and climbed on top of him and kissed him again. He looked down at Ash and he chuckled when he saw how 'excited' he was. He reached over and turned the light off and looked forward to a blissful night.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kenny1
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Time Jump- 8 hours


After their eventful night Ash had finally fallen asleep, exhausted from the night's events. His and Eric's bodies had proven to be a perfect fit, much to Ash's pleasure and surprise. Especially surprising considering how differently sized the two demons were.

With a yawn Ash sat up in bed, wiping the sleep from his eyes. The first beams of the morning sun were just entering the room, gently waking up the now full fledged demon. He had fallen asleep in Eric's arms, and smiled at the sleeping guardian's face. He looked so tranquil and happy in his sleeping state. As Ash looked around the room his mind slowly began to recall the night before, the fight and the man's threat (for he would never call the man truly Eric's father).

With some alarm he gazed around the room taking in the damage he had caused, with growing worry. A large chunk of the wall was missing between their room and the living space, half the living room was burned beyond recognition and the splintered remains of a dresser lay where it had landed, its contents long burned beyond recognition. This was going to be hard to explain, and it was almost guaranteed that they were going to be banned from the hotel once they got found out.

With a sigh Ash sat back, resting the back of his head against Eric's strong chest, pondering what to do. It was safe to say they were about to be homeless, and there was the more pressing issue of the man. He was going to clearly be trying to hunt them down, even if they escaped from the city. They did have some advantages though. Ash was fully transformed and apparently had fire powers. They were close to the Canadian border and he had Canadian citizenship. Ash still had some money in his bank account, only about a thousand dollars (that was originally meant for tuition) but it was something. Add to that the fact that Eric's family was apparently not popular with other demon families and things honestly weren't as dire as he had initially thought.

Ash silently reached his mind out to Eric's sleepy brain. He mentally poked the giant to try and wake him up, he felt bad about disturbing his sleep but they needed to plan. Ash mentally said through their connection 'Good morning my love. It's time to wake. We must plan our day'

Groggy, concerned, thinking they should flee
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Brodie
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Brodie Sage

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Hearing the voice of someone else in his dream, he opened his eyes and found Ash looking up at him. He smiled and poked Ash back on the arm then started to hug the angel closer to him. They had a blissful night and it only got better until they fell asleep from exhaustion. He was all good until he felt what Ash was feeling and got concern himself.

"I know we have too, but what if I don't want to get out of bed." He said with a sly smile hopping Ash caught his drift.

Eric understood the severity of the situation but he felt that if he just stayed in bed with Ash would be alright, everything would be alright. But in reality he had to some how had to awaken his powers if he had some at all. A thought clicked in his mind.

'So if your powers fully awoke when you finished your transformation then mine should too right? Of that is the case we need to find a way to force the rest of my transforming before the end of the day. Truth be told, I am tired of running from this man, and if we start now we will never be able to stop again.'

He was feeling the pain of his back and his head. The bumps on his head had grew larger and the tumors on his back were like Ash's but lower down and right above the butt area. His skin was also changing, the black leather was starting to become more a hard scale. He needed to find a way to finish this transformation so he could move on from this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kenny1
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Ash thought about Eric's proposal for a minute. He was having trouble recalling exactly how he discovered his powers, last night seemed liked a distant dream more than reality. How did he discover his power? It was a few moments of blissful silence before Ash had managed to actually remember what happened. It wasn't his transformation that had triggered his power, he'd had it for at least a week or so. He had just discovered it inside of him, or rather Eric had. Looking back he realized Eric's soul had known about his own power, and while inside Eric's mind it had guided him to it. Eric's soul had told him everything, his true name and what his power was. It had even awakened his own instincts on how to use them.

Unable to put the process into words Ash sent the memories to Eric, hoping he could tell what he was trying to convey. That was one advantage to their mental connection, words weren't necessary. If one understood it then the other just had to access the other's thoughts. Once the information had been relayed Ash focused on the last part of Eric's statement. The part about not running.

A fight with that man seemed like a suicidal mission, and playing his game would only legitimize it. The more he thought about it the more foolish it seemed to him. The man had been alive for at least hundreds of years longer than they had, time surely spent refining his powers. Even at his full awakened state last night he had been able to do nothing more than singe him, and that was at the cost of the hotel room being burned down. It was like a first day student trying to challenge a master, he'd just being toying with them.

'Babe, I have to disagree with you' Ash said through their connection, carefully choosing his words so he didn't upset his lover 'Yes we are strong but we are unrefined. I had to nearly burn down the building just to burn the man's hand, and even that was dumb luck. Besides, you heard him. The whole family has a vendetta against non-vampires, I doubt anything we could do would outweigh their immoral bigotry. He didn't even blink at my power, and I was literally throwing fire balls and turned the suite into hell. I think we would be better off just delaying our confrontation with him. He has centuries of practice, we have a few hours at best. I don't want to risk losing you to his insane agenda.'

The last sentence was taking on a distinct begging sound. The thought of losing Eric was to much to bare, and there was no way that Ash would be able to fight the impulse to save his lover. Even last night, when they were just talking he had been unable to control his urge to protect the guardian. A rather humorous thing, considering Ash was half Eric's size and looked about as scary as a toy doll next to the giant he loved more than life itself. Though he would never admit it Ash also wanted to go to Canada to return home, to Quebec. Though it was not a decisive reason it still lurked there, in the back of his mind.

Worried, hopeful, concerned
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