Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

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The crackle of thunder and the lights in the sky were hard to miss, except for one buried in vines and thorns. The roses tightened, confused as they seemed unable to kill an already dead creature. The voices seemed to be of no help. The spirit beings around him seemed very primitive in their intelligence, very childlike. Mithias had great willpower, but he realized that the bloodloss was beginning to take its toll. He would eventually become incapacitated if he stayed here long enough, and even dying psychologically could have dire consequences. He decided to break himself free.

Exerting himself against the roses, he found they resisted him. He had to move suddenly and sharply to tear an arm free and get to his blades. His struggle was brief, but intense, and he sliced his way to the ground, glowing fairies darting off in puffs of sparkly dust everywhere. The plants suddenly took new notice of him, and he had to keep moving to dodge their grasp. He didn't really know where to go until he heard a shout.

"...get aboard, and we'll get out of there 'ere nut house!"

Well that sounded damn near perfect.

His wounds already sealed, Mithias ran for the boat, climbing up its side and swinging himself over the railing onto the deck. A dwarf and a multi-winged angel were there, looking at him warily. Then, the aura from the angel hit him square on, and Mithias gasped and flopped onto the deck in unexplained weakness and terror.

"Oh heavens! My bad." Eclipse snapped his fingers and his bunch of wings vanished. His appearance changed to that of a handsome young human with very white long hair. "I suppose even a vampire can be innocent under certain circumstances. I'll tone it down a bit."

Mithias got up again, more perplexed than annoyed. What specifically annoyed him most at this moment was that he failed to prevent himself from reacting to his hallucinations. That is why he didn't speak to anyone yet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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"...Vampire eh? You two got names?" King asks his two ship mates, as he waits for the others to take him up on his offer. Although, once the vines began to creep up towards the ship, they found themselves torn apart by blasts of energy, setting the living matter ablaze with his energy crossbow, which seemed to give of energy that gave Eclipse a bit off a headache.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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Snarfulblast I'm a Dwarf! Ya bloody idjit.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Oh thank heavens. A way out of here." Albert jumps over to Blarg, grabs him, changes to human form, and runs over to the boat and climbs it. "Hello good people my name is Albert Karlof, I'm a Frost Dragon." Albert bows to everyone who happens to be on the boat at the time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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@kishin asura
"I don't know, but honestly, if I had to put money on one of you two, It wouldn't be on the skinny dude wearing scarves...." A voice says, from behind Kishin, as Rick Anderson walked past him. When he would enter the sight of the Kishin, Asura's heart may stop for a moment...Rick's soul is as evil and rotten as they come, if anyone had a capacity to become a kishin via being just evil enough..this man is that person.
With a chuckle, Mortis steps foot out of the magma, and towers over those gathered there. "..Normally, I would relish a chance to squish someone so arrogant as you, Asura..but I need your help, so I will refrain...for now..." Mortis says, before looking over the two men who had found their way to him. "..I expected you both to be more..impressive." He says, showing obvious disappointment at the two.
"Keep that up, and you'll not have any allies left..." Rick comments, calmly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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Saito was lifted off his feet by the force of the blow, and a normal human would have been knocked out. But Saito was no normal human. And a strong gust of wind caught him as he fell, flipping him back upright before he hit the ground. He grinned, as he popped his neck. "That was a pretty good punch. Ain't got hit like that in a while. Just for that, I'll give you the full special." Smiling, he steps forward, and power begins swirling around him. Markus could feel the air pressure skyrocket as his ears popped, waves of wind emanating outwards like the rythmic beating of a heart. The very ground stirred, as the sky trembled. He could sense Saito summoning his full power, as a cyclone began forming around his body.

The sky turned dark, great roiling clouds seeming to burst into existence. Twisting and turning around one another, illuminated by brief flashes of light as lightning springs from cloud to cloud. Saito's eyes seem to glow from an inner radiance, his body trembling with effort to contain the power. Hurricane force winds ripped their way around his body, and it was clear any attempt to get close to him would end in disaster. And yet the winds kept growing, the storm kept gathering, as cyclones reached down from the sky like the fingers of God, ready to rip the Earth to pieces.

The one silver lining in this all was that Saito was gathering his strength. He wouldn't attack until he'd finished, unless one were to force him to. "Lemme give you a tip. Run. I love a good chase."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tyki
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Tyki The Mad Hatter

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markus chuckles in response, seeming to be getting back into his jovial mood as he sucks in heaps of air, the cyclones being diverted by the suction into his mouth before he leans forward makes a spitting motion at saito, an orb of violently rotating winds striking his stomach, disspating as if on his command before exploding outward, the force being something akin to face tanking a strip of grenades. While he wasn't a normal human and i highly doubt the attack would kill him, it would hurt... LIKE A BITCH and most likely break his concentration at the very least if not knock him out on it's own very briefly before he'd pick himself up, markus teasing "you're not the only one that can summon a hurricane on someone's face" before letting out a definitely, monkey-like laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by kishin asura
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kishin asura

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"Alright. Let's get down to business without anyone losing a limb." Asura says. Keeping an eye on rick
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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@kishin asura
Rick lets out a chuckle hearing that, and a grin that someone with an inside joke gets.
"Well, isn't that just a good choice of words..." Rick chuckles.
Mortis sighs slightly. "....Well, I've gathered you two here, with a proposition....I need your help taking down a being that is far more evil than any of us here..."
".....Pfffffffff...." Rick barely manages to hold in his laughter at this point. Mortis then makes him a lot quieter, picking him up and tightening his grip until some bones begin to crack.
"Listening now?" Mortis asks, not at all happy. Rick's reply is a yes in the form of shaking his head up and down, his lungs to compressed to allow speech.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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The wave of force rolls over the land, but merely dissipates as it strikes Saito. He grins as he breaks the wind with a gesture. This was his world, and these were his winds. Markus could feel the lesser Wind Gods obeying Saito's every whim, bending Markus' attacks out of the way, redirecting the force around the raging cyclone that had now completely enveloped the Storm God. "Wrong choice." And with that he raises a hand. And with a gesture, the world explodes. It was as if the very sky had fallen to the Earth, the clouds smashing down with monumental force. A wave of force exploded outwards as Saito released his full power on the land, an explosion that made Markus' brief venture into airbending seem like a noisy fart by comparison.

The ground was ripped into the sky, as the Garden was flattened. Guardians were crushed to splinters in miniature maelstroms of wind, even as chunks of stone the size of elephants were torn from the Earth. Everyone and everything was knocked flat, flesh and bone splintered and crushed, ripped to shreds by the raw power of the elements. It was not an attack, and this was not a battle. It was annihilation, brought down by an uncaring God.

When the winds once more settled, there was nothing left. A crater, a ruin of greatness. The Gardens had been completely annihilated, the Guardians having died alongside their sanctuary. Like a hailstorm of stone, horse-sized boulders hurtled towards the Earth, along with everything else that had been torn into the sky by the torrential assault. And among the ruins of the Garden lay the trampled bodies of the heroes of this story.

Or so had it been, had they not been a sturdy lot. Whether through magical protection, immortality, or sheer luck, the night's invaders had survived. Depleted, worn out, heavily wounded they remained, many of them buried under layers of stone, dirt and plant matter. Even Markus survived, although he did so only through virtue of his own reflexes. Instead of facing the blast head-on, he had turned to lightning and managed to escape the worst of the explosion by moving up into the sky, where there were no boulders to crush him.

Saito sighs as he looks over the destruction, feeling slightly drained. Even for a God, an attack of such magnitude had cost a rather large amount of energy. Shame about the garden. He'd probably get an earful. But hey. What was subtlety, when one can magically nuke an area? Chuckling, he zapped off back to the Palace, where the others would no doubt be waiting for him to return.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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@thewizardguy@Tyki @Snarfulblast
Seeing the impending storm of meteors, or, so King thought, his gloves and boots glowed, as he began to pilot the strange ship up past the walls of the castle, before his crossbow begins to glow brightly.
"HOLD ON TO YER ASSES PEOPLE, WE'RE GETTIN OUTTA HERE!" King yells, quite loudly, as he spins around, and using his strange crossbow, fires out a continuous laser. This sends his ship flying out into the distance, it being a sudden push, and, if people didn't take his advice, they may in fact get launched from the ship. This is so fast, that in fact, the boulders launched by Saito miss, as King and co are sent hurtling into the horizon. On the way, Markus is picked up, via the ship slamming into him, carrying him off into the distance as they zip past Saito.

Saito can swear he sees the dwarf tip his hat to him as they pass.....
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by kishin asura
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kishin asura

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"How bad is it?" Asura asks "cellphone in a movie theater bad?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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@kishin asura
"Killed my daughter and is the source of nightmares...bad." Mortis replies, setting Rick down, who takes some time to get his breath, before looking over and noticing @CreedTheChimera Marcus. "...When the fuck did bird boy get here?" Rick asks, sorta confused at how he had not noticed him before. Mortis shrugs, and chuckles.
"I think he blended in with the dirt on the ground...it fits him." Mortis says, chuckling.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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Snarfulblast I'm a Dwarf! Ya bloody idjit.

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@supertinyking Albert hears the urgency in the dwarfs voice and tackles Blarg to the deck of the ship so as to keep them from falling off of the ship. (thats all I could think of to write)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CreedTheChimera
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Marcus seems rather annoyed, his feathers flaring up in a fit of heat. "Dirt does not fit me, you oaf. I am much more exquisite than dirt." He said the word dirt with extreme disdain, and as if just remembering, he looked around him, and dusted himself off. He patted down the ruffled feathers and went back to his usual temperament. He glared at Mortis but said no more, as if knowing if he gets riled again his feathers would become a mess once more. "Anyways, I was here before you, asshole-" as he gestures to Rick "-and I was questioning who made that insufferable noise!" He growled, glaring between the three people before him. "I was trying to sleep, and I've got the damnedest headache right now!" His feathers temporarily seemed to jump with seething, but he calms down and the feathers lay back down.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by kishin asura
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"This is why it's just two or three people providing help." Asura says "... I think."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

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As the ship flies off to safety, Mithias still has little grip on reality. He stays on the deck, holding onto the wood with his own claws and staring blankly downward. He was not in a good place, or a good mood, or anything short of a slice away from psychotic. The others around him didn't seem to mean anything to him, for they were all merely visions of madness. His hand trembled against the wood. He squeezed his eyes shut.

Once it was safe to do anything other than brace one's self for dear life, Eclipse inclined relaxingly against a banister and folded his arms. He was watching Mithias.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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@Snarfulblast @Wraithblade6 @Tyki
Soon the magical flying viking ship dips into what appears to be an ocean, the waters putting out the few flames that remained on the ship's hull, and cooled the embers that remained. It seemed in bad shape, but it was flying smoothly across the ocean at a relaxed pace, letting everyone move about and socialize. King, curious, locks the wheel in place with a lever, and heads under, as if to check something.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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@CreedTheChimera@kishin asura
Rick walks over to Markus, and puts an arm around him, all buddy buddy like. "Listen, I think we got off on the wrong foot. My name is Rick. I was pulled here by iron man's yelling too..and I too, found it annoying. But, he apperently needs help..so, I say..we help him. Who knows, this may be one big, shared dream or some shit like that..so, why not have some fun with it?" Rick asks, before he digs into his shirt for something. "..As...for that headache..I have something that..will clear that...right...up..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tyki
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Tyki The Mad Hatter

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Markus crawls up onto deck shortly before the boat meets the waves, having been plastered to the front of the ship due to lack of willingness to risk destroying part of it in order to get on deck. Though, when his feet meet wood, he seems... unsettled... the experience of someone with such powers similar to his using them in such a wanton manner frustrating him, his mind wandering a bit as he steps below deck without a word.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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He finds King, the poor dwarf, working some strange contraption of pullies and nobs that seems to be repairing the ship.
"Blasted self repair core being turned into this piece of shi..Well, hello there my simian friend..or...so I assume, due to the tail there..." King says, noticing Markus enter. "Mind being a good lad, and helping patch up the hole in the hull here? I am having a hell of a time working this blasted thing..." King growls out, frustration clear, as he gestures to a rather nasty barrel sized hole in the side of the ship.
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